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White people need to have more children. As a brown man I worship White people and we cannot lose the beauty of White women. Please have more sex.
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It would be so humiliating having a white daughter in the modern day.
KEK, yeah. Whites you need to preserve the white race so we can keep oogling white girls.
i can't afford to have kids it's too expensive to get away from brown people
Women don't care about civilization so scientists are going to create artificial wombs to replace women.
It's better for them to die out right now and become nothing but a beautiful memory.
Whiteness sought to fix the world and decided it would better if they just died out instead. I applaud them for that.
understood bro. going right at it
Keep going whitebros I know you can go and get the white girl of your dreams. Don't give up you incel faggots you have a race to save
they won't, you can thank the jews
No thanks, I'm not going to bring more white children into the world only to have them be a minority surrounded by niggers, spics and pajeets. If I ever accidentally got a woman pregnant on purpose it would be one of those beautiful exotic looking Asian chicks.
sorry pajeet, dying a virgin, you're gonna have to do your own dirty work

and who the hell would want to bring a kid into the world as shit as it is?
>As a brown man I worship White people and we cannot lose the beauty of White women.
There will be more than enough white pussy to last you a lifetime, man. Millions of white girls are waiting for you and guys like you to have sex with them. Enjoy it while you can.
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sorry, nigger
no more white kids to feed your village
no hard feelings
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no more hairless ape monkey shiny skin retainers :(
I'm white woman and I want white husband but I don't want kids.
I would but I'm neet and failed
>but I don't want kids.
Just go for a nigger you waste of time unnatural atheist reddit bitch
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I'm European and I don't give a fuck about the white race lolz
Niggers are yucky.
You sound like one btw
How do I sound like a nigger? I'm Arian blue eyes I think you should suck my cock bitch
Disgusting traitor
you are white now that whites are gone
prepare your holes for the bbc
Most white women are retarded
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>White people need to have more children.
there are white fem"bots" on this very board that refuse to have children with white robots and instead they bang some chads or tyrones now and then and then end up as lonely crazy cat ladies. they are very evil unfortunately
The white men of this board specifically shouldn't be having kids since you're all autistic
Enjoy your world without progress, autismos built the modern world.
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Man white people are so beautiful. I'm not even white
His girlfriend is Asiannn
Non fat non mixed white women will probably go extinct in my lifetime. Too stupid for their own good.
Wasted genes. I don't care when dysgenic white people mix, when the most attractive ones do it it's a shame.
I don't acctually know if that's true. I just wanteed to trigger you
I've had six kids, all of them super white. Can only do so much
most brown men hate themself is the thing. as a brown (latina) women who doesn't have that issue i don't obsess over what white people do and you should not either. girl in the photo is gorgeous tho <3
Brown girls don't suffer like brown men. White men and KPOP men think you are exotic. Brown men see you as the default option. Brown women are actually in a good spot.
R u cute? Oeigi
I don't really care about my race I would just like to experience love before I die
Not making more sex slaves for you jamal. It ends here and you can live in the dust.
kek, gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8
You pajeets are fucking gross.
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i'm native american, please keep having babies white bros. i know the whole world hates you, but i love you, and i think you're beautiful and necessary to western civilization. you can't leave the world in our brown hands. brown hand attached for evidence.
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I know just how to convince them. White babies make Asian girls happy.
Honestly look more white then most Native Americans I've seen.
I look white but I'm Hispanic. What the fuck do I do then?
That's a 1:1 ratio of adult to child ratio, what's your point?
OP is a white incel making these constant race bait threads to feel ugly stupid white people are relevant
>t. seething browncel
This, we need more white girls for black men to breed.
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Black men deserve this

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