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Soo.. what do you boys do when you're bored?
Read, house work, volunteer, cycle, swim, work of model aircraft.
play a video game or my ocarina
go outside for a walk
read... lmao
sometimes nothing. just stare at the ceiling.
post on 4chan
Hike, read, listen to music, keep the house, vidya, write, write music or jerk off.
>what do when bored?
Come here, mainly. Sometimes doomscroll zitter, jewstagram, maybe plebbit.
often times jerk off
Learn junk, mostly. Play some vidya too. I've got a whole bunch of wiki articles and papers to read through, tons of minidocs on Youtube and more.
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Pray for god to fucking kill me
this, I goon. I do weird things to push the limits of my gooning. I use cock rings, I put things in my ass, nipple clamps, I have an oculus rift and I pretend that those shitty webms of sissy hypno are actually hypnotizing me. It really fills my day up
Touch my wenor
what would you be doing if the concept of gooning didn't exist
I go out into nature reserves and wander around in them until I get lost and almost don't make it home
I masturbate to the thought of making love to prime female bodies.
Depends a lot on how I'm feeling. I may go walking, play a videogame, call a friend, shitpost online, search videos about topics I'm interested on, read a book...
Music, art, programming, fitness, learn languages
Standard autist stuff
Music, software dev, read (at the park), sleep/dream, fantasize about having a loving wife and chilling in a forest lol, browsing 4chan to drown my stress from being so fucking lonely.
I don't get bored. I don't understand how people get bored in this day and age.
I fantasize about getting married and having a big happy family
I do drugs and go for long long walks.
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Lately I've been reading horror stories. Most of them are shit though. I want to start writing my own
>horror stories
Read extreme horror. Its retarded but fun
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Anything in particular you recommend?
holy shit that pic took me way back to pic rel
Extreme horror in books is just torture porn sprinkled with degeneracy. For starters you can read some works of Aron Beauregard hes the normfag of extreme horror. Dont read his popular works as theyre stretched out for no reason.
Then id recommend edward lee.
DONT READ THE GIRL NEXT DOOR BY JACK KETCHUM IF YOU DONT WANT TO READ A REPETITIVE BOOK. Fucker literally made more than half the book about the sexual abuse two main child characters receive, which I respect, but holy shit he mustve been jacking off constantly as he wrote that shit lol
Random personal favorites, genital grinder by ryan harding, survivor by j.f. gonzalez. Genital grinder got me horny so much
turn off my brain and do repetitive mundane effortless tasks
Starting to mutilate myself again
Thats hot unoriginicacaligiy what do you do?
Only when i was stoopid enough to smoke weed again.. that shits bot good for me.
Gardening and cleaning.
Since i got everything sorted i feel much better and want to keep my place that way. If thats done i usually hit the gym since being a big boy is a good feel.
If that is done i enjoy making good food for me belly, nothing better after hard work then good food and beer in belly!
If i have then some time left i started to play darksouls and animu till i have to hit the sheeds.
Fap or play mindless multiplayer games
my gay ass apartment is forcing me to tear my garden down (that they were chill with for years) because my black karen neighbor saw a snake bear her door. yeah thanks for destroying the one outside hobby I had
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Make her regret that!
What a fucking whore.
I feel you, without my plants and that space to model my own a huge part of me would be unsatisfied.
I hope you find something compareable anon.
You could grow things inside your apartment too. Pothos is rather exceptional at growing indoors and you can have its roots growing in an aquarium(where it'll remove harmful chemicals from the water so you don't need to change the water).
yeah too fucking bad my apartment doesn't allow them, it's nice enough they don't care about my cat, they just don't allow "exotic pets" for some reason
I hope so, she's like a genuinely insane grandma that thinks I stained her car with a tomato from my garden 4 fucking years ago (I didn't do this btw it's so dumb and petty and she actually wanted to get insurance involved for something that can literally just get washed off. also there's a fuckton of kids in my apartments it was probably one of them that did it)
I do actually grow plants inside though, flowers mainly. I have pots of flowers and stuff outside too but my actual garden was mainly for tomatoes and cucumbers
Wait they won't let you have any kind of fish or snails or anything? I mean I would've figured they'd be upset at the potential spill or water damage of a broken aquarium but not for the pets in it. What all do they count as "exotic pets"?
literally anything that isn't a cat or dog counts as an exotic pet, like they explicitly list fish and insects as examples
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Watch pornography and play with my genitals
Wow, that's pretty lame. At least you could keep a planted aquarium. No animals in that, just aquatic plants. It's also not like they could prove if you have shrimp, fish or anything else or not if you know what you're doing.
>willows with steel axe in fally at 95 wc
Are you doing one of those gay challenges that limit you to one part of the map or something?
I watch webms, read mangos
those are yews with a gilded axe by melzar's maze
Play vidya, watch videos. There was a time where I started reading again, tried to learn to draw better and tried to learn the piano. Now I'm back to vidya and videos and 4chan.
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i havent felt boredom since i was a child! theres always games to play, books to read. or just lie down and fantasize! you'll never run out of scenarios
I try to read, rest, or just stare at the ceiling/walls. Being a neet is rough.
>just stare at the ceiling/walls.
Doesn't that get a bit boring?
I also go airsofting. There is a big initial money push, and you can go "down the rabbit hole" in costs. But it is satisfying and if you get a cheap-o set of BDUs, some old ALICE gear, and rent an airsoft gun. Easily $100 all said and done. And if you put down money for an airsoft gun and have all the stuff, maybe your range will charge you $20 every time you go and maybe once a month you spend another meager $20 on airsoft BBs. Honestly a good, affordable workout and lots of fun. I mean, honestly my airsoft loadout is nice and costs just as much as my advanced goonpig loadout
Scroll on social media, waste time with rants and baits and masturbate to porn
Also note that almost all women unfriend and unfollow me
Only ones who stick around are trans
A bit, usually I don't do it for that long, at most for maybe 30 minutes. It is a bit boring but I get things to think about, mostly my worries but sometimes other things that I can plan out in my head, and I can reorganize my thoughts a bit too.
I mean it's either that or stare blanky at the computer, which isn't a lot more interesting.
Well as long as you aren't drinking
I don't think I could afford drinking, not regularly at least. Even if I could I wouldn't. I never got intro drinking, I haven't had a bed over like 5% on my life so I've never really gotten that experience, most stuff I've had it cocktails and drinks while out with family.
I am in my mid 20s btw, I'm not like a 19 year old who has never drank before.
i eat cookies that make you wanna fuck dudes

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