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>Women genuinely believe this.
a shut in incel and the picrel "fembot"are basically the same percentile on social status for their respective gender, so yes, we are exactly like you incels
this is trash fucking bumpbait OP. it's fine though I like seeing people argue so here's a bump.
it can also be fake
A while back I talked to a self described autistic lonely femcel that was 22 and turns out has been in multiple relationships and hookups too. She also blocked me because she wanted to get back with her ex
Almost 0 women could understand me, not that general men would either but some men would
Why does every single femanon here have a boyfriend? I always see them in threads or making threads saying "my bf". Even if they claim to not have one, they still have orbiters or have rejected many guys
No women have no bf, but tons of men are single in perpetuity
Fembots can always just sign up to tinder and fuck their local chad whereas as incels are doomed to being perma virgins.
dude I literally talked to a girl I met off of here that didn't even know that most young men are sexless nowadays
Yes our lives are fundamentally unfathomable to them
Women are just completely out of touch with reality. Every post on every feminist subreddit shows this, they basically schizo post about things they got mad at in their fantasy world. Even the foids here do the same but I don't really get it. They spend so much time on r9k reading incel posts and they still don't understand? Even when people explain things to them, they still stubbornly hold onto their wrong perceptions.
>*fucks the hs bully*
>a real
>*sucks tyrone's bbc*
>*gets pumped and dumped by chad*
Feminists wants to hold up the status quo that they created for women and in order to do that they have to constantly fear monger women into thinking that they are opressed.
and? Robots can get in Grindr and fuck their local gaychads too. What makes you think fucking random men will somehow improve your life
What would I get from fucking a gay man besides a sore ass and AIDS?
The difference is >95% of us are not not gay, retard. No one's going to use grindr to have man-on-man gay anal sex if they're not a faggot. You have to use non-sequitur analogies to try to make it seem like women are not everything they've accused men as a group of being and worse.
the difference is men aren't delusional about it, these women actually think they can "tame" chad and make him monogamous by settling down with them
What would I get from fucking a man besides a sore pussy and chlamydia?

at least one of you gets the point I'm trying to make

seething incels on /r9k/ are the textbook definition of "delusional"
I unironically prefer playing vidya and sitting in my room observing streamers over any real life activity
The difference between you and robots is that robots would love to have sex with their looksmatch whereas as you only want chads and thus your loneliness is self inflicted. We can't sign up to dating apps because women don't want us and the fact that you tell us to sign up to grindr just shows how bad things are. Ugly men can only have sex if they become gay and have rapey forced sex with other men.
You have two separate subgroups in your post mixed together.
"Women" are about half the population and define at least half the reality.
Then you mention feminist subreddits which are the equation of "reality" - "all the nazis" - "anyone who disagrees with me" - "anyone without a mental illness of some kind". Whats left after all that canceling and kicking out and safe spacing is an ever more insane disconnected from reality cult.
The two groups are not really related. You probably have a lot in common with the 99% of women who would never visit those subreddits much less agree with any of their mentally ill rambling.
irl people are so rude that it makes me just want to avoid them
>noooooooooo not all women are feminists incel #notallwomen
fucking faggot. literally no woman is opposed to abortion. no woman is opposed to sexual liberation. they all share the core tenets and may or may not differ in anything else.
>They spend so much time on r9k reading incel posts and they still don't understand?
you have to understand, they don't consider us human. when we talk about us being lonely, if someone came up to us and started talking about loneliness among elephant seals, we'd also think they're talking about something unrelated. it's the same for women. to them sort/ugly men being lonely is not relevant when discussing humans being lonely because they are incapable of seeing us as human.
How so? I don't get the reasoning.
((you)) bait from op
Go fuck women if it's that big of an issue retard.

Not so fun to be generalized is it huh?
This. Remember how that subreddit ForeverAloneWomen had to go private at one point because men kept DMing the foids who posted on the subreddit.
Ask if a woman is a virgin before engaging in any iota of romantic interest
Otherwise just treat them like furniture that make the place look nice, and ignore whatever form of dialect comes out of their mouth
I'm honestly fucking ecstatic that you at least managed to internalize the bullying and stop posting literal reddit.jpg/twitter.png threads. At least it's just a retarded greentext instead.
Sadly you couldn't help yourself and had to post your NTR fanfic here anyway. But you managed to restrain yourself for like 5 posts before spamming retarded reddit pics, so that's a new record.
You come of as a woman.
So this is the deductive reasoning of the tards of who fall for screenshot.bmp baitthreads, huh?
>friend's dad took in a homeless crazy woman
>he houses her, she can't keep a job. He buys her vodka and cigarettes
>she routinely abuses him
Ugly men are basically on the same tier as homeless women.
Show your deductive tits.

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