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How do I tell the doctor I'm suicidal without getting committed?
You're severely depressed and can't get out of bed in the morning
heard an anon on here once say he would tell his doctor something like "i get suicidal thoughts but i'd never actually do it"
use at your own risk though i hear mental hospitals can be quite bad depending where you may be sent
What's the point in telling that to a doctor in the first place? They can't help your situation, only prescribe you jew medication that will make things worse
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this guy is right, in the end the only person that can help you is yourself, friends and family can help you but only your can fix yourself. i would recommend going outside lots if you have the free time if your anxious you can always go later in the day or very early also stay away from things that make you feel sadder dont listen to sad music or go onto /feels/ threads it will only make it worse. wish you the best fren
My doctor recommended I go to a therapist but then I couldn't be a cop so I declined it
tough it out dude, depression isnt' real, its just you being a fucking pussy and being sad
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>the medical "treatment" for suicide consists of locking you up in an inhumane place until you are broken so much that you lie to your doctor about your suicidal urges
Thats what I have always heard. Its a gamble either way but all I can say is stay strong, anon, and continue with therapy. It is a long hard road out of hell but you can make it.
All the stillbirths throughout history and its a shame you werent one of them.
"I've been feeling like I want to die, but I'm able to keep myself safe and not do it. I just need help for these feelings." It's when you're a direct threat to yourself that you can be committed.
The base cause of suicidal ideation is depression. If you bring up suicidal ideation, you might get locked up, obviously. If you bring up general feelings of depression, and DENY having a plan or being suicidal, you'll receive the same treatment for depression without the risk of being locked up.
Anon, that's just not true. Suicidal ideation is linked to other conditions like schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc.
w/ comorbid depression
w/ cormorbid depression
bipolar depression is part of the definition of the disorder, but still it's depression
w/ comorbid depression
It's all depression anon.
Not true, I'm sorry. Schizophrenia cannot have comorbid depression, that's a separate illness called schizoaffective, either bipolar or major depressive subtype. People in psychosis often are suicidal for a multitude of reasons. I met one man who was suicidal because he believed he was Jesus and needed to die again for everyone's sins to save humanity. People with BPD do not meet criteria for depression often struggle with suicidal feelings due to no distress tolerance, so any discomfort=IWANTTODIE, people with bipolar can have suicidal ideation outside of depressive episodes, even in manic episodes because they believe they'll arise more powerful than ever or they need to move on to another plane of existence, and people with PTSD often want a release from their trauma symptoms and to make the flashbacks go away.

It's all different beasts. I've worked as a peer counselor for almost a decade.
You're sorely miseducation, schizoaffective is bipolar + schizophrenia. I suggest you read the DSM, suicidal ideation is not a symptom of any of the disorders you listed except bipolar, since it has a depressive aspect.
Anon, schizoaffective has technically 3 subtypes: unipolar depression, aka major depressive disorder, and bipolar depression, containing two subtypes: bipolar I and bipolar II. Also I'm sort of laughing at the "you're sorely miseducation", are you ESL?

You seem to not understand what suicidal ideation is. The reasons why people become suicidal and consider suicide are varied.

I told you I've worked as a peer counselor for almost a decade, what are your qualifications, anon?
i've done that but for me i just regretted not lying about it because so much of each session gets wasted by them trying to shill admitting myself in, asking if i have any plans, if i have access to means, asking if i want communal people checking in on me and trying to make me promise not to kill myself. their entire strategy revolves in its entirety to physically prevent suicidal people from offing themselves until the feelings pass on their own. telling them over and over how you wont actually do it wont help for at least 90% of healthcare people who are acting so hollow they might as well be real life NPCs entirely scripted.
You two seem pretty learned. I was wondering, what's the term for people who have arguments about credentials on the internet?
t. rocket surgeon (so smarter than both of you combined)
there is no point in telling them. if they ask just say no but obviously lie. once they tick that box they have a bunch of procedures they often need to do legally every session.
don't tell your doctor anything you wouldn't tell a federal agent.
do not tell them you are a suicidal virgin.

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