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Penis Nilsen edition
>You've always been a contrarian supporter of zimtwat. You can't help but pick sides.

How am I 'contrarian'? Zimlad is a decent anon who has always treated my well. Arbroathy is a vile tranny that has been spamming about me non stop for a week
My name is Mike Penis
I was named after my dad's penis
piss linen
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He got no remorse for killing his stepdad, he spend eight years in prison. He had fuck all to lose, he get revenge on his step dad for making him eat those thousands of fly sarnies and burning all his toys and toy soldiers. He killed the bastard. He abused him. He called him John West and Captain Birdseye. He fucking did. He fucking murdered his step dad he served his time. He take brutal slash in prison whilst fighting.
He never had any remorse.
just can't contain acting like a kid on the internet can you
I drink Liquid Death and pretend I'm drinking alcohol. Sober life for me for now on.
SSM necking fly sandwiches. It not right.
Zimlad: sprogged
Arbroathy: spunk in the freezer
5 and a half years for manslaughter but he cant do 5 shifts in Screwfix without quitting. another lie dee lads
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>carrying the sprog of some mentally unhinged Scottish tranny
On the wissington me
Lmao. Trannies on suicide watch (aka approaching 40 years old, YIKES!)

Why won't they give him job?
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>Chad? Ew, no I don't want your sprogs, I want to get pregnant by Arbroathys frozen cum
spunk in the freezer, like in fresh meat when jp came in the ice cube tray...
i sense a larp
*shakes his head*
It's arb off trip. You're right, zimlad has never been confrontational or rude or aggressive towards anyone. And I'm not even really a fan of personalities, it's just that zimmy is harmless and mildly entertaining whereas arb is a narcissist, spams the thread constantly and has a revolting soul.
The dollies are back
he's still repeating himself a lot here, but he is noticeably more coherent. The drink has done a number on his mind in the last few years dee lads
Mike Litoris
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SSM never really got over his step-dad abusing him.
intra-work bath for me dee lads. Paid to soak oh it lush
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Copping some din-din semi-soonish am i not
Collecting all weapons always the worst trophies in souls. Went hand in hand with chalice dungeons in BB too.
Remember spending like 2 hours on sekiro killing the same enemy over and over to max out the skill tree.
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Did we figure out what this chaps connection to ssm is
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Haribo goldbears are lush 4 time lush
One of his FWBs from the 90s
his paypig
Generally enjoy the gameplay of DS3 just don't like much to any of the world besides a few of the good areas. Hate the super tanky enemies late game too
Probably a lad he knew back in his Omar Muhammad days
Someone he knew from Egypt.
My man marks heed is something to behold like
I loved it. Once I got all the trophies though I was done. Still go back to some of the others now and again tho
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Can any SSM loremasters confirm this? Sounds incredibly unlikely to me but then again we don't really know what SSM was up to prior to 2014
Anyone want to play seaside dollies I am alone and bored
always thought that girl from Skins with the eating disorder was so fucking fit. prime wank material
Did he really spend 5.5 years in prison for killing his step dad?
>Did he really spend 5.5 years in prison for killing his step dad?
Good question my leed. Probably not.
Its about as made up as his whole family being multi-millionaires
Why does he know about Thatcher Avenue in Torquay and all these other posh places and Coutts bank
Wonder why SSM's mother turned a blind eye to the abuse of her son
t. man in dress
He certainly does his homework when preparing his youtube LARPs.
t. Cum in the freezer, in between the choc ices and fish fingers
SSM is a character. His name isn't even Mark.
You've posted these little fantasies about white women having mixed sprogs with black men, but when it's black women having sprogs with white men you get very angry, very angry indeed
Wonder how pops went about assembling a fly sarnie?
Did he set up fly traps and gather them over a week or two in the summer? Or did he grab them out the air with chopstix whilst mark sobbed on the corner over his burnt soldiers?
His birth name is Mark Edwards. He once showed his passport on camera. I have no idea why he briefly went by 'Steven Jordan' though
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Imagine if there was a beer brand called "wissington" lol
Reckon he ran up debt in a fake name. He has form for fraud.
I've often wondered about the logistics of these fly sandwiches too. Must have taken ages to prepare lol
Back to full on flame wars and all the same SSM drama as normal by the end of the night.
Bet you!
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What would you Iike to discuss then?
Yeah, I hate trannards like you!
the thing you lads will believe and then argue over for thread after thread
bit sad really
There are 2 (TWO) lads in this thread with mixed race sprogs.
Indeed lad. Just need to know the logistics of the fly sarnies desu
So you've never accused Zimchad of raising another man's sprog then?
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magic stars are lush and i mean lush
Arbroathy, saving the white race by castrating himself, wearing women's clothing and shagging a bloke up the arse.
This has all been done, just skip to the full on spastic meltdown of spam and drama
Might take my sprog on holiday to Arbroath one day
Tbf you are the one always initiating these arguments. Arbs happily blogs about playing dark souls, drinking cider and watching her lolcow youtubers
Don't care, He's a vile trannard and a paedophile who is a danger to children
Inform the police then
Arbroathy met his bf when Arboathy was 17 and the bf was 12

you've been spamming 'brown sprog' at me for the best part of a week. I've done one hell of a number on you
That was mostly me
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need a severely mentally ill lass
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Well it is brown, is it not?
Dont set Shippy off again lad. He'll be here until 1am again lol
>I've done one hell of a number on you
so you can just leave it now then can't you? but you won't will you.
Yeah lad lets not kick this off again
I could probably eat flies on toast with lots of cheese. But a fly sandwich? No, couldn't do it
who's the biggest dosser in /britfeel/ history?
including ones that are no longer with us
Alright, let's all agree his sprog is 'surprisingly light skinned' and never mention it again
dunno, why do you need to talk about thread posters?
If you have a television, it's like having a Jew in the living room.
the posters make the thread
a bit like a drama?
lush, 4 times lush
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I have tamed this poo blob mushroom creature and I shall ride it like the wind into battle.
sure. better than eastenders
How did he collect all the flies to prepare the sandwich
eastenders for kids on the internet?
you ask a lot of questions
Pibeburgh developing some moldington again is it not

Almost didn't catch it in time
Gonna watch this 10 hour youtube vid on max level ironman Old School Runescape. All night if
For me, it has to be gloryholeswallow
Still my least favourite boss on Dark Souls next to the stupid demon near the beginning with the dogs because it's so cramped and the dogs always stun lock you. Worth it to beat them however for
>chest ahead
Sounds v comfy lid
why did ssm do this?
how is this on youtube
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Frog Knockers twitter just made a post about catching some lad who was incinerating his survey-slave Apus once they couldn't meet his QMEE quota. They caught the bastard with his hands still stained green from beating Helpers. Its fucking terrible some of the lives those frens are forced to lead, luckily SPACCA are known to monitor this thread and people who hurt the wee lids never last very long in the Frentitentiary.
You'll be in for a shock should you hear the frogs knock.
Don't lie. We all have done it once in our life.
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Uno sleepynibba and a depressionsnooze indeed.
I do not even have dreams when I am like this. Just nothingness. Its all a big nothing.
i am not reading all that that's good or sorry that happened or that's interesting
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>face it, you are exactly what is wrong with the UK
>you are exactly what is wrong with the UK
Brown sprog > trannard
an awful amount of racism in this thread
>you'll be in for a shock should you hear the frogs knock
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Remember when SSM had a meltdown and changed his name to 'shitMYfishyTURD' kek
Oh cool this fight again init
>net drain in society
Says the NEET trannard
two pints prick
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It is quite ugly innit
Love me Triss
Hate me Yen
Simple as
should try this... love the booze but i want to keep my skelemode body
>face it, you are exactly what is wrong
whats this about HHL pissing himself and the care home removing his big boy underwear privileges?
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LUSH and I mean LUSH
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Roasties don't give a SINGLE flying fuck if a genuine Chad's a jobless NEET or anything of the sort.

They will flock to him, fight each other for access to him, house, clothe, feed and babyshit him regardless.

And good fucking luck if you're not a genuine natural-born Gigachad, then you're only fit for divorce rape and even that is seen as a favour by roasties towards non-Chads, they generally view non-Chads as subhuman annoyances.

The great majority (80%) of non-Chad men are increasingly seeing this rigged roastie game for what is is, call roasties out on it and walk away from the table. Good on them
HHL soiled himself and filled is nappy.
How long until we get to the part were Shippy joins the fight?
Apparently he went into his next door neighbour's flat (Donny the Downie) late last night after a few wokkles. He walked into his bedroom and started pissing all over poor Donny. Donny woke up and started screeching like a cockatoo and banging his bollocks against the wall. Sean held him down and kept shouting "THIS IS MY WORLD DOWNIE," while piss was leaking everywhere. Absolute fucking scenes.
I've already made about 4/5 anti Arbroathy posts
Seethers raging Arb isn't a nonce like their online buddies keep telling them. Keep crying, little lads.
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You should stay away from kids you sick man.
taking a break from britfeel
this racism it not right
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Women? Can't say i'm a fan!
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>a child that will be hitler on steroids
Do you think your hitler sprog will appreciate his tranny dad?
American accents of some main characters are sort of a hangover from the Witcher 1 and 2, probably the main flaw in the games but I don't mind it too much really.

Shame that Yennefer is book-canon approved. Triss is always the best choice.
The virgin MGTOWer vs the chad whore enjoyer
23 deleted posts oh dear
you can come back now
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>and thats after the hundreds of thousands of taxpayers money theyve sucked out of the system
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>Shitting out a fishy turd.

Nightmarish. It not right he forced to give birth to a fishy scat nightmare every time he go to the bog. The stench is terrible like someone took a shit in a packet of rotten prawns. it make you gag it make you nauseous it make hairs stand up on back of your neck. He can't go poo outside of his home because he need access to arse-washing sink and a bum towel. It despicable they take his motorbility car off him and force him to use train and bus, he can't go to the loo on public transport - what if he gets cut short and is forced to drop a vile fishy turd into a public loo? It not fair on public, nobody should have to smell that and they inevitably bully him when they know.
This how disabled are treated in Starmer's Backwards Britain.
Put yourself in his shoes. Imagine if YOU took a shit and everyone in whole street know you took a dump and they know that smell coming from your place. They notice the poo-fish scent and tell you to wash. They spread rumours. You get called Young's Catch of the Day or Craptain Turdseye.
We need more empathy today more than ever, we need raise TMAU awareness.
Based janny purging the nonce.
Post the video of Mark playing with his own shit. I dare you.
>Arbroathy AND Cross posts deleted
Hmmmm veryyy interesting indeed is it not
>Hmmmm veryyy interesting indeed is it not
ok ok sir ma'am
Really maketh the Wapu think, it does.
Really boggles the mind doesn't it.
All trannies are groomers. Look at that F1nn lad and the tranny who groomed him now he's a freak.
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The sad twat switching between two mentally ill nonce personalities 24/7.
big day for name and tripfag haters such as myself
jesus what a sadcase
Mad that Crosslad, Footlad and Arbroathy were all the same person.
>i-it's not just one poster
Looks like it is lol
We eating good anons
All women are whores. Some are just better at hiding it than others
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I don't think we'll be seeing much of them after this. Ooph. Imagine sockpuppeting two different trips to use to just post insane schizobabble on both of them. This is funnier than the Shipman Sockpuppet.
Remember when the mong would do nothing but spam peach all day? Lad is a complete nutter so he'll pretend nothing happened and continue running his two personalities as normal despite being exposed.
The thread will be slow as fuck now that the most popular posters are gone. What have we left? The daily HHL meltdowns? Grim.
Chika is also Crosslad and Arbroathy btw.
can you imagine how hard that lad's heart is pounding right now? their house of cards just tumbling in front of them
wonder what he got banned for
The last week been unusable. Don't mind a slow thread.
Wondering when ada's new kino will be coming out

Maybe she's one of those performers who peek into the industry for 2-3 releases only to never return. Man that would suck lol
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We've still got the Apu Fanciers Club.
Waiting for the inevitable Sasha Grey comeback whenever she's old and runs out of money.
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The moneylenders tell our women to chase Chad and tyrone exclusively and tell average white men to jerk it instead.

They are pitching to the worst instincts in both men and women. We allow ourselves to be used and abused by them.

They are a reflection of our own vices and weaknesses, the only reason they hold all the power they do in the world despite being a tribe of dysgenic freaks. They are a cosmic shittest, if you will
16 hours a day navigating between personalities just to spam nonsense and make believe.
I farded just now

Bet (((they)) are responsible for this
Isn't cheeka from Newcastle
>16 hours a day navigating between personalities just to spam nonsense and make believe.
Sadly not the only one in the thread that does it.
Notice all the SSM and personality flame wars stopped last night?
They made a film about guitarlad
not rite what hhl did to wonnie the downie
I have it on good authority that DVDlad is eyeing up the 120 quid Criterion Godzilla box set. Big if true.
Swanny is Arbroathy.
Crossmong is Arbroathy confirmed then.
i am every single personality
you are the only poster
you're in a simulation get OUT
Had me a smirk
My name is Chan. I built this website. It's all just 4chan.
It 4 times chan
might be a pasta with a bit of sauce kind of night.
All the drivel SSM and personality shite has stopped.
Crossmong and Arbroathy were behind all the spamming the rest of it!
That's the next episode of dramafeel and it will play out for years
Silence is bliss de lads
Fuck knows how much drivel they did off name
It not right. They want to destroy britfeel.
Hearing reports that any mention of Shippy and brown sprogs in the last week was done by the schizo off trip. Then they forgot and replied to themselves as one of their personalities
i could start up a personality empire in place
thoughts on some good gimmicks i could employ?
Heard DVDlad has got quite the Tori Black collection.
What's the plan for tonights comfy night lads? Might pop on some Forza me. 4x lush.
The so-called spaffing wapu
>Hearing reports
you're making shit up like a girl
Auditing Apus cleaned this thread up.
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>banning me for avatarfagging when I wasn't
>reporting me for avatarfagging when I wasn't
The whole system is corrupt choc full of spastics and their nigger babies from the top on down
ban evading is a serious offence
This isn't even the real Arbroathy. Mad.
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Nasty things those Spaffapus. They bred the Cumberland Coomer with the Sunderland Spunking Frog and created a fren 10x as hornier as both. Sickos get them for their goon caves I hear.
nanny has never been a fan of ban evasion
Klaus Schwab bumming Sanna Marin
These posts are the lifeblood of these threads.
switch to crossmong in 3...2...1
Godzilla? Nah mate, I prefer Gamera.
me? posting a guilty pleasure


>tfw valerie will never call on me
Just had a big slice of brownieberg and cream, it were LUSH
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Love a brownie, me.
Don't let Arbroathy hear you saying that.
Why won't Arbroathy have white sprogs?
Think I got the flu. Or I went a little too hard at the gym. It not 4x lush.
mental how she went fat
Arbroathy's balls are 'smoked' so to speak.
He want two lumps of butter 12 organic eggs want organic butter two uh two lumps some sourdough bread and he might get a couple of cream cakes on the side
Thread is dead now he's banned.
Nigger bairn
That little chocolate bastard looks fuck all like you btw
Sprogless Smokie they call are Arbroathy.,
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Garn neck that chicken baguette now with me wuppa. It lush x
might go down spoons tomorrow and have a lush trekky brekky, lavazza unlimited refills on tea and coffee and hell maybe an ale or two. never leave the house and i want to get out there de lids. might bring my book and have a chill morning
so lush and i mean lush thinking about it
You've got no idea what the sprog looks like.
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get in therrre all the way
>Chicken waguette

Yep. It's Helpertime.
Arbroathy paying hundreds of thousands and the fertility quack throws his frozen spunk in the bin and uses his own
>I have a gentleman in a balaclava with a camera.
>He won't talk, he won't do anything, he's just filming me and my property.

He called 999 for a legal activity. Not a crime to film someone and not speak to them. Don't speak to scum like this.

I wish I did something with my life. It's too late now. That's why no one has the answers for me other than "get a job". I don't want to do a deadend job all my life. That's miserable. It's better to be miserable and unemployed than to have a little bit of money. I am simply not going to work ever like SSM.
already missing arboathy/crosslad
feel like pure shit just want it back
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Just want a cute right-wing tradwife.

Simple as x
all right-wing women look like have fucked the family dog
Well bored. Someone recommend a game to play, my squires
Hidden Cats in Rome
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Maybe you should read a book instead of rotting your brain playing vidya.
The unscheduled trip to spaffington hath concluded
I've read 5 books this year
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Trying that Frijj choccy milk for the first time. Some lid recommended it the other day.
bet you wanna sip some of Kamala Harris ' choccy milk don't you

while she commands you where to dispose of your loser goo
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Corr let's just say I wouldn't be opposed to it.
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Think I seen a ghost tonight, I swear as I was walking back homes I seen a fella on a bike with two dogs coming up the park path, I 100 percent seen him take a turn left and around the field which has a fence running along it, after a few seconds I looked over and he was just gone. There's no way he got over the fence with the bike and two dogs, and he wasn't going fast enough to pass me without me noticing. It's like he and the dogs just up and vanished into thin air. Strange stuff indeed.
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Truly inspiring I must say
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Spunk in a freezer.
Looking just like a geezer.
Arby, the Sprogless.
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Well, after trying both I can now confidently say that Yazoo is better than Frijj choccy milk.
The lady looks like the dog who stole the false teeth.
It's objectively not mate, you have shit taste in fucking everything. Absolute mong. Yazoo is for literal children.
Pakis about to riot in Rochdale over that stamp incident at Manchester Airport. Please do it lads, we need some accelerationism.
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Your opinion means for fuck all to me de lid.

Cheers x
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Corr look at this proper english rose

Lovely to behold really
Nice self portrait there lid. Needs a bit more shite in the nappy.
Ruthmong awake yet?
>Gang-raped by africans

The proper term is "culturally enriched", goy
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>he hasn't taken the nappypill
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Few more games of Wortnite then it's beddingtons for me. That woccy milk has proper upset me stomach. It not right.
Correct I haven't and I don't intend to
Mr welper really hates big shots
Another spaff

Could you imagine haha
Me? I'm one day no wuttingtons.
uhh one of them ones when go on youtube looking for summat then get sucked into random videos until you forget why you went on youtube in first place heh
>no sugar
tastes like shit
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makes me kek all these boomer mongs shocked they no longer live in a high trust society
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It's mental how many places there are in the UK I didn't even know existed, and I'm talking about fairly big towns with tens of thousands of people living in them. Wednesbury for example.

What the fuck even happens in Wednesbury.
Yeah, no shit. Everyone wouldve done the same.
>nog pauses to throw up a gang sign in this affluent white neighborhood
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Anyone seen that Creepshow? It has good reviews. Might binge watch the first season this weekend.

You can't have both a high trust society and a diverse society. Pick one.
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>hehe, we'll sell the same size container but only half fill it so those stupid goys pay more for less
might groom a minor
little mong boy in a care home wearing an adult nappy
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I've been up all night. Got an empty feeling in me.
Hope we get some riots like the early 2010s soon. Teach them head kicking pigs a lesson.
Looking forward to a nice day in /britfeel/ with my mates
For once I am on the side of non-whites. They cannot let them pigs get away with this.
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Veitch must've finally been arrested for beating up an old veteran. He hasn't posted in 2 days.
Wish i had a comfy with no responsibilities like you
Fuck off race traitor. You think pakis will give you any mercy once shit hits the fan? We need to stand united against them when it does.
You don't want the gf, money and holidays abroad?
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No girl gonna love you lads. You'll never be on a girl's bedroom wall or on her phone's photo memories. You probably don't even have any good group of friends in your life either.
As someone who has been to almost every single town in England. Wednesbury is on of those places its fine not to know because its in the black country. Loads of places there all merge into one. Not like its own distinct place on a map surrounded by countryside.

Bootle is another fairly large place its fine not to know
I have a gf and a sprog, lad
No you don't. You never post proof.
There isn't any photo of me as an adult and I'm in my 30s. I've never used social media except to make fake/catfish accounts.
I'm not going to post a picture of my son on the internet to win an argument against some incel
Post empty shoe rack
What if you son grows up to be an incel?
>fake/catfish accounts
Did you use these to stalk Ruth?
Phwoar that Charlotte Dujardin can come and whip me if she wants
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I've never had a rack even when I had shoes. My room is a mess. Stuff all over the floor, boxes, fluff and stuff everywhere. Very depressing to see that. I don't know how to deal with it all.
No, this was ages ago and you need accounts these days just to view content.
>What the fuck even happens in Wednesbury.
sex club
Bet your mum has a nice rack
She let me stay like this. She has ruined my life.
>I don't know how to deal with it all.
Clean it?
Just want the tories back, lads
No energy for that. No where to put all this stuff.
Are you fucking baby?
>Are you fucking baby?
its a fucking gimmick lad just ignore him
>fucking baby?
No that's lollers
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Hope we get some SSM lives today
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No just very depressed lad. It's horrible living this life.
Post your comfy pepe mong and tell us how great you live compared to wagies.
His woglet is showing very aggressive behaviour signs and refuses to go to nursery
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lol brutal lad, proper chuckle here
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DVDlad? He's a fucking legend.
this mornings edition of dramafeel is off to a good start
If ruthmong genuinely didnt like his life he would make some changes but it isnt thats why he doesnt
Give him his PIP, and it better be fucking top rate.
Crosslad/Arbroathy probably reading the thread right now tears in their eyes wishing they could join in on the fun... It not right...
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Clearly I'm not enjoying existing so why would I do that?
Why are you providing him with complimentary residential space in your head lad?
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reminder that britfeel is a racism free thread
Because you've done it many times before.
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>While there are many effective treatments, for some it has become a chronic, debilitating illness with recovery far out of reach. This severe, persistent type of depression is what we call "treatment-resistant depression."
snort some ket de lad, its very effective against depression
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She's on her last week at Oxford University. What have you achieved in life?
Why are you not? This is a very serious matter and needs to remembered for years to come.
Ok you have fun with that. Filters are fully up to date.
Drugs aren't the answer. A normal life is.
I am having fun, thank you. Are you?
You are incapable of that though
ASMR is not meant to be sexual yet they do this.

shagged a 4/10 on a night out
bacon bacon mutty time bacon bacon butty times
Anniversary today lads. Going out for lunch to some nice little restaurant in a small village. Will post a pic later on.
Congrats lad. How many years together?
Starting graduate job in a few weeks.
Thanks lad. Four years going strong.
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>Relaxing ASMR Bikini Haul & Try On
Relaxing? It's making me wank to wank
What gimmick are you going to post after your larp expires in August?
Thanks mate.

This isn't me lol, but yes it is actually four years kek
Not sure yet lad. Might pretend to get sacked after a few weeks to spice things up.
Not sure yet lad. Might pretend to get a girlfriend in the first week to spice things up.
Ahahahaha I saw the post on Facebook earlier so thought I'd just do you a solid and reply for you.
Not sure yet lad. Might pretend to not have any luck with the female grads to spice things up.
She isn't even that attractive. Yuck.
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I don't know what to tell you lad. It's not a gimmick. Literally buying desks and chairs etc for the move. No more parents boxroom for me. Instead boxroom in a shared house.
thats a shit chair
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are you implying she's a 4/10?

Smell porkey pies.
Let them seethe lad. You're taking the first step to independence which is more than many here can say they've ever achieved.
What's the point moving out and paying rent only to share the place with some random who might steal your stuff or be a nuisance?
Lmao this is an odd gimmick but I appreciate the enthusiasm.
Ignore seethers, embrace the wfhgrind. I did a few years ago and it has been the best improvement to my life. Very happy for you lad.
Is there a way to get a gf without careermaxxing and not being a chad?
It's the failed normie way of life. The wagie will never understand just how doomed they are until it's too late.
>house share
I did that in my early 20s. Horrible experience. I would rather live with my parents into my 30s than go through that again
Getting my own flat would have cost me too much with bills. I did weigh it up but if I do good at the job there are opportunities to get pay rises once you move on from the 'grad' title. That's when a flat becomes more feasible. This one is all bills included and ensuite. Kitchen is shared with 5 others. I want to save for a couple years as I need a car and driving lessons too. Ideally I wanted a studio/bedsit with everything and all bills but there weren't any available.
Yeah hopefully I end up with okay house mates. They are all 'working professionals', two of them work at the hospital apparently. I did see one of them when I did the viewing, he seemed nice enough. Exchanged some pleasantries. Fingers crossed. It is only a 6 month contract so worse case scenario I'll be gone as soon as that ends if it ends up being horrible.
Go to a cafe with a laptop (must not be a chromebook) and keep the wappuccinos coming. You should be aware though that bringing a mouse for you laptop will set you back a couple months worth of accruing gf points.
Why work and house share when you can get on PIP, get your parents to make you involuntarily homeless and then get your flat? You need a place in order to work.
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Will it be fine to bring a 20 year old laptop with Debian on?
House mates might look at your computer when you're out. Lot of curious people out there.
Room doors can be double locked lad. And my PC has a password on it.
I'm getting almost moved into my new place and there is a gay bar right down the street. Literally a stone's throw a way. I didn't drink but just had dinner there and had a freaking blast . I kinda felt how women feel. Getting hit on all the time. I was talking to this gay dude and his lady friend. She was so easy to talk to and it made me feel human.

I kinda got depressed in a way. Made me wish I was gay. I'd have a boyfriend in no time. But such is life.
Just a password? Someone could easily plug a GNU/Linux live usb in and bypass that.
If people are going to be breaking into my room to do that, I think I have bigger problems to worry about, like my shit being stolen.
The Linux drivel wow again
When someone has multiple identifiable characters they post online, then it's a bored mong. Stop giving these soft cunts attention.
Fair enough. As long as you have nothing embarrassing on there I guess you're not worried.
I actually quite enjoy it lol
>Busy breaking into someone's room the other day
>Open up their laptop
>It runs Linux
>Immediately close it and leave the room laughing at this nerd
I'm an ethical burglar. I always bring a Windows 11 install CD so whenever I come across a Linux PC I can give them a decent operating system while I take their jewellery.
>I use linux its better than windows
No it isn't
>Yes it is it's more secure

This is the basis of the whole gimmick. How many times can you play the same silly game with someone playing a silly game. Are you mongs?
>Are you mongs?
At least one guy here lives in a care homes yes
Mong #1 posts the same knock knock joke everyday
Mongs keep replying to the same gag
All the mongs think they're winning by doing and playing along with the same gag

Alright lads. Who used my IP address to get me banned?
mum found the bong
Knock knock
>who's there?
Not you because you're sat in your boxroom all day
>Not you because you're sat in your boxroom all day
Penis Greg Gregg Austin aka Shippy aka "Penis"
Does HHL have to double wrap his nappies when he's on a multi-day bender?
Another mong reads it all
grow up you soft little cunt
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>be chased down on rogue traders
>tell them clearly on camera approaching me again is unwanted and will fall under the harassment act 1997
>their legal team says stand down and I go on my merry way
Floor to ceiling windows. Perfectly situated to allow for maximum arse pressage against them. If the anus isn't visible then you're not doing it right.
He's awake and the mad posting of personality drama, larps and bait have started
Brown sprogg
Thinking of going on holiday to somewhere in Italy, but can't decide if the north or south would be better, or maybe just Rome? Either way it's all hypothetical unless I can get my passport countersigned.
Why dont you drive to his grotty care home in sunderland and ask him, you can drive, right?
Thursday, 10 am...and what the fuck would I do right now to improve my life? Working in a shit job is not the answer. I won't get a gf if I have a shit job.
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A new day but the same day in every way
Your life is fine, stop worrying so much
He's awake and the mad reading of personality drama, larps and bait has started
Hhhhhaaaaaahahahahaha, LMAO xD omg can you imagine?!?!?! Reading posts on a text based forum aaaaaahhhhhggrgrh that's insane!!!!
>a text based forum
4chan is an imageboard, mong
I'd hate working at the job centre. The endless amount of scruffy, good-for-nothings, and if you get sacked you still have to come in the next day.
Posters are awake and about to read all my spam drama and be riled up by me.
t. lonely shut in fantasist
I enjoy gimmicks and drivel, if i didnt i wouldnt come here.
pwease play my silly online games again today i'm so lonely
Shippy on a mad one today. What makes him so riled up all the time?
same formula everyday
On paper it's not.
I'm not riled up, you just keep posting absolute shite. Occasionally I will respond and put you down for it.
Literally all the working class normies at my place talk about is sex. Fucking constantly.
I'm sick to death it.
Don't talk to me until I've finished my coffee.
Its better than most peoples lifes on earth, you are like in the top 20 percent
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4x lush today de liids

Very high quality post this one. You're an ethical LARPer too because you left me some joy as you stole my time.
i don't work but when i talk to strangers at pubs/music venues the subject of sex life is always brought up. annoying
Say you fucked your gf up the arse and get their reactions.
This is only my 2nd post today after>>78272284
Why is that image called 2xlush? What about shitting your pants makes it 2x but not 4x like normal?
Spamming drivel in morning on your wedding anniversary? Couldn't be me because I'm not married
Waking up before midday? Damn king you're on that grindset today eh?
Legality on waiting at bus stops and not getting on the bus lads? Might be a good audit video.
Yes lad, I'm sure its the bloke who is normal enough to get married (totally not a larp btw) that's decided to spam the thread. Couldn't be any one of the innumerable incel boxroom NEETs who trawl 4chan for sixteen hours a day.
another day of pwning personalities then king, same as everyday and regardless of if they are in the thread or haven't posted in years
Nah. He genuinely is married. I remember him talking about his wedding in July 2020. Think it was just s registry office due to covid but might be wrong
Flag down the buses and stand in front of the doors when they open but don't get on. When the drivers ask what youre doing just stand there silently.

It's not illegal.
He's married
It's his wedding anniversary
He's posting drivel
Why this need for incessant need for drama around personalities.
just took a big sloppy shit proper cleared the bowels
leaving the skids down the back for mummy dearest to clean later
At least we've moved past the tranny porn spam. Genuinely did not want to be in the thread when it was going on. What kind of man have so many pics of cocks and balls saved on their computer?
I got on a bus in Chelmsford once. When I said 'single into town' he said "this one has a lot of stops, the next bus in 5 minutes is more direct and will get you there quicker"

I wonder if he was fobbing me off
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What a life, as they say
There will be a notable drop in drivel for about 90 minutes this afternoon whilst the married man takes his wife out for lunch. But not to worry, normal service will be resumed shortly after
Ooooorrrr maybe he was just helping you out? Your persecution complex is staggering.
which personality is he at war with now?
Who is 'he' and what makes you think he's at way with another personality
Does it even matter? I dont think shippy has the presence of mind any more to know himself.
16 hours everyday of your life revolving around conflict and the drama you create around britfeel personalities. Fuck me lad your life is shite, you come here to sprout out the same shite and act like a kid
debuting a new personality at 3pm
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i propose moving britfeel to >>>/bant/ where they have poster IDs
debuting a new gimmick at 2pm
I bet that felt 4x lush after a great big shit. I once big shat down Waymuff and Helen had to help me wipe it up. so lush SSM xx
you are a nonce mate, a nonce
Nothing wrong with being a nonce as long as you dont actually touch kids
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had a dream last night about my big titty goth fren, she was casually walking around topless but her tits were like A cups at best
not sure why my brain would disappoint me like this
i'll fake it through the day with some help from johnnie walker red
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Camii posting was fun. Shame that died off.
are people doing sign language in these types of videos or is it some just random shite
Very cheeky. Also another one where you actually pay and get on and don't share your seat with a female so she has to stand. Haha.
going to use the word 'randy' more often
We should try this for a thread or two and see if all the spam seethe and drama slows or stops
>going to use the word 'randy'
>free food
>free room
>no bills
>get to do anything you want all day
>no work
>wake up whenever
>sleep whenever

You have a blissful life that millions dream of. You could be using a small amount of your unlimited free time to work out and get hench, you could have learned an instrument. Imagine you stepping outside as a buff instrument playing chad, wouldn't matter if you're jobless or not, women would want you. You could be starvingartistmaxxing for prime pussy.
He'll be wearing a nappy to his wedding anniversary lunch as a treat, but the wife will be none the wiser
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>tfw you will never be fortunate enough to live in a nice middle class city like York

gets me down that. my area is proper grim and soulless.
Who will lad. Very cryptic this is. Something you heard on discord is it?
The fact that you fall for these larps and gimmicks every single time is the depressing part.
Ignore his posts and he'll get bored and fuck off. Its that simple.
Lad he's been here for years doing the same bollocks
reminder that racism is a banable offence
Head like a baked bean. Cock like one too lol.
sodding tictac
it wont lad he will just spam the thread and samefag, larp as personalities and play fight with them online
I'm not good creatively though. I'm shit at most things. I can't draw or paint for shit. I'm no good at learning an instrument like most people. I could go to the gym I suppose but what is there to gain? I do not have a goal like to lose weight because I'm not fat or chubby. I have no money and even if I did I would only spend it on consumables like vidya and gadgets.
I've decided to just die when that becomes a necessity. I do not enjoy life anymore lads. Just coming here is cope.
Meaty fanny
Wife and kids off to her mum's for a few days so get in there.
take benzos and you'll feel different
Nothing worse than waking up to no new SSM uploaf
might as well stop coming here
Lets do it all over again


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