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As I get older, I think niggers flat out hate whites. Every nigger friend I ever have obsesses over being a nigger, obsesses over access to sex with white women, feels the need to bring it up, etc. Its frustrating and you simply cannot talk to them, its not a conversation thats going to happen. They want one-sided racial arguments where you just sit there and listen to them complain and badmouth you and tell you what being white is like. Its impossible to be friends with niggers. Now the boiling pot nigger died and they bring it up and expect me to virtue signal how bad the nigger dying was, but simply cannot care, none of you (niggers) know this nigger bitch. So why the FUCK is this the hot news? Such a retarded American subculture.
America was a failed experiment we unironically need to just revert back into ethnostates
Give each race their own land and let God sort the rest out
Black man here, no.
Seeing your post, you are acquainted with miserables hylics stuck in the mundane loop for trivial pleasure and ego fulfillment.
But you live in America, a place filled to the brim with retards so this has to be expected.
I'm quite the opposite my white friend. I hate negros but like black and white people. The difference between negros and black people is black people are productive members in society where as a negro is a man who's your stereotypical black man (dreads, no job, criminal record, talks in ebonics, uneducated, baby mother)
>t. Black person
Can you tell me what a productive member of society is?
A person who's not a menace to the people around him, who has the right of mind and doesn't commit acts of crime. Something like that.
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Lol you think they hate whites because they fuck white women

Youre retarded

Lol ameroca wasnt an experiment dumb ass its the direct result of colonialism and slavery. The desire for seperation and tbe horrible things done to maintain it is the reason things are as bad as they are in the united states.

Negro litterally means black lol you try to sound articulate but younare incoherrent and have horrible sintax.
Lol no a productive memebr of society is someome who produces whonhas significant value to his community lmfaooo
>You think
No, not at all. These are actual one-sided conversations, they impose this shit and act snotty and like douchebags on a whim. If I say anything about black women, they dismiss me, this is actually how niggers act.
Id say theyre normal hes the misserable one who wants society to conform to his racism. It cant be like that ultimately op is just a man child and if he really fislikes blacks so much he should just stick to himself and cease his petty little self loathing rants.
I'm more articulate than you are, seethe more noob.
Youre not youre litterally some loser trying to impress people but you havent mastered the english langauge.
>>78273151 #
>call them niggers every other sentence

>claims hes not a racists

Its litterally impossible for someone like you to be friends with blacks because of your insecurities, chances are they know youre a racist and if theyre dismissing you its for good reason. Complain because the people you hate dismiss you. Pathetic.
Just put the fucking Maga hat on and be done with it, you passive aggressive fag.
Alot of the issues with blacks today came about trying to maintain an ethnostate. Its litterally people like you who make the world burn.
>Youre not youre litterally some loser trying to impress people but you havent mastered the english langauge.
You say that, yet you're missing a couple of commas yourself. Then you go and misspell the word "language"? I would hold my tongue if I were you, friend.
Okay so you're trolling, cool beans
If you open your mouth to complain, speak ill of others or only blabber about futile matters, you are a subhuman simpleton, simple as.
Race is irrelevant, of you're unable to debate the truth of the world, you are not fit to be considered human
Okay nigger, well you keep hearing a word and getting frustrated nigger. Go ahead and have your face contort in anger and express your disapproval of the word nigger. Nigger nigger nigger. You know how many times I've said the word nigger around black men? Lots.
You obviously hate niggas, but insist on having political discussions with them anyway and then crying over disagreements. What the fuck is your problem? Why can't you kick it with the millions of other conservative whites in your country?

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