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Can't afford ozembic because I'm a neet. How do I fucking lose 100 pounds?

>don't eat / eat less
>count calories
>work out more
>eat better foods
I know all the fucking things you're supposed to do. The problem is that I will get to a point where my discipline fails, my willpower fails, and I lose control of my actions and just binge. If I eat 1500 calories or less a day I lose weight. My maintenance calories is like 2000, so if I eat 1500 that means I made 500 calorie loss of progress. I can EASILY binge 6k calories in one day if I don't control myself. Do you see the fucking problem?

How do I beat this without drugs or therapy?
>just use willpower
I do. Willpower is not infinite. I can fast for a few days then I binge. I can count calories for a week or two then I binge. I HATE THIS
Lift weights nigger, also how the fuck can you afford to eat that much as a NEET. Are your parents rich?
do you not know how cheap it is to eat food from the grocery store
Do keto or carnivore diet. You will shred the pounds like nothing but unfortunately you will have to stay in it most likely to maintain that weight. You might go away with just low carb not carnivore and still achieve your goal. Like eating some fruit and stuff.
Also the meat and all will keep you satiated so you don't have to binge.
Do you live alone? Don't keep food in the house for you to binge on. I used diet soda as a crutch when I got hungry and also if I failed and ate 500 calories I would skip a later meal to even it out.
If you have 100 lbs to lose then your maintenance calories are way over 2k
Bump your diet intake up to 17-1800 so you're more satiated and less likely to fall off
Also walk daily, easy exercise that'll increase the deficit a bit (don't calculate calorie burn and try to tell yourself you can eat more now, that's playing yourself)

I'm down 92 lbs in 5 months after a lifetime of not caring, I calculated my old regular binge habits and it was easily 5.5k cal, basically the exact same position
You can't binge if you don't buy the foods you binge on, just never buy it. Uninstall delivery apps and commit

Become a regular in this gen
Ty for the hopium
First of all, stop buying junk food at the super market. Replace all your junk food with pure raw ingredients that you will cook filling foods with. These foods will make you feel full for the same portion size as whatever junk food you were eating, with less calories. And make sure these filling foods are foods you enjoy eating, because otherwise you are reverting back to willpower. Second of all, hypertrophy training. The more muscle you have on your body, the more calories you burn by just standing around.
Yeah when you have to totally reform your lifelong habits, it's probably better to go with a high protein low carb diet. Then when you shift to maintenance eventually the idea isn't to go back to old habits but keep the new one for life but with adjusted portions or occasional indulgences
If you see diets as a momentary thing until you return to the old normal that made you fat, you will return to fat. That's where keto/fasting etc fails a lot of people
How much money per week could you spend on something after usual budgetary expenses? A lot of weight loss clinics that run 100 bucks a week will put you on GLPs for a surcharge of 50 bucks, meaning if you can spend 150 bucks a week on fattie loss after your usual expenses you're good
Oh but be forewarned, Ozempic and Zepbound and the GLPs are not magic. They curb your appeite and make you feel full sooner, but if you lack willpower you will still bloat up
I lost 90 lb in 10 months, it's about environment + measurement
>track all calories you eat, always assume higher if there is doubt
>if you want to binge, preload stomach with near zero calorie vegetables, mushrooms, salty soups before eating. You will not refuse food
>throw all junk food/high calorie food away, put all good stuff close
>make commitments, social, professional, or otherwise to do physical activity, then exert more then. It's always easier to exercise for a reason other than itself
I'm on 500 calories a day OP, with one day a week I go to 1200. You really just have to divest yourself of temptation.
Start with 15 minutes of walking and go from there.
You are probably getting burnt out because you're not setting reasonable goals and then you hate yourself when you fail them. Start small and work your way up.

Quit complaining about your lack of willpower and overcome it. You don't need drugs or therapy to overcome mental weakness, you need to buckle down and tough that shit out. You're the only one stopping you from reaching your goals.

When you hit 1500 calories, just say no to more food. Refuse it at all costs. Go to sleep I'm if you have to, and if you have trouble take Advil pm to force yourself into it. Whatever it takes to prevent yourself from undoing a successful day of your diet. Then wake up and do it all again until it's habit.
>The problem is that I will get to a point where my discipline fails, my willpower fails, and I lose control of my actions and just binge
work on your weight and mental health
with his weight walking is bad and he should go swimming instead
binge like a fatso once a week and do the shit youre supposed to do for the remaining 6 days

That way you give your willpower a break and incorporate your bad habit into your life structure in a controlled manner, its like a domestication of the obese spirit within
okay so the most important one is just eating less, exercise burns very little calories, if you do not want to exercise then just don't and don't worry about it

defeating willpower is very very hard, remove this factor
don't buy food, don't be around food, simple as that, no longer require willpower
also, do not food shop while hungry
I eat once a day and binge on sweets here and there
Typically don't go over 2k without even trying
However I am also skinnyfat so OP if you don't want to have that curse you have to work out
That's the truth unfortunately. Everyone would like it to be a momentarily thing but alot of people can't their metabolism is just screwed. I read somewhere that if you gain weight rapidly especially in adolescents that there are new fat cells created which can hang along for a long time maybe even forever.
For OP it might be worth it to investigate some hormonal markers like testosterone growth hormone Igf1 throughout thyroid panel with t3 and t4 cortisol etc. OP you might be lucky discovering something. And even if the tests come out normal I can imagine trying some t3 might be worth a shot.
Turn it into a group activity, that way you have more motivation to stick with it. If you're doing it solo the only pressure you have is from yourself and it's easier to slip. I can't actually recommend any groups but I'm sure there's some online fitness/weight loss communities you could join or even just lurk.
>with his weight walking is bad
Not true, you can do daily walking at literally any weight as long as youre not immobile, just not as much of it. Like on those mega obesity shows they're still recommended walking at 600 lbs
If he's 100 lbs overweight that's around 260 depending on height, can definitely walk a good amount there

Swimming is good but it's much harder to get someone to commit to going to a pool regularly than just walking around
This is not good advice for a genuine binge eater who was regularly putting away 6k calories a day, that's too big of a bulge in your weekly deficit
A zigzag diet could work with 2 days of 2500 calories and the rest at the normal low. His maintenance TDEE is probably around 2500 anyway at that rate

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