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Are women inherently evil?
>Are women inherently evil?
Are the stupid whores deliberately breeding psychopaths and degenerates evil?
Women, when left to their own devices, are highly susceptible to propaganda
Evil forces control women when good men aren't controlling women
Don't blame a woman for what she is, to act this way is merely nature
Blame those external forces influencing them so much
Only two women a week? Those are rookie numbers, Britbong cucks. Pump them up.
Yes, women are inherently evil
Always been and always will be. That's why every society and religion ever put their decision making in the hands of their father or husband
>This has to be some black single mother bitch
>Look at the profile
>She's Asian
Holy fuck, the virus is spreading they got Asian women now.
>male loneliness
Well yeah that was obvious
Daily reminder to make women feel unsafe. Follow them at night. If they change the street, change it as well. Fuck all women.
Based. Make foids afraid again.
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Yes, it is their nature
They consistently choose men that will beat the shit out of them, they are at fault for their shitty choices
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No, just the ones who date me. I'm tired boss...
Asian whores are and always were the most deranged and evil bitches on earth, you're just a retard who fell for the "kawaii" K-pop girls propaganda.
Never trust an Asian bitch, never.
This whole thread is exactly why I hate moids :D!!!!!
Thanks for blackpilling me even more! Monsters.
>chooses obviously bad guy
Women are comically retarded
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If you think of people legitimately as chimpanzees their behavior will make more sense to you and you'll see them for what they are. This whole "muh humans are special and different!" meme is really the whole problem making people distraught. Nothing about our species is as "good" or "moral" as we narrative ourselves to be this is why theres so much cognitive dissonance and unrealistic expectations and disappointment. Let go of the meme and you'll see things clearly.
No, but they have two traits that produce evil: narcissism and stupidity.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
-Robert J. Hanlon
MOIDS could be here, thought femcel. I've never been to this subreddit before. There could be moids anywhere! The recycled air felt stale against her crusty bush even as the room temperature White Claws circulated through her cholesterol-clogged veins and enhanced her (merited) fear of incels on r/greentexts. With a simp you can do anything you want, she mused out loud, to nobody in particular.
I was OBVIOUSLY talking about men from THIS THREAD. You're comically retarded you fucking horse face.
My face isn't the only horse like feature that I have
We have the passions of a chimpanzee, but vastly superior intellect. Don't know why god made us this way, but w/e
We talk about killing and raping women everyday on r9k, how does that match with mocking pseudo lonely males.
No, just most women aren't taught to deal with the consequences of their own actions in their formative years (3 to 8) and just see other women getting away with shit, and in fact, already shitty mothers raised like that, raise their daughters to be privileged princesses.
The only cool women I know irl were raised mostly by men either their dads or older brothers, and they make good mothers, hopefully they'll break the cycle someday.
But as of now, the great majority of women are raised like the world owns them something by moms who were raised like that, etc.
tht woman is ragebaiting you and you ate it up and gave her twitter views she can monetize. good job, faggot loser
>all men must suffer because a minority of insecure faggots snapped
Women won't ever get this unfortunately
Yes, they are. Don't even try to argue them or defend yourself because they will just bombard you with another set of accusations. They just want you to suffer, to feel like shit, to always be on the defensive, to never have a good time, to destroy all your hobbies.
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>the people who can't get relationships are blamed for abuse and murder in relationships
this isn't about tht, disney under female leadership deliberately destroyed the franchise and operated at a loss just to deliver a spiritual blow to guys who enjoyed star wars. It's a recurring theme, women fucking hate you and want you to have the absolute lowest quality of life that this world can offer.
>inb4 grow up and stop consuming any sort of entertainment and just work
It doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense and doesn't matter if you win the argument, she will just jump to the next set of accusations and you will once again have your guard up ready to defend yourself against the most obvious untruths. This isn't even exclusive to this account a good portion of modern women behave exactly like this, it's a collective mental illness or possibly just their default nature without restraints.
>two women a week
>in a country with 67 million people
Wow what a worrying trend
Doesn't matter how much men "improve" themselves and slavishly do what women say.
Even if just 1 woman a YEAR was being killed by a man in a country of millions, women would still bitch and complain and use it to tar all men.
The only solution is to take away their rights and beat them back into their place. Notice how women never gave lip when they were being killed every minute in domestic abuse back in the 19th century. That's the way they want to be treated and they despise the weak men that let them out of line.
Why do women even think the vast majority of men care about the "male loneliness crisis" or male suicide rates or whatever? I really couldn't give a fuck about the average man anymore than she could, it's not the dig that she thinks it is. Men see other men as competition and always have. I don't care if dudes cut off their dicks and fap to porn all day or niggers kill each other daily, that's literally less competition for me. Men mostly only care about the men around them, who are a part of their brotherhood.
Found the gigaincel. You're right though, if men had collective agency then women would have never gotten the vote and we wouldn't be here.

Incels really did do it to themselves as it turns out oh well reap what you sow.
Half of society tell women they are essentially children with no culpability, the other half tells them they are girlbosses who are never wrong. So when they make bad decisions that any retard could see was a bad decision (like dating abusechad) they collectivise the problem naturally, it's literally all they know. The 19th century was also where feminism was at it's strongest so the idea there was "no lip" is utter horseshit.
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It's funny how if you make sweeping generalisations about women, they will call you sexist. If you make generalisations about immigrants, they will call you racist. Yet these hypocritical fucks will go around spouting shit about how all men are rapists and murderers and that's just fine.

You'd rather be stuck in the woods with a bear than a man? Imagine the backlash if somebody said they'd rather be stuck in the woods with a bear than a black person. Are these people aware of the double standard here, or do they just not give a shit?
Does she even realize that lonely men aren't those murdering their partner since they're lonely?
>The 19th century was also where feminism was at it's strongest so the idea there was "no lip" is utter horseshit.
Feminism is at its strongest today when men are getting sent to prison over a tweet or because they looked funny at a woman.
I do agree though 19th century men were too simp. Should go back to the 9th century and treat foids like the cattle they are.
stop fucking explaining to yourself to these cunts and leftists, they are your enemy and they want you dead. The sooner you realize that the better
what race are the male partners?
When women say "men" they mean men that they acknowledge aka Chads. They're not thinking about /r9k/ posters when they make tweets.
Incoherent, try again
It's not really surprising foids don't care about male loneliness, bc it's not their problem. That's how the world works people don't care about stuff that doesn't affect them.
Instead of being angry at foids for not caring about our problems the better solution is to not care about their problems, not help with them, or ultimately assist in making their problems worse.
Think of it, there are many legal and safe ways of incels to get revenge on femoids for being hypergamous and ruining everything, but what must occur first is is the mass blackpilling of men.
The more men join our ranks the more effectivley we can wage our revenge, what ever that might entail specifically. Were in a good position in that regard, more and more young men are involuntary celibate every year due to hypergamy. The stats beat that out.
The main obstacle in our way of mass blackpilling every sub 8 male is censorship, how can large incel forums and yotubers exist when censorship stands in our way. Once we meaningfully address that we will thrive.
If we blackpilled men numbered in the millions we could definitely take measures to make women's lives worse.
If incels were competent and driven enough to do anything like that they wouldn't be incels.
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Have you incels ever considered that your standards are just too high?
we don't have to shit. take a look at normie media. specifically the younger generations. blackpill is spreading like the plague. it usually is mixed with some redpill idea to make it digestible to the masses but it's still shares the core tenets.
>the average woman is fat or a single mother
holy kek can't make this up.
>fat chick
>single mother
Women really do champion fat acceptance and single motherhood to sabotage other women and raise their own value in the market.
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Maybe you guys are just focusing on the wrong women???
Extremely indescribably based. Some things to add though when your on night walks:
always wear black hoodies, firstly to look scary and also to be anonymous. Never wear the hoodie in any scenario aside from these night walks.
Secondly if they start speed walking, you speed walk, if they begin jogging you jog. Running in public isn't illegal so don't worry.
Lastly make noise like loud breathing, or yelling "my precious" or something weird.

The above long post about making women's lives worse is also mine. This is one of the ways incels can get revenge on foids. I once saw a post from an incel on a forum about how he scared a woman on a night walk, while doing all the things I mentioned above.
Those are low IQ women
What do you expect?
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There's average hot looking women out there waiting, you just aren't looking hard enough!
>Those are low IQ women
Asians are low IQ now?
Incorrect bc it's happened many times before. Any time such forums as trucels, braincells, with, etc. existed they grew rapidly to more than 100k members before being banned. That's why the censorship exists, we are very effective at blackpilling men even when the game is rigged against us. Under my leadership incels can thrive. Ive been apart of inceldom a long time, and i am very competent.
Incorrect I've approached many "femcels" (fakecels) on r9k they all rejected me
why be a creep?
Just become a chad instead.
Nobody likes creeps
Everybody likes chads
I remember a while ago it came out there's tons of feminists in Asia and South Korea. They also usually get face surgery if they can so not even their looks are genuine.
Yes chud pay reparations for women choosing to fuck criminals and crazies over you.
Bumping this thread now
it's HIGH IQ to hate white men
Funny they don't mention most homicide perpetrators in UK are non-caucasians. The most common perpetrators of murdering their significant/ ex-significant other are shit skins, too.

Women burn the coal, pay the toll & blame "all men" for having shit taste in who they fuck.
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>chad kills current or ex gf
>it's the incels fault!
typical woman moment
You mean per capital population, but the point stands. Then again, niggers and white women don't understand per capita population since they're both retarded.
Bumpity bump, this thread needs more traction. Only decent thread in a long time
Darkies are the most likely to kill their bitches. Huh, the stereotype actually fits.
They care about fellow women but only if they won't possibly look racist doing so. The fairer sex proves themselves superior to chuds once again.
This thread just be bumped at all costs
>retarded whore fucks violent nigger
>acts surprised when nigger does nigger shit and tries to kill her
Kek. Women.
This. Feminist cunts got their way by organizing and pushing their rights at the expense of men, because men were too quiet and polite. When one side barks loudly like rabid dogs while the other side is silent, the silent side gets fucked over. Politicians and governments fuck men over because women organize and push back, while men just take it.
Gotta change that. Blackpill more guys, shirk all social duties, and be as much of a drain as possible on society. Most importantly, get voting. Become a solid voting bloc like feminists.
Abortion being banned is a great thing. IT'S NOT OUR PROBLEM. IT'S NOT MEN'S PROBLEM. Just like it's not women's problem that men are lonely. We need to keep voting to ensure abortion stays banned.
Remember the story of st calculatorcel. It's exactly how we should behave. I think I'll make a post about this soon. But my posts are never bumped to mainstream status anyway
This genuinely warmed my heart.
Asian women are the most hypergamous. you think they're innocent because they treat white guys well, but they're really the worst of the lot

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