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Growing up on the internet I've never thought that the anti-lolicon idea would rise up and be a accepted mainstream belief. Even making memes about lolis doesn't fly around anymore.

>remember how in 2010 everyone would joke about "pedobear striking yet again!"?
>then in 2016 shadman got popular and no one batted an eye except for a few?
>and now the only true lolicons left are trannies, twitter nazis and /b/ users? (as far as I know)

A few examples I've seen from real people:
>Chris Tyson recently got exposed this week for liking loli art and buying from shadman
>vaush lost his audience the moment his loli-goblin folder got exposed
>some people dont like breakcore artists like sewerslvt, loli in early 20s and goreshit for using loli stuff in their work nowadays

What and how did this happen? Is it the fact that normies took over the internet during covid?
You mean anti-pedophile?
>vaush lost his audience the moment his loli-goblin folder got exposed
As a staunch vaushite, no he did not
He is in fact still based, and nazis only seethed about his folder because they cried hypocracy (They are lvl 99 archpedos after all)
I don't think that lolicon was ever accepted by the mainstream. It's probably just that more normies have discovered that it even exists
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by mainstream i meant that its what you would see around meme websites and circles like memecenter/9gag/ifunny or twitter/facebook pages from back then
I simply think the current zeitgeist is, trying to find whatever insignificant thing about x person you don't like and then pretend it's on par with murder rape or whatever. And the rest of society will follow through declaring it verboten simply if you screech loudly enough, because when having intellectual/ethical principles becomes inconvenient or uncomfortable it's easier just to discard them altogether and let everything purity spiral.
People these days seem very comfortable with the idea of arbitrarily verboting things. Maybe they always were but were filtered from the discussion pre-internet.
Bro please stop speaking shitty incorrect german to feel intellectual. You just sound ridiculous
lol pedos use loli to deflect and take heat off of their activities by saying it's all ironic.
cuckchan's been bereft with ironybros and pedos love using the "It's a prank bro" response when caught.
im alluding to hitler you dumb cunt
Use correct german then
Sieg ok mein scheissenfuhrer
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Yeah it's crazy how it happened. 10 years ago people though loli was weird but would have laughed at the notion of jailing people for looking at cartoons. I can only blame the hypernormalization of the Internet but it seemed to come on so sudden like you say. Also Zoomers seem to be particularly moralist, being raised in the era of cancel culture.

More concerning is that it even spreads to 4chan, even now you have the usual moralists tripping over each other to decry the evil pedos. This thread will probably be deleted because you're not even allowed to talk about it on 4chan, the site that used to have a board for loli. Crazy.
Normalfags have completely owned the internet for the last decade. Being allowed to connect to the internet basically 24/7 on their phones means that the internet is now specifically catered to them. Long gone are the days of the wild west niche internet where only those with a desktop computer could be a part of it.
Moralists are like animals with no real set of rules, their opinion on things don't matter because they can be told loli bad but pedophilia good just as they're told pedophilia bad and loli bad.
They're animals who will destroy everything because they can. Stop looking at them as people, they're not.
Well being someone who is anti-lolicon today because basically everyone who jerks off to lolicon is a pedophile.

But for me, 10-15 years ago. I was pretty naive and just ignorant. How I remember it, a lot of lolicons generally kept to themselves and the content that did have lolis in that went viral usually where not sexualized. I am also going to guess that the fact that the people who would had probably found it funny then are probably parents now or thinking of starting a family around this time.

Although, I think rather recently I have seen this idea among some people that internet communities will use lolicon as a means of trying to gate keep. While I don't personally have any issues with the idea of gate keeping since this keeps normal fags and sub-secondary's out of a fandom/hobby. But trying to gate keep with lolicon is just going to eventually leave it so everyone in that fandom/hobby is either a pedophile, okay with pedophilia, or too stupid or naive to understand why it's bad. Also when those kinds of communities become so comfortable with people being lolicons and sharing lolicon pornography it is only a matter of time before someone gets comfortable with sharing CSAM, which is basically the death of the group. I think the fact that these attempts at using lolicon to gate keep is probably a reaction to the fact that they know most tolerate them anymore and want to hide behind their fandoms and hobbies.

Also, people who are open about the fact that they are lolicons IRL are some of the most insufferable people on the planet. They will literally base their whole personalities around the fact that they are a pedo.
I kind of blame the rise of the online right as well, your no-fappers and trad LARPers etc., crusading around the Internet making a spectacle of their 'virtue' and owning the 'sub-humans' or whatever. They're certainly the one's the pop up on 4chan, and that reddit screenshot >>78267841 is from the 'dankmemes' sub, which is known to be a bit more of an edgy sub inhabited by a larger contingent of those sorts than others.
I'm not gonna accept that Japan is a land of pedophiles or that child sexual abuse is rampant there. It's not, that's a brute fact. So there is, there can be, a bright red line between art and reality. But in the west that distinction is no longer accepted I guess.
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Sad times ahead lolibros.
Did the faggot mods stop nuking these threads and banning anyone who discussed anything under the new Japanese ownership?

So now days do you just go on a glowie list for posting here rather than being banned?
lmfao pedobear was an anti-pedo meme. Its most common usage was to mock other users for being excessively creepy towards minors. but I'm not surprised you couldn't figure it out since most pedophiles are autistic oxygen thieves.
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No. 4chan has fallen.
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i think little cute anime girls are fantastic. i like them very much. i think wanting to fuck the little cute anime girls or really anything besides going dawww or hehehe is fucked in the head, not good for you, and is likely to promote pedophilic tendencies.

occasionally "cunny" jokes and such can be funny- but its gotta be surreal or ironic enough to be pretty certain the person making the joke doesn't want to fuck the little anime girl.

and people are always trying 2 own the Bad Guys online and a really good way to do that is to call them a pedophile
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Indeed. I should have been born in Japan
It's clear as day that to anyone who's actually been to Japan that lusting after 3d high school girls is normalized there.
Last bastion of freedom of expression
Damn I got baited. Catch ya on the flip side ya freaks.
not people, normalfags, and they've always been against this kinda stuff, the only difference is that they now "control" the online scene too when back in the day they had absolutely no power
Okay look, you're not supposed to voice this, but high school girls are physically attractive. Yes, even outside of Japan, the overwhelming majority of men think this. You can't admit it, nor should you act on it, but that's the age of sexual maturity and attraction to sexually mature members of the opposite sex is not a paraphilia. Don't deny basic biology and lie to me about this. That said, yeah, Roman Polanski should still be in jail.
Voicing things you're not supposed to voice is how you end up with the above posted 30 day or longer bans so of course that's going to influence the opinions people post.
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Was just thinking about this because of an event the other day. I'm just minding my business and like three feet away eating at a restaurant, a loli spawns into my field of view like a pokemon, clumsily walking around and then she pauses, with zero shame like 3 feet away from me, lifts up her shirt to wipe something off her face. She does it clumsily with both hands for a few seconds before going back to her wandering around and eventually making her way back to her rowdy large family. I essentially got flashed by a 10 year old. My reaction was complete disgust and the only thing aroused in me was a parental urge to snap at her and scold her about manners. I obviously held my words and said nothing. The actual thing looked nothing like how cute anime girls are portrayed.

But the actual portrayal of anime girls? Yeah I'm sometimes a fan of it. I think there is an instinctive reaction to actual little kids in most non-mentally disabled people where we don't go "ooga booga naked human = sex". That's why actual child porn is so fucked up in concept. Lolis are fantasy on par with futanaris or monster girls or any other hentai trope that doesn't exist. In actual real life, kids are a protected class by your own evolutionary instincts.

>I can only blame the hypernormalization of the Internet
It is surely this
People live breathe and shit on the internet 24/7
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i think personally part of it is because ive seen jailbait threads (back when i was much younger on 4chan and loli threads were common) and idk some of them looked like kids but then again i was a kid so i didnt know how to check ages

maybe some loli posters were actual pedos?
im sure that even if its teh most common crime to be happening in japan, its still the lowest rate, even lower than any other country >>78268140
cute art
what was posted? loli or real stuff?
i wouldve jumped at the sight, jesus lol
yeah, that was back then, the meaning changed now, every time i go on tiktok and someone posts pedobear art they always caption it with "why did he have to be a pedo symbol"

picrel: artwork from loli artist who people on tiktok talk bad because they didnt draw loli stuff until recently
I was at a hippie thing at the park a few years back where there was a lot of topless women, just cause I was curious. And right in front of me this hippie mom took off her 11 year olds top right in front of me cause her kid wanted to fit in or something. That's when I decided things had gotten too weird for me and headed home.
Now with all this talk of nudity how do americans handle the public swimming pool exactly?
Because when I was little when i went with mom she would bring me into the women's and I'd get to see a lot of naked ladies.
And when we went with dad my sister would get to see lots of sausage.
And when we got older and went with school and on our own well I still got to see a lot of dick. All these fat old dudes always occupying the sauna and with their dicks out.
I see a lot of americans act like if you see a mature dick below the age of 18 you'll turn into a catatonic vegetable or something.
It's easy to see why it would be viewed as creepy. Also, ive liked sewerslvt and goreshit fire a long time butnjust discovered loli in early 20s today. I like it a lot.
>what was posted?

do you have any proof it can lead to pedophilic tendencies?
the whole "gateway to pedophilia" argument is overdone and has little to no proof to support it.

im not attracted to lolis sexually either, but im sick of people spreading misinformation about it
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>And when we went with dad my sister would get to see lots of sausage
There's a doujin with this theme out there somewhere
SJWs just want something to be mad about. I wonder what the next non-issue they'll wage war over will be?
You need to go back
>This thread
Holy shit the internet truly is full of normalfaggots
Pedos have always been anathema in normal settings. Mostly because they're the one sexuality that it's okay to hate and people gotta hate someone. I don't think anything changed on that, people just became more censor-happy and desperate for people to attack.

If anything I think (as dumb as it sounds, and only on the internet) lolifags gained a bit of sympathy from uoh memes, it's hard to hate the heartfelt earnesty of a japanese lolicon twitter post. But that still doesn't mean you're allowed to show your power level irl sorry
She changed her name to "rory in early 20s" and tried to claim that loli did not have the same meaning all the way back when she named herself that... in like 2016 lmao
Sad that people bullied her into feeling like she had to change it but are you really going to pretend nobody knew what loli meant until 2023
Do people even know anymore that genre of music was called lolicore before they tried to sanitize it?
none of it should fly yet we have a zillion porn sites and trans flags and lewd garbage poisoning everybody every fucking day
You're fucking retarded to be thinking vaush is based by any stretch of the imagination. There's literally not a bigger loser to follow.
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Unironically say sorry to Jesus. Say you regret that you looked at CP. I know that every Lolicon has watched CP. Stop denying it. Just say sorry. Say you are lost, degenerated, in the gutter spiritually. Our most holy God can lift you out of this degeneracy, he can heal you. Repent before it's too late.

>Chris Tyson recently got exposed this week for liking loli art and buying from shadman
This one in particular I was kind of confused about. He literally dindu nuffin and people are trying to crucify him. I guess it's probably just because he's a tranny.
>but are you really going to pretend nobody knew what loli meant until 2023
It's not that no one knew what it meant. It's just that no one gave a shit about drawings.
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>As a staunch vaushite
why haven't you killed yourself yet for supporting an fake-anarchist, authoritarian pedophile manchild?
Normalfags. They've always thought loli was pedo, and they aren't wrong, but they think it's literally as bad as raping a child for real.
a fuckton of normies became anime fans during 2020 for some reason and they brought their politics with them. forget even loli, you can't find any "underage character" attractive anymore. remember the Asuka vs Rei waifu war? shit wouldn't fly nowadays. artists that draw suggestive/nsfw art of "minor" characters literally get sent death threats
>remember the Asuka vs Rei waifu war? shit wouldn't fly nowadays

It doesn't fly nowadays, period. What does fly is dozens of reminders of their ages and accusations of pedophilia if someone even implies they're attractive. And god help you if you dare discuss Asuka's hopeless crush on Kaji, because they will analyze your text with forensic tools (and accusations will fly again). I'm an evafag and I've seen it many times.
here's a popular fairly recent example. so back in February this guy posted a fuckton of fanart of Maki from JJK who is LITERALLY 15-16-17 (she doesn't actually even have a canon age lmao) and this had literally hundreds of thousands of people wanting him dead and shit, all for fanart of her drawn as thick
This was written by a jew it might as well be hebrew. Kill yourself worthless pedoshit
>Is it the fact that normies took over the internet during covid?
yeah basically, also for some reason it's tiktok specifically that has the ability to kill niche media, no other social media site is even remotely capable of this
I'm trying to square this supposed anti loli backlash with the fact that Gura is still the most subscribed vtuber and somehow hasn't been cancelled.

Also wasn't there guys walking around offkai with ToT shirts?
I think it's driven in big part by women. Women have been invading male spaces online one by one. They screech about le pedos and simp faggots can't help themselves, they can never antagonize a woman and tell her to fuck off and go screech about it to her harpy friends.
>supposed anti loli backlash
It was a gradual thing until very recently. A few major e-celebs were outed as "pedos" (read: she was a 17 year old child you sick fuck) so all the perma-online failed normalfags are turning it up to 11.
Somehow they haven't come for Biboo yet but if they do I'm gonna be very sad and not do anything and then feel like I've failed as a pebble.
dude anti-loli loli YouTubers are a thing for some reason I can't explain it
>it's tiktok specifically that has the ability to kill niche media
It's because zoomers constantly want to normalize their niche hobbies due to fear of backlash from peers. zoomers are just npc's that live off of social approval
because it's common sense
They're niggers. Niggers do this to each other all the time if one acts "too white" or they're in the presence of an African substitute teacher.
t. Public grade school ejamuhcashun
Where in >>78267711 did I say anything implying that I support anti-lolis?
Read better next time.
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>An entire generation acting like niggers
BBC must really be that good huh?
I don't really give much of a shit about loli, it's generally harmless on its own
But the thing is, actual, real pedophiles have latched onto loli and make it part of their personality (like gooners/groomers)
A normal person doesn't trade lolicon pics with their friends, a normal person doesn't post loli on twitter, a normal person doesn't hang loli art of a real life child on their wall...
There's a line, and these sicko pervert trannies have crossed it
They don't just wack off to Japanese Loli manga, they get off on ACTUALLY GROOMING IRL CHILDREN
And they're using what used to be the "acceptance" of lolicon to get their foot in the door and try to normalize grooming

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