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Why don't femanons approach men?
There are lots of men who would love you just for making the first move.
Normies already live on easymode, you think femanons are going to approach non normies?
because women are scared due to women brain + they want men who r dominate and getting asked out implies that the man is the submissive one
They do but usually its signals like looking at you or getting close to you hoping you speak up. Very rarely will they initiate the conversation.
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women make the first romantic move quite often, especially more dominant women. but guys always always ALWAYS have to talk or approach first. not sure why, just seems to be the nature of things.

lots of guys probably think just cus theyre submissive they dont have to be the ones that walk up to the girl, but this isnt the case. there are still lots of girls that like more submissive men, and im speaking from personal experience, dominant women still want men to be the first to say hi.

protip, just be constantly buzzed and it makes things a lot easier, at the expense of your liver!!!
because i have oneitis for a guy who is way more accomplished and cooler than me so i'd need an extremely clear sign to be able to believe that he could be into me
>way more accomplished
God women are so dumb. Only women care about how accomplished someone is for romance. Just ask him, dipshit.
I mean that I'm a literal neet anon. not gonna do it.
A NEET in the sense you dropped out of college last year or a NEET in the sense that you dropped out of school 10 years ago? Either way, men don't care about accomplishment as much as you think. You, even as a NEET, may be disgusted at the idea of dating one but a man is not disgusted with the idea of dating a NEET. If you're not a total deadweight or if they earn enough then they won't care.
i'm too ugly and have no shot
oh i don't mind the idea of dating another neet. i'm just not very social and don't meet many people. and yeah i'm definitely closer to the first option.
Women largely are terrified of even no-stakes rejection. It's lame since most of them could easily find themselves happily taken by someone they like.
I'm rather skeptical at you not caring about a guy being a NEET. I have plenty of personal experiences saying otherwise. Should've led with the social bit, sadly I have no advice for that.
you can be skeptical, but i know what i like, dislike, and don't mind. and truthfully i know that i probably belong with a guy who is a big loser like myself. but i have this oneitis feelings, it wouldn't be fair to try to find a bf and then secretly constantly think about someone else yknow.
>i probably belong with a guy who is a big loser like myself.
Bitch, do you know your oneitis? Are you friends? If you know eaxh other on a deeper level than hello goodbye, and he's single, chances are he's gonna be alright with you making an advancement. No buts, no mihs, no nothing. Go. Text.
> it wouldn't be fair to try to find a bf and then secretly constantly think about someone else yknow.
Yeah, that'd be horrible. No real advice for you, although I could never understand the oneitis shit. If I know someone doesn't like me, I lose interest and it never comes back. But I'm also a guy and would actively ask if they liked me or not.
the thing is i don't know him well personally or on a deeper level. at some point I was occcasionally in a social group where he also was (don't know if it will be a month or a year until i go again), and while i heard about him a lot from others, and was sometimes in his presence, i rarely ever talked to him.
i wasn't a part of the conversation but i also heard that he "likes being alone", in the context of relationships. so yeah it's just a weird obsessive crush that stuck with me. i'm not serious about trying to date him or anything even though i have a crush that has lasted a long time.
rant over.
So what. Women back in the 1920s were NEETs in a sense where they were housewives. A modern day NEET female is just a housewife without a husband
He won't care if you're good to get around. Men like a woman's character way more than their social position.
Seriously, girls should stop giving so much importance to a men's achievement when dating because at this point you are projecting that at the reverse on yourself.
Also guys with awesome achievements can be horrible, see how Picasso treated his gfs for example.
All of those girls where blinded by how good he was as an artist and he treated them like shit.
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You should get to know him more. If you barely know someone then you'll be prone to filling in the blanks in the most favorable ways possible(if you already look at them favorably). Either you find out that you don't like him as much as you think you do and can move on or you like him more and more and take a chance to get closer.
that's a good point to keep in mind definitely.
i think early on the crush was mostly about how ""cool"" he was and the achievements were a part of that. but as time went on it became more about how attractive his personality is to me. like when i heard that he doesn't like anything sweet with sugar because he's afraid he would fuck up his teeth. a slightly weird thing, but it was very cute to me. i like all his small quirks.
sadly i probably can't since i see him extremely sporadically and rarely haha. and i'm still not sure if he's even attracted to me or not, i'd like to know that first. mostly he seems to not really look at me, but then i noticed that he was glancing at me when i was kinda standing behind someone else. i get the sense that he's careful around me, but probably because i was always with my brother (whom he knows). but maybe i'm just overthinking and that "carefulness" is simply not being into me.
i also don't really want to make things awkward since i'm usually the only woman in these social happenings. i feel that if you're the only woman with a bunch of men it's kinda against social rules to start acting romantic or sexual or try to pursue any of them.

but i guess this is just excuses, i'm too afraid to do anything. but i'll keep your advice in mind and maybe try to think of something.
its because I don't go outside and I have anxiety
You can expect that if he's interested that he might ask questions about you. It's not necessarily taboo to act romantic with any of the guys, but it will likely make things far less comfortable for them -- especially if any of the other guys have feelings for you. Good luck, anon.
oh, in that case it's more unlikely then since he never asks questions about me.

but yeah it's just annoying to constantly feel like someone is either attracted or not because there are so many mixed signals. one of the only times he ever asked me a direct question was asking about my sister when i had mentioned i had a sister. he got more curious when he heard she's my twin, and i swear i heard him heavily implying that she'd be attractive, despite never meeting her. but ngl we were all drinking. couple this with him never talking to me or asking me questions. it's frustrating.

and thanks anon i appreciate it.
i get anxious and paranoid when i talk to anyone even online
i dont know how ill ever approach someone in real life. everyone avoids eye contact with me anyway.
I have the same problem.
I only write to strangers on 4chan because anything else gets me too anxious.
Same reason why I don't play online with people I don't know IRL
even being on here makes me nervous, but mostly because i know its bad for me.
>Same reason why I don't play online with people I don't know IRL
wait, if you have friends in real life, is it just the internet in specific that makes you nervous?
i wish i could make friends online or in real life to play games with
ok so reading this thread has made me realize femanons are anxious messes, so how would you ladies make yourselves approachable irl to shy, awkward men?
>how would you ladies make yourselves approachable irl to shy, awkward men?
its probably not going to work
i dress like an old lady and my eyes are glued to the floor
IRL other men approach me for friendship over time when I go to a place to do something like studying.
I get well around when other people talk to me but I get anxious and paranoid if I have to start talking to a complete stranger.
It doesn't work for getting a gf as like says>>78269802 women always expect men to approach.
What baffles me because I've heard women saying that they had a good opinion of me multiple times in conversations with 3rd parties.
i'm in a situation with a lot of female stalkers just desiring that they make their move because they have been violently separating me from other women or threatening my life.
>femanons are anxious messes
I get bullied a lot for acting weird and childish by a lot of people so now I don't even try
Sigh where are the modest bookworms at these days
Is he a rather polite/considerate person? That might be why he was asking. Twins do also tend to be interesting, since they so often can be indistinguishable from one another even when raised apart. As far as the comment on him preferring to be alone when it comes to relationships, in my own experience that comes out as a result of having a number of bad experiences getting to know girls or trying to date them. If your brother is in that group then you should ask him to see what he thinks.
they need more attention via making themselves look shy at times. with this attention they get more men = more money = no need for a job = get to mooch off men = with multiple men, higher chances of getting a black one with an inhuman dick = can make bbc porn = just get fucked to make more money than the average wagie
I'm not interested in you at all.
>"please notice me! please! I desperately need attention from moids! I need to use a tripcode!"
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because this is how i feel talking to anyone new, regardless if they are male or female.

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