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Why do women seem to dislike men who are quiet and slightly shy?
If a man is too much of a coward to speak and make his presence known he isn't going to be much of a protector and provider is he.
evolution made them that way
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Why are images like these so fucking kino? I don't understand but whenever I see mystical images like these I feel like going to the forest and live the like a druid or hermit.
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Don't let your dreams stay as dreams anon
because they expect men to do everything for them and any hesitancy or shyness on the part of the man means he won't be forceful enough to get what they want done.
they're basically parasites and hate hosts who can't maximize their parasitism.
Because life before 9-5 jobs and modern convenience was infinitely more kino.
I could still act quickly in other matters, I just don't like to say much in most conversations.
Soon, soon hopefully. I'm working towards it.
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>being loud and talkative makes you a man

You just described the average woman throughout history and framed it as masculine behavior.

Being quiet and reserved is a masculine trait. Being chatty and an extrovert is a feminine trait. You aren't protecting or providing anything by flapping your mouth.
those are feminine traits
Women like men who are outgoing, charasmatic and dominant.
Plus it's not easy to talk to someone who is quiet and shy, and most people wanna talk to people, and it's hard to get a pinpoint on their personality too.
Kinda why I sometimes prefer online discourse, in some ways it's easier to get to know someone through it.
This reasoning is mega retarded, depending on the social context I'm often extremely quiet, usually and don't want to bother people, or loud and assertive to get shit done, like if I take a leadership role.
you post on r9k faggot, I am sure you a giga chad and a prize for anyone woman.
You don't need to be a giga chad to take on leadership roles m8.
As a shy man, honestly, this is understandable.
>be loud and make your presence known in every context
>always attract attention to you
>also attract unwanted attention, i.e predators because you're always loud and obnoxious
>get killed and your woman raped
>protector of the year award
why are women so retarded from a primal, animalistic standpoint?
because they can, simple as.
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As long as they aren't quiet and shy towards that woman there's no problem. You have to be confident enough to declare your intentions and worthiness. They aren't going to pursue you, especially if you're meek and timid and sitting quietly in the corner. Women are attracted to confidence. You don't need to win over the entire room or be a leader, but you need to have confidence in yourself and be assertive concerning her. She won't care as much how you interact with the world if you're communicative with her.
And I'm basing this on knowing several guys who are quiet, introverted types most of the time and yet have relationships/marriage. They were able to loosen up and have some drinks and go after the women they were attracted to because I guess they just have sex drive and wanted a mate. In some cases the woman is a little reserved socially as well. But they were able to overcome this hindrance to lock down a woman, and they can be however they want in the world because she's waiting at home for him.
"Just be le confident bro" is a reddit myth, you know if most women push something it's bullshit as a rule. High confidence low inhibitions men are the one's getting called creeps or being called out for sexual assaulting women.

Shy guys aren't always hated, I was introverted as shit in high school and girls would still approach me all the time. In middle school I was the same and got very little attention, the difference is in high school I had friends who respected me and the girls that talked to me created a feedback loop of guys wanting to be friends with me, because they saw how well I did with women, and that gave me more access to women. I was pretty much never single in highschool. People, especially women just want what other people want, most people simply do not think for themselves.
>if you're not a loud, arrogant prick straight out of the 50's, how are people supposed to know you have a job and contribute
I wouldn't want to be a with a partner who actually believes this
Because they're boring.
Confidence only works if you fit the objective beauty standard. Otherwise, you'll come off as cringe and annoying.
I'm quiet and shy but also 6'2. Every once in a while, a woman tries to flirt with or get close to me and none if them seem to actually dislike me. I guess you also have to be short and ugly to actually be disliked.
this isn't true
t. femcel
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I am autistic and quiet and shy. This is my gf. Girls probably dislike you for other reasons.
eat shit roastoid and die
If you want to pick up girls on easy mode try having a pretty girl be your wingman
You dont need protection in the modern day and you should be enough of a strong and independent woman who dont need to man to contribute instead of being a leech
I don't because im quiet as shy too. Thats like looking in a mirror and calling the person in it a retard. Its me
Quiet Chad slays more than quiet you will ever do
you're saying this to the board that says looks and height are everything 24/7.
>that says looks and height are everything
Only a vocal minority of reddit incels say that actually.
because quiet and shy men go on shooting sprees
Yeah, and still some whiteknight cuckhold copers dont seem to get it.
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That happens to me too, but if they actually talk to me they seem to become distant
Because you aren't showing anything by being quiet. Being silent a hundred percent of the time isn't a personality trait, believe it or not. Actually, I even consider it to be an "antipersonality" type of thing. Not interacting with anyone just gives the impression you are uninterested in them, you dont care. Thats what it gives.
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Might be true. I am uninterested in what most people discuss in their daily lives
or maybe the person is just shy. damn, not everyone is a social butterfly by default but only men get shit on for not being extroverted at all times. mind boggling how people (women especially) just have a default sort of man in their mind and if any other man deviates from this idea the guy is permanently labeled a weirdo to them. more and more i am convinced women lack the ability to experience empathy.
Read The Woman Racket by Steve Moxon
where are women flirting with you anon?
do they just walk up to you in the street?
Well, Im talking through personal experience. Some people have called me "shy" because I don't talk a lot, or seem uninterested in the things they do. What they don't realize is that its not shyness, my "personality" or whatever, the problem is THEM. When Im with my friends or people that have common interests with me, its another story.
There are levels to being shy. I don't believe anyone here is shy enough that they get panic attacks when someone random talks to them or something, or they hide from people irl.
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>I don't believe anyone here is shy enough that they get panic attacks when someone random talks to them or something, or they hide from people irl.
Fick you little nigger
>There are levels to being shy. I don't believe anyone here is shy enough that they get panic attacks when someone random talks to them or something, or they hide from people irl.
yeah, that's literally me, thanks for the reminder that I'm defective
> Not interacting with anyone just gives the impression you are uninterested in them, you dont care.
Worse than that. Nowadays people think it means you hate them and are planning a mass shooting. Look at all those maymays about "when the quiet kid reaches into his backpack..." for a good cultural example.

At one point the ICD-9 medical billing code included introversion as a mental disorder, then it got removed ~10 years ago when the ICD-10 fully replaced it, and now it maps to "schizoid personality disorder" in most conversion charts: https://www.icd10data.com/Convert/301.21
The story still isn't over: Around the same time that happened, they tried to add it to the DSM-V, temporarily failed since the culture wars hadn't gone mainstream yet, but now there's increasing chatter about adding it back AGAIN. This has reached outlets as respectable as The Atlantic, as seen by this hitpiece: https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2022/02/ultra-introverts-nocturnal-lives/622856/
It's going to get even worse soon since the faggot that took potshots at trump fit the introvert profile perfectly. It's bitterly funny that a glancing shot at an unpopular presidential candidate is what will set this fever dream from the last decade in motion, apparently worse than multiple classes of kindergartners getting gunned down. lol, lmao even.
>quiet and slightly shy?
These are very feminine qualities. A man like that is more or less a tranny, he's halfway there already.
>>78271566 Because they seems to have low energy.
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No idea but I completely agree.

Something about the idea of a "quest" or "hidden knowledge" or so seductive.

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