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how are men supposed to meet women these days?
take dance classes
>but this foid said
stop giving a fuck what foids think. go to the dance classes.
Just join local HOBBIES, SPORTS, or DANCE bro. Do that after you SHOWER and gymcel for hundreds of hours and ACK they don't want non-Chads still.
Identify your target traits and then go to places inhabited by women that have those traits, if those women do not go out then you attract them in whatever way is most effective.

Even asking such a vague question of how to meet women is kinda retarded honestly, you need to be more specific. You could pretend you're trans and do crime to be put in a woman's prison, that answers your question but you will primarily be surrounded by criminals.
Why? It doesn't work and the main reason people recommend you do it is to "meet women." The women "see through it" i.e. you are not a tall good looking CHAD.
>just keep doing things people hate you for!
I get this stuff annoys women, same with cold approaching and whatnot, but the alternative for men is dying alone. Why can't they understand that? They literally just don't care and will say it's not their problem. Never an ounce of empathy from that gender.
seriously just go, I went to a big popular wharf near me to go fishing and there was this latin dancing festival, I just talked to a girl who was sitting and she showed me how to dance and even asked for my fucking instagram, you guys need to try it. Just don't be creepy
How many times do we have to tell you fags there is no magic bullet and stop listening to the advice of normalfags that have never even done what they are suggesting you do to meet women. It's all bullshit just move on with your life.
What if I'm white and do not want to race mix.
Broooootttllll hahaha
if i wanted to do that, i would have tried to do that
not the partner
you'd be surprised how many latinas are just straight up white
bro there was cute blondes there it was 50% white people
Americans are too mutted at this point and I do not trust them as amateur racial anthropologists.
>its your personality incels just like learn 2 dance or smth ;)
>n-no not like that
But on the other hand techbros are neurotic jews and pajeets so fuck them too.
Unhygienic men ruin everything
We DO NOT want random men hitting us up when we're in the middle of a workout session at the gym or studying at the library or chilling at a cafe. The absolute worst thing a guy can do is show up awkward and alone at a hobby meetup, having no clue what he's doing all the while following the girls from the corner of his eyes. Yeah, you're not fooling anyone creepo, stop shitting up our fun spaces and making it awkward. Please stop doing whatever you're reading on incel forums because clearly it doesn't work. Clubs and parties are fine because the point is to socialize. Anywhere else is just being a deceieving manipulative freak.

You are supposed to meet girls through extended friends groups. If you don't have friends, you have bigger problems than "meeting women"
I took dance classes to meet women and yeah it was only couples and other male virgins there. Not a single woman who wasn't taken. That and cooking classes are the biggest suicide fuel imaginable, you get to see happy couples around you flirting while you are chopping fucking parsley it is fucking miserable i felt like crying so many times lol
I started going to book clubs. The women are generally unattractive and weird, but there are a lot of them. I guess these are my people.
I have friends, they are just all also male virgin incels who know 0 women. I play tabletob games with them.
I went to a book club for 10 years and never met a single woman under 30.
>Clubs and parties
I don't have friends to do this with
Unironically you only mean this for ugly guys
>You are supposed to meet girls through extended friends groups.

"just tap into your rich and extended social circles bro "is a non advice . The average man, and woman for that matter, are not these social butterflies with loads of friends and connections, millenials and g Z'ers are the lonliest generations . Your life is not a Istock photo with a rich diverse social circle with a smiling negres with a afro hair in the middle.
>>78265561 (You)
Now that I've gotten everyone's attention with this mid tier bait, can somebody explain if its completely over if you don't have a social circle at 25?
You don't want men approaching you literally anywhere if they are sub-8. That's the truth.
No, my parents for example met most of their current friends their 30s and 40s
how does this even happen? I'd guess you need to be a couple or a single woman to have any chance of that, No way a virgin guy can make friends at 40.
I am about to find out, man

IRL, apart from my family and inteenet acquaintances I am completely alone. I drifted apart from all of my friends from school, I was pushed away from my study group at the university
I am unable to live alone aside from just existing, I can't cook or do laundry and I turn my house into a pigpen
Can't do anything young adults are expected to do
I am probably on the spectrum and my mood swings are getting worse and worse. Suicidal thoughts did follow me for years but now I am actually afraid that I might attempt something and either botch it or slowly bleed out to death or asphyxiate
Can't go to a proper psych because this field in our country is a joke. If I get actually diagnosed with something bad like schizophrenia my diploma essentially becomes a fancy mousepad or a cutting board - instantly blacklisted from 90% of jobs

There comes a time when you are out of "it is what it is"
I'm in the same position you are. I can go weeks without anyone checking on me and without talking to anyone outside of the cashier. Only people I talk to is a weekly phone call to my parents. I haven't messaged anyone my age in months. Bleak.

But you need to learn to cook and keep yourself and your room from becoming a pigsty.
Youre going to get kicked out/slandered
t.actually attended dance classes
i hope this is a troll
That's why the interestpill is darker than any so called black pill. If you don't happen to have the right interests, you are fucked for life.
Cute and hot men have a free pass tho
A change in habits starts today. If you want hope in life, keep clean and well groomed.
As for social settings, find groups based on hobbies and eventually you will find the right people. You fail once, twice or a few times but if you're a good person, there are people that will be your friend.
And be comfortable being alone. Maybe shut off the wifi for a few days to give yourself time to think. Have personal goals and growth to gain confidence. Wagmi
havint too much common interests with a girl will get you "gayzoned".
It happened at university or my parents beeing friends with the parents of my friends at kindergarten or whatever. If you aren't a giga autist you can do these things easily. To be fair maybe not as easily as 20 years ago but it's still doable.

Dude if you are a virgin at 40 you almost certainly have severe mental problems almost noone is a virgin until 40, you have to never go out and never talk to people because if you do, things happen eventually. Even if it's just one time in 20 years.
>explain if its completely over if you don't have a social circle at 25?
It's not necessarily over, but obviously if you don't have friends at 25, it's because you're ugly (because if you were attractive, friends would gravitate to you). It's going to be difficult for you because you're ugly.

You should join any clubs that you can join. Try them all out. Join book clubs. Join chess clubs. You can always quit if they're lame. I've done skeeball leagues, bowling leagues, even fucking kickball leagues. I've done hiking clubs, biking clubs, board game clubs, etc. You should join them all.

Don't hit on the girls there. As we've already established, you're ugly. And as the OP demonstrates, women don't want ugly guys breathing their air or capturing the photons which happen to reflect from their precious epidermis.

Just go to have fun, and do the best you can. That's literally your only real option.

Eventually, hopefully, you'll make a friend and then you can get invited to other stuff - parties and the like.

Sorry that life sucks. I feel your pain. Diving in headfirst is about all you can do.
Only aspies do this as they seem to not have brains logical enough to process their looks put women off. Infact I find it amazing nerds arent blackpilled by default to their higher IQ.
>You talk to girl for 10 seconds
>Theres a disgust look on her face
The only conclusion is that appearance out her off
The interestpill is about having the interests of an attractive and successful person, not necessarily about having common interests with a girl.
Incel forums tell men to give up on foids
I do think it's all valid advice, I really do, it's just that it pales in comparison with a recurring realization that I have already been awfully behind everyone else. It's like in a game of Civ, I am just discovering gunpowder while everyone else has already went to space. Even if it's better to live life at my pace, it would be always lonely because I can't connect with the people who already got through these stages of life. They have their own problems incomprehensible to me, while mine to them would seem childish.
Is there an actual rebuttal to this other than "yep, this is your life now, get fucked"? Also how the fuck do I stabilize my mood swings, having to hide tears from parents in the same room is kinda awkward
>you get to see happy couples around you flirting while you are chopping fucking parsley
fucking kek
life is suffering
Funny considering I lost my virginity to a 7/10 that approached me in the middle of a workout at the gym to ask for my number. None of what you said matters.

All that matters is looks and status.
No. Men hit their peak at 75.
You need someone to open up to, because that really helps with depression. Of course it's not instant, you have to develop the relationship first.
The harder you work, it is definitely possible to catch up to and even surpass everyone else. Keep that in mind, though it will take years.
I felt behind others too, and still have to recognize that I am. But take your failures as a learning experience. For me, they are just starting to pay off in some areas.
Average people have mental problems, like depression and inaction too. It's a side effect of the internet on a societal level. You have just been hit harder than others. You aren't totally unlike them.
If your parents are good you should open up to them. If not you should avoid them.
Probably at least one parent is good, and they can help you out.
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>You've been muted because your post was too low in content
not op but both my parents are seriously mentally ill. I cannot open up to them without getting seriously fucked. I have no one else, not talked to anyone my age in years. I write in my log book every few days just to keep sane.
My parents are way too good. They don't think anything is wrong with me, they think my fears and concerns are largely irrational - "you are smart and you aren't ugly at all, you are just lazy and too fearful". My fear and collapse of body image had already left me with this mess I have to climb myself out of.

My most shitty trait is absolute aversion to effort. This is my kryptonite that haunts me throughout my life. I begin doing things, and then my resolve vanishes and the task becomes repulsive. Without this I feel like I could've done and become anything, probably even ascend to godhood
>Please stop doing whatever you're reading on incel forums because clearly it doesn't work.

Fuck you, you walking pile of dog shit.

It is NORMIES who give the advice to "touch grass" and "join hobby groups" and "talk to people". The incel advice is always "It's already completely over, so don't be tricked by people telling you to try stupid shit."

If you have a problem with guys being told to try to meet women in "fun spaces", take it up with your fellow normies, you fucking piece of trash.
>I begin doing things, and then my resolve vanishes and the task becomes repulsive.

Ritalin would have saved your life bro. You may be too old now for it to make any difference, but it could have saved your life if you had taken it in time.

I used to do exactly this, and the day I started taking Ritalin EVERYTHING seemed really easy and finishing things took essentially no effort.
Amphetamines are extremely illegal here. Instead ADHD is treated with antidepressants, nootropes, cognitive behavioural therapy, flowers, prayers and handwaves lmao
Atomoxetine looks promising but it's literally the only specialized drug for ADHD treatment approved in our great motherland
I hate you for posting like a faggot bye!!!!
Yeah, I'm gonna keep existing. To remove me from their life they must drive a stake into my heart by their own hands. And I will look them in the eye the entire time, smiling like a mental ward patient, and that smile, that piece of me would always remain in their mind.
They can see that they're trying to meet the opposite sex by being social? What exactly is so offensive about that?

I'm learning salsa so I can become a passport bro in Latin America, not so long lardass woman can flatter herself about how desperately I want her.

Successful bait
I go to yoga classes not to meet women but to stop my computer job from completely ruining my body please be understanding and don't take off your shirt in front of me because you're sweaty it's uncomfortably erotic
Decent and thoughtful advice, anon. Part of the thing that keeps me from joining clubs is a sense of obligation or guilt to keep going regularly even if I find it's not for me. I am willing to go once and try it out but so many things seem to become a weekly burden or obligation than actual fun I look forward to.

Is it ok to bag out after one or two gatherings if I don't like it, without explaining myself.
>"software engineers" stop going to dance lessons
pls saar, do not rhumba
Take the fucking classes to learn instead? Which PUA shithole did you guys read this would work?
Stacy gets her wish, only Chads exist. Oops her phone tik tok, and instagram stop working and the powerplant shuts down there goes the electricity. Tough break.
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No. I agree with that other anon that it's stupid to go to hobby shit to try to meet women (just use the dating apps instead or go to bars or clubs).
But I disagree with her on the claim you need to have friends to date. That's definitely not true. Now more than ever there are lots of adults in their 20s, 30s, and 40s who don't have "social circles." Even back in the 2010s it was pretty normal to date without having friends. Most of the sex and girlfriends I've ever had were during the 2010s and the worst I ever heard from women about it was one girlfriend insisting to me that having friends was a "human need." She still sucked my dick after saying that so it's not like it was a red flag for her. I think she just couldn't personally imagine not having friends herself which makes sense because of how young she was at the time (18 when I was in my late 20s). I had friends when I was 18 too but then I went somewhere else for college and started working after that and got rid of my Facebook. When you're older you mostly just see people at work (and you don't even get that kind of social activity for a lot of us now that office jobs tend to be done remotely).

Well definitely not by fucking going to dance classes
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>software engineer
>creep on women

Lmao Indians
It's not "real" smell. There was a study posted on pol that basically said that we perceive ugly people as smelly. A Chad can shower every three days and woman will still ignore his body smell while fat manlet who showered an hour before will make them puke.
bait post but true
I looksmaxxed so I get great results on dating apps.
I can't speak for your city but I took salsa classes earlier this year and there were actually more women than men. there were a few couples but there were several pairs of girls who had just signed up with their friend. it was fun but unfortunately was just like a 2-month session so I never got anywhere before it ended. it was also really hard to flirt or anything since we were all focused on the dance moves.
dude I've literally seen so many women say they have a musk kink it's insane, they literally want sweaty hot guys that they can lick clean and sniff
>how are men supposed to meet women these days?
>you are not a tall good looking CHAD.
I tried dating a girl at work recently. She complained that a muscular, tall guy at work doesn't flirt with her.
Women are chad-sexual but will settle if chad isn't an option.
dance like this
it's always creepy whites who do this lol

they really think they're so clever when they're being invasive sex pests and obviously prowling like a weirdo
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When I was like 13 or 14 years old I joined a dance class. It was mostly "modern" hip hop dancing with lots of hip-movements. We were like 30 people in the class and I was the only boy. I was very autistic and just enjoyed dancing so I stayed in that class for like a year and we even performed in front of audiences very often, but looking back the dances were absolutely made for girls, except for twerking there was probably any kind of gay movement you can imagine in our routines, but I was too autistic to realize how fucking gay I must have looked. Thinking back I assume every parent must have thought I was a huge faggot. Since I was an autist who was only there because I genuinely enjoyed dancing instead of trying to meet women I never really got too close, let alone romantically involved, with any chick outside of the occasional duet partner I had to make.

I look back and cringe at it but at the same time I think I was based for truly not giving a fuck.
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>it's always creepy whites who do this lol
>/r9k/ caring what women think
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>picrel is your dance partner, looking to meet men
what do?
>how are men supposed to meet women these days?
They aren't. Most women don't want to date men these days, and that's understandable. Modern men are disgusting, vile creatures.
as if most cunts are any better lmfao
Kek, my father just gave me this advice few days ago.
>Dude if you are a virgin at 40 you almost certainly have severe mental problems
how 'severe'?
Your only options are tinder and dating coworkers. If neither of those work, I really don't know what the fuck you're supposed to do.
actually normies primarily meet their partners through friends, that's one of the things that happens at house parties
There is nothing wring with us wanting to get laid, so you can stop stop slut shaming us
I'm 31. I have 3 friends left I stay in regular contact with and don't go to house parties. That's normal for my age
Those seem like fairly reasonable demands though.
Except its obviously not true
She just made that shit up to not appear shallow and say that its because they're ugly
Women are the nigger jews of gender
>I am unable to live alone aside from just existing, I can't cook or do laundry and I turn my house into a pigpen
>Can't do anything young adults are expected to do
these are all simple and even fun i highly recommend learning those. Ask mom, or chatgpt. Step by step

It's all literally instant gratification woth immediate rewards. Cooked? Now you can eat for very cheap and it's actually healthy. Done laundry? Now you have more clothes and dont have to look at smell the dirty ones. Cleaned? Don't have to breathe in dust. Unlike youtibe shorts and video games these dopamine spikes don't ever lose effectoveness either.
Yoga is a meme for women who think making sexy poses is a workout. You should be walking a lot, running or going to a fucking gym.
Yeah this, it's 99% jeets
uhh... she is actually right though. forcing yourself to go to things you dont actually like for the chance of meeting a girl is deceptive and pathetic. most people are supposed to meet a girl in the normal course of living an active life. trouble is most people on r9k are introverted shut-in cucks. what has always been laughable about r9k is they think looking good as a dude is more important than having your shit together. guys were never the pretty gender. maybe some of you need to learn how to be a male first before trying to date a girl.
Yes, but they mean the absolutely hot guys who are brimming with masculinity, high test causing the characteristic smell only they can feel. It's like a smell of a woman without perfume that you want to fuck, it drives you crazy.
Its simple, we kill the jeets
trash fucking bait nigger gtfo
Who exactly are we "deceiving", retard?

>most people are supposed to meet a girl in the normal course of living an active life
good for them
Those men dont, so they try something else

You are a woman, you will never understand our struggles, your opinion is irrelevant
Even if you don't meet a woman at dance classes, when you eventually do meet a woman, they'll think you're cooler if you know how to dance
Didnt even read because i could tell from the title its some bitter salty foid. Your ancestors, and their ancestors knew not to listen to women. They did not give a single fuck whatever stupid radioactive verbal diarrhea they spewed out. Why do you?
Try a psych or mood stabilizing drugs such as lamotrygine.
Because my ancestors all got arrange married to a girl in their village by age 18 and i am a 25 year old kissless virgin loser with no friends. Why play the retard and pretend that social dynamics are the same as 150 years ago?
If you had friends before, sure it's possible. Why wouldn't it be? If not then just rope or ldar. It only gets exponentially harder.
>t. virgin friendless loser, 25m
I've had lots of friends before, but when I was 16 we moved to the middle of bumfuck nowhere and after a few years of near complete social isolation I became a shut in loser freak
Looks like this is why this must end. Women were forced to marry dysgenic nobodies to create even more dysgenic nobodies. Sorry bro, you need to find meaning in life other than women.

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