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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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Now we can learn all their secrets and inner thoughts
>Now we can learn all their secrets and inner thoughts
it's ded
There's plenty of interesting posts on their /feel/ board

it's just them complaining they can't fuck Chad while whining that every non-chad is evil and needs to die.
Wait until you find out they're all larping trannies.
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I always knew it deep down! Women aren't real and never have been! They're a Mossad psyop to demoralize young men!
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i feel like at least here people won't bother thinking about my stupid posts too hard or just assume i'm a tranny, i can stay more incognito. but if i posted about my deepest feelings on cc instead, i'd get screencapped and made fun of.
its where they posts about their bfs op
>Tranny cafe
Yeah that site got raided years ago. Now it's all neanderthal faced men in dresses pretending they're women.
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Why don't you just talk to girls on /cgl/?
pic related /cgl/ meetup
literally all they do is complain about trannies. no different than this board
>learn all their secrets and inner thoughts
You are going to give yourself AGP
Nta but most males on this board have it already considering how most robot posts can be summarized as:
>wahh i'm so jealous of women, why wasn't i born as a woman, but i also hate womennn
Half of those aren't real women
And rightfully so. They've ruined the entire board.
No one goes there anymore ever since they banned shota.
the average white/asian incel's life would be objectively better if he was born a woman. if you are brown i am sorry. brown women are on the bottom of the totem pole for sure.
So you agree that most robots have AGP, it is indeed a sad situation.
i believe that nonchad men are second class citizens nowadays.
Why not just shoot yourself already then, troon?
not a troon. just a nonchad. therefore invisible to women.
You have a very feminine and whiny personality. Might as well be a troon.

Death to all feminine males/trannies.
i did not ask to be given life as an infp man.
Women love infp artist men. Looks like you're just too feminine and whiny even compared to other men like you.

This is what AGP does to men, watch out anons.
women love attractive and tall men. i am neither of these things. i'm just an ugly pussy shut in wizard.
more like tranny cafe
Take the Orc Pill and fuck fat old black women
when you realize its just a bunch of guys analyzing the posts of guys pretending to be girls
i would rather die a virgin. i only like latinas and white and asian women. at least that's what i find the most attractive in porn and irl.
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Women are made to be fucked. Don't matter how fat, old or ugly they are. I'd fuck a fat old black woman anytime and ghost her afterwards. That's the Orc Pill.
How many STDs do you have
Do you mean women (M) ?
i've been there for an hour now and wow, it's like seen the femcel in her own environment and it's so fucking beeautiful
women love FAMOUS infp artist men. They like what they represent, but they wouldn't actually choose an infp man

"People get bored of me in two minutes."
Article even ends acknowledging he will probably be forever alone.
And this is fucking Robert Pattinson.
>get shit for being female
>shitty recycled threads
>internalised misogyny
>only reading from moid perspective

God I'm literally her.
Maybe I should start visiting crystals cafe more often.
i mean he has a kid and fiancee now at least. he definitely won't die alone. no celebrity will unless they do so purposefully.
>Women love infp artist men.
So I have heard. As one of those, I have not gotten any kind of romantic attention from women, but it may be because I am bald.
Have women who dont want to deal with misogyny on 4chan ever considered.. you know.. taking advantage of the anonymity and not declaring their womanhood every five seconds? Just a wild idea
They don't mean being known as women, but absorbing by osmosis the vast weakness, shallowness and vainess of their gender. They have the misfortune to not go through life blissfully unaware of their childish, entitled lives.
You realize /r9k/ invaded it awhile back and 90% of the posters are now trannies since the biofems came back, right?
>women get tired of misogyny on 4chan
>form their own board
>moids get butthurt over this and raid it
>women come back to 4chan since the site is unuseable due to trannies
Looks like moids don't like it when the same thing happens to them. Don't deal the shit if you cannot take it yourself.
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women's problems are so funny
crystal cafe has a userbase of like 50 ppl. its dead. plus most women are brain dead autistic radfems so they would rather be in a mixed gender place.
I got fucking banned off there for no fucking reason when I tried to reply to the nona's who replied to my thread with advice and thank them. Submitted an appeal so hopefully I shouldnae be banned anymore but I'm to pissed to check
ok I'm unbanned now kewl thankyou crystal overlords
But crystal cafe is dead so the nonas come here
>Women love infp artist men
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I want to breed the CC anthro women.
Why are they pushing crystal cafe so hard now? I thought they wanted incels to fuck off and die.
You guys should visit lolcow farm
That's where the real nasties are
>Women love infp artist men
why am I a virgin then
that site is proof of just how evil women are
I want to make the Jewish version of 4chan so I can stop interacting with people that hate me
At least for my ethnicity that is
just be a quirky jew like larry david.

>I'm genociding people but I'm the victim

It's not your ethnicity people hate
They think we are all poopoo hands
>Palestinians are being genocided
Not real, and it should happen
You are. I've seen it constantly.
Sometimes I would get a shit ton of soap on my right hand and just vigorously wash my ass.
But I use baby wipes everytime I shit, so honestly I go a clean bunghole lmao no homo
>I've seen it constantly.
You watched men shit?
I hate women and don't want to go there. Can they all stay there?
i'm an ocd hygiene freak and i am an ugly wizard, i even moisturize my body. oh well.
You're like 10 years too late, me and my buddy blaine took over that shithole
Do not under any circumstance try to defend yourself against these piece of shit harpies. They will just bombard you with new accusations until they have worn you down. All they deserve is living in fear, they should have never been allowed to do get out of the fucking kitchen.
I got tens of retarded holes banned by reporting them as trannies. Snail and her mods hover somewhere in the 80-90 IQ range
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The unfortunate reality of being a nurse. Now, go wash your hands and scrub hard, moid. Alcohol based hand sanitizer is not a substitute. The rate of communicable diseases would be cut down significantly if people practiced basic hygiene.
This is what they need to believe in order for the clear imbalance in dating options to be justified
Damm rlly?
No actually, it's so fucking dead that I doubt either of us even shows up there anymore. A single thread here gets more replies than their entire site in a year
>implies 4chan doesn't allow women
>posts on /r9k/, where theres like 3 woman only generals
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The thing I learned about women while browsing female spaces is that they will actually consider any malevolent untruth and will begin to build symbolic arguments around it as soon as it's planted inside their heads. They could have the man with the purest intentions in the world but if another female assumed and said something of him, they will gladly accept that poisonous seed and actually prefer it to their own lived experience.

This is why I don't even feel bad for them when I observe how politicians, jewish feminist and female writers basically use their psyche as a public toilet, they're inherently flawed, treacherous and ready to unload and punch down at the first opportunity that presents itself, they fucking deserve to live in endless mind rape, confusion and misery.
My college's dormitory had no distinction between genders, and I happened to be the only man in a block. I thought I was lucky until I noticed that they always left some pee on the seat of the toilet. Fucking women made me into OCD freak. The funniest thing is that when they encountered each other's pee they blame me instead, cause no woman can do wrong
I hear they do this shit in public toilets and yes that's the women's toilet.
I do this because of OCD but no woman bothered doing it while I was in a dormitory and in a hospital otherwise they wouldn't leave their pee on the seat. It's more like we associate being clean freaks = OCD with women but that's not necessarily true
You say it like women bother doing it in a hospital either. It's more so unfortunate the reality of hospital scene, no one think I have to wash myself when they are depressed as fuck, you people never consider the state of the patients. Also I have no doubt that you cleaned up bunch of women that soiled themselves but you fooled your own brain into thinking that it's okay because it's a woman doing it
I am a biological female and I got banned from crystal cafe because I said I dont hate men lmao
its not a "female" board, its a "radfem" board
even the subreddit died I think
Isn't CC kill? And I thought that most are just troons larping as females.
>on the internet

this place has changed.... never in a million years would this be think able but here we are. you people make me sick. women don't belong here. You really want to come home from a long day at work to browse the internet just to see a bunch of women shit? A bunch of needy depressed men whining about no gf? A woman is a parasite on the mind of a man that manipulates and controls him to force him to think and act a certain way. Women are against freedom, they want to destroy our way of life. You have truly ruined everything pure and wholesome in the world. Nowhere is safe from stupid annoying women and their opinions.
You can appeal? Couldn't find how.
Was having fun til disagreed with the idea of letting moid hate make you angry or sad and that was it lol.
Touching man ass is gay so obviously the only men who dig in there are butt pirates.
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>because I said I dont hate men
Is that because you were born one kek? Remember 97% are all rapist murderers how can you not hate them?
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>most of them are complaining about their past boyfriends
These self-proclaimed femcels have so little self-awareness. It brings me such immaculate joy.
they all wear the same shit whats the fucking point of this? is it even cosplay at this point when you're dressing like a victorian woman?
Just checked it. Why would women use anime pictures and try to be cute to themselves? Doesn't seem logical
this is a Blaine classic
>pic rel
these people belong in a mental asylum
it's not not even close to what you see posted here from robots
>it's not not even close to what you see posted here from robots
Yeah, posting rape and abuse gifs is definitely not worse than those crazy women!
i always wash my ass in the shower after shitting and i always shit at home so i can wash my ass in the shower
this has always been the norm for me and i cant wrap my head around shitting, just wiping then going about your life like you don't have smeared shit all over your buttcrack
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>I found the female version of 4chan
Damn, what a newfag, what are you going to do now, raid it with gore or dickpics? How daring
so are we just going to ignore the financial, emotional and mental rape women do?
have you been personally raped by a man? almost every man i've known has been financially, emotionally and/or mentally raped by at least 1 woman in his life
how many women do you know that have been raped by men? not even close to the amount on the other side so shut the fuck up you fucking psychopath apologist
i've used it to get hygiene advice (im a man)
oh boy you're so late
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>implying women actually use that website
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>you see it's all false flagging trannies to make who want you to hate women, women would never want to see their own men suffer and die, all the literature on the subject are forgeries

based retard
it is true that most of the "female" posters here are larpers and trannies. or bored teens with low self esteem who will fuck off once they become normalcunt npcs with bfs like 99% of women.

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