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I'm curious about the users of this board, can you guys tell me what major did you take in university and share with me your experience with it?
It'll be very much appreciated.
>I'm curious about the users of this board, can you guys tell me what major did you take in university and share with me your experience with it?
Computer Science III
Well in g12 I took a philosophy course and was assigned a gf so obviously I tripled down. I forget if they even mention university in Lucky Star, I wasn't gonna go but then Community came out
I majored in finance only because I didn't know what else to do and thought a business degree would be a safe bet to get some mediocre but stable office job. I got a non finance related job at a life insurance company after I graduated which was nothing glamorous and eventually I quit. Now I am a neet for several months and can't find another job.

I really wish I didn't do business, it is probably my second biggest regret in life. I realized too late what my passions were. If I could do it again I would either go to film school or learn game dev.
Least normie question
Physics and Mathematics at Cambridge when i was 10 years old, piss easy
i dropped out of middle school
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Majored in business because I didn't know what to do and thought it'd be an easy way to get a stable job. I actually got along with my roommate and we had a decent time hanging out with other people in their dorms. I ended up dropping out after a semester because money, and the semester that I dropped out was when covid started. I haven't talked to the people I knew in college ever since and I now know my antisocial ass would've never made it in a corporate setting.

Also the "business" classes were braindead and all about the professors making you pay for a book they wrote in order to even do the work for the class. Total scam
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I went to the union.
>can you guys tell me what major did you take in university
currently doing my MSc in CS and did my BSc in it too.
>and share with me your experience with it?
Unless you are into software dev or data science already i wouldn't advise you to get into cs, unless you wanna try it out for one semester. what they teach you in the classes is definitely not enough for a job in comparison to other things you can study. also i came back here when i started to write my bachelor's thesis, read into that what you will

I majored in biology because I thought it was a good preface to med-school which I may or may not end up going to. Biology is full of women though which disgusts me and was very annoying. Overall, I think biology is a useless meme major if you don't go into medicine after.
med student. Chad/every girl dynamics are even worse here lmao
>I now know my antisocial ass would've never made it in a corporate setting
Huge blackpill for robots desu. Working at an office with no social skills is a nightmare. Everyone is a turbo normie and they always have work "outings" or lunches or other "fun" activities (humiliation rituals) that are hard to get out of.
I believe it. I've heard stories about hospitals not even hiring short guys because patients can't respect a short doctor
Did engineering, having a pretty fun time with it and met really nice people.
I love them more than my actual family
>Had my GCSEs (middle school edu) done by 11
>Had my A-Levels (HS) Done by 14, 5 subjects, As in all
>Went to a redbrick (top 10) university on scholarship
>Undergrad completed at 18
>Missed out on the true uni experience
>Experienced extreme jealousy/bullying/exclusion/ridicule of my peers
>Even the fucking professors negged me to fuck and belittled me
>Sank into deep depression
>Couldn't find a job because loltooyoung
>Depression and despair lead me into drug use
>Still NEET at 31
My degree was in robotics btw.
First Attempted BSc (Biology)
>Rote memorization
>Nothing applicable
>Grading curve is ass raped by drug addicts blasting more speed than an Appalachian meth addict
>Professors are all suicidal grad students or don't give a single fuck about you
>Learned more about science, genetics, and biology in Anthropology than in biology

First Completed BA (Anthropology)
>Focuses on physiology and genetics
>Fantastic science education
>Cultural and Arc students deserve death
>Had lab experience from internship
>Got no jobs

Second BA (Geography)
>Focused on Geographic Information Science
>IT but for maps and mapping technology
>Everyone was pretty chill
>Half of every class are Arc and Earth Science students
>Got a $23 per hour contract gig then $25 per hour with benefits after a year at a massive energy corporation
>Suicidal ideation rose every 6 months from boredom

Master's Degree (Geography)
>Focusing on Urban Planning and Econ Dev
>One-semester away
>Absolutely piss take easy but I already know all of this from not being a retard and watching YouTube
>Did Econ Dev internship
>Now unironically an ultra-fascist who thinks voting should not be a right
>Was going to take a job in government but now setting up for a PhD run

Personally, I wish I had stuck it out with my original intention of doing Systems Biology as I love lab work and having a variety of tasks to do but I couldn't see the forest for the trees and accept I wouldn't do anything worth my time until my Masters or PhD. I could've slid into the Bio Master's with my Anthro degree but I want to do systems biology and my school's only systems bio guy was being drummed out for having sex with students.
I got in with electrical engineering. Boring after intro class, no students or professors seemed really interest in anything. Dropped for CS cause at that point I wanted to make AGI, the last invention needed cause humans are all fags.

Always been programming shit since 14 and thought would find similar autist in CS, turned out everyone was in it for le jerbs. Took as many CS classes they let me take without additional science or math requirements and then dropped out cause AI in cs is just bs correlation machines, nothing worth caring about.

Took Psychology, students are all retarded and failed pre-meds. Took all the classes that were available related to neuroscience cause I have AGI fetish.

Took a few law classes, the students were least retarded here and most normie tier.

Got in Philosophy major next cause was offering a philosophy of mind course that taught me it's a huge waste of time trying to make AGI. The philosophy professors are either extremely smart and knowledgeable about topic or so retarded with voodoo shit one wonders how they made it there. A lot of students are retarded smug commies taking philosophy courses so they can legitimatize political bs they already believe. Other than two logic course, the teaching is just history of philosophy than anything about philosophizing.

So got out with philosophy major and psychology minor. Had more than enough class for cs minor but won't let me include it unless I took calc II & III and physics I & II, memorizing hundreds of pointless equations seemed gay, so skipped that.
We don't have "majors" here.
> started physics/maths/astronomy
> oh shit this is difficult
> managed to get As and some Bs, but changed to aeronautical engineering
> SHIT this is difficult
> failed
> repeated a year, got Bs, did some compsci classes to make up the hours
> got a three-year engineering degree in four years, but switched course again
> finished software engineering course, final mark corresponded to C
Then failed at getting a career.
>I realized too late what my passions were. If I could do it again I would either go to film school or learn game dev.
It's never too late anon, trust me you think college are just for young people but there are all sorts of people in them nowadays, you have a story and mine helped me gain a social group from different ages and generations.
If you have the passion and financial capabilities don't let your dream die.
All I have is an Associate's degree, I was going to go back for a real degree after I decided what I wanted to do in life but 2020 happened and I ended up lapsing into neethood

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