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90% of this board and so-called incels are just gay men trying to stop men from liking women
>hahah im totally not gay when i talk about chads being gods haha just like at their jawlines bro haha they're so fucking hot and you'll never have this
Most guys (I won't say all), just want to fuck a lot of girls. That's just how it is. So if they're catastrophically wrong about what attracts women, they have a lot to lose. They have skin in the game. Gay dudes, however, have absolutely nothing to lose on being wrong about women attraction. At most it's just a passtime amusement for them, spreading misery through false information, and making money off of desperate guys who believe their bullshit.
content creators and board spammers have ALWAYS been gay since the beginning and some of them make a good amount of money spamming the same posts, "studies", and sexual fantasies involving "Chad rommates", "brutal mogging" stories, it being "over" because of "millimeters of bone", "Chad bully fucking your mom", "Chad fucking your crush while you study", "ropemaxxing", and the notion that any human activity at all that isn't a Chad having sex being "cope".
The two most prominent blackpill content creators are homosexual.
Also, reminder every "dickpill" thread is just gay strategy to get hung anons to show their dicks
anon sees thread links calcsd.info proof that a 7 inch dick is larger than 99% of dicks
>haha you're a dicklet women only want 8+ you'll never please a girl and give her primal orgasms
>haha no i'm totally not a gay dude who jerks off to this fantasy
>haha no i'm totally not gay just because i require proof that you're not dicklet while i have my hand on my dick waiting for the pics
you are giving up on life because a group of faggot fetishists have their dick on their hands 24/7 while spamming women-hating and demoralizing content so you, a straight man, give up on even saying "hi" to a girl and start worshipping Chad and jerking off to Chad fantasies.
You will get 134 replies, but only because of the qt3.14 asian, not your shitty copypasta.
I like to think that the demoralization is a mix of fags, trannies and glowies and you can tell them apart
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I'm going to die alone with no Asian waifu. I get a sinking feeling just thinking about it
I'm not gay, but...
>At most it's just a passtime amusement for them, spreading misery through false information
...yeah, that pretty much sums it up
Absolutely a mix. Glowies, of course, includes Ziggers as well.
This one is definitely a faggot
You could have made a thread for this exact reason but instead bumped this one. Why?
No, I know why. Because you are the OP posting from a different IP.
Don't fall for the bait.
I want to fuck women. But there's something called self control. Unfortunately most of humanity are low IQ monks and they just act on their impulse. Women are even more inferior since they fuck trash men instead of waiting for a good man
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yeah I added a lot of guys just want a committed relationship, but "field was too long"
who would've thought all these years of chad worshipping was just... fags lol

not even girls are that chad-obsessed.
lots of trannies and fags
I can see this considering the majority of users here are posting literal gay porn. I started going outside because this board is nothing but gay porn. On the bright side, most of these homosexuals are going to die alone if not commit suicide.
you'll get one. go to sea
I gave up for personal reasons. I did bad things and no woman would want me if she knew
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i can save their birthrate.
>/r9k/ makes me feel insecure about my dick again
>It looks tiny from my perspective
>Measure it
>It's still a top 1% dick that's nearly twice as large as the average white guy
I really need to detox from doing this.
yeah it's all a bunch of loser fetishists
Nobody is going to start sucking dick because he hates women
i agree but tell that to faggots. they believe that
It's a fetish. A lot of gay porn and erotica is predicated around the scenario of a str8 boi being turned gay. Gay men fantasise a LOT about turning str8s gay.
>How do you know?
I know everything and have known a lot of gays. The gayest man I know is insistent that he is so hot that he can turn any straight guy gay.
true. this anon knows.
finally the truth about the blackpill
true cuz that football player pic spammer is doing it again lol they're all gay
>So if they're catastrophically wrong about what attracts women, they have a lot to lose. They have skin in the game. Gay dudes, however, have absolutely nothing to lose on being wrong about women attraction. At most it's just a passtime amusement for them, spreading misery through false information, and making money off of desperate guys who believe their bullshit
My brother is a very popular influencer in the blackpill community shilling plastic surgery to incels. At this point though the ironic thing id that even though 99% of his followers are incels who could truly benefit from it, his only real customers are narcissistic chads that want to become even more chad, or have body dysmorphia. So hes gay, and his whole thing is just demoralizing incels while not even jelping them because they dont have enough money for it. Im not even joking. Last time i brought up his page on here and said too openly hes jist a greedy sociopathic faggot, people attacked him, so im not bringing up the name, but if youre int he incel community you probably hace an idea who im talking about. I cant even talk to him anymore just knowing thats really him, thats really what he does.
>just be positive bro

>ignoring the hypergamous feminist society

lol also blackpill isn't about gayness you dumb tranny

it's seeing that the dating game is obviously rigged. no amount of confidence will make a sub7 get love
>Last time i brought up his page on here and said too openly hes jist a greedy sociopathic faggot, people attacked him, so im not bringing up the name, but if youre int he incel community you probably hace an idea who im talking about
Just because thats not how i want to play things. I know its awful, but ultimately also its everyones fault for being such fools to fall for it. You guys will be just as empty on the inside as the troons in a decade, when yoi realize what happened to you.

Anyone demoralizing you isnt your friend. Remmeber this. If they are putting you down, it doesnt matter if they have a whole brand dedicated to how they want to "help" you, they are not your friend. People assume way too easily nowadays that everyone is their friend.
it's sad and lots of young men are falling for that stuff
True, but what else are these men meant to do? It's not like they'll become physically attractive if they do anything else.
Its not about the physical but thats what blackpill is about getting you to forget about.
tdlr, stop masturbating chud
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>90% of this board and so-called incels are just gay men trying to stop men from liking women
its not men trying to stop us from liking women.... its women
Now now, we shouldn't lie. Women aren't going to date a physically ugly or autistic man just because of "muh personality", clearly-false copes like that are the biggest reason that the blackpill is popular. Because when one side is blatantly lying to you, the other side seems a lot more honest.
OP is right about anything but one important Thing he doesn't see. It's not the Gays who push it, it's the Jews. For the same Reasons they destroy your Movies and your Citys. They want you to join Christianity or Islam so they can have their Gog/Magog End Time Battle and Edom (The West) can get destroyed in the Process. Watch Adam Green (Know More News), he talks about it and it makes Sense. Don't see everything materialistic. Don't be their Golem! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BFUkp3ANUqM
If you want to be a statistic, be a statistic dude. I have no interest in spoonfeeding. There are ugly guys who make it, and get mad pussy. They have charisma, confidence, unique personality traits. Ya know, those exact things that the blackpill forbids you to have.

Do you think that its coincidence? I dont think so.
>They have charisma, confidence, unique personality traits.
Often they may even have good vibes, even. Which again, the blackpill forbids you to beleive that this exists. My gay older brother is the ring leader of all this shit. I dealt with his shitty mind games all my childhood and eaely adulthood. I know what hes doing, and im sorry but also hoping you guys learn a lesson in the process
>They have charisma, confidence, unique personality traits.
All of those require you to be both physically attractive and neurotypical for them to actually work. An ugly autistic man with "confidence" just comes off as creepy to women. And "unique personality traits" just means "slightly different flavor of neurotypical extroverted socially-dominant man".

And don't try and bring up the "muh balding 5'2" indian janitor that slays", we both know you're lying if you do that.
Again if you want to be astatistic, be a statistic. Im not here to spoonfeed you. If you wsnt to livr your life based on the theories of some gay autists off the internet then that can be your thing. You do have.more challenges as an ugly person in life. In life you can make what you will with what youre given. I think even plastic surgery can be healthy, if you arent making it your entire life and following the whole plastic surgery religion that my brother created. But since thats what it is, i have to srgue agsinst it, because its just wrong. The only reason hes doing this is because hes angry at me, you all are victims of his being angry at me because i wont entertain his bullshit, and hes a control freak autist that cant handle that. So he formed blackpill to oppose me and destroy the lost youth that i wanted to help. Literally. Hes a sociopath.
Also, i can blame myself, for my own actions but it gets old, being a younger brother to a gay autistic control freak, and always having to walk on eggshells. Basically, once i was a "good person", and cared about the world. I was naturally white pilled. He hated that, so he created blackpill to opppse me. Thats what this whole thing is. Seems crazy i know, but its the truth.
Well, i dont know if my brother created it. I dont think so. He just has been the one that popularized the term and made it into a religion and philosophy.
no retard
this means you are just whitepilled.
Majority of this board has 0 sexual success.
With the internet we have found out how women actually select men.
Chad is just a personification of the top 20% of men, it's not all about looks, it's about social status, and a combination of other factors.
If you are a bottom 80% man you would have always though your experience was normal, you would face rejection after rejection, have to either "practice" with fat girls or ugly girls until your looksmatch eventually settled for you around age 30.

Chad doesn't do that, women panties literally drop mere seconds after talking to him, thats the brutal reality of the blackpill. The societal structure that prevented this (such as virginity being valued and marriage being actually for life, or adultery being punishable by death) are completely gone. So women are free to indulge in their most primal desires, a 5/10 roastie is able to spend her entire sexual prime being a booty call to some chad.

This is why historically female virginity was viewed as viable.
The moment it's not the fabric of society succumbs to basic female nature.
My.point basically is, if youre ugly, looks may not be one of your strengths. And that strength does seem to be the easiest and most straightforward life hack. But if you dont have that strength, you have to lean on other strengths. I beleive blackpill is judt about diminshing these other strengths or convincing you all that you dont have them. I think everyone has something to bring to the table. Looks arent a persons only possible strength. Even though i admit its a very easy life hack. Unless you can afford these 100,000$ custom facial implants though before turning 30, i beleive it would be wise to begin working on developing other strengths. And that would add more real value to the world too, than everyone just trying to look better than each other without having any real depth or value.
You sound like a gay man
nah. I just figured out what tiktok live is. I scrolled through and made some blackpilled comments
>hundreds of people watching girls do nothing and complimenting them HAHAHAHA
>girls get many more viewers than guys, have ugly egos, demand people subscribe or donate
that shit is ridiculous and confirms blackpill any day
Yeah, I jumped off the blackpill boat and have been living better. Redpill is enough.
the real blackpill is to understand what you have to do and not be able to do it.

warning huge blackpill:

This are traits that will make women attracted to you (physically)
>face , can't work on it
>body, this is only if you are fat, probably the best way to looksmax. If you are young dont give up until you try getting fit atleast.
>voice, this is out of your control (i'm a voicelet among other things and after using a AI voice changer on discord i got DESPAIRPILLED)
>height, out of your control
>masculine traits: dominance, power, charisma, narcissism, machiavellianism and psychopathy

now congrats, if you have majority of these women will be dropping at your feet, you can make married woman cheat just for the tingles, but you wont be able to hold long term relationship, if you want to hold long term relationship you also need some of this:

>investing time into her (yes even if your life is together she will cheat if you dont keep investing time)
>money investment, if you make less then her she'll get the ICK
>presentability, basically it's the "you should meet my parents" test, if you are not presentable she will just want the relationship to be purely physical. Having a healthy social circle is also part of this.
deserves to be raped and have the vid posted online
you type like a 12 year old or ESL. thread hidden
you still sound like a gay man
>if you disagree with me you're... le gay!
great arguments
because you shouldn't agrue with fags
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i can turn a gay guy straight
t. gay man
no i'm a blackpiller and hate faggots, they ruined this board too. but you sound like a sexhaver, it's impossible for normalfags to be blackpilled because you haven't lived our experiences.
no hes right. being a man is inherently being an individual. being a fag is having to be dependent on the validation of others to be happy, and not being able to make up your own mind, therefore depending on another man to do it. in reality blackpill is just like any religion or cult, it attracts betas who never considered forming their own world view or walking their own path.
i know you're still here, and I was typing quickly because like I said, not my job to spoonfeed you. It gives me great joy to know that its people like you being victimized by my brother now instead of me. hes moved away, and now travels the world off of the massive profits he makes off you retards, having gay sex and influencing millions of kids to give up on life because muh cheekbones. (this is LITERALLY what my older brother does)

It sucks for me having to see this and hear about it on every corner of the internet, but in a way im actually glad hes done all this. his sociopathy is being put to good use, on people like you who just want to stay demoralized. Its a good filter for subhumans, same as the LGBT.

Maybe, this really is justice and you guys get your karma for being just as shallow as he is, and the roasties you apparently hate statistically (TM) are.
i see the blackpill everyday not on some faggot youtube channel you retard. just today I walked past two girls to the shop and they both went eww as I walked past them. ofc you won't believe me because as i said you normalfags lack our life experiences of being unnattractive to women so you gaslight and tell us to stfu
Your brother sounds like a looksmaxxer grifter, not an actual blackpiller. Rehab already exposed the looksmaxxer grift https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGTJuF_FncY&t=1037s&pp=ygUWcmVoYWIgcm9vbSBsb29rc21heHhlcg%3D%3D
In reality, surgeries make very little difference unless it's something obvious like fixing a recessed chin. There's no surgery that can turn a 3/10 into a 7/10 just like there's no surgery that can make trannies real women.
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want 2 impregnate her
this post is useless
you dont become a fag if women ignore you.
you become a fag if you got molested as a child
>look I posted it again! totally owned those incels will I get to hang out with you now in our friendship relationship?
you dont think maybe they did that because you have disgusting vibes from being a blackpiller?

also im a hikikomori, im no nomralfag. I had sex while not showering, or cutting my hair, or anything. or even having a job. While also having many problematic qualities, such as drug abuse and mental illness.

Heres the truth about women; they want to be excited, and you have to get the vibe, the feel, right. Being good looking makes you more exciting by default, yes, but thats the hard part. now you have to put in some effort. sorry. Even a 'chad' with no game and no confidence though, will get a bad reaction from women.

And dont hit me with the "muh need good looks for conbfiedence" because no you dont. I dont look that good, and had success. im a hiki now because I went homeless eventually from drug addiction, and have just lost the will to care for a bit. Being hiki is a bit more cozy than having sex ina way sometimes. Although i do plan to get action again someday, and keep my health and vibes right with exercise reading and qigong, so when that time comes ill be ready.

in other words, were just not the same.
>also im a hikikomori, im no nomralfag. I had sex while not showering, or cutting my hair, or anything. or even having a job. While also having many problematic qualities, such as drug abuse and mental illness.
yeah not shit chad can have sex while even being homeless, so you can stop bragging about it faggot
no, my brother makes the custom facial implants. hes an expert. he has pages where he shows the transformations. he is a crazy and kinda evil person, but he knows his plastic surgery and can turn anyone into le gigachad. You just need tons of money and stuff to make it happen.
>Even a 'chad' with no game and no confidence though, will get a bad reaction from women.

utterly not true
why is it that a aloof, and awkward chads are always perceived as "mysterious" while all below will be called creeps?
not 'chad', like i said. I was just exciting. Women are naturally very bored, and the vagina is like a representative of their hearts. They just love to be stimulated in a way that makes them feel good, in more ways than just sexually. Women cant ever make up their mind about anything because they want a man that makes them feel excited to do it for them. In other words, Just be fun

hard to be fun when youre brainwashed to the core with blackpill shit though innit. much harder still to be capable of truly showing another person a good time
>much harder still to be capable of truly showing another person a good time
, when you dont even know how to have a good time yourself?
like i said, looking good is an easy life hack. you didnt get that one. so youll have to work on relying on other strengths. sorry. you can either accept it, or you can stay willingly demoralized. theres more to a person than their looks, only fags and narrow minded people can say otherwise.
yeah no shit you see ugly man dating, women will date an average beta after they're done getting ran through by chads, that doesn't debunk he blackpill because those guys get divorce raped or cuckolded
>sexhaver normalfag who lost his virginity in hs tries to gaslight robots
just leave this board you piece of shit

can't you see we're so tired of you scum coming here every single day bragging about how they get laid and gaslighting us
i didnt lose my virginity in high school, i had 0 friends and ate lunch in the bathroom, because my crazy mom made me hate women so much that i thought i was gay. Also my older brother obviously had a hand in convincing me of it. so everyone hated me, because i came out as gay. I did when i was 22, after 7 years of heavy therapy unironically through distancing myself form family as much as i can and smoking as much weed as i could, along with LSD and DMT and meditation and such. Turned out i wasnt gay, just deeply traumatized.
Put on a pair of pants you whore
>ran through by chads
only a fag thinks about that
stale fucking bait
here OP admits he's a faggot projecting by calling blackpillers gay
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>heavy therapy unironically through distancing myself form family as much as i can and smoking as much weed as i could, along with LSD and DMT and meditation and such
by the way these drugs are good, these arent why i went homeless and hiki. Its really the fact that people lump them together with crack or fentanyl or xanax, when theyre just radically different. So I eventually tried heroin, thinking that everything Id heard about that was a lie too, or xanax, thinking it was in the same category as weed or LSD. it waasnt.

Stay away from actual narcotics, cocaine may be ok if you have a shitton of money, but truly, just dont open these doors unless you have very good reason to.

It really is an evil psyop to pretend weed or psychs are even in a vaguely similar league to synthetics and narcotics.
>op admits he has been inflected with the memetic mind virus and has overcome it
>now warns others
how is that being gay? or are you trying to gaslight him fag?
im not OP, I joined into this discussion very late in. im sorry, that you think labels from the internet have to decide what you are. Seems like thats all there is anymore.
I'm a gaycel. Just saddened to see how my straight bros keep obsessing over these vaginal creatures that don't care for them.
Since I'm closeted and fairly dysgenic myself I receive the same cold treatment as any straightcel irl. And people online will assume I'm a regular incel so when I argue with women and their whiteknights I also get to experience the absolute dehumanization and vitriol. Like I cant understand how you still wanna pursue women after this. They are horrible.
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Best post ever, OP. These guys only have to speak to a few women to see how scary and threatening they really aren't. There are so many homely or chunky or awkward women who are the female version of these robots, just waiting to hook up. And they're lonely too. They aren't fucking 'Chad', because that's complete bullshit. It's all nonsense. No one in the real world ever speaks of any of that because it isn't true.
Real romantic love does exist and I've had it. My parents had it and most of my friends have it. I hope to have it again. All you have to do is go outside and watch people walking around the parking lot of a store to see couples of all shape and size and attractiveness as well as solo fugly women, female incels who certainly aren't getting any 'chad' cock.
If you're gonna be all prudish and virginal and reject every woman over 20 and anyone with a tattoo or an ex, well, you're going to be a lonely fag for life, and that's by choice. If you ever DO get to experience sex you'll figure out that it's normal to do it more than once with more than one person. Whores with double and triple digit counts turn me off too. Guess what, they aren't as common as your 'pills' would brainwash you into believing.

OP may not be right about it being a gay conspiracy, but 'chad theory' is for sure bullshit. Anyone telling you it's over and that all women are whores and there's no pussy for you is lying. Unless your own mom was a shitty whore you need to look to her and have hope. Look around; the world you observe does not support any of the 'blackpill' disinformation.
spoken like a true fag lol
>only a fag thinks about the truth
Your future wife is sucking cock now
you still speak like a fag
The blackpill is entirely real and most people who came to attain that knowledge did so because of the massive disparity between what society/people were telling them and their actual observations of the world.

Any negative reaction is a unimportant, but being realistic will save you from so much suffering. It can't be refuted because at its core the "black pill" is all about using scientific method and existing evidence to analytically determine the properties of human relationships and sexual dynamics.

Esstentially, unlike every other body of thought on this topic which rely heavily on anecdotal evidence and emotion based reasoning, or make a leap from "aught to" to "actually is", the blackpill has actual predictive power which imo makes it the best model we have to explain and understand human sexual dynamics in the modern world
>is all about using scientific method and existing evidence to analytically determine the properties of human relationships and sexual dynamics.
>never heard of the replication crisis
Social sciences are a meme but blackpill is a meme that holds lots of truth. It doesnt mean you cant get a girlfriend, but it does have implications about the way your relationship will most likely play out across time
>Social sciences are a meme but blackpill is a meme that holds lots of truth
yet you only point at sociology studies, retard. next time don't fall for the memetic mindvirus setup by glowies
Russian bots don't promote faggot behavior. It's the opposite. They promote duginoid techno fascism and anti-lgbt stuff. blackpill propaganda is explicitly a mossad/cia invention. it only benefits globohomo, not the russian state. the Russian state is trying to promote far right bullshit.
both suck but instead of just making up bullshit, how about provide actual evidence.
BLACKPILL is for fetishist losers
I'm a girl and I'd totally date a short guy (5ft9-5ft11) my current bf is 6ft6, and the previous one was 6ft5, but I chose them for their personality- they're so fun and outgoing! Their height wasn't a factor at all, trust me.
>I'm a girl and I'd totally date a short guy (5ft9-5ft11) my current bf is 6ft6, and the previous one was 6ft5, but I chose them for their personality- they're so fun and outgoing!
>t. fag
another tranny astroturfing to promote the blackpill deathcult
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>90% of this board and so-called incels are just gay men trying to stop men from liking women
I doubt it, but if low-value men can't get women due to hypergamy, then why is that a bad thing? Not every man needs to produce and I need someone to suck off and swallow
who is she?
is that a jap high school girl?
that classroom looks exactly like my country's classroom
You just noticed? Good job newfag
We don't call each other fags here for no good reason
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If you ask me, the real psyop are disgusting Normies who know you don't have a chance at genuine love with most modern women, but still want you to waste your time, money, and peace of mind. If you can't get a viable female helpmeet or you don't want kids, it's best to be monogamously gay and refrain from anal
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>man won't agreed with my argument
>call him gay
Wait, is that so simple?
Wdyw from retarded roastie OP. Next she will tell that we have small dicks or another childish insult she was taught back in college
>betas are gay
How they're reproducing then?
>also im a hikikomori, im no nomralfag. I had sex
I think it might be a bait thread now
GOOD MORNING TSAAAR, puccia is superpawa yes
>trying to convince others to be homosexual
Power is everything.
Nobody says or thinks this.
who is she? jav actress?
Women try their hardest to stop men from liking them. Most likely these guys will stay masturbating to women in porn and not actually turn gay, they just rightfully won't like or respect women as people. Gay guys dogpiling on an already existing issue for some dick won't get the results they really want because it's not that easy. They're just not attractive and if anything they're repellent not only because they're clearly men or masculine even after attempts to be fem but they're extremely diseased.
>best post ever because I put whores and shallow relationships with them on a pedestal
You have American reading comprehension skills
You have terminal simping
exposed fag, another one
>itt unpicked wursties SEETHING
Honestly so much this family
So much win, we did it again reddit.
That is one sexy ass rectangle
y'all are seething u are homolfobic and fags at the same time lol
Ziggers will do literally anything for a nickle, fool. Look at how many hundreds of thousands of their brothers they murdered in Ukraine, on both sides. They see their brothers beg for their lives and they laugh about it, post it online to gloat.
In 2014, Ziggers got caught boosting the Ferguson riots by buying FaceBook ads targeted at Black Americans in Missouri. People don't like to talk about it because it makes both sides look bad.
They will boost anyone and anything that weakens the American Empire, no matter the consequence to everyday Americans.
Actual faggot here, as in a naked Stacy would cause me to puke, I never once spared a serious thought towards you stupid roasties because my brain isnt wired to be enslaved by your kind so the idea blackpillers are gays like me is utterly ridiculous. Women are just annoying creatures to us gays, they are le wonderful angels who are so amazing to hets or bisexual men those are the blackpillers.
It's just a bait post bro, don't overthink it. He'll post it again as soon as this one stops.
realest post itt. gays don't think about women at all.
and yet you're here spreading fake blackpill deathcultism
>Chad fucking your crush while you study
You're still denying that?
>*there are autistic people and still get pussy... but they are confident, not socially awkward and have charisma*
Yes, all the things that autism prevents you from having. Kys faggot
>theories of some gay autists
That's basically the entirety of science.
The blackpill is just astroturfing by shareblue and other companies. they're going crazy now trying to push kamala which isn't working. it's always the same group of shills and bots
chad worshipping is very gay indeed
save jap birthrate by going to asia
yeah i started talking to girls and the experience has been nice and i don't even hide my autism

one of those content creators rated me a 3/10 and told me it's either plastic surgery or giving up.

i ignored him and now i have sex.

inceldom is a lie.
This thread is mostly just OP blatantly samefagging
you sir are a coper

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