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I've gone through 3 and 1/2 years of hell and inflation, now woke idiots are wanting to vote Kumbaya Hairless to be president because she's brown and has a vagina.

>But muh trump is a criminal
Every president is a criminal under RICO. The military kills people. People try to justify Trump was worse than Obama because he touched a woman when Obama brought widespread death and destruction to the middle east. How is the life of thousands of foreigners snuffed out by drone strikes and phosphorus gas seemingly less important to people than like 5 women who Trump touched, who were well off enough that they never felt the need to bring the case to trial until they found out they could line their pockets will several hundreds of thousands in bribes?
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She fell out of a coconut tree
Nooooo my Cheetos and diet mountain dew cost 50 cents more... we need a geriatric insurrectionist convinced felon in office he's the only one who can fix it
When the only other choice is Harris, Trump is far better to lead. He's already proven he can lead the country for 4 years. Again, every president is a felon under RICO, try reading it sometime.
He proved he's a bumbling fool with the chaos of the pandemic plus the disastrous capitol riot plus he's too old
He also ran a casino into bankruptcy and has stabbed everyone who did him a favor in the back. He's not a good or competent leader.
Trump tried to end the pandemic early by releasing a placebo vaccine. Joe extended the COVID situation a year out into his presidency for no reason and forced every military personnel and trucker who delivered internationally to get the clot shot.

The "riot" was far more peaceful than any BLM """"""rally""""" that occurred the summer prior. At least they didn't burn down buildings or destroy several hundreds of cars. 2020 BLM resulted in excess of 1 BILLION dollars of insurance claims, and much more damage beyond that. Plus he's much younger than a lot of senators and representatives currently serving. It's funny that as soon as Joe Biden is off the ticket you people complain about the age of the candidates.
>Trump tried to end the pandemic early by releasing a placebo vaccine
Explain how that would have helped end the pandemic, you double digit IQ mouthbreather.
Biden was honorable enough to drop out, which is what Trump should do too. We don't need our country represented on the world stage by another decaying, aging, declining person who should be retired
Because coronavirus was a fast spreading but weak disease that was present in many people but was not the sole contributer to many of their deaths. However, the hospitals were encouraged to write down every death that had COVID-19 present as a COVID death, similarly they changed the amount of PCR cycles that you need to test for amounts of covid from 28 to 34 which would show a positive at over 100,000 times less amounts, amounts that are statistically negligible when dealing with a human body made up of trillions of cells.

The pandemic was already hyper spread by the BLM rallies. Any form of flu or infection afterwards was marked as covid, most people claim there was only 4900 flu deaths in 2021-2022 to keep the COVID death count high and continue the big pharma push, a statistical anomaly and a dangerous lie.
Ok but how would a placebo vaccine help?
Try reading the part where I said
>F A S T S P R E A D I N G
>W E A K D I S E A S E
It's known in epidemiology that any disease that has fast spreading capabilities has a much lower mortality rate. The amount of people dying from COVID under the age of 60 you could count on a single hand.
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> they changed the amount of PCR cycles that you need to test for amounts of covid from 28 to 34
Anon they were testing for if you have the virus in you, not testing for how sick you were. Much like putting a cock into you once makes you a fag, having the virus in you meant you have the coof.
Not disagreeing covid was essentially a strong flu killing old people, diabetics, and immunocompromised.
Honestly we should just eipe out all politicians and establish syndicalism
The delusions of an antivax virgin right there. Cultist to the core.
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There is no cult. You'd rather call me names and attack my character because you don't know how to argue a point.

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