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Can fembots ever Iove a robot with acne scars?
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Have you tried Proactiv?
My man wtf is going on with your face?
yeah i wouldnt mind. i just want near unconditional love from someone while also being abusive to them
Can't laser surgery fix that?
those are keloids, it's incredibly rare in whites, kinda common for nigs
look into phenol peels, anon
thats genuinely disgusting im sorry
Bro this is more than acne scars, you need to see a dermatologist
Kinda unfortunate because he looks good looking otherwise.
>pic rel
at that point it stops being like dating a guy with acne scars, and more like dating scarface. but in a good way, women like actual scars.
This shit is why I still used acutane even when my dick was literally bleeding.
Jesus Christ and I thought my scars looked bad, that shit looks like a fucking burn scar
You need surgery. Blah blah everyone deserves love blah blah love yourself and shit, but do it anyway.
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I mean, I have bad scarring too, as long as you're not a dick, plus you have nice hair.
goddamn dude, does it hurt?
post feet immediately thank you
How abusive are we talking here?
gosh, poor dude. that looks horrible.
not him but are you easy Asian
>flawless skin my whole life
>get a pimple maybe once a year
>ugly as shit
oh well.
You're so beautifuI
>flawless skin my whole life
>27 comes
>develop Rosacea
You can't win.
A fembot with acne scars would be my ideal partner
turn it into some story about surviving an acid attack while defending your woman or some shit and women will eat it up. you're more than attractive enough otherwise.
joking aside aren't there surgeries that can remove this kind of severe scarring? it still sucks you have to deal with it but at least you'd have a solution to work toward
so close and yet so far. isn't life cruel.

What the fuck? This looks like a stacy with mild acne

Why do fembots always post this kind of selfie bait then never reply after?
What happened man <D42H8Y+
Cause you filthy simps instantly devolve into pajeets growling about beutiful bobs vagene and feet. No self-respect.
You're so beautiful, I love you.
TSMT. you niggers have no dignity
leatherface lookin ass. best bet is to try and sandpaper it down
Only if you let me pop your pimples and drain your cysts for my own amusement. What's your back look like?
these posts reek of curry
depends if you're a minority and have money...
Don't be sad, bb. I will kiss your acne all over. Up and down. Do you come to India?
i dont care at all about acne scars as long as your armpit smell good and you let me sniff and lick your sweat
do one of two things

wait it out and hope there's some medical mumbo fucko

burn your face and let a burn scar cover it, makes for a cooler story
Had no idea Jonah Hex posted here
>acne scars
you have melt melt and you are freddy kruger
you gotta be kidding what the fuck
plese open bob byutiful lady are you virgin??
why you no reply back??? i find IP, bloody bitch
>barely noticeable
meanwhile op looks like an acid attack victim
that's not op that's a post from reddit 5 months ago you retard
Of course, I think anyone who would call it a dealbreaker would be too shallow for you anyways. You fall in love with the man, not the skin
am i supposed to know that dumbass?
lucky duck
4chan has a built in reverse image search feature you silly billy
start reverse image searching posts newfag
o yea let me google search every image i see on 4chan, as if i care
uncurious spirit, ngmi
you shouldn't take everything you see on the internet at face value. it's important to think critically about the media you see, not just online but throughout your entire life. taking a step back to process information before absorbing the face value of it helps with critical thinking skills and to process your own internal thoughts on it rather than just following the narrative people push onto you. it's important to think critically, and not to just follow what others tell you what to think.
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i have this plugin
There is just NO way that's aren't scars.
you've been huffing your own farts too much, none of this matters
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same here. My camera quality is shit so its kinda blurry
Attention whoring?
There's barely anything wrong with your skin
like i said, my camera sucks. most of the pictures are take are blurry or shitty quaitt overall.
>camera quality is shit
steal a better one?
what the fuck is this thread
how about you's go suck off a donkey
OP included
how tf do you even get acne scars
That shit looks horrifying, like someone threw acid on that niggas face
Those look more like burn scars.
does acutane make your dick bleed?
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Yeah just tell them you're a convict who got the scars while killing your last victim and they'll be all over you
what if women can detect a beating but willingly march forward because they like it?

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