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i wish i was a stacy so i could wear cute clothes n live life happily n love myself
fag or girl>
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bio girl duh
foibait post
but instead, you're black, damn
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no im just being sad T_T
im not iris if thats what you're implying..
What's stopping you from doing all those things? Are you so unattractive that you can't wear cute clothes?
Describe how do you look like and how you would want to look like. Same with chatacter. I'm curious what do you consider stacy.
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give this a read, i'm not copy and pasting it

your features have been considered attractive for millions of years, why would that stop now? you are the result of evolution, natural selection. you are the result of what your ancestors saw as attractive, and i doubt they were the only ones to see it that way
dude who cares be urself stop worrying about ur looks
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fuck off please fakecel hoe rollin' for dubs
anybody is allowed to wear cute clothes, you don't have to be a stacy. there's nobody out there who is going to send you home or gatekeep you from wearing what you'd like, and it's not worth concerning yourself with the opinion of normies either. express yourself and live for yourself.
>i wish i was a stacy so i could wear cute clothes n live life happily n love myself
Women are profoundly soulless
>concerning themselves with the simple pursuit of happiness
women are enlightened
stacies have probably the lowest self value out of any class of women they all hate themselves but you dont see it cuz they are preppy and care about how they look but they dont care about nothing else they are bots with intrests ranging from tiktok netflix and going out they literally exist just so chad can pump and dump and when they get old they settle for the most average dude and spawn children so the cycle can start again
Why do they hate themselves though?
They're always in a competition with every other Stacy to maintain their position in the hierarchy. Every friendship is transactional, every moid they speak to only wants to pump and dump them. There's a reason all the Stacies are on xans and wine at every living moment and are miserable in private.
God I hate hierarchies. Why would anyone subject themselves to constant pointless struggle that achieves nothing?
I at least get it with guys because they hope it gets them laid. But what would a Stacy need it for?
Because society brainwashes us to aspire to be Chads and Stacies because that's what we believe will make us happy, when the inverse is that they're just as miserable as the rest of us but drown themselves in shallow moments to hide it. If they stopped to reflect they'd suffer ego death. To be Stacy is to have every moid turn his head, for everyone to gush and fawn over you, to make you feel powerful. Most beauty standards are for competing with other women, not for the attention of moids. Moids are like dogs who will eat rubbish off the street if you don't stop them.
Sounds like a sad existence, and just reaffirms my belief that the thing I value the most in people is the ability to introspect.
Existence is sad, and highlights why we need to learn how to be happy.
You probably are a Stacy.
judging by op's cute taste in pictures i bet they are also very cute themselves :3

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