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If you can't see women as anything other than romantic options or sexual objects, you'll never find love or a wife/girlfriend.
Robots here can't even make female friends without the desire to sleep with them someday. If you can't form a platonic friendship with someone of the opposite gender, you'll never be able to succeed in love.
(Steven and Luz would be good friends)

Also yeah, I see that a lot on here, sadly.
im confused in the i spend too much time on r9g and not co way, is that an oc?
females are the ones that ruin platonic shit for me because they're the ones that start getting sexual and sending nudes then go cold and get mad at me for "sexualizing" them like bitch you started it
I have women in my life anyone would call friends, but their friendship is one sided, always them.
Shut up, all I fucking want is female friends. I wish I were a girl so I could have them.
The only reason ANY straight man has ever approached women was for romantic/sexual purposes and yet they never had problems finding "love". What makes you think something changed?
That's not true, I'd argue the opposite is true. I went my life treating women like people first and it seemed like a surefire way to make sure no romantic interest ever sparked.
The guys who got female attention usually were the ones who treated women extra special.

I think most women have cognitive dissonance going on. They wanna be treated romantically and feel special, but also worry about being seen as a sex object. So they want guys to give them special treatment, but not obvious enough that it rings any alarm bells.
So now you have to do this retarded shit where you have to take every opportunity to interact with women, get her interest, make her feel special, but also don't make her feel like she's being hit on.
You don't get it, anon. They don't want to be seen as sex objects BY YOU, they're perfectly fine being seen as sex objects by Chad and Tyrone.
Here is the problem. Platonic female relationship are not the priority for lonely men, romantic companionship is. Men need a gf/wife's love and validation and sex is part of that. If those needs are not met, they can't make female friends.
yk damn well you get no birches much less bides from girls. Even if this WERE the case just dont ever talk to them again. Not that hard
Modern society has made people so disconnected from common sense. It's crazy to see people advocate for self-extinction.
Why do you want female friends?
But I already have a friend, what on earth am I going to do with two?
Why can Chad see them as such and still have success, OP? Explain.
>Why can Chad see them as such and still have success, OP?
Chad does actually, you have a child's version idea of how real chads operate, you think they're just mindless creators that fuck anything that moves because they can but every chad I knew were the most picky people ever when it comes to dates and friendships.
>meets and fucks whore they talked to within 2 hours
>they really built a solid connection and foundation there
>>meets and fucks whore they talked to within 2 hours
You still don't get it don't you, chads are also humans, they have categories for people, some of them are fuck material and some are friends material.
Tell me Anon, have you actually talked or were a friend with someone who can be described as a chad? Because your posts imply that you just observe them from behind.
Men in general have much lower physical standards, especially for a casual sex relationship. This is how you end up with alpha widow roasties. Chad just sportfucks and ghosts them, disproving your idea that just seeing the wahmen as sex objects is somehow the vector for failure in incels. The real problem is they did not win the genetic lottery and do not make these women wet when they spend 0.5 seconds looking at their photo on the app.
The female friendships I've had were 100x more enjoyable than any male friendships I've had. But the sample size is small.
The literal only friend i ever had was a girl who lived 2 doors down from me, her family was very poor so i always brought her along with me wherever i went, even tp the seaside with my parents every year, we spent literally every singel day together, she was like a sister to me. Then she went to a different high school than me, met some random guy, fucked him less than 2 weeks later, then gradually stopped talking to me completely. Now she is in some other town, doesn't even repond to my messages when i wish her a happy birthday every year (i always bought her presents when we were younger). I am now a khhv friendless incel loser.
>disproving your idea that just seeing the wahmen as sex objects is somehow the vector for failure in incels.
That's not my thesis, my point is that incels are already fucked because of genetics that is a given but they can over come this by changing their mindset, many of you here complain about how you can't even talk to girls in the first place, guess what bitch, having no idea how women actually, and let me repeat that actually think make you unable to even understand them.
No friends of either gender?
No, she was the only one. I never evem wanted a relationship with her or anything, i just feel so betrayed that she threw a literal lifelong friendship away for some retard so he could fuck her.
How small? Also curious did you enter the friendships for a chance at snatch?
I know how they think though. You just acknowledged that I know how they think when I pointed out they choose CHAD ONLY when they swipe at 2 swipes per second and that the issue is just one of looks/genetics.
Sorry Bro sometimes women make bad choices when it comes to dick when they fight or break up she will probably start contacting you again
They broke up after like 2 months of dating lol and that was 6 years ago. Its over.
Yikes sorry bro but the universe probably has better things in store for you
i actually have only had platonic friendships with women. you assume a lot about people.
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Female: 1 irl, 4 online.
Male: 0 irl, 5 online.
>did you enter the friendships for a chance at snatch
No. I tried with the irl girl but she's the one who initiated the flirting (and then ghosted me). And I had e-sex with one of the online girls, if that counts.
My female friends were understanding of my anxiety and were affectionate with me. It was nice. I imagine that's what all friendships between girls are like and they have it in abundance. It's just not fair.
Meh, don't see most females as gf material same like they ignore most men.
Aha so youve never actually had a real male friend and are completely clueless about this topic. NEXT
But anon I have friends that are women. If anything I struggle to find girls that register as romantic options in my brain.
I can and have before. Now what?
Yeah because I don't get along with other men.
I thought about this the other day and I think it's that women want men with enough self-confidence to not go full Elliot Rodgers if they get rejected, a lot of women are used to simps that see them as outlets for their loneliness or fetishes rather than as people. It's why you see chicks always talking about wanting men that make them feel "safe." It's alien to us guys because we have to claw our way into being seen as desirable and have to prove ourselves all the time.
Sure, nobody wants that kind of person. But that's like the bare minimum.
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You're making a big assumption there that I even have friends of the same gender

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