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What did you think about Netanyahu's speech to Congress?
Uninstall is good to say
I'm a communist but I give up at this point. Maybe the Jews do rule the world.
idk, but he makes normalfags seethe, so he's based
Every time this cock sucking parasite opens his fucking mouth it's a reminder that the Germans were absolutely right to label his people as a disease and hunt their men woman children sick elderly and infirm down like animals and throw them into concentration camps where they would be be forced to contribute to a society that isn't their own under threat of death.
While Israel pushes itself as representing all Jews, and obviously there are a lot of Jews that support it, not all of them do.
>I'm a communist
You know Marx was explicitly antisemitic and used a dialectic for the bourgeoisie being jews as well as the rich, right?
Bring me anuzza. Beer!

Honor and glory

You shame yourself
9 months have passed since Israel has commenced the massacre of the Palestinian people going against the desire of humankind for peace stability and sovereign equality.

Israel has been inherently repugnant to international peace security dignity and value of humankind from the moment when it showed its existence by the help of the illegal UN resolution and it is now reducing the Gaza Strip of Palestine to ashes and running amok massacring Palestinian civilians revealing itself as a rogue state to the whole world.

In recent days alone Israel has indiscriminately attacked schools hospitals and dwelling houses of civilians and killed the Palestinian people justifying a far-fetched pretext that they are now launching bomb attacks and ground operations as Hamas fighters are resisting under the shelter of civilian buildings. As a result the death toll of the Palestinians rose by 38 000 with 88 000 injured.

Yet for all strong denunciation and opposition of international society Israel is running high fever in manslaughter. Such evil deeds of Israel fully match with the atrocities committed by Hitler Nazis that once placed the earth in the crisis of human obliteration last century.

the work of anarchists and socialists at the time all had a tint of antisemitism, a lot of them were ashkenazi themselves (albeit self-hating ones). most communists today, though, are of the position that antisemitism is just a decoy that aims to leave the faults of capitalism unaddressed, i'm not a commie but this is what most of them believe, i remember even listening to The Deprogram (tankie podcast hosted by three internet communists with no chemistry) and i remember they openly mock the jewish question several times
Yeah, people also try to deny that the NSDAP(National Socialist German Worker's Party) wasn't socialist. Just pointing out some of the history relating to this. Self-hating individuals with socialist/communist movements are an eternal standard it seems, as modern socialists and communists in western countries are prone to ideas revolving around the progressive stack and white guilt(whilst being white themselves).
I don't really care about people killing each other in some desert on the other side of the world. Sorry!
I don't watch the news/consume /pol/ anymore. What's the summary?
>explicitly antisemitic
They always use this trick
Pretend to be against themselves while pushing the policy that benefits them the most
Jewish filth run our country and they want us to send them more money to murder Palestinians with on the pretext that Palestianians massacred people at a music concert nine months ago.
The entire world is turning against them and they dont have long left before we destroy them for good.

I just watched sleepy Joe's speech
welcome to the brownest thread in all off /r9k/!
shema yisrael, adonai eloheinu, adonai echad!
I've heard something about the international court deeming Netanyahu as a war criminal and that he'll supposedly get the punishment he deserves. Is that just going to get swept under the rug? Was that just something to shut the goyim up?
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Do you think that is likely to happen? US outright gives Ukrainians bonus to target civilian cities inside Russia with. uS is the incindiary power
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nice try filthy kike rat
Do you think she got fired for this?
Yeah, anything that isn't decided by superpowers or someone with huge balls is a joke.
The nation has to willingly submit itself to ICCs ruling and notably nations like Russia, United States and Israel have declined to do so.
So it's just UN 2.0.. Nobody gives a shit.
Idk, havent heard it. Can you please link it here?

In general it is my wish for all abrahamic religions to exterminate each other.
Yeah, nothing benefits hyper wealthy bankers and investors quite like giving power back to the laboring classes.

Any other mental acrobatics you want perform tonight?

Wait, here's a good one. They told Lincoln to free the slaves so the slaves' big dicks would make it harder for you to find a GF.
Why the fuck is the president of another country giving a speech to Congress?
>not all of them do.
Yeah just the vast majority of them.
Didn't listen
Someone mentioned he said chickens for KFC however
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How did the Soviet Union benefit the state of Israel?
The Soviets armed the Egyptians during the 1967 war and threatened to wipe Israel off the map. How did the policy of Marxist Communism backing an Egyptian army threatening to wipe them off the map become a policy that benefits them the most?
Wtf why didnt poltrannies tell me he was based
Yeah, I think nobody here listened to the discourse.
I don't listen to anything a jew says
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Personally I liked his speech. The nazi's and commies tweaking made it even that much funnier. Palestine has been none compliant for months, and keeps shooting missiles out of hospitals, and Palestinians would roll in hell before they accept Israelis, and some Americans who shout "free Palestine"

He also did say that this war would end if Hamas wished it so, and it's true these people are hellbent in returning to the lands they were displaced from during the Arab-Isreli war. Which these fucking mudslimes started btw, so LOL get fucked dumbasses. He also mentions that he's not propagating a complete Jewish ethno-state, so the idea that he's a zionist is fucking retarded.

Congress can't applaud the president of another country, and use formalities because the small brain retards start spouting antisemitic conspiracy theories. This is why only a selected few should be allowed to vote. You guys are genuinely stupid.
Negev, it has been public knowledge that Hamas was financed by Israel for the past few years. I know you may disagree, but it really isn't the duty of goyim to aid Jews over their golems malfunctioning on them.
That's odd because all my information and various intelligence agencies say that it's Iran funding Hamas, also there's literal testimonies of Iranians saying they're funding Hamas. Who would have guessed that our rivals that we tried to coup would be against our allies that also went to war with them? What a shocker!

Here's proof.

Foreign Policy Reseach Institute, is a reputable organization that is nonpartisan and conducts research on foreign affairs. You're going to say that it's controlled by the "jooos" too? I know you guys like to say that the Jews are like Nazis, I wish they were so they could round up all the cattle like you and shoot you in the head.
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The International Court of Justice, the highest court on Earth, ruled the occupation of Palestinian land as a war crime. If you support Jews then you're either delusional or one of them. They are the enemy.
>people also try to deny that the NSDAP(National Socialist German Worker's Party) wasn't socialist.
they were not socialist by any definition. no serious historian would call them socialist. nsdap was fascist/corporatist, the literal opposite of socialist
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You don't even know that it's the ICC that would handle matters regarding war crimes you fuckign retard. The only thing Israel is guilty of is breaking international law due to the aprtheid wall they built around the West Bank, and that was ruled by the ICJ you stupid bitch. That's not a warcrime.

It's like you don't know what is even going on but you want to be so vocal with your opinion. Please shut the fuck up and let the smarter people handle such issues you stupid faggot.
I'll be honest with you lads. Death to all kikes. Whether a Palestinian or a Jew dies, they're the same shit anyway the same way Ukrainians and Russians are the same.
The mudslimes are taking over, we need Israel and the West to fight back. Even 4chan is overrun with dirty sandnigger mohammad pedos.
Holy fuck this is some crazy mental illness. The world's most powerful country buckbroken to some random little desert shithole.
No wonder people think kikes rule the world.
It is that way.

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