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Why do women complain about being a housewife? Its literal easymode
>do dishes, takes like 5 mins to load tops with a dishwasher
>do laundry, takes like 5 mins to load tops with washing machine and dry
>vacuum house, a 2 story house would maybe take 20 mins to fully do
>wipe counters and shit, add an extra 20 minutes
>all that adds up to not even an hour
>dont even have to cook good food, just edible stuff that tastes ok
Instead they rather spend 8 hours a day waging and then having to do all that stuff for themselves anyway
You forgot washing floors and ironing clothes. Also not everything fits or is suitable for dishwasher.
Also you forgot like, kids and shit
Not everything can be put in a dishwasher, anon. Also a dishwasher doesn't instantly wash every sort of mess on a dish, you often have to pre-clean. Don't forget unloading the dishwasher, and that you have to satisfy everyone in the household with your dish organizing methods or it's hectic where no one knows where shit is.
Laundry again needs to be separated and treated differently depending on types of items, and there are diverse types in a family household. It all then needs to be folded and placed in each person's room in each specific place the way that person likes, sort of akin to the dish thing.
To vacuum you first need to clean the floorspace, pick up, dust before you vacuum, and only taking 20 minutes of actual vacuum time on a 2-story house would miss most of everything. Most vacuums require you go over each space multiple times and then empty the receptacle and vacuum the room fully a second time to verify it is clean.
Wiping counters means cleaning off those counters entirely, wiping off visible messes, then sanitizing it, then either cleaning off the sanitizing agent or waiting for it to dry before returning all countertop items to their proper places.
Preparing 3 daily meals is pretty intense, especially if it's for more than 2 people. Have you looked at the meal prep times on recipe sites? Multiply that by two or three. They're all horribly inaccurate. Meal planning also requires shopping for all of the ingredients, which requires intense budgeting and planning to satisfy household members. To have ingredients on stock you also need to regularly keep track of expiry dates and do regular cupboard inventories.
Generally I spend about 5-6 hours a day keeping a 2-story 3-bedroom apartment clean and doing all housekeeping duties for the household of 3. I enjoy it, but it definitely takes time and intense daily effort. I have to wake up at 5am, I can sleep at 10pm. I'm a man, I'm just a NEET that pays rent by playing housewife duties.
Add another hour then, and they would want kids anyway
>t. has never been responsible for cleaning up after and taking care of an entire family
You really need to try doing chores by yourself once lmao
You forgot washing floors,ironing clothes and kids

Now, want my real answer?
IT'S BORING. I'm 20, why would I be fucking housewife? If you think it's easy mode why don't you go be a house moidwife or something.
So true. I'd be willing to do it for the right price/person though
since they would have no agency
I'm a 21 year old guy and i would LOVE to find a woman who will work for me and give me money while all i do is housework. In fact i would do all the woman's jobs AND the man jobs like mowing the lawn, fixing the roof, car maintenance, etc. But you are a disgusting evil vermin and you know that this doesn't happen IRL.
NTA but stay-at-home dads are a thing. They're less common, but they're real. Marry a woman who earns more than you, knock her up, then when the conversation about who should stay home with the kids comes up, you making less will make you the prime option to be the stay-at-home parent.
How tf will i meet a woman who will earn more than me if i am finishing my masters degree in applied mathematics next year, the jobs for which are in the like top 10% most paying in my country. Im gonna be a quant in some stock trading firm lol, i already signed up for it.
Same, I would be more than happy to provide for a loving wife. As long as she gives me money to do side projects, maybe lets me have the garage to dick around with cars, guns, etc. Life could be a dream instead.
Imagine she comes home and sees you in the garage and just starts fucking groping you god DAMN life could be a dream indeed
because of the huge risk.

if your breadwinner husband decides you got too old when you hit 30, nothing stops him from leaving you as a single mom with no job experience.
the latter point is possibly the most important one. no job experience (because you were a sahm) = barely anyone will ever want to hire you. entry-level positions prefer young people.
That is why older traditional societies were better. There were no divorces. If you divorced your wife for any reason barring her cheating on you you were ostracised from your community and had to move elsewhere. What you described are problems that never existed until the modern age
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i wish i was a housewife but i'm a man and a masculine one at that :(
Hubby aint Chad so its hell on Earth to roasties
>all that adds up to not even an hour
You have never done anything in the house haven't you anon? Cooking alone needs alot of time and is a pain in the ass.
That labor is not comparable to working roastie
As a house husband I can say that the big issue is being stuck financially. Even if the states laws say that you get half of everything through divorce, you're still stuck trying to pay for an attorney and finding a place to stay if shit hits the fan. You feel trapped and stuck, add kids into the mix and it gets even worse.
People want to have it hard in life because they want pity and to feel important. It's why people moan about being "busy", because important, powerful people are busy and unimportant people have less to worry about.

I noticed the same with my own mother who would jealously guard all the housework, screech at me if I picked up the vacuum, but moaned constantly about how she was always cleaning and we did nothing.

You'd have a point if this demographic wasn't the "supermarket pizza in oven for dinner" demographic.

There's never been any evidence of husbands by and large failing to support their wives. The deadbeat dad is basically entirely a myth. Men have an instinct to support and provide for their wives and children.
What the fuck are you cooking that takes hours of laborious work? Consomme from scratch? Retard. Cooking is easy, you might just be bad at it. Most dishes take an hour tops.
I have absolutely no idea. And I have no goodwill left to entertain a housewife. Saw one brag here to the loner central as to how she's a housewife. Needs to be cut off from interacting with others too.
Not only are you overcomplicating things because you are with picky people
But you have to do all that shit while working anyway
Or skip it and live in a pig den its modern life after all both people HAVE to work that's freedom baby
This. Male family members also beat the shit out of the guy if he mistreats his wife.
In some cases they won't, like if the family had a really troublesome daughter they would understand why she was beat. At the end of the day it worked better because not many men had a reason to beat their women.
Now they do it because women like it and we've noticed that, so beatings for fun I guess
Cuck who marry women never abuse them please fuck off you gaslighting roastie
What are you talking about m8
I'm a guy saying we SHOULD beat them for no reason because apparently they like it
It used to be that beatings were done for other reasons like correcting improper behavior
Not so much the case anymore because they get off on it now
Bro that is all still easier than working an 8-5 job.
Most people have to do all of that stuff while working full time.

Hell you don't even have to directly teach your kids if you send them a school.
you underestimate the peak of women's lives. if you were in their position, would you settle for obligations and responsibilities or would you travel the world while being paid and supported by orbiters and fucked by literal models? we think it's an easy choice because life for us is continuous obligations and responsibilities while any love, sex, or connection is not guaranteed or likely.
I would trade waging to be a moidwife any day.
I already have to do all the house work and work on top of it. Why would I not be eager to eliminate the shit part?
the only hard part is taking care of the kids

you're going significantly harder than most people
the most time consuming part is cleaning the floors or grocery shopping, even then you don't do it every day. housework can be condensed into 3-4 days of the week, you don't have to do it every day
also most families don't eat 3 meals together. it's usually only dinner and sometimes lunch

>be housewife
>still make the husband do all the hard work like yardwork and heavy lifting

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