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>be me
>meet legit femcel through work
>we get together
>lose our virginities together
>she is my whole world
>two years later
>planning on having children
>about to move in together
>she gets a new job
>male coworkers start hitting on her
>despite everything we went through together and all our plans she leaves me and becomes a turbo slut for the guys at her work
>saw her walking on the street a few months later
>almost didn't recognise her, dyed blonde roastie hair, face cakes in makeup and dressed like a literal prostitute
Guys I wish I was making this shit up
Somehow being with a woman made me hate women even more than when I was an incel
People are not saying women are nothing but common whores for no reason whatsoever, all women are sluts, never forget it and remember to always hold on to that when you start ot imagine they deserve respect. If she's not whoring around mindlessly, she just has not had the chance to do it. If any kind of a chance for it happens she will take it and she will be a whore
op is gay and made that all up
I'm pretty sure any woman would prefer to look like the right than left. And most men would choose it too.
you're right on the first take, but any male who'd choose right over left is mentally ill
>despite everything we went through together
This is my bigest concern. Even if you somehow get someone she can at any moment leave, cheat or turn against you. Not worth it.
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Ironically the left feels alot more sexual to me. girls that don't have to try are just naturally sexy. and then there's right where they try too hard and they're just a boring unoriginal sex object.
It's the same woman i think except right is like 20 years older
I completely feel the same way! Woman loose their beauty through age. They need to trade beauty for a family that loves and respects them, and for wisdom and experience in life.

Purity is attractive, because in that men can recognize that she will have something to offer in older age, because shes obviously capable of making wise decisions! (Also a girl for the street is kind of disgusting, if the had to much dick!)
I hate women so fucking much. All they have to do is be loyal to their man and they can't even fucking manage that. Exterminate foids.
it is what it is, women are just one chad looking her way away from whoring out
This is why men were/are "controlling" of femoids. Because femoids have the brains of literal children. Building a future with a foid is the same as trusting a fickle 8 year old child. She can turn on you at any time for the most minor bullshit and then the shithole society we live in will give her all of your shit and a pat on her back for screwing you over. MGTOW exists for a reason.
>MGTOW exists for a reason.
mgtow is a pysop created by fags
>it is what it is, women are just one chad looking her way away from whoring out

yeah should've seen the 19 year old mousey looking girl at my course, thin cute, messy hair but obviously was always at home playing videogames. Low self confidence.

Then the guys started hanging around her at lunch time. And by the end of the year she'd run through half the guys in the course.
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you speak like a glownigger
I find left infinitely more attractive
Right looks like a piece ofmeat, it registers nothing in my mind, not even lust
I don't even want to fuck the right. But I would go with her to the party just to see reactions of others. I think it would be fun. To me it's more about how others perceive me than actual relationship. Women would feel insecure around her, and men would envy me.
you get what you fucking deserve, sex haver normie
I hate sex havers so much it's unreal
you sound like you suck cocks bitch
left is wife, a cute homely girl that reads books and probably knows how to cook
right is a whore that you will barely pump and dump in a one night stand
The one on the right is bogged, so no.
the irony is that it's the same person. and she was always like that, no matter how she looks.
Left is FAR better overall. Forget personality or if her's changed in the process, I'm SOLELY talking about looks. Only thing the right-sided picture has going for it is the fitness, but it's made moot because of all the cosmetic work she's done to it. It ruins her look. The boobs look like shit, her ass is fake AND shooped (shoulda done more squats lmao), and her mouth looks weird with how oddly it's been shaped and plumped. Her nose was also really pretty as it was before she got it done, and would've matched her new physique as she grew into it, but now it just looks too tiny on her.

She looks like she's trying to look like another person, but it's obvious all the changes she's made. It just looks like surgical cosplay.
left turns into right if you dont beat her daily and keep her locked in the home
like what happened to OP
yeah theres no "tradwives" today
all women are whores
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that girl in the photo was still a stacy before her surgeries

terrible example
I want right to cuck left
damn big if true

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