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I'm antinatalist because it pisses off Elon.
not on pol and so I don't care
>ending your geneline to show the chuds
bravo retard, that map seems kinda skewed also i would expect turkey and other to have higher birth rate
Im surprised Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan have such high population growth. I mean for one they're post soviet states, also for muslim states they're pretty irreligious which was mostly caused by them being post soviet states that had state atheism just a few decades ago, and finally there's also the whole Aral sea drying up thing which made a lot of the country more arid while removing an entire fishing industry and slowing down irrigation for their cotton production (take a guess at what caused all that).
Is there a good convincing single argument against ending one's geneline though? Genuinely asking.
It's pretty wild who is actually making babies. One of the families at my church has adopted five children all from the same meth addicted mother.

There's another mom in my church community sorta who has three daughters. One of them is 19 and already has two kids. The two others are fraternal twins that are like 14 or so. One of those is kinda slow and both of them have flirted with me while their mom is like ten feet away.

More and more of the next generation is going to be children of mothers who are some combination of fanatically religious, mentally challenged, and trainwrecks.

The folks with more reasoning capacity won't completely die out. My cousin is a neurologist and her husband is a computer programmer and they have one child together. But those types are going to get rarer and rarer.
its maybe the only reason why you even exist right now on this earth is to continue your geneline as did your parents before. all animals live to breed and die
So? If something exists that doesn't mean that its purpose is to reproduce or that it even has a purpose at all. There's no spanking session once you die childless.
I think I read about this somewhere actually. The people more suited to being parents either overthink how prepared they need to be, choose not to have kids in the first place, or only have one or two kids (at/below replacement level). Whereas the ones supplying the world with more children are the religious, the destitute, and those who are impulsive and don't think about how to raise kids in the first place.
You're antinatalist because you're too ugly to fuck.
based Arabs. the vanguard against subhuman euroshit degeneracy.
It's frustrating because when I try and talk to women about this they start speaking jibberish. I ask them ok how do you expect feminism to win when you a feminist are proudly childfree but Mrs tradwife helpmeet quiverfull doesn't believe it's moral for a wife to ever refuse her husband sex over there is having 10 children. You realize that's going to create a society where a rapidly increasing number of children are growing up basically in cults.

Then they're like "no no but I can be the witchy aunt librarian to those children and help them understand the truth and break free." Like that somehow changes the inevitable structure of that sort of society due to the math.
The arabs aren't even that based though. They're mostly at replacement level, not increasing. Africans are the based ones here by your standards.
I am African and Arab (Sudanese), so I don't really care what you think. Cumskin dicklet.
While that is true you also have to understand that progressive and more educated people generally don't have as many kids and never have throughout history. Yet the world keeps getting more progressive as access to better education increases. The right outbreeding the left has never been a problem for this reason and it's also why the right vehemently hates education.
I am Lebanese you retard I know this shit first hand.
ayri fi kos okhtak al gahba
It's actually honestly almost too late. Because this is how you get a society that's banning abortion and shutting down libraries and clamping down on sex education. Stuff that's already happening right now.

I'm waiting for liberal women to realize "hey wait maybe I should have three children and teach them women's rights are human rights and marriage should be a partnership of equals" but it seems like there's no interest in any of that stuff. They somehow want to inflict their ideology on society without being involved in raising society.
I mourn my birth as a non-Arab every day and night.
This hasn't been a thing "throughout history" this changed with the advent of birth control dummy.
Sid boosak al Abeed.
Guys, should I impregnate my Japanese girlfriend? Note that I already have kids with a white woman but this Japanese girl is obsessed with me and wants kids too.
the savages in africa mogging almost everyone lol
Take care of your fucking kids you deadbeat.
I already do take care of them, Anon.
Feminists dont understand that they're the reason everything is so shit these days. As long as they get to ditch their responsibilities, they could care less if the planet becomes a shitskin favela in 300 years
retard you can't speak arabic
its easy just learn the language, move to UAE, and theyll accept you
I detest Elon but I'm definitely a pronatalist. I'm also a hardcore lib and anti-racist unlike all the people who apparently only want their particular group to have babies and not the others
>hardcore lib and anti-racist
Enjoy being out bred and then wiped out by people who vehemently disagree with these two points.
It's not my fault this stupid board only uses english characters, I don't know how to type in this pseudo arabic bullshit.
Will I have to become a Muslim? I can never be religious, but I'm sure I can fully respect Arabic people and their every custom.
I will prevent that by continuing to help oppose rightism and authoritarianism. Including from my own ingroups
Quit being stupid anarkiddy
the only people my age i see with kids around here are white trash so i can only assume it was an accident and the lady didn't want an abortion. poor bastards.
no, there are tens of millions of arab christians
you used plural instead of singular
The birthrate in sub saharan africa is also crashing. Its just that their birthrate has been so insane that it doesn't really show on maps like this.
That's a weird reason for being one
Elon doesnt come on /r9k/ dipshit
Then kill yourself faggot or admit that you just use that label for attention. Dumb fucking redditor
And how am I supposed to know that? They both make the e sound. Whatever, you're a nigger and a slave, happy?

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