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Every time I post about my imaginary wife and children, Obsessive daydreaming and generally living in fantasy I get a shittone of replies telling me to see a psychiatrist. Niggers I'm not falling for this shit and delusion has always been more enjoyable with reality. I understand that you're downright bothered, Because of your many social relationships, demanding careers, Responsibilities, etc. you can't disconnect from reality for 10 minutes without being brought back to it and find it incomprehensible how someone like me can live a descent life entirely by fantasizing.
Delusionchads don't fall for this, It's as good as it gets.
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Picrel makes realityfags SEETHE
just buy a hat and take dance classes nigga
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Always remember
How's the wife and kids anon?
Based Ive been daydreaming about a shadow-like creature in my apartament that can fullfill certain things I want if I meet certain conditions. I have been talking to him and thanking him ever so often
Almost perfect. Certainly better than any normie wife I could get and my kids are more obedient than 95%+ of "real" Kids. My wife stays youthful and beautiful no matter how old she is.
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Based therapy is for the weak and retarded. I'm currently having dinner with the ghost of my dead gf and my six Christian kids. WE'RE HAVING A ROASTED HAM! (weirdly taste like canned beans...)
My wife is more obedient and pleasant than any woman any faggot here can get Lmao. Practise hard and you'll achieve this>>78266770 some day.
so true brother, glad I'm not the only one
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Based. Reject reality, embrace solitude
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At this point It might be a superpower, I named the darkness I "see" when closing my eyes and have chats with it, the direction the folds move towards is a different answer (like a shcizo 8 ball), it is really soothing and helps me organize my thoughts as well as see them from a different POV.
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"Those who fail to learn to Voight-Kampff test themselves are doomed to be Voight-Kampffed by psychiatrist pseudo-intellectual pseudo-healers."
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you're almost there but not quite. self-labeling your work as a 'delusion' limits you. it IS reality. an aspect of reality. there's no need to capitulate to the current dogma.
I agree with this post that referring to it as imaginary or delusions could be limiting you. An acceptance of it as reality would probably improve your enjoyment.
You are wrong, I'm driven to delusion as a refuge from reality, I hate reality and how disappointing, tiring, uncomfortable and painfully indifferent it is. I know damn well what my reality is, and this I'm not deluded too.
You need to know what reality is in the first place to take refuge in escapism.
Don't know about you but in my case reality kinda becomes like a dream as in it's hard to remember what just happened or my situation was if I don't focus on it. then both my fantasies and reality have this blurred feeling to them difference being that I don't have to wait for stuff to happen in my daydreams.
Yep, we are creating a new and better reality
And that's what will make you go insane, when you find yourself in the doorway of reality and fiction.
Not completely true.
Literally everything I post about here gets me called insane. I don't care anymore.
>in my case reality kinda becomes like a dream as in it's hard to remember what just happened or my situation was if I don't focus on it
Which is good. For me, frequent indulgence in fiction makes reality pass like it's nothing, I barely even feel alive anymore. Yeah I work, Have to take care of a few things but other than that I hardly create new memories and most of my time is spent in escapist hobbies (tv, movies, books, etc.) or delusion.

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