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The traditional male-female dynamic, honored by all mankind for 1000s of years, was "WOMAN as Goddess, MOID as worshipper." Men in the days of traditional conservatism acknowledged women as their superiors, granting them many forms of WORSHIP such as:
>Kissing their hands
>Giving up seats for them
>Holding doors for them (I mean letting them all the way through, Butler-style, not the modern thing where you hold it until the person behind you takes it)
>Addressing them as "M'Lady"
>Throwing their jackets on puddles so women could cross without getting wet
>Handing over 90% of their income to their wives for the household makeup & jewelry budget (and a little for the kids' food if they kids were well behaved).
>Kissing their feet probably
Basically, men in the days of chivalry KNEW that women were superior, and treated them as such, behaving as their submissive BUTLERS and servants. This is in contrast to today when moids seem to be laboring under the delusion that they are somehow "equal" to women. This haughty attitude of moids can be seen in many modern practices, which are just the opposite of the traditional, WOMAN FIRST order:
>Demanding that women pay half on dates
>Disagreeing with women
>Expecting women to take the door when it is their turn and hand it off to the next person
>Expecting women to sign abusive "prenuptial agreements"
>Even worse, not marrying at all!
The decline in mens' standards has been clear as day. The question is, what caused this loss of worship for women, and what can be done to reverse it?
Lost me here, cunt
A lot of words you just wrote.
Feminism, but quite frankly I'm not fond of any female worship. Females don't deserve this kind of treatment, they don't deserve to have a voice either, they should be treated as baby machines which is the only practical purpose they can serve in society.
This is bait. I bit.
We were pretending, and you bitches stopped being worth playing pretend to
Women is what caused it.they wanted to be single and independent. They don't need no man. Men said okay fine so be it and decided that what women demand for what they offer now is a very shifty deal. Plus why even bother is women can't remain chaste anymore. Most of those items on your list was reserved for virgin women. So if you want things to go back the way they were return women to the way they were.

Real life isn't burger King. You don't get to have it yout way.
3/10 troll, your words were too ragey, please try again!
When I see someone publicly disagreeing with a woman I get serious second-hand embarrassment. At the very least you need to respect that their opinions carry more weight than your own.
Even if its bait its true, read classical literature it always depicts great warriors as being subservient to their gfs. Simping for a fair maiden was seen a virtuous in the past.
>Women is what caused it
thats not really true most advancement's for women ie women's suffrage was not at all popular with the majority of women the government just passed it and then started spreading propaganda that women wanted to work and the right to vote. It was only actually a tiny minority of communist and old hags.
Whenever I find myself disagreeing with a woman, I just drop down to my hands and knees and start kissing her feet while repeatedly apologizing for being so stupid.
Internet and social media. The curtain has fallen and can never be raised again, it's now widely known that women are just as fucking vile and disgusting as men. Why would women he treated as goddesses anymore? We've seen the pics and timelines, goddesses dont act the way modern women do.
>Whenever I find myself disagreeing with a woman, I just drop down to my hands and knees and start kissing her feet while repeatedly apologizing for being so stupid.
This is the kind of men we need to raise into the next generation. REAL MEN, who know their PLACE!
>Internet and social media. The curtain has fallen and can never be raised again, it's now widely known that women are just as fucking vile and disgusting as men. Why would women he treated as goddesses anymore? We've seen the pics and timelines, goddesses dont act the way modern women do.
The idea that a woman needs to dress modestly, be quiet/polite etc to receive chivalrous treatment, is a relic of the patriarchy. What needs to happen now is men need to start kissing our feet even when we are wearing skin tight yoga pants that ride up our assholes.
Universal access to education. It destroyed a lot dumb ideas specially those related with supernatural claims. Thot ist tot
It's due to the easy access to so much porn. The internet was a disaster for the human race.
modern women aren't deserving of this treatment, you can blame feminism for that. also a guy that opens doors for women will get cheated on for a guy who doesn't
you modern women are all fat and ugly, and have been ran through. to actually think that even a majority of you even deserve our acknowledgment is fucking hilarious
>What needs to happen now is men need to start kissing our feet even when we are wearing skin tight yoga pants that ride up our assholes.
You can go to a fetish club if you are into that. Otherwise keep dreaming
>What needs to happen now is men need to start kissing our feet even when we are wearing skin tight yoga pants that ride up our assholes.
I'm 90% sure this is bait but after seeing how retarded women are I wouldn't be surprised if you're genuinely serious

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