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Why do you still browse here? Why haven't you quit 4chan?
other platforms just not doing it for me. + some good threads here like the dude who got his cock stuck in a cock cage
>Why haven't you quit 4chan?
Why would I do that?
i have quit for some years before. now i have to write my thesis which is more depressing than browsing here
I legitimately don't have a better use of my time despite this place being a shithole
I got tired of grooming minors and I made a few opsec mistakes that could actually led feds to my real identity so now I'm just laying low while using 4chin instead of discord.
I never grow tired of grooming minors
Where else do you go? Discord so some CIA tranny can get you banned/dox you for being a wrongthinker? Plebbit? What is the alternative, OP. Let me guess; "touch grass" even though I do that far more than the obese reddit trannies who use the phrase daily.
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Where else should I go to get my emotions and thoughts out? Everywhere online seems alien to me and people irl don't care having me around.
I don't really want to be here but here I am.
>Why haven't you quit 4chan?
sometimes, I find something funny, and that is enough for me to stay

So real, soo true I relate.
i like talking to people anonymously
it's pure
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Average 4channer quiting btw
Other platforms ban me when I call someone a fag or kike and tell them to kys. So I come here or tf2 chat.
This place made me stop giving a shit over so many things and yet it's the only place that can get me truly upset. It's all the only place in the world where I belong. I deserve this shithole, I guess.
Because there is nothing else to do, Youtube gets boring and repetitive after a while and I want to distract myself from my bad dark thoughts. I feel a bit at home here and I can hide from the the real world that I failed in miserably.
>getting upset over 4chan sperging
Lmao, I can count on one hand the amount of times I've been truly upset in my 10+ years of being here. Irl people are wayyyy worse to deal with than anon, no contest
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I cannot believe anyone here tries to self-improve without trying to quit 4chan cold turkey. This place fucks with your head. Last week and right now are the first time I've browsed 4chan in like 5 months. On /ck/ I saw a thread about some guy posting anti-vegan bait and larping as a carnivore, took me back to my cringey high school years where I'd quote Ron Swanson and /fit/ memes to just people trying to offer me a vegetable. You see more people seething over shit that barely exist anymore like vegans, committing themselves to the opposite, and becoming worse than what they're making fun of ever was.
>Irl people are wayyyy worse to deal with than anon, no contest
True but I barely interact with anyone anyways. At most people at my work annoy me with how much they nag and repeat the same shit over and over again. A lot of shit doesn't phase me in real life or on here but sometimes I'm in a shitty mood or something strikes my autism nerves.
Life's pretty empty desu. Plus I got rid of a main sore point that had to be dealt with.
I hate this website so much, but I have nowhere else to go, everywhere else you get banned and just in general the internet is full of horrible, degenerate, disgusting people. Real life there's nowhere else to go either, there's nothing else to do except go to work, third places irl are non-existent, I just wish I could make some friends where people my age hangout on a frequent basis to have LAN tournaments, play basketball, ride moetocycles, and other things friends do for fun, but it doesn't exist where I'm at. It makes me wonder what people did back 40-50 years ago in their free time.
no other place is better
yeah im quitting after this post
>makes me wonder what people did back 40-50 years ago in their free time
40-50 years ago there was more dance clubs, rec centers, and bars. People back then were also more open to talking to fellow humans, as there was nothing better to do. People don't go outside anymore.
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There are no good alternatives yet and to be honest I don't think they'll ever be.
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I'm going to paraphrase something Scott Adams has said: you can't subtract something from your mental shelf space, you can only add to it. In order to get something out of your routine, you have to crowd it out until there is no time for it left. I haven't found enough activities to fully replace 4chan. Probably the solution is to take up something equally destructive and dopaminergic like an MMORPG.
people do go outside though
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the novelty is unsurpassed.
I abandoned my personal identity on facebook when my parents and grandma joined the site. I don't care to browse instagram all day. Reddit died several years ago, noticeably with the banning of many subreddits.
I actually only really using 4chan after Trump got elected. I was a real political news junkie, it was very entertaining. Now, if I visit pol, i quickly find it's basically unusable. So now I lurk adv and r9k. I like giving and reading advice, and r9k hosts some strange minds, and some truly twisted minds, which is fascinating. Also /drugfeel/ . I spent a lot of time browsing /r/drugs for voyeuristic interest and now i do the same here.
There's no website better than 4chan
Any other social media is too echo chambered or trigger happy with bans
Any other altchan reeks of forum etiquette faggotry or get no replies

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