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How is your circle of friends and family reacting to Kamala Harris becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee?
i dont talk about politics with my mom and dad, i noticed my older brother had an RFK mug lel.
No one in this house votes or cares
The choice is between a senile reality tv star, and a busybody soccer mom. I dont think anybody gives a shit about this clown show anymore
kamala winning will be obama 2.0, the media, oligarchs, and bourgeoise will pretend trump never happened and that everything is back to normal. You wont be able to be critical of her for idpol reasons.

meanwhile the reasons trump was elected will never be addressed and stay rotting like an open wound, which will lead to trump 2.0
We're relieved that Joe's out and hoping she picks someone strong as VP. She can beat Trump.
My dad is worried because she seems more capable than Biden and wants Trump to win. I'm just glad we have someone to vote for that isn't a senile pedophile. Will be voting for her in November.
>reasons trump was elected
outsourcing of manufacturing, only reason he won in 2016 is because he flipped the rust belt
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public resentment for elite values and concerns
are you women or just fags?
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You you a billionaire or just retarded?
You should kill yourself
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Only a low-down dirty, dumb piece of shit would think the word 'elite' is negative. I strive to be elite because it means to be the best. Learn more and become intelligent if you resent 'elites'. Being proudly ignorant has never made sense to me, but then again I'm bright.
They don't care since they are a bunch of idol worshippers for Trump. For me, Idc because I see it as the circus as it is.
But Trump didn't do shit about the outsourcing of manufacturing job? Why would they want to vote for him again?
neither of you answered the question
Don't become one of the fringe schizos, pal. Neither of those old men probably actually fucked kids. Keep your conspiratard bullshit to yourself, even if you're anti-Trump. You make both sides look bad when you think like that.
>public resentment for elite values and concerns
He was nothing but a benefit to the elite. They've only become richer and more powerful because of him.
>But Trump didn't do shit about the outsourcing of manufacturing job?
He got rid of the TPP and implemented the tariff regime against China which encourages domestic manufacturing, which Biden kept in place.
doesnt matter what he did, its what he said he was going to do

I agree, trump isnt going to do shit, but he at least acknowledged the existence of such people instead of telling them to check their privilege while they die of fentanyl
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I reject your question, as it doesn't offer any option that describes me. Your implication is that only a woman or a fag would vote against Trump, which is immature and unrealistic. And those are fitting descriptions for your tribe. You're not a billionaire so you're obviously retarded. Keep voting against your best interests for a man who doesn't give a fuck about you or your culture war bullshit. He's not going to deport brown people and criminalize wokeness. He's going to change the government so that his people will never have to give up control. That does NOT benefit you. It benefits the 1%. You wanted the feeble old man out and now he's out. Now you're going to look for any retarded reason not to vote for Harris. But even when your freedoms are eroded and you're even poorer, you'll still believe what your cult leader tells you; you'll still blame 'libs and dems' for all of society's ills.
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The elite are the ones driving this country off a cliff.
Being an elite is being the smartest man on the Cinder
the country doesn't need 5 katrillion more people especially if they are third worlders. ideologybrained fanatics with suicidal psychology are fine with that though.

think about how someone in Japan could take a walk at 3 am wearing a bright suit made of gold and still not get violated by a subhuman. now compare that to America. it all should not be tolerated anymore.

unfortunately neither of them will support UBI which only makes me partly interested. so i'll go with the one who would put at least a miniscule amount of effort in keeping the country closed.
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Sorry when you say 'he was nothing but a benefit" and "they are more rich and powerful because of him" are you refering to Donald Trump or Joe Biden? And please offer some specific examples of how elites are benefiting from the man you're claiming
>culture war bullshit
a good way to cease culture war bullshit is to not import culture-war brained people. they obviously know that. so enjoy more news articles about muslim immigrants "feeling alienated in a country full of racist white colonizers" instead of "no one can afford a fucking house"
Politics on the most fake and gay board.
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They still believe. They listen to him prattle for hours at his rallies, saying nothing. They see the world as black and white and Trump will make all the bad people go away. He CARES about the stupid, poor people... he cares about their votes. After that, just more tax breaks for his pals. Even lefty, Silicon Valley tech nerds have started supporting him. He will make them richer. His running mate is an unqualified puppet. The little people supporting Trump are so ignorant and so high on the farts that they don't even bother to do the research. They simply ignore facts that conflict with their fake bubble facts. The economy is doing well now. Groceries are still expensive though, and that's all they see. And they think fucking TRUMP is going to fix that? He didn't do a fucking thing for us last time. But they hate 'libs' so damn much that it's worth it to invest in a lying, cheating, convict piece of shit who shits his diapers. It's just a smug 'fuck you' to blue state America. It's a simmering hatred for 'smartypants elites' who look down on good ol' folk with their WalMart and their fat McDonalds asses and their pro-wrestling, Nascar, trash TV existence. I get it. I'm poor too, but I'm educated. So I can't support Trump because he's bad for democracy.
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Why is the media giving a pass to Muslims protesting Israel? they didn't give a pass to white people protesting Israel in Charlottesville when they were saying "Jews will not replace us"
>I get it. I'm poor too, but I'm educated. So I can't support Trump because he's bad for democracy.

you just sound like a self hating retard
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i'll vote for the person who is least likely to (((regulate))) ai. i have my eyes set on an uncensored loli coombot 9000
Trump was friends with Epstein, bragged about walking in on teenage girls in the changing room of a teenage beauty pageant, and has been accused multiple time of raping underage girls. Do you genuinely believe he's innocent?
Dude straight up gaslit about locking Hillary up
>I never said I'd lock her up
Motherfuckers a con man first and foremost
media is full of hylics who unironically think jews are white. so when at odds with brown skinned people, they will obviously sympathize with the brown skinned people.
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What does this have to do with supporting Trump or Harris? Is this about someone 'controlling the media'? Just ignore clickbait news articles. Find better journalists. Trump being elected isn't going to make it easier for lower class people to afford a fucking home. He's just running on 'shit sucks now, I'm different', but we've already seen him in action; he didn't help us. At least Democrats make programs that grant access to loan money for poorer people to get ahead and out of the poorhouse. GOP wants to cut out all of those "govt. handouts", which they somehow make poor people that could fucking USE it think it's bad. It's like millions of Americans are larping as billionaires, living some vicarious dream narrated by Trump where they too will someday get to be rich if he can 'drain the swamp'. And they fall for it over and over again. Dems never tried to take any guns away. They just want compassion for people who have less and maybe aren't white. That's not a bad thing. So many 'Christians' are Trumpers, yet they don't support actual Christlike deeds, like helping the poor EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE FUCKING POOR.
He's a perv, no doubt. But many adult women have come forward about his lewd advances and more, so far no one has claimed to be a child victim. That Epstein shit will never be public, so if you're going to indict Trump, you have to say every hollywood actor on those lists are 'fucking children', which is a bridge too far for me, as I'm not a conspiracy theory schizo. He's a sleaze for sure, but I think all this pedo scare melodrama is about as real as the 80s satanic ritual stuff, mass hysteria over what amounted to mostly nothing.
Trumps tax plan allowed billionaires to pay less taxes than the working class.
They either don't believe that or they think it's somehow okay. Maybe they think it will 'trickle down'. They just need more of our taxes first. Soon we'll be lucky to have anything at all.
anyone but trump. kamala re-energizes the democratic nom. trump ran on "biden is an old clueless fart" but up against kamala trump is the old clueless fart lol.

there is functionally no difference between a white and jew. you literally act the same. jews are your master and whites are the shabbos golems.
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FFS, here's an anon I can agree with that Trump shouldn't be president, but sure enough, there has to be a flipside to that, and it's that 'jews control the world'. God dammit. Even the fucking decent people here are schizo fucktards about something. Whatever. Keep your jew-bashing to a minimum while you're out supporting our team.
Anon, I just want to ask you one thing. If your friend bragged to you about walking in on naked teen girls, would you still be friends with them? Why are we holding these people to a lesser standard than we have for our friends or family?
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>circIe of friends
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>Trump being elected isn't going to make it easier for lower class people to afford a fucking home.
nor does importing cultural strife (because you feel bad your ancestors were heckin colonizers). it's not just about ignoring news articles. public political discourse is over-whelmingly fixated on "huwite oppress brown guy!"

attention to economic self-interest and prosperity is being sacrificed for this so called "compassion for non-whites" which involves favoritism towards non-whites (and violent criminals). no social welfare and UBI can be done with 5 bazillion people flooding the country (who also do not even share the same tolerance that you do.)

>kamala happens
>nothing that actually benefit you happens for the entire term
>violent crime increases
>wokeshit continues to be talked about
He made their tax cuts permanent and average people's temporary and expired that's why they were rising lol
>being leftist without hating israel

do you live under a rock? palestine is being genocided by settler colonialists. while every zionist in gov't is sucking their dick.
Over-looking "socio-economic facors" raping and violating your citizens is quite clueless imho bruh
Anon, no matter who you vote for, your candidate supports Jews commiting genocide. How can you say Jews don't control everything? Every democratic decision you make benefits them
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Ah yes we should vote for trump who hung out with epstein and ghislaine maxwell instead.

Politicians routinely lie and let people down, the rust belt was acknowledged by trump, after being let down during the obama years, only to be ignored, leading to them swinging towards biden, being let down again, so it's up in the air which way it goes this time.
Mostly thinly veiled poltards who think shilling kamala threads and support day by day is any better than their regular routine of posting cuckshit and tranny threads here. Nobody genuinely supports kamala, biden, or trump on this board, outside of wanting to make other retards fume about it.
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Even IF I believed you about that, I STILL wouldn't vote for Trump. Do you get it now? I know he's not going to make any drastic changes to immigration that a democrat wouldn't make. And "wokeness" is not an issue. How is Trump going to influence pop culture? How is he going to restore your favorite movie franchises and TV shows to the whiteness you desire??
I'm just as against affirmative action and going soft on BIPOC crime as you are. But I'm not ignorant enough to believe that Trump is going to be able to make any changes, and even if he could, it wouldn't be worth what he wants for the country. You guys are holding up your social war shit as if it's equal to crippling the democratic process. You cannot undo that. You're focused on the wrong fucking issues. We whites will not be the majority within 35 years, and that's not going to change or slow down because of Trump. And again, even IF that were the case, it STILL wouldn't be worth him fucking up the republic.
You're arguing with low quality bait in a bait thread btw. Waste of effort.
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I don't see it that way. The world is full of gray areas. Hamas are actual supporters of genocide. On paper. They want all jews dead. They brutally attacked on Oct. 7th.
This is just one hell of a fucking payback. I don't see why people in the west are trying to see this as a simple good vs. bad scenario. Those backwards fucks ALL live in the stone ages with their stupid religious zealotry and holy war faggotry. We can't possibly understand them. Life isn't precious to those sand people. They hide amongst civilians because they know soft people will say 'leave them alone, there are women and children present!'
But tough shit. War is ugly. The US was very fucking hardcore at the end of WWII when it came to absolutely eradicating every last one who was still fighting for the cause.

I don't understand the obsession with jews. I only see it here on 4chan.
The idea that as a left-leaning voter I'm supposed to condemn Israel and support Palestine is silly and uninformed, much like anyone who is super invested in this conflict and doesn't live over there in desert hell.
Israel is an ally and Hamas are terrorists. We owe them our military support. We're also shipping Palestine food, so it's a conflict for sure. No one is happy about innocents being killed, but Hamas fucking started it. It's lopsided but they asked for it. Payback's a bitch.
If it wasn't obvious enough what kind of thread this is, thank you. This post should clear it up for most people.
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everyones really happy about it be honest. even the trump fans are better off with kamala and an astronaut as president than they are with a man who craps his pants. things are looking up for everyone in my opinion.
>They brutally attacked on Oct. 7th.
After decades of Israel killing Palestinians and displacing them from their land lol

fuck off JIDF

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