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Reminder that nobody gives a FUCK about your "male loneliness" problems, in fact it's probably better if you're lonely since when moids get with a woman they usually end up straight up MURDERING her.
why do you follow radfem hitler
>better if you're lonely since when moids get with a woman they usually end up straight up MURDERING her.
Usually when a person misunderstands statistics that badly it's time for them to get off the internet and get a real job.
>straight up MURDERING her.
You don't actually believe that men murdering women is that common, you're just jealous because woke feminism is out of fashion and now loser men are getting more attention than loser women.
>blaming harmless betas for things Chad and abusive men women have sex with do

wamen moment
Wow you know that much about my intentions from just one anonymous post? You must be a PhD..
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can we get a race data check on these murders?
100% white fr
You don't need a PhD to figure out that idpol people are jealous faggots, identity politics is pretty obviously about people wanting a group they belong to to get more attention and government gibs. I mean, look at common idpol sayings like "I want to be heard."
Sorry, what? Is the moid upset about "men's loneliness and mental health" really pulling the "muh idpol" card on me right now? LOL!!!
i wish i could be a radfems nigel bf. she'd be like, your gender is trash! and id be like i know, i apologize for my shit gender and shed be like, just trash! yelling and id be agreeing 100% then she'd start crying and sobbing and embrace me saying "i hate men so much it's unreal" and i'd hold her close and pat her on the back and say "i know, i know, i'm so sorry" and id support her in everything she did because she is my queen
Reminder: That "RFH" bitch is a 35 year old HAPA that larps as White. Imagine nearing 40 years of age and you are still engagng in this "eww boys are yucky" school yard shit.

Grow the fuck up. There are women 5 years your elder becoming grand mothers for god's sake. White Chad didn't want your HAPA ass, stop making it a everyone else problem.
>2 women / week = 104 women / year = 0.000155% of the population = 1 in a million chance of having that actually happen to you in a given year
>meanwhile you also have a 1 in a million chance of getting struck by lightning in a given year
That's it! I'm redeeming!
>35 year old
Suddenly I care much less about her opinion
I really do think if the average person understood probability we would live in a utopia. So much stupidity is just people not being capable of comprehend things in proper proportion.
you're nothing special btw, the amount of radfems who have boyfriends is suspicious for a movement so hellbent on claiming that all moids are heckin' bad, the ones that don't have boyfriends are lesbians or simply extremely hypergamous (as opposed to very hypergamous). you don't have to be a genius to realize most complaints that radfems have about how men treat them have a female equivalent but men just simply don't call it out, women have a tendency to look for ways they can feel oppressed and they see reality through that bias so of course they're going to paint women as a historical victim with no agency and men as perpetual oppressors. personally I just think the average radfem just wants to be proven wrong and find love, just like incels.
Women need to realize there come a point where "silly girl" turns into "bitch"
If you are an old woman, stop bitching. You are the equivalent of a male now. No one wants to hear your old ass bark.
Yeah if she's worried about that low probability, she should be terrified daily about car accidents or having a heart attack if that woman and those 6.6k likes were being logical.
enjoy having a horrible life as she does whatever she wants because you already justified it for her
Why are you defending yourself against these cockroaches? You know perfectly well that they're just doing it to make you feel like shit and even if you manage to prove that you're right, they will immediately bombard you with some other make believe bullshit. Never explain yourself to a female, never give them the satisfaction.
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>blahbalhablah I HATE MEN SO MUCH blahblah
>blahlblah MEN BAD blahblahblah

this sounds like the fantastic recipe to end up in an abusive relationship, reminder that the BPD slut to manhating radfem is real and they will use their BPD tricks on you to destroy your life
BPD slut to manhating radfem PIPELINE forgot to include that bit
it's bait, there are no real simps here
kekked so fucking hard at this, is there any more from this set?
>men who are not lonely are violent
>men who are lonely are blamed for this
kek can't make this up
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It's funny, when I try to apply this man-hating logic to certain races these women shut right up.
the violent men get pussies wet while the peaceful men give women the ick
erm actually socioeconomic factors and white supremacy made them do that...
>erm actually socioeconomic factors and white supremacy made them do that...
Hahah yeah, but they're still men, right? I just narrowed it down a bit, nothing crazy
>they usually end up straight up MURDERING her.

Come on now, OP. You know that isn't true.
Remember when there was a twitter post of a woman saying "I hate all men/Kill all men!" and someone replied "George Floyd too?" which shut her up?
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Where do you come up with this shit?

Yeah, violent sadists are sooooo hot! Decent men are super gross! Lol, go outside, schizo.
you're just a two dimensional see-through faggot, it's pretty easy to tell based on your shit thread, your obnoxious typing style and what a huge cunt you are
OP's dad killed OP's mom I guess. And OP never got laid.

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>in the UK women are murdered by their boyfriends
Let's see the race.
I bet you can't even remember the last time a women really heard you speak.
This lmao
They fuck nafris and negros for being macho and aggressive then act surprised when they get beaten
It's never THEIR fault for choosing them too, stop victim blaming
>women choose violent partners
>I should suffer for this because.... because I just should, okay?
>all those serial killers who get letters and marriage proposals
c'mon son
>Decent men are BORING
Fixed, this is the female brain
contentment is poison for them
who the fuck even asked for your sorry ass input, spare rib roastie?
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these two are all I got
I didn't even want to dignify it with a response
>ur a heckin incel
It's such tired NPC response
Just say something about cheetos and mom's basement hot pockets
dont call me a woman im a twink and I can kinda touch my tongue to the tip of my dick even though I have all my ribs
This is ONLY based if you also let her fuck abusechads on the side while she shits on your incel nice guy existance. And you buy her things occasionally.
it's clown world, dont bother. Staying online only gives you depression. I stopped browsing reddit aswell. Just occasionally visit r9k tv and g.

Let these whores reap what they sought.
Move to the countryside. Simple life best life.
Let them live like rats in the cities.
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>Move to the countryside
Already did
My town has about 7k people in it
Total city slicker death
You shouldn't allude to the notion that any if that is common. Sure, some dingbat women wrote Manson. Doesn't make it typical of women at large.

Normal people are repulsed by murderers. A few exceptions don't make the rule, retard.
That's a town already. My village has 4 families ONLY, and we like it that way.

And you expect to be taken seriously?
>Sure, some dingbat women wrote Manson
What about the others?
Ted Bundy?
Chris Watts?
The Boston Bomber?

How many more before it's a trend? Because I can keep going.
That's megabased
I envy you
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You realize the comment was mocking, right?
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pondering the orb
The solution to being lonely is to make friends its not rocket science
Women shit test and bully civilised men, while are nice to assholes. I hope men can just realize their situation and forms groups without dating dynamics.
Im seething so much at this baite rn

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