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For all discussion of drugs and drug usage.
>Community-driven substance encyclopedia.
>Virtual tripsitting and drug combo information.
>Drug discussion board, trip report, library, and other informational index.
>Non-profit org for drug discussion, research, and harm reduction.
>Mushroom (and other substance) discussion, cultivation, trip reports, and identification.
>DMT (and other substance) discussion, cultivation, and trip reports.

Drug testing services (some are regional):
>drugsdata.org (connected to erowid, currently under maintenance, otherwise good)

Recently I've been considering analogues of modafinil and other eugeroics, anyone here have experience with them?
shrooms...so scary yet so tempting...
>so scary
just do acid instead
Just lemon tek alone in the dark in silence
drugs suck to get in ma country, ppl only sell fake shit so i only get high on what I myself grow

if i tried to get lsd id get nbombed and testers cost a shitton, shitsux
I've got like 3g of shrooms that a friend sold me a year and a half ago. Haven't found the time to sit down and set time aside for a nice, controlled trip.

Anyone else holding out on themselves?
I made myself some shrooms but had a bad time on a trip and now I'm too anxious 24/7 to even consider a second trip. I've been sticking to opioids and benzos in the mean time.
I have like 200 hawaiian baby woodrose seeds im waiting to get into. I did dmt recently and letting my receptors flush, i took one and it was pleasant but not a trip at all. Just mild nice feeling brain tingles here and there while feeling really relaxed for a few hours. Doing 3 next time
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Just got some 600mg of morphine pills for a steal (by my country's standards). Plug was cool and vety relatably autistic as well, thank you mister plug lmao. Damn do i feel fucking depressed now for some reason though. I need to learn how to stop constantly mentally dissociating from my body and surroundings, it's ruining my mental health and highs
Got my hands on some speed paste to study more efficiently, accidentally overdid the dosage once and felt a lot happier and more content than I did ever in my life w/o drugs.
How fucked am I?
I catch myself thinking about doing full dosages from time to time, but did not do it again yet since I'm afraid of addiction.
Should I stay away from drugs since they elevate me away from baseline emotional state by a lot?
Or should I do them recreationally from time to time to fix my psyche?
I feel like amphs fix my self esteem issues temporarily.
I literally did a lot more progress on studying, made friends and started to approach women with the intent to date since I started taking amphs once every 2-3 days, I literally feel my life improving because I doubt my decisions less and feel like I have more control than I do when I'm baseline sober.
I don't get bad effects afterwards, the speed slowly wears off and I feel the afterglow for like one day because I kinda condition myself to think more positively about life and it carries over to the sober state for some time.
Also no motivation or sleeping issues yet, I sober up really quickly (sometimes I do dose at 19:00 to study and still fall asleep at 23:00).
How bad do I harm myself by doing this?
Might also have some proto ADHD, a lot of things speak for it. But I'm not a fan of self diagnosing since that's a thing only retards take seriously who like to sniff their own farts.
If you find that you can not handle temptation then stay away. If you can handle the temptation, then you will be just fine. Be wary of that temptation whenever it arises and you should be okay.
If you find yourself giving in to that temptation when you shouldn't be, then quit.
What would be some good criteria to decide when it's inappropriate to do amphs?
Like what question should I ask myself to decide if I'm in danger of just becoming an addict or if I'm just anxious?
It's my first time with using hard drugs, and I don't want to overstep the boundary into "abusing". I had no accurate idea or plan before going into it, I just heard it helps with studying and I'm in a desperate position to study more since exams are coming up and I'm hitting the credit limits on my bachelor slowly...
Is there a set of rules you would recommend?
Watch out for the nausea and vasoconstriction. With HBWR you always feel the nausea come on first, then severe fatigue (but you won't be able to fall asleep lol) then you start "tripping".
No visuals but some weird thoughts arise.
>first time with "hard" drugs
Ay don't worry about it my man. I have the mentality that drugs are just another temptation in life, like candy. When I'm feeling particularly in the mood for some chocolate and I remember I have a whole crisp chocolate bar in my fridge, I simply must resist that temptation and remind myself of how horrible my life will become if I give in. That candy will fuck up my sleep and give me terrible anxiety if I give in to it at a random time. You can apply this same thinking to drugs.
>what question should I ask myself
I would track your usage. Personally I use an app on my phone (it has the psychonaut wiki logo and is just named "Journal" fwiw), but something like a calendar would work too. Just make sure you track what days you consume, and how much. If you start consuming more often, or more overall, than you want to allow yourself, then you must quit immediately and take an extended break before even considering any more drug use at all. If you feel, at any moment, that you are doing something wrong, then take a wide step back and stop all usage until you are certain that you are okay. Simply practice extreme caution.
>just heard it helps studying
Then it should only be for studying. Keep your use limited. Something like once a week, only on a specific day of the week right? I did a similar thing with opioids last year (I'm also studying for a bachelors too) and I simply restricted myself to every Sunday only. There was one week where I allowed myself to consume on a Friday and Monday, at which point I immediately quit for a whole month to reevaluate myself, my life, and my usage.
There is ultimately much more I could say, but it really depends on how you personally "tick" so to speak. I know what works for me, and I have been able to stick to it because it fits for me. You personally might prefer something like having a friend you could talk with to keep you in check or something.
Experience life and come to know yourself. Once you detect anything resembling a problem (just like here and now) then pounce on it (also just like here and now) until you are comfortable with it.
Ive heard people say theres visuals and theyre like really weak lsd(which i havent done) but somehow feel like more than lsd despite definitely being less
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Anyone have experience with fentanyl? I've met several girls who do it and I want to join, it's been fearmongered to hell but if it was that deadly why are there so many users? I don't want reddit tier lectures, I want feedback especially if it was street fentanyl/dope
Thanks man, that's actually solid advice. I appreciate it a lot
>anyone have experience with fent
Check out bluelight.org. They have a part of their forum dedicated to fentalogues and nitazenes if I remember correctly. Ultimately I don't expect them to be in this thread of all places, maybe even r*dd*t would be better.
>if it was that deadly
It is often spiked into things when not intended. Additionally, many people who do consume it are not measuring it with a proper microgram scale, nor are they volumetrically dosing to achieve proper sub milligram dosages. It is these factors that cause problems. That, and the typical problems with those who go into drugs for the wrong reasons. You can use it correctly.
>I want feedback if it was street fent/dope
As with all drug speculation, the proper course of action is to just ask the user(s). It is impossible to speculate without a whole bunch of details that we simply do not have.
Of course, all in a day's work. I've spent a lot of time thinking about this stuff as I have come to do more and more substances. My goal is to try as many things as possible in life just out of curiosity. The further you go, you too will either find a method that works or end up dead trying (myself included, tbf).
You should be able to buy crackers at your local smoke shop.
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Thinking about hitting LSD tomorrow, but damn it the afterglow is always so horrible for me.
The high is contemplative bliss and womps me out of body, but when I'm back from earth and the pleasant starter afterglow wanes off, I feel all the illness unfiltered in my body and have depression from being a meat suit for a few days.

Any tipps on how to overcome this, or is it inevitably because I'm a sensitive bussy?
Do dmt when you get sad at how reality is gay as fuck to hold you over until the comedown period passes
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I want to try amanita muscaria but I wanna make sure I get enough so I can give it a chance but I also don't want to poison myself. What would the best dosage be for a 6'7" 340lb guy to take? Also are dried ones the way to go or should I wait until they're in season and then get some?
Theyre pretty to identify, but for a sure thing you can do online. Get dried and boil them in water with some lemon juice or other acidic thing that wont be ass(like vinegar would be shit lol), then put that in a tincture and let it sit in sunlight for a while. Maximum decarboxylation for as much muscimol and as little ibotenic acid as possible. Use a bunch of caps, like 10 caps for the tincture but just take a small drink from it and wait an hour or two to see how you feel before going further. Alternatively just use 1 cap, test the waters then use 2 in another tincture and keep going up like once a month until you hit the proper trippin threshold for yourself. Other more knowledgeable anons might have better input but thats what i gather from my own research
The brunt of the muscimol is in the colored part just under the cap's outermost flesh
anyone have experience with invega schizo medication paliperidone palmitate. I'm scared I'll never trip lsd again. I know it turns speed down but I want to know if the tolerance would let me trip again
What is it called when you take acid, molly and Percocet together?
The most enjoyable and introspective heart attack/stroke combo ever
feeling good I don't know why I ever quit weed using it to quit hard shit
My psych had me take this once. Had this really awful sensation like I was disconnected from my thoughts and I was transforming into a vegetable/a retard
>The brunt of the muscimol is in the colored part just under the cap's outermost flesh
By coloured part, do you mean the yellow flesh just underneath the red skin? I've tripped on amanita twice, but I didn't perform an extraction first. I just crushed up the cap, brewed a tea and discarded the pieces of mushroom after the tea was brewed. I was listening to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQqBLNHml6o, and I felt like I was drifting around in space; it was awesome.
Candy fleeking
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Stimulants to stay awake and depressants to sleep. The life ruiner's combination.
nah, anon should take the dmt during the acid trip to really have a good time. doing dmt when youre in a bad mood seems like a waste.
how long should I boil them for? what would be a good ratio of water and lemon juice?
There is a full tutorial on psychonautwiki.org
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Hi there I've done over two dozen extractions of muscimol from Amanita Muscaria caps so let me shed some light. Firstly you are definitely going to want to wait until they are in season and forage fresh caps. Dried caps are going to be insanely over priced for what you get, and there's no real way to know the potency. Second when you do forage for your own caps, keep in mind that bigger caps are not always more potent, unopened caps usually contain much more muscimol than bloomed ones. Also you do want to harvest the stipes as well, pull firmly at the base of the stipe and you should pull up a bulb. For extraction you should cube the caps and stipes you've harvested and simmer them in a low pH solution. The idea is to keep the pH between 2.5-3. I use 5 cups of tap water with 13 oz of lemon juice from the store. If you are too lazy to buy a pH meter you can google the pH of your local municipalities tap water and then use a calculator to figure out how much lemon juice you need. Mix your lemon juice and water, bring the solution to a boil, then put in the prepared mushrooms and reduce to a simmer and cover, simmer for 3 hours. Then use a colander to separate the remaining mushroom pieces from the solution and the solution contains your extracted muscimol. Feel free to drink as much as you'd like and freeze the rest, it'll last for 2+ years in the freezer. I actually just did a dose that I'd had frozen for 2 1/2 years, it lost potency but I still got high. Use volumetric dosing and keep in mind that the solution will be more or less potent depending on how many caps were extracted in it. For your first extraction I'd only recommend doing like 4 mushrooms at most and drinking like 1/10th to 1/4th of the solution for your first time. Hope that helps anon! Please report back if you do try Amanita
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just ordered some ecstasy im so excited bros
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Anyone have any experience with sodium valproate?
Why is weed so taboo in Asia?
weed is grown and smoked all over Asia, so I don't get it either
called in sick for work and now smoking some Heroin on this sunny morning.
Gonna watch some anime now
Life is beautiful
A lot of countries in SEA have very strict religious laws when it comes to shit like that iirc
>weed is grown and smoked all over Asia
I was about to disagree with this, then I thought about it and realised you were right. It is legal in Thailand and grown readily in the Golden Triangle and across SEA. You can find rural farmers growing and smoking it in Japan, India and the Yunan province in China. Afghanistan, and Lebanon are world famous for their hash. Cannabis is native to the Asian continent, yet Asian governments and Asian societies at large still treat weed smokers like fentanyl users.
It's a fucking crapshoot, anon. The figures don't lie. I've lost 3 friends to it. It's only a matter of time until those women die. If you somehow do manage to survive, you've got a crippling addiction that will rule your life.
I loved smoking heroin, but once I tested for fent, I walked straight into treatment. Been on suboxone 3 years. You may as well be wanting to smoke crack... Fent is waaayy deadlier.
Don't be retarded.
you should candyflip then use the percs for the comedown. although, the might just knock you out. which isnt the worst thing on a candy comedown
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I'm a big fucking weedhead. I'm smoking bongs and staying cool in the middle of the night.
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I've got 5 doses of DMT that I'm afraid to try. I'd be all over those mushrooms though. Always a good time.
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Yes, be careful! That feeling won't last and you'll start chasing it by being high all the time and needing more progressively. I did that with adderall. I enjoyed taking a bit more than needed and then discovered insufflation. After a few years of this I tried meth, which was just the same thing but 10X stronger and more euphoric. It's just like the ladder you climb from Vicodin to heroin, and now sadly, Fentanyl and death. It's VERY uncommon to be a functional regular user of hard drugs for very long. You may make it months, maybe years, but it WILL take you down. You'll lose everything. Or you'll just not be into drugs. But to be into drugs is to eventually lose everything. You'll have to find out which one you are. Enter at your own risk.
I'm a guy who had to start over and put his life back together after doing hard drugs. I lost everything great in my life. You think it won't happen to you. I was too smart to get sucked in. Just wait until you NEED those drugs. I never stole or killed for them, but I spent everything I had and lost my pride and respect in pursuit of them. Bad people, bad vibes, bad experiences.
You won't be able to get out of bed without speed, and then you're fucked. I stayed up 4 days once. I'm lucky to have survived my accident.
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That info in your image is total fucking bullshit. The stuff killing hundreds of thousands a year is SYNTHETIC fentanyl.
Just because it occurs naturally in some tribal tree in buttfuck nowhere doesn't mean squat because it's not concentrated to the lethality it is in the Chinese powder they're improperly mixing into knockoff Xanax. I hate the internet for shit like that. Total retarded bullshit message that concludes with 'do not let the media fool you'. For fuck's sake.
What even would be the motivation to tell people that fentanyl isn't harmful? Just in the Fight Club prank sense? That shit isn't cool anymore; these new idiots don't know any better.
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If you mean online please educate me on how.
If you 'ordered' from your local dealer nevermind.

Since Silk Road shut down I'm lost on how to get specific drugs over the net. I can get hard street drugs if I want to deal with those types of people. But the idea of getting some LSD or xtc - ketamine, I've always wanted to try that - easily and anonymously with crypto is great. I had Tor and everything and got drugs once on SR, but that was 12 years ago and I don't know where to begin now.
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Isn't it obvious? They're an extremely busy and organized society/culture. Weed is the absolute antithesis to working 16 hours a day and packing into trains and going going going until you kill yourself or collapse from exhaustion.
Much more conducive to speed and/or booze; just get through it no matter what and then numb yourself with Suntory at the karaoke bar.

Weed, with some definite exceptions, is a lazy man's vice.
Smoked a few roaches.
Minimal buzz.
Wish I could grow my own weed.
Let's see what we can do.
Tor taxi or dark fail.
It's the same basic idea as SR but you'll want Monero instead of Bitcoin nowadays.
2C-B or Mescaline are far more affirming. Try that.
Look into sprouting them. That converts the LSA to LSH.
Start by purifying your paste so you can sus out how much you actually like.
My drugs just arrived, lads. Took a very small dose of the Methiodone, juts to test. I can feel it a little already, tho. Anyone got experience with it (or Methadone, to get a buzz, 0 tolerance)?
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I'm about to get surgery but I'm addicted to kratom and the usual hydrocodone pills definitely won't work right. How can I nigger the surgeon into giving me something stronger?
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Best drug for curing a broken heart?
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>30C outside
>fan just died
drugs for this feel? I feel like I'm dying
>No air conditioning
Are you poor or something?
yeah? I wouldn't be complaining if I got an AC
that was the only fan in the house too
I highly doubt any of those girls are completely new to fent like you or have the proper tools to dose it correctly. If one is a newbie then I'd say to see how she reacts before you try it but still be very cautious and have narcan on sight.
Benzos. Nothing let's you give less of a fuck about everything.
Either that or opiates.
Opioids help a lot. I had the worst psychosomatic pain of my life after my fiance dumped me and I wish I knew about it sooner. I was sitting in nonstop pain for 8 months. Be careful though, withdrawals are horrible.
Kratom/ opioids always help me regulate my body temperature (or just not care either way). Whichever is easier to get your hands on. Alcohol kinda helps too in low-moderate amounts. (Do not go heavy you're gonna get very dehydrated)
Why are you spending money on drugs if you are poor?
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leave me alone man
If you have an addiction then in the name of safety tell them. They're going to presumably be dosing you will all kinds of drugs, so if you add anything onto that without them knowing then you might get fucked from it.
It's just gonna be under local anesthesia and nitrous, I got the same after having my wisdom teeth removed and I was addicted then. The dentist was very good at her job however and it didn't even hurt hours after.
I heard that if you tell your doctor about your addiction they straight up won't give you pain medication. Is this true?
after your brain gets used to it you can trip again took me 2 years.

yes. it caused hair loss. now i flush it.
Definitely. Generally it is best to keep it between just you and a paramedic in emergencies.
I posted here to another anon going into an operation that they should reveal that due to the combined respiratory depression caused by opioids with other sedatives.
Marisa's bad apple was laced
My dog was prescribed opioid pain medicine after getting spayed but is back to 100% now. There are two pills left. What would happen if I took them?
NTA but if it's kratom would it even matter?
What chemical is it? If it's an opioid then you'd get an opioid high. How intense it is depends on what chemical and the dosage.
Eh, perhaps. Personally it makes me hesitant but assuming you are taking a very low amount you ***might*** be okay. No promises though.
Your health, good luck broski.
Hydrocodone, I don't remember the dosage and the bottle is all the way upstairs and I'm too lazy to get it. She's 35 pounds though so definitely no risk of an overdose.
I had a urgery planned while i was doing H at the time. They called the surgery off because of that, nad becuase it was just minor anyway and they didn't wanna take any risk.
But i also heard of a buddy, who was way deeper into H than me, that he had a surgery and didn't tell them and it went good.
So yeah, idk. If you wanna be safe, tell them, otherwise don't if it's an important surgery
>so no risk of an od
Don't make assumptions like that, you'll come to regret it eventually.
Read up here: https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Hydrocodone
Go for 30-40mg and you'll be feelin' fine my friend. Also is this your first time with an opioid? You'll be really feeling it then, have fun.
how do you guys work up to the third plateau on dxm? do you take it all at once?
i just took a second plateau dose, so if i wanted to go to third plateau should i wait a bit then take it?
>should I wait a bit
I'd reckon that'd only diminish the overlapping time of the doses that would be a 3rd plateau. Just like any drug, if you want a higher effect, take the entire dose at once. Staggering is usually reserved for either prolonging an experience or for preventing certain problems.
It's two pills for a 35 pound dog and it's hydrocodone, there's just no way. Nope, not my first rodeo I just heard from my parents a while back that you'd get violently ill from eating any pill made for dogs because they put something in it that makes humans sick. I find that highly unlikely as an adult however, I think they were just trying to scare me. There's nothing online that says that, only that the pills aren't made up to human standards. Can't wait :D
i see, psychonauts wiki reccomended working up towards it which is why i asked, but i dont really want the high to last all day
>that parent story
Lol, a nice cautionary tale to prevent kids from being mischievous.
>psychonautwiki says
I assume it meant over multiple distinct trips to familiarize one's self with it. Kinda like how you do with psychs or other dissos.
yea, thats how i'm betting it is now
one time i read on the shroomery forums that smiling helps prevent nausea
i know it makes you look retarded but has anyone tried it?
what should i do while high on dxm
last time i used my computer then laid on my bed rolling around enjoying it
or maybe that is the correct thing to do, since its a dissociative
On the upper levels you can time travel. Close your eyes and imagine your past, it'll feel like you're actually there.
i took 60ml, which is sandwiched between second and third plat according to the tripsit calculator for me
im starting to feel it already
so far just sitting back in my chair is pretty comfortable and i dont feel like getting up
overall i'm interested in dxm mainly because dissociation intrigues me and i've had it occurred to me in the past (without drugs), but first time i took dxm i didnt really feel much of that
this time is my second
as a side note, smiling is seeming to work for me in combination with sitting back to avoid nausea
60ml of robocough*
which = 600mg of dxm
this thread is so fucking dead
Wew lad, you're definitely gonna be feeling that. First time I did it I felt nothing, after that I drank 5oz of delsym and went to the 4th plateau. Don't go to the 4th the body load, robowalking, and nystagmus are unbearable. 3rd is peak for an actual trip and 2nd is best for fun.
It's always like this, anon. I've been here for years. Just give it time.
If you're weight correlates with that dose being at the 4th however just ride it out, you'll be fine. The time traveling on that plateau was amazing and I had a positive out of body experience.
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wew lad a fuckin' /r9k/ general
i'm feeling it alright, but honestly, i'm not dissociating
or maybe i already have and havent noticed it
i'm used to the feeling of dissociation so maybe thats why since i dissociate while i'm sober
these feelings are pretty incredbile though
i dont know how to put it
i feel fed up with this world, with politics, with people, i feel like i just need out
everything is streeeeeetchy looking
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You can peel off the skin of the cap, and therell be a much more brightly colored glossy flesh underneath. Its that stuff. But theres muscimol all throughout even the stipe, just the brunt of it is concentrated there
have drugs helped you guys confront some of your fears or stresses?
I managed to confront some of my social anxiety about messaging my friend through an LSD analogue, my first psych. I talked on the phone with them for a while about it and I feel much more comfortable with them, months later, having done so.
Don't tell me the current RC disso is FXE pls
Depends, i guess. Over here, for a while it was 2f-dck, but it hasn't been available for a while now, adly.
Daily. I've been self-medicating with benzos and from time to time opioids, because otherwise i have crippling anxiety and it improved my life a lot.
3-HO-PCP helped me confront some negative things that were otherwise difficult to think about
Third day of drinking. Not planning on stopping for a while. I'll try to avoid going for like three weeks which is what happened last binge though.
Was supposed to buy whiskey today but felt more like vodka so I'm drinking vodka mixed with mandarin juice. Good shit. Also got some shit wine and I also have some left over beers from yesterday. Planning on keeping up a comfy buzz and reading for a few hours and after that I'll maybe play some vidya, get properly drunk and then fall asleep.
Thank you for reading my blog and cheers.
I always appreciate the usage blogs. Thank you for the song, cheers man.
guys, how do i make GHB?
does anyone know where i can find that out?
that image kek.
also have a good binge. the best binges are when you dont drink more than one or two weeks tho so watch out when the time comes.
but still, fucking about sober is pain so enjoy.
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Good to hear they arent a bother
I'll update mine a bit: hit the thc vapes I had a few times and seems like they still had some left because I'm feeling a bit high too
>the best binges are when you dont drink more than one or two weeks tho so watch out when the time comes.
Yeah I noticed. Had a vacation trip planned when I stopped drinking and I definitely noticed increased anxiety and sweating. That being said I could handle it easily because I had a bad case of agoraphobia in the past and I've had to go through benzo wd/s so I've learnt to deal with anxiety pretty well. I know GABAergic kindling is a thing though so I'll try to avoid overdoing it too much in the future. Might not succeed but whatever. Honestly I likely will drink myself to an early grave. It's not me and my mind alone. Like half of my close family are some form of alcoholics so theres a genetic connection as well.
Yeah...Fuck being sober.
Based. Finnish metal is peak.
same man. my family is either heavy drinkers or mentally ill. its ironic that the heavy drinkers are the most normal seeming people when sober compared to the nutcases who never drink. all of them miserable and angry all the time. wondering if i ever stood a chance, if it isn't genetics that make drinking so pleasurable for me its how neglect and abuse robbed me of the ability to feel happy and connect with others. miserable if i do miserable if i dont.
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>same man. my family is either heavy drinkers or mentally ill.
The funny thing is that I'm supposed to be the most "normal" in my immediate family while I'm probably the most fucked up. I'm just good at hiding it. It's better this way though. I think it's easier to be not known by other people. Even if it's people you're supposed to be close with.
>its ironic that the heavy drinkers are the most normal seeming people when sober compared to the nutcases who never drink. all of them miserable and angry all the time.
I've noticed a similar pattern. Perhaps it's because they dont have the comfort we get from alcohol. Don't know and don't really care. I avoid people who create conflict.
>wondering if i ever stood a chance, if it isn't genetics that make drinking so pleasurable for me its how neglect and abuse robbed me of the ability to feel happy and connect with others. miserable if i do miserable if i dont.
Fuck man. I feel exactly the same.
how do you guys get off a bad trip, or atleast make it better?
i'm mainly speaking of psychologically having a bad experience like anxiety and what not
>inb4 benzos
alcohol helped me once
You could literally apply the infographic to opium/poppies and it would be mostly correct otherwise this is bullcrap.
alcohol, benzos and also some anti-psychotics block some psychs activity
aside from those i've once managed to turn around a bad trip simply listening to music and lying in my bed under a blanket
its almost frustrating chatting with ''literally me''s online because i finally find someone with pretty much the exact problems i have which i never do in real life but there simply is no solution. feels like i'm *this* close to the answer.
Are you a neet. I need to know how everyone is living without jobs.
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Imo there is no universal answers and despite sharing the same problems in the end it is the envivorment which shapes us the most. Genetics play a big part but the envivorment changes the most and no two people share exactly the same circumstances. Hence despite the same coping mechanisms and problems they don't stem from the same source and aren't treatable in the same way.....if at all...... Regardless I think when you're lost trying everything and anything is at least worth a shot. Not that it means much because I haven't really gotten better. Sure I might be able to deal with agoraphobia now and do more things but at the end of the day I'm doing it on borrowed time because no matter how much I act I can't handle life and the more I try the more I end up abusing susbtances for relief.
Regardless in the end to me just hearing that I'm not the only one who feels and acts like this helps. I feel less like a failure...
The though of death comforts me. No matter what one day I will no longer have to feel anything.
Currently yes. The only reason I'm living at all instead of being homeless and dead is because I was born in a country with a good welfare system.
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wtf do you guys do off drugs that isn't jerking off? I was lonely and horny in my basement, but now I'm just lonely and horny and drunk in my basement.
first time i did weed it was an edible and i was an idiot who didn't think about the dosage and got too high and it put me off (it was 30mg) for quite a while. is smoking carts as good as people say it is, i assume it feels way better when you inhale and you can control how you feel
whats that supposed to mean? what do i do with my life? what does everybody else do
use 4chan, take classes for university, talk with friends, cook food, eat food, take a shit, do hobby stuff like art or woodcrafting, etc.
depends on the drug. i mainly do psychs and dissos and they kill my libido. if youre just doing stims alone then yeah theres not much else to do but jack off and play games.
no like what to do when you are on drugs

yesh I think you get it anon
I think I read here that cigarettes will help with my adhd so I bought a pack and it didn't do shit :( I just want to be able to focus on one thing ever in my life.
it really depends, stims are good for studying if you take therapeutic doses although a lot of people start doing that but then eventually go overboard. on 2c-b i was extremely horny but the porn i was watching kept morphing and i got distracted all the time by details on my screen so it took forever
never take advice from 4chan without looking for any research that backs it up, cigarettes pretty much just make you addicted and then kill you in an extremely painful way
if you want something that helps your adhd then go see psychiatrists until one diagnoses you and gives you stims for that shit, nothing else actually works
alternatively you could get meth and do the psychonautwiki threshold dose, but then you'd have to be careful as fuck because that shit is one of the few drugs that can actually fry your brain
the dude who said that is retarded
i have adhd and so far nothing's really helped i just enjoy pipe tobacco for the taste and slight high, and alcohol just makes me talk even more retardedly
my advice is to give up on finding drugs to help with it, i only do drugs for fun as a rule
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>mfw realizing that psychs are just an amplified version of how our reality works 24/7
>want to kill myself
>want to do a heroic dose of shrooms before I kill myself in case that changes my mind
>can't take shrooms because my meds (not SSRIs) increase serotonin and the discontinuation symptoms last for months

this sucks
>(meth) is one of the few drugs that can actually fry your brain
this is true, but you should be able to avoid reaching neurotoxic levels if you only do oral doses and keep to 25mg/day or less.
nicotine unironically helps in my case but nearly enough
get a prescription
>is smoking carts as good as people say it is
It's better, you can get the perfect level of stoned every time. If the high concentrations of THC cause you to develop acid reflux or CHS, you can supplement with Iberogast to make your stomach acid less acidic (Don't use peptobismol or any of that other chemical Jewish shit, iberogast is made using natural herbs and other plant medicines).
>do psychedelics
>the next few days after i dont feel like beating it, but not because im not horny but because i just consciously evaluate jacking off as a concept and think its weird we do it
>but when i inevitably do its way better than normal and i blow way bigger loads
What do you mean talk retardedly. I quit drinking because I can't handle myself
>anon wants to kill himself
>anon is on psychiatric medication
Many such cases.
as in, i just talk way too much about my personal life and get too emotional on alcohol
>>but when i inevitably do its way better than normal and i blow way bigger loads
if psychedelics make you jack off less, then ofc when you do give in youll blow a bigger load cuz youre pent up
a faggot
a faggot

Yeah but it feels better too, ive done nofap and it doesnt feel markedly better while after psychedelics it feels immensely better
>complain that vendor's heroin has gotten bad
>stop ordering for a while
>come back to see if it improved
>get the strongest rush I've felt in months with just a small dose despite still having the same level of tolerance
I'm about to die, am I not?
At that point I'd test whatever it is. Seems like either you got something heavily stepped on before, or something is off with it.
house-sitting for a couple and i found a bottle of baclofen. any potential? google isn't giving me much info on the high
The sites in the OP are useful, I pinky promise.

It's a GABAergic likened to phenibut, pregabalin, and gabapentin. Expect a bit of euphoria, possible sedation or mild stimulation, probably depending on dose.
It is apparently used more so for treating alcohol addiction (due to GABA activity), so that's neat.
don't take their drugs unless they said you were welcome to them, just courtesy
It's not much. I've been on it before to treat phenibut withdrawals. Half a tab a day 3 times a day no less than 8 hours apart. Then the next week 2 a day. Then the next week 1.
>Publicly complain about a drug dealer's drugs, directly impacting his bottom line.
>The little shit decides to order another batch
>drug dealer laces his shit with fent, killing the customer who left him a bad review

What did you expect, anon? People, in general, can be very vindictive, especially if they are pushing addiction for a living.
Stimulants don't work on me. Tried:
>dexamfetamine (adderall/dexedrine/attentin) 20mg
Pulse went down, no subjective symptoms
>dexamfetamine 40mg
Anxiety and bruxism, nothing positive
>methylphenidate (ritalin) 20mg
Nothing happened.
>methylphenidate 40mg
Nothing happened. Slept like a baby
>nicotine 3mg
Nothing happened.
>nicotine 4.5mg
Mild nausea
>nicotine 7.5mg
Strong nausea, dizziness
I like it a lot.

Is there anything else I can try? Specifically looking for something that'll make me clean my room.
onions nigga
Get test strips, they're cheap.
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i wanna add on to this post i made earlier because i was too high to explain further
basically i was curious because i was having a somewhat bad trip on dxm where i was having a bit of an existential crisis thinking about the world and the people i know due to the dissociative effects of it, yada yada yada the usual "why do i exist why are we all here"
and somehow i resolved the feelings by coming to the conclusion that books and stories somehow gave meaning to everything, and that even if there wasnt even god or an afterlife it would be ok because i can just enjoy reading stories instead
it made so much sense to me at the time but in retrospect its a bit strange
should i be happy about this outcome?
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>I feel all the illness unfiltered in my body and have depression from being a meat suit for a few days.
Eat healthier and lose weight.
Because weed is retarding and doesn't hit the same as other drugs.
you're damaging the towel bar, and risking dropping that mason jar on the ground. But I've also hit bongs in the shower when I was renting a flat.
it's bait that is created to intentionally spread deadly disinformation.
I have a dispensary 4 min walk from my house, right beside the local slop coffee shop, Canadians know.
Decent song, don't forget to drink water generously, it pays dividends. Our local liqour stores were on strike, and I have about 25 empty beers stacked up right now. Working an office job now instead of landscaping so I don't really want to risk messing around with liquour again, but I know I will. Hopefully I'll use responsibly, and will do something a little better than getting drunk alone playing dumb games and looking at dumb shit. Also, for me, its vodka because the fewer additives makes it easier for the body to handle.
nice song.
>fucking about sober is pain so enjoy.
You have to learn how to deal with the pain, because you can drink yourself to death, which is slow, painful, and regrettable.
>neglect and abuse robbed me of the ability to feel happy and connect with others
Ngl, I think you're holding onto that pain and revictimizing yourself. Try MDMA therapy?
Alcohol is seriously poisonous and Muslims are better off abstaining.
Equip yourself with the right tools, which are breath control, mindfulness, knowledge, and benzos as an emergency. You can change your mind by changing your environment, so move locations, listen to different music, do a different activity. Howevever, even experienced psychonaughts can have experiences that throw them off for a long time, thinking of T Mckenna.
Have hope
Why does the high always go away...why can't bliss and awesomeness just last forever??
ephedrine. brand name is bronkaid. it is otc.
i dont know about you, but i hate when a high lasts too long
theres nothing worse than sitting for hours looking at youtube videos after the biggest effects are all gone but you're still too baked to do anything interesting like play games and you cant go to sleep
plus it'll just make a bad trip even shittier because you're just wanting it to end
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It depends on the high and the substance, of course.
My favorite shit is LSD or Salvia leafs.
LSD just makes me feel like every moment is infinitely important and interconnected, so meaningful and worthy of deep contemplation. Also, can just close my eyes and drift off into other dimensions. Like I watch a movie with pirates, close my mind and just simulate being there on the ship after I get through the fractal overload. Those can last forever, forever dreaming. But yes there were trips when I thought fuck me I want out, and it kept going.
Salvia is just fucking weird overall, feels like a wind is constantly trying to push your mind out of body. Obviously never taken it too far with that drug because it's insane to breakthrough on that.

But down to earth, it is best that the high doesn't last forever, or else I would never be a functional slave.
Life has ups and downs. Without downs, there would not be ups. If you want to stay high (intoxicated) all the time, you can do this with cannabis. But really, you should try to understand what being high on life means.
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>But really, you should try to understand what being high on life means
Yeah, I understand, it's coping with the average mundane stuff to keep in line and follow the order. It's for the best of us, of course.
You guys know a way to trigger a bad trip on purpose? its scary but my worst trip ever also increased my WIS by like 100000 points and basically changed my life, I feel like them spirit witches need to burn a few more parts of myself, I kind of feel like I cant be reborn until theres nothing left of the old me
anyways, as far as i can tell the way to get a bad trip is to just take a high dose while you're in a stressful point in time in your life
psychadelics will bring out what you have inside
if you're having good trips, then it might mean you're doing better in life
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how do you dose penis envy vs regular cubies
say you want to take the equivalent of a 2.5 (medium dose for me) or 3.7 (high dose for me) trip with cubies, how many grams of penis envy should you take?
I'm in Europe. I'm not too scared of fentanyl. There are no (good) nitazene test strips yet, but I ran some reagent tests afterwards (Morris, Marquis, Liebermann) and it seemed to rule out most zenes. There's one I'm unsure about, but life is a gamble. I'd drop it off at the test service, but then I'd have to wake up really early and they aren't open until late next week.

Small chance, but does anyone in this thread know how Morris reacts to heroin and adulterated heroin? My sample turned/stayed a regular green-ish blue, which seems to check out, but does that rule out any zenes? The pro-test kit guide says that anything blue/pale green is a zene, but I don't know if that'd still happen if it's not the majority of the sample. As far as I understand green is just no reaction, so it'd have to "ignore" the heroin and react to the zene and turn blue, right?

I also dropped in a sample of a different vendor's heroin and that turned into a much darker, army green, whereas the suspicious sample turned into something slightly lighter than the default (big difference). I am not sure whether a true dark green is expected.
No, I only politely complained privately. I do that more often. I doubt most vendors mind other than just finding it plain annoying. Though yeah, it does feel sketchy.

This was really strong though and it scared me a bit when it hit. Maybe I've just been using shittier heroin for a while and had my tolerance drop a bit without noticing it. On the other hand, it smelled really weird while cooking and the effects, while heavy, also felt a bit off. I hate how I'm going to keep using this instead of just waiting for the test service.
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half the amount, PE is twice as potent going by what most people say
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what do i need to do and how much of it do i need to reach nirvana
what about the albino variety?
are they any stronger or is that a meme
I hate people who say "weed is not addictive" as much as the next guy, but normies are absolutely bad faith when they tell themselves that weed is more addictive than their morning coffee.
NTA, but I know a bit about the different strains.
There are 4 predominant strains with the "Penis Envy" moniker: Penis Envy, Melmac PE, Ghost PE, and Albino PE.
There is a mushroom dosage calculator from The Church of Ambrosia https://ambrosia.church/magic-mushrooms/dosage-calculator/ that also lists the average psilocybin content for many strains of mushrooms (they are still missing quite a few that I have tried before)
Here is a breakdown of the Psilocybin content for each PE strain:
>Ghost PE: 17,300 ug
>Penis Envy: 12,400 ug
>Melmac PE: 11,300ug
>Albino PE: 9,600 ug
Since I quit my job to search for a job in a dispensary I've been staying up till 3am-4am smoking weed and looking at my phone. Being a NEET isn't fun but this aspect of it isn't half bad.
going to a music festival, how much acid is too much? i wont have access to alcohol or benzos. i just want to relax a bit. maybe half a tab?
take 3 at least
I have never tried it myself, but I have seen quite a few people mention Modafinil.
Every. Single. Time. Why do you zoomers not understand that "a tab" is not a dosage? Why do you not understand that advertised dosages and real dosages vary wildly? Why do you people not know that a tab is not evenly dosed and that you can't just cut it in half to get exactly half? We can not even tell you to take xug, and "yeah bro take half a tab" is the most useless advise because your tabs can range from 50ug to 250+ug.

It's like a car general where 90% of the posters drive a civic - never for fun, only to work - without ever even opening up the hood.
Methadone gives a great buzz with zero tolerance, even 10-20mg will get you high as fuck
>Is there anything else I can try?
Below is some coffee, tea, and a supplement (to use with caffeine) recommendations.

>Specifically looking for something that'll make me clean my room.
The lacking motivation part you just have to tell yourself to stop being a retard and just do shit that you need to do, instead of putting it off (that's what I tell myself in my head to get stuff done). Another thing you can do is if you have a lot of stupid clutter shit just sell it all or throw it all away, so you have less to deal with, which makes cleaning even easier. In other words make your area as simple as possible if you want things easier.


>Caffeinated instant coffee:
- Beaumont Coffee Instant Classic Roast Medium Coffee
- Nescafe Gold Espresso Intense Instant Coffee

>Decaf instant coffee for when you want coffee, but not caffeine:
- Beaumont Coffee Instant Classic Decaf Roast Medium Coffee


>Black tea (contains caffeine):
- Celestial Seasonings: Fast Lane: https://celestialseasonings.com/products/fast-lane-caffeinated-black-tea
- Celestial Seasonings: Peppermint Peak: https://celestialseasonings.com/products/peppermint-peak
- Celestial Seasonings: Nutcracker Sweet: https://celestialseasonings.com/products/nutcracker-sweet

>Herbal tea (caffeine free):
- Celestial Seasonings: Sangria Zinger: https://celestialseasonings.com/products/sangria-zinger
- Celestial Seasonings: Vitamin C Shine: https://celestialseasonings.com/products/citrus-sunrise-herbal-supplement
- Chamomile tea (only contains: Chamomile). This is useful for mixing with caffeine, so it lasts all day without jitters:
- Peppermint tea (only contains: Peppermint): This is useful for having with a meal, so it digests better, but you can also have it by itself.


>L-theanine supplement:
This is useful for mixing with caffeine, so it lasts all day without jitters similar to Chamomile.
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guys really stupid question, but i consumed too much black tea. My bag of loose leaves was almost empty and there was only the fine almost dust like leftover at the bottom and i thought whatever im gonna put it all in and then im gonna buy a new bag. So i used it all up, the tea was very bitter but i gulped it down and now im so fucking jittery but not the fun, productive kind. very comparable to ephedrine, didnt think it can catch me so hard. anyone experience how long it goes away wthout help form other substances?
I took like 5-10mg so far to slowly test the waters, but i'm feeling some nice effects already. If i take it like 2-3 times a week, how long do you reckon it'll take to at least somewhat reset my tolerance?
Also, peppermint tea mixed with coffee or black tea and sweetened with stevia that does not contain erythritol or any other sugar alcohols (they usually cause people to badly shit themselves) tastes incredible.

Optional: Add unsweetened almond milk or oat milk to make it taste even better and a dash of cinnamon to your coffee is good too.

I also mentioned this, because I have seen it a million times talked about on 4chan and other places on the internet, but I have no clue what it's like.
You could drink multiple brewed bags of chamomile tea or a slightly larger amount of loose leaf chamomile tea if you have it. Other than that an L-theanine supplement if you have that. I don't know about harder drugs which calm people down though.

>anyone experience how long it goes away wthout help form other substances?
Long ago when I did too much caffeine it took about four hours for me. Nowadays, it would probably be less though since I am so used to a lot of caffeine.

In my experience with anything you never want to eat too much, drink too much, or take too much of something. Always the normal amount that you know you can handle, then slowly increase if you so desire, because if you do what you did it's never a fun time.
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yeah i have chamomille tea, making one right now, thanks for tip.
Had that happen a few times, but never to this extent, because the times before i was not sober, so i didnt notice, but now i reduced my drughabit(downers especially) significant and only drank one coffee the last two weeks. But i drink black tea everyday, so i thought i have tolerance and wont notice a higher amount. But i just hate the fine powder at the bottom so i wanted it gone, but throwing away would have been a waste
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I decided to smoke some weed after long time not doing it, basically zero tolerance to it and I had a good trip. My whole experience was outer body one: I had static in my eyes, feeling as if I'm controlling something which I'm not. Like the 4th wall has been broken and I finally got a glimpse into my real self. Scary thought, am I in the matrix?
No problem, and I get what you mean about not wanting to waste things.

Some coffee, for example the instant varieties can be very strong, especially the espresso ones. Most are usually 90 milligrams in a single teaspoon serving, but the strong ones can be 120 milligrams in a single teaspoon serving.

>Black tea
Some of those can be a lot stronger than others. Your average black tea is 47 milligrams for a single tea bag, but some are 100 milligrams. Certain loose leaf varieties can get up there too from what I can remember when I used to bother with it long ago.

>White tea
This tea they act like it's not strong, but when I have this tea I feel wide awake longer than anything else. It's usually 55 milligrams per tea bag and probably similar with loose leaf, but for whatever reason to me it feels like way more. It's not jittery either, but it's odd where you are so wide awake it's strange.

>Green tea
This works good for just a nice tea with no jitters, but kind of awake. Your average green tea is 30 - 50 milligrams for a single tea bag and it's probably similar with loose leaf.

For whatever reason though out of all types of caffeine I listed in this post and tips in these posts:

Green tea is the only thing that makes me shit unreal, which I find odd. I see people say that about coffee, but it doesn't do anything to me, besides keep me awake.
Where to get ghb/gbl in germany? i can't seem to find much on the clearnet, except for it used as cleaning agents with horrendous prices.
Given that THC upregulates (increase the activity of) the 5HT-2A receptor (the main serotonin receptor involved in psychedelic experiences) it definitely lends itself to some very interesting times.
My first time with THC was a high edible dose and I was able to see my thoughts appear before me as floating, edgeless cones that contained each line of thinking. Very cool stuff.
I wasn't hallucinating per se, but I was left confused with my own thoughts. It was all just a confusing tornado of thoughts, static and chaos. I didn't feel anxious but it's definitely a weird experience

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