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*locks you in a cage like an animal for owning a plant*
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>le plant
I bet it's something stinky that bothers everybody around.
Do you smoke cigarettes? Jail. Do you smoke weed? Jail. Do you drink alcohol? Jail.
Simple as that
Thats what carbon filters are for
>you have to buy something because I want to smoke trash
Fuck that.
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*locks you in a cage for transferring a tiny bit of lead into someone at a fast speed*
Total stoner imprisonment and death.
I didn't follow much recently anyone could tell me what her program is and like who she really is?
There is literally zero difference in policy between her and Biden.
She is literally just Joe Biden, except not senile, with a vagina, and with less charisma.
person has grown up and changed their views
I think she's obviously more left wing than biden. while he was still talking shit about gay marriage she was spearheading prison reform in California - getting people jobs post prison instead of just putting them back on the street etc
she hasnt even started campaigning yet though so it's impossible to know what her policies as president are going to be, but i suspect it'll be centre left, and probably more interesting than biden. also i assume she'll be pretty gassed and want to take advantage of the new power and hopefully do some good shit for the country
Of the 1900 convictions she had as a prosecutor of california only 45 of those 1900 convictions went to prison
She even created a program where first time offenders were given a chance to avoid prison all together in exchange for getting their highschool education
Shes demonstrably different from Biden.
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>grew up
>times changed
Everyone knew cannabis was largely harmless (especially compared to alcohol or tobacco) since at least the 90s. Probably much earlier too although I was a baby for most of the 80s so I can't confirm that far back by experience.
Looks like she was elected DA in 2003. She absolutely knew back then that weed wasn't a real crime. Bill Clinton admitted smoking weed back in the 90s.
Kamala ruined many people's lives for a silly reason just because she didn't feel like going against the status quo. Not a great trait for a political leader.
Obama pulled the same shit where he clearly knew weed wasn't some hard drug but he refused to help anyone getting legally fucked over it because he was afraid of his legacy being the black guy who loved drugs. Biden Administration had to take care of it instead with finally rescheduling it, although Trump did a little bit of good with the farm bill making loophole "hemp" weed pretty easy to get through the mail. Most likely Obama just had Biden's Administration do that so it didn't look like him doing it.
alright well sure, I don't disagree with anything you've said
but it seems like an attempt of expunging all those records is at least in some way coming back from what she has done and trying to do some good
i cant imagine it not getting legalised during her tenure
The cost would be too high for the righteous tax payer to support that. Give them all the death penalty instead. It's the only way.
Not in any meaningful way when it comes to policy. She is literally his VP, they are basically the same platform.
>The VP is the exact same as the President
You support the President's choices when serving as the VP because that's your job, but it doesn't mean she actually agreed with everything Biden did
Shes way more receptive to liberal policies than Biden plus she's centuries younger than Trump and Biden
>She is literally his VP, they are basically the same platform
Just like how Obama and Biden's plarforms were identical. Same with Reagan and Bush Sr. for that matter.
That's a given there is some difference.
But really, in all of their meetings I haven't seen one time where they had a different stance on anything aside from when Biden had a gaff.

I have seen less of a difference between the politics of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden than any President and VP in my lifetime.

She is a literal cop that jailed people for smoking weed. Her reception to liberal politics is the same as yes man would respond to anything you paid him to agree with.
>People still believe Ms Harris was locking people up for weed

Lmao retard, she explicitly said to make sure no one that gets caught with weed see's the inside of a jail cell
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But she prosecuted people for possession
During her tenure as attorney general, at least 1,560 people were thrown behind bars for marijuana-related offenses from 2011 to 2016,
She shrank me and makes me worship her feet, someone hel- oh no, she's coming ba
Esl moment
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>thinking of playing Barkley Gaiden again
>see this
>She is a literal cop that jailed people for smoking weed.
Didnt know tulsi gabbard posted on 4chan. Have you seen her arrest record during her time as a prosecutor? Only 45 people out of the 1900 she convicted when she was in California went to prison
45 out of fucking 1900. Im not math wiz but thats negligible at best,and the arrest rate for weed usage went down during her time there. Do you even know about her program that gave criminal first time offenders a second chance as long as they got their education?
>Her reception to liberal politics is the same as yes man would respond to anything you paid him to agree with.
Ive listened to her speak she sounds as sincere as bernie sanders on these issues dig up any video on her nothing about the way she discusses these issues seems fake or insincere in the slightest
>The Kamala fag is actually braindead and uses Vaush talking points.
Anything else you'd like to say pol tard?
>The breadfag uses /pol/tard as an insult.
But staring at 4chan and bibeo games 12 hours a day is just fine right??
Yes because you are a pol tard why you won't simply stay on pol with your r the donald tier thinking capacity is beyond me
Right, so what exactly have I said that is r/thedonald tier?

I am not exactly jerking off Trump or saying he literally the second coming of Christ like those faggots actually do.
Easily triggered
Always getting offended when anyone calls pol shit
right wing thinking
Most likely a radicalized latinx the pale variety with heavy European Spanish ancestry
Complaining about left wing YouTubers because all you do is watch right wing youtubers
the radicalized are the ones who unironically believe in noborders and that self-preservation should be sacrificed for slave morality.
>slave morality

This applies to literally every trumptard though
Nobody ITT is prepared for the Kamalacaust.
Fair. But Trump is worse.
Rather someone who at least upholds the law as opposed to someone who let niggers rampage and burn down the country.
>Weed is the same as murder

Are you legitimately a sped, bootlicker or both?
You're getting mad at her and she did everything in her power to keep people out of prison
She was doing this shit back in 2013
she still tried to suppress potentially exculpatory evidence

I'm voting for her without hesitation but there's no denying her and lots of other prosecutors do awful things
>trump voters pretend to care about law and order
>trump breaks many laws
>kamala upholds those laws
>uhhhh fuck cops and the law, let's go brandon
trumpers really are just braindead huh
That was also debunked dude had multiple tests that made him guilty
Don't believe me or to lazy to search it yourself Google any person explaining the situation with dude
I think I'm turning Kamalasexual
Hell yes that's my future president
Kamala is too goofy for anyone to believe she's running a deep state killer illuminati ring like hillary.

they figure shes just a power seeking naive liberal who is a useful idiot for the real powers to be.

and theyll be like, thats not so bad at the end of the day, and vote for her. and thats why shell do better than hillary and win.
And shes since apologized and probably realized she was just under the influence of brainwashing. The republicans would destroy all the progress weve made on it, without a second thought. I hate all politicians but republicans will always be a much more immediate threat
Caffeine? Jail. ADHD 'medicine'? Jail. Anti-depressants? Jail. Herbal supplements? Jail. Sugar? Believe it or not, straight to jail.
People should only get high on three things and that's Jesus, God, and the Holy Ghost.
I just hope she's not another demagogic fuck

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