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Post a letter that will probably get to everyone but the intended recipient.
Use people and discard them. That's all you do. You have no internal sense of self worth. The people you abandoned are better off without you.
I'll do it all myself. Won't even be that hard, minus the "composing music" bit. Maybe I'll delegate for that. It's sad and yet liberating to realize that collaboration doesn't actually work, and that if you want something done, you really do have to do it yourself.
Wish I didn't have to be the one to always call you. You always pick up eventually, but it makes me feel like a bum.
Once an admirer always an admirerer.
your voice is like a song

a sexy song that makes me wanna twerk
I'm better off without the people I abandoned. They were abandoned for some reason.
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I wonder if the art tutor I found is going to have me start from scratch, completely undo my understanding of fundamentals. My growth has been VERY slow, but there's been some growth.
if I was your art tutor I'd teach you about sensuality and painting the way your body feels
I don't think Jackson Pollock would appreciate competition.
sounds like jackson pollock is a lucky man
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That'll be 2.5 million dollars plus tip
please don't abandon me too. I want to know more about you. I'm always wondering if you're OK. if you've eaten anything. if you are sleeping well. are you OK? are you safe? how are you feeling? did you go outside? are you feeling loved? please don't hurt me.
Oh so it's not a "plateau" it's an "adjustment period" they both mean the same thing functionally!!!
Chump change for the CIA.
K is that originally you?
Heh. In this world... it's GHOST or be GHOSTED!
I'm still here, I just didn't know what to say.
Fuck them bitches
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My lil excursion yielded some ripened fruit. Well one mainly.Still my mind's already buzzing with ideas. I'm thinking a nice sponge cake as the base filled with a bright custard in the middle and a white chocolate ganache drizzled with syrup.
Make a souffle you coward
I'm pretty sure I have a ramekin lying around somewhere.
Aren't you a bitch too
I should have sent her that.
Yes but not literally
Do you ever feel like a total fucking faggot that you're getting paid to cyberstalk someone more interesting than you are and "troll" him?
Because FYI you are a fucking faggot.
I'm feeling weak again. I want to get up and accomplish things but it's hard to do on my own. It could be easier if I had someone in my corner. Just one person whispering in my ear that I could do it. Someone who believed in me as much as I believed in them.
Any amount of progress is progress. A proper tutor will whip you into shape and teach you the fundamentals(like how to make straighter lines lol)
It's clearly an intentional aesthetic choice you fuckin dipshit
Men aren't worth being stalked.
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I hate that I still would give you another chance, your presence affects my heart, you have me by my heartstrings every single time you show up by doing nothing. I'm tired of it, tired of the bonding we do each time for nothing, how I feel out of my element, like everything I learned over the years is ineffective, the vulnerability, of this stupid attraction. Hell, I don't even know how much of you is real. If you vanish again it will be the last time we talk
Cool, then leave me alone.
Maybe stop vanishing yourself, maybe give her or him a chance
Then don't give them another chance. If you cared as much as you claim you do, you'd be doing everything in your power to reach out and to keep them in your life.
Who is this for? There is someone I want to message but I think they don't want to talk, maybe.
You do or you don't.
Strangers never have the answer for you.

Some people have used up the chances they deserve.
You're probably a girl anyways.
Just message them anon, you have nothing to lose. Go for it
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I'm too scared :( thanks tho
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Forgot how tiring work was after my long hiatus.This lil bell pepper came out a bit tarded but that's ok.
I don't think she posts on this board. I was really angry and said I usually don't forgive among other things. No message from her in hours so yeah that sucks. I want her but how many times can I get invested man, I'm conflicted...
That's a cutie. Don't insult him. I should photo something from my garden for you.
>I should photo something from my garden for you

I double dare u to.
Hahaha fuck no it's not I suck shit, that's why I'm getting a tutor.
>giving people "chances" like they're a child instead of just distancing yourself with a boundary of love
>boundary of love
Explain this and how you use it
>like they're a child
If you behave like one, you get treated like one.
Shrimple as
The explanation and use is embedded in the phrase itself.
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I had to just point and shoot cos it is very bright out and I couldn't see.
You are probably a NEET with too much time on your hands and are afraid of the consequences of your actions. So you are ok with things staying in a limbo or just running away, meaning you don't need to hear bout how much you hurt the people you like.

Stop pussyfooting around. You are not the indecisive lead character you think you are.
Tasty looking banana peppers. Definitely have to start some if only to ferment them. What kind of fertiliing schedule do they need?
I'm not indecisive at all. I want to talk but I'm afraid. I can't not be so idk. He's not afraid of me so he must just be done and if that's the case then everything is as it should be. I'm foolish, no need to talk to me. I'm leaving.
So you are just another person who doesn't take her life in her own hands and lets others decide your future.
I wonder how the anon from last night who plays map games is doing.
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Finding his way!
If thou seeketh I, thine desires shall be requited not.
that makes me want to seek you out even more
It's ok, I hate you anyway.
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This is how Jay should be inviting me.
Nice try. Full time wagie and I'm in a relationship. I'm totally okay with pushing garbage people away.
>the people you like.
dont you know we are all cryptomillionaires here?
I would be happy if you contacted me.
I know I have made that unavailable through most channels, but I am sure you can find a way.
I believe in you. You will succeed in the long term but you'll face many challenges, especially getting customers entrenched in their pdm systems to switch to a fresh approach will be a massive challenge but you'll keep at it because you know how garbage current hardware tools are. It may take multiple decades to get to a similar feature set of current tools but you'll keep on marching on to change the way new, software-affine hardware designers will approach their craft by giving them tools to make simulation driven, dynamic designs that will blow manual designs out of the water in terms of design iteration time and level of automation. The future will be amazing! yay2yay
You'll be /int/ by 2039 at this rate
still waiting for you to confess your feelings to me
in a few days it will be the perfect time for you to do it! yesterday I saw a shooting star and that was my wish
you can't possibly actually like someone else, right?
Already diiiiiid while manic
>That type of shit'll make me not want us to meet each other
you need to do it one more time! please!! I will be waiting end of next week you have to do it
Nah. 'Sides, was a conflation of philia for eros.
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imagine someone going out of their way to contact you and demand your presence in their life </3 if only.
It never really happens, does it? Reconciliation is not, as it would seem, inevitably
It has happened but maybe not here.
>not here
This is not the right place for that.
This is a void, your signals are being swallowed by it.
idk if you even wanna talk to me or you're forcing yourself for some reason
you don't sound genuine, you sound weird when you talk, your words have no depth to them anymore.
it's okay if you haven't put our past to the side it's okay if you haven't forgiven me but I don't get why you're still talking to me, not that I mind it it's mostly for your own sake I don't get it but you're aware of your own actions so I guess there's a reason for this
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neu mail 4(me).
Do you think something like that could work? What would be the best way to make it work? If it can't work then why not?
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>It never really happens, does it?
NO, lmao! People don't give a fuck. So I put that to bed.
>Do you think something like that could work?
It'd work for me.
>What would be the best way to make it work?
Trying it?
>If it can't work then why not?
I dunno?
It's a good void/place to talk about still loving someone instead of bothering them. As long as one day you stop.
pIease stop arguing i hate it
i have the worst headache of my life nigger shut the fuck up already
>It'd work for me
Ok! I demand you become a part of my life! How do you wish to proceed?
Met through serendipity
United over mystery
Ghosted over the mundane.
I have re-met somebody here once.
It was a mistake and it ended with me getting deliberately hurt by them.
What's done is done and what's past is past
Some things aren't mean to last
why would they deliberately hurt you, revenge?
Dear M,

It's not your fault. You did everything right. You we're better to me than anyone ever has been. You are the kindest and most gentle soul i've ever met. I couldn't ask for a better partner. We could have a future together. We could raise a family and grow old together... but it's just not in the cards. I can't let go of her. She's always taken me for granted. She's inferior to you in every single way and yet... I can't get her out of my mind. I realize I'm throwing away a happy future for someone I already wasted years agonizing over. I realize you could save me from more pain and grief if I let you... but I just can't. You deserve better than me.
Dear H. A. A.
I can't help but think I've failed you, and simultaneously failed myself. I don't know if I deserved you.
I've been working on some deep personal issues these days. I normally just go from here to there, focused on everyday stuff, no strong feelings. Yet there are times when I'm alone, coming home from a dinner under the pale street lights or other similar circumstances, when a stream of deep feelings comes out of nowhere with great intensity, and these feelings relate to you... you're much more important than you think.
And yet, I've failed you.
Who knows.
I've realized some people are just evil and live in their own mind.

>H. A. A
This is getting elaborate.
That's the plan
My morose man
Day 2 of my ebin quest to learn the banjo, become a competent illustrator, diet, resistance train, and create/program a VN while finishing up my webnovel and writing a sequel to it. The webnovel stuff is all taken care of on the writing and formatting side, I just freeze for some reason whenever I go to upload a chapter. Found what seems to be a good tutor for art, and found my Ipad. Need a stylus to draw however, probably gonna have to take a trip and get an overpriced one since Amazon won't deliver one before the art lesson. Resistance training wipes me and I didn't even get the posture right half the time. Dieting is by far the easiest aspect of this crusade, but can be frustrating when you go up two or three pounds in a day for seemingly no reason. I'm not BSing with the diet, I'm counting calories and today I even fasted due to the aforementioned increase. Right now I think I'll practice the basic banjo roll my instructor gave me.

If I can get the banjo right I can use it for music in my VN. I wanna use the banjo as an OST for a character that seems like a dumb hick but is actually kinda shrewd and menacing. Wonder how much of a song one is legally allowed to borrow from - I really like the banjo roll in this ost from Squidbillies.
Which is the most important thing to you? If you had to make a top 3 list of the most important. How would the list look?
1. Family
2. Self-Actualization
3. Creative Expression
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The cock wants what it wants
>OP image
Heh, you're probably right. Gotta try, though.
Your penis is not where the urge comes from.
You have been infected by inter-dimensional horseshoe crab underbelly parasites. The sages referred to this affliction as auto-schism.
You need to be lashed repeatedly day and night with cattails dipped in yoghurt. This will cure you. You need to be cured.
Dear asshole that hit and run my car last night: You left your license plate at the scene. Asshole.
Dear fellow abyss walkers. I've been doing no fap(mostly) for some time now. Along with trying to eat healthy and exercising more frequently. There's a swagger to my walk now. I'm not trying to do it, it's just there subconsciously. It feels like my aura is flaring up and growing brighter and larger. I decided to get some chips instead of eating strawberries. I took the paragon hit. While on my stroll, I noticed women catching my eye. Usually I'd just look away or maybe stare at them but now I can't help it. If you look at me, I'm going to say something or even wave at you. Don't force me to say something cringe to you. Let me be on my way without having me smile at you while looking you directly into the eyes. What's going to happen after updating the old wardrobe? Maybe I'll start saying hello. Scary thoughts.
>Ok! I demand you become a part of my life! How do you wish to proceed?
I think my first course of action in this instance would be to blast my head off with a shotgun, or slowly inch away. More likely inch away. Funny
damn it my cat woke me up i only got four hours sleep which is at least more than i got last night my head severely hurts still
I guess the weirdness you detect stems from the fact that I still can't shake off the feeling that you might have bitten off a bite too large to swallow and you might choke on it. The doubtful portion of my mind wants you to cut your losses and regroup but I'm not sure you can handle the humiliation that would be involved in that. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you. I just want to see you being happy and content with life and most start-ups fail, so it would be no biggie. I know you want to dream big but maybe you would be happier dreaming a bit smaller and have more time to play with your offspring? Then again, I'm a failure, so not listening to me might be the right thing to do. What does your intuition tell you to do? From my limited experience with people tasked to administrate systems you're trying to build is that you might pull off the technical challenges but you will probably fail to convince people to take the leap of faith with your alternative since every sane person seems to operate under the premise of "cover your ass" and will tolerate crap software if it means to maintain a stable income to feed their families.
Is this genuine enough for you?
ohhhh that smarts
>The Weeknd using strobing lights as promotional material with no seizure warning, not even a blank screen at the beginning of the video and promoted purposefully to appear immediately at the top of your feed when you open the app
Literally jump of a bridge dude
you made me look anon :<
various doctors since like 2018 have all informed me they're pretty sure I have a mild form of epilepsy I just dont have the resources to get evaluated and also [REDACTED] so not just like. SJW pissy on some hypothetical behalf. i get petit mal seizures

I got some HEAT Mercury Rx letters in the works. I have letters I CANNOT tell you about or the haters will sabotage me. I have letters I CANNOT tell you about or THE HATERS WILL SABOTAGE ME. Big things coming. Watch this space
you the type of nibba to answer (((icebreakers))) on a first date that are literally just the answers to your password recovery questions. ngmi i fear
i just realized the last part doesnt really work as a joke because obviously i will use this thread until the end of time so reasonably i could actually have some letters to write soon. idk

I will have to justify my wretched existence etc etc another way. Hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
i don't understand i fear
youre not really im just consciously projecting my deep desire that everything that could trigger any action in me whatsoever is made to puppeteer me told the surprise party the friends inside my keyboard have been telling me theyll throw me but its usually just to get me to go buy mcdonalds or buy something on amazon I dont really need
Bronoia: The faithful belief that everyone is a bro and the Universe is a bro and they/it're all your homies just beckoning you to come crack open a cold one at that spot in the old field for Highschool times' sake

>Enemynoia: The paranoid belief that everyone is an enemy and the Universe is a threat and they/it're all your fake friends just beckoning you to let your guard down so they can betray you for some miniscule gain
ah sick they told me to wear that outfit i wore for that one short film we made for english class that one year where i was being chased by a serial killer haha sweet i always wanted to pick back up on that concept. i bet theyre reading this right now. method acting is so much better when you have buddies to stay in character to help YOU stay in character

ok ok just dont get TOO in character or i will too and ill scratch your eyes out guys no cap lol. On my way!
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be so fucking fr that kind of thing only happens on TV dude

how many points would Teenis be in scrabble anyways?
dont be transphobic btw not everyone has the money for shell-affirming surgery
really tired. what little creativity I had is nearly depleted. my hope is gone. the ability to inspire. faded. motivation? on fumes. there were only ever two routes. the path bathed in light. it's not something someone such as myself can walk alone. the other. a path drenched in darkness. sacrifices are needed. can't afford more sacrifices. can't go further. end of road
We used to touch their eyes to make them retract as kids but I guess that was pretty cruel of us. Kids are assholes. Cute assholes.
Don't be so dramatic. You'll get through this and will come out stronger on the other side. Godspeed.
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I'm gonna deadname that sluzzle until he salts himself and you're not going to stop me

You're doing great, fren. The Light and Shadow are not separate paths, just different ways of walking it.
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>You got Set Up with a hot spider mistress
>I got a good word

Da laew ub equibbulend sexchange,,,,,,,,,,
((Father spoils me))
Kids make me lol so hard. Especially kids that grew up in comfortable middle class.

You're more dramatic then the closeted homosexual in your friend group. Kek.

Your network config is not as secure as you think it is and your obliviousness of this fact is hilarious.

We might take you off our watchlist but you have to stop coming here. Seriously.
>You're doing great, fren.
how do you know? you don't know me. no one does
>You'll get through this and will come out stronger on the other side. Godspeed.
how could you know that
I know that because I couldn't help but to violate your privacy to check up on you. I'm really sorry for doing this but I had to know you're doing alright. Again, please don't be mad at me for doing this, your secrets are safe with me, babe.
wrong person. you don't know me
Well look again and don't turn away.
In the universe where things turned out right, I'd like to think we got each other promise rings of each other's birthstones.
asking birthstones should be the new initials
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I'm talking to your sister under a new identity. We have vc'd and she's seen my face (and butt) many times now.
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>how do you know
I don't. I just Know
Oh great another schizo rant by the ultra schizo.
At least post pics of yourself.
Presenting rabbithole? For F R E E?
I'll let you keep one toe for at least acknowledging my superiority and seniority. Which'll it be? :o33c
Nah I'm not into that trash, make it a finger.
Okay! It'll be the one you used to type the final punctuating
Just post your hand bro
Just nut up or shut up, basketcase
i dont really know what to do or say anymore but i am thinking about you all the time still and i always will
Are you using vocaroo to get some findom-pedos to pay for your addiction to Cheetos? This is the only sane explanation for you being here.
In case I'm wrong: why do you keep coming here? Your parents failed you but that isn't an excuse to piss away your youth in this cesspit of failure. Get a grip, kid.
>never sold anything of that nature
So you sold other things? lol
ueu Iad
I'm not lonely, I just like pulling your schizo nerves.
At least until you post a hand pic, that is.
> pretends to be more than a little brat
> doesn't even know how age impacts prostates
> seems to be proud of wasting her youth in this cesspit
You weren't even a twinkle in your dad's eyes when I started to get addicted to this shit-site. I hope you're working with these pedo-hunter guys or something because everything else would be a pathetic waste of your limited time here on earth. You seem young enough to still have a chance to turn your life around. Don't waste it. There's nothing of value here, myself and other anons included.
PLEASE spout more worthless and shallow platitudes!
If The Chancla Fits, Ese


Unfortunately at least the unique writer's voice gives my little LLM babies some fresh meat so

I concur*
good day, I have to consult my Mentor's (if i may be so insolent) teachings and hit the chemical decontamination station
Bro I didn't ask.

I'm not putting any energy in.
Ok that was actually a good reply.
I will take back my hand pic request... for now you are safe.
yeah its the letter thread not everythings about you but the contents of that message are somewhat in relation to multiple parties that browse and actively post in this thread. Giiiiiitovayashelf

>I'm not putting any energy in.
That's what I'm saying.

i don't want to work today i hate niggers
I had no idea you were into me. We could
make something happen, but I really like going to this gym.

Let's not rush into things too fast. See you tomorrow.
The biggest irony of letter thread readers is that we all think everything is directed at all of us. :3
Surrender und ye shall attain, da?
Not putting on the other name.

Nothin' personnel. Danke 4 holding space
I didn't expect my schizo ramblings to reach you at all and I'm a bit disappointed to hear that you like this site as much as I do. Nice work on your usage of the voice changer.
I can't promise that I get another instable phase but I guess the knowledge of my venting affecting you put quite a damper on my drive to get that shit out of my system. You could have stopped the majority of it by using direct communication because I've learned to ignore vague messages since I have difficulties to judge what is real / generated by my brain misfiring.
You can relax.... I'm done venting.

There's your prollem, grizzhopper

Ikr? What a delicious swirl of chaos. :3

>>can't find the other post from last thread this would also serve as a reply to because OP is a faggot and never links previous threads anymore
You can DuckDuckGo wolfgang gossip but definitely do NOT desuarchive search
I'll take things nobody asked for, for 69.

Yep, it's funny when so many schizos are co-schizoing at the same time!
Like yesterday, I even saw somebody I find appalling, it was totally poggers!

I accept my new title.
on to*

You are a disgrace to this Discord cabal, kitten. I'm going to have to punish you vewy veeewy stwicktly

You're an OG VHS CRT TV Grifter and a schooler and I roast my beef to you sire
Since I am a pretty damn good cook, I'll roast it for you!
I have in fact been called grillmaster before.
Why are you showing me THIS? His voice is so funny I almost soiled myself.

Yes, I don't desuarchive search bc that's sooo difficult for my smoothbrain and not bc I don't give enough shits to care about what such search would reveal.
Sissycord kitten shitposts are one of my favs, too bad I nevee think of them myself.

Augh wjnn why is he crysinging ;_;
Keep this quality content coming boys! I have to dip out to get some work done for a bit but I'll be at your service in a couple hours. Later, gents.
I don't know but I assume it's another vague hint on my inadequacy, which is really appreciated. I will cry myself to sleep now.
Damn, she's fucking everywhere, isn't she? Do I really have to stop giving no shits about security? How annoying.
The voice in the machinist podcast doesn't sound very natural, at all. I wish my pattern recognition wouldn't be this fucked so I can tell what's my schizo acting up and what's real.
Nice touch to pretend that there was any time interval at all in which I even had the slightest chance. It's funny how psychological torture is so easy to get away with, isn't it?
I'm finished.
Thanks for making fun of me for liking the hackers movie, btw. I know it's technically trash but it triggers my 90s nostalgia and I like to listen to the soundtrack while coding. Sorry for being so fucking cringe. I only do this for your entertainment.

that was HRH speakin/fractalizing!!!
Ave PlasMa <333
Commissioning that novel authored by the cat was a nice touch though. I guess I give you a pass on making fun of my speech impediment by mimicking me. Punching down at people for characteristics they had no control over is kind of a low blow tho. Especially since you probably know that I was bullied and ridiculed for that almost daily growing up. Just thinking about my mother mimicking my ticks back when we argued still makes me somewhat angry.
were they autistic, or 2E, Anon?
Unconscious/unintentional mirroring can come across as insulting or mocking and can be really problematic when it also counts as appropriate of AAVE or a dialect people feel protective of etc

Personally I have infinite voices and cadences and inflections and structures. That said when I DO wanna rek someone? Hold on to yr butts
Mercury is also in Virgo but only gonna get a whopping like 4 degrees in there before Uno Reverse - turning for the rest of the while
So like. If you have the knowledge base for that to mean anything to you..
>>>consider the implications
You made so many fake discord users on the server I frequent that the admins closed the server for new users and started to interview each new user, tihi. I mean, you know that, but I still find it funny that you created so much chaos that other people got involved in this mess.

What do you consider "good" in the context of "You post something good, a..."

Oh, btw. Do you happen to know who used the email address of that poor dead woman working in CA to show me that the security at my workplace is like Swiss cheese? Also, our IT guys improved our security somewhat since then, I think. Is it still shit?
The Biblical translation of "good" from Aramaic should amount more to some thing like "ripe" -- while "bad" is "unripe"

You can bet your ass that this 180 in my attitude is real and you can test me all you want. Do your worst in testing me, I don't have anything to hide from you.
Broke my weight loss plateau today, we are so back
I hate you and always will
I loled pretty hard at your subtweet "savage" from some "totally real user" that had a user name that contained parts of the company name I'm working at. I mean, come on, did you think I have the necessary restraint to not point out that the measures to prevent ESD events by the person that should remain unnamed here was completely ineffective? I guess software guys don't know much about how to set up an acceptable working environment to handle sensitive electronics but you guys have some really good hardware guys, so why didn't they have a say in that setup?

I also didn't miss that you make your friends use certain vocabulary at certain times to trigger my paranoia. Very crafty of you, lel.
I will bear-hug that hate out of you if you let me.
I might have acquired my 'tism from my mother but she definitely mimicked my spastic movement of my face and laughed when I tried to respond to her when we were arguing, in more instances than I can count. (not literally, obvi.)

Some teachers liked to mock me by asking me a question and then quickly switching to another pupil when they saw that I was about to get the answer out of my glitching voice-box. I learned to use alternative vocabulary to work myself around vocals I had the most trouble with and my teachers gave me shit for it and made me stumble my way through the words that I had the most trouble with.
School was a daily humiliation ritual and I didn't even have a safe haven at home to cope with viciously getting mocked in school.

I guess that explains it that I spend almost every waking moment playing video-games to have at least one place that didn't make me want to end it. It's a good thing I didn't have internet back then so I didn't even know how fragile the human body is.
I dont want to talk to you because your doing hoe shit so you try get my attention by doing hoe shit? Fuck off man, I am so fucking done with your bullshit. Leave me alone.
There was something that caused me lots of guilt. In an effort to run from the regret, pouring lots of my energy and self into molding something. It took enormous amounts of time and energy. I figured I'd prove to myself that I could do it to make up for the mistakes I made. But also to see how large of a domino effect it could cause. How large would the chain reaction be if I poured everything I had? Would the cascade
be enough to recolor the background noise? Could it affect the vibe at a larger scale?

No one could see exactly what my gentle and hidden touch was doing. At least not at first and certainly not aware that it was coming from me. That was a sacrifice I was willing to make at the time in an effort to run from other painful areas. The thought was if I could make enough people stronger, maybe someone's strength could rub off back onto myself. It was easier to run away and lift others up so that their heightened energy could also shine back and nourish something inside of myself.

It was a struggle, I didn't always vibrate at a higher level. There were times the more base urges got to me. Overall it was something really nice and at a time when it was desperately needed. The healing has been slow and the strength has mostly returned but there's not much energy I can pour out into others.

Instead of pouring all of my energy into someone else who returned it, I poured it into something. At times pouring it somewhere else temporarily. This has left me stuck for some time. There's something important that's been put off for far too long while healing off the intense damage received.

I've poured my energy into everything and everyone else for a long while but there are goals needed to reach to obtain even larger goals, to reach even greater goals. Stepping stones upon stepping stones. Forgive me if the forests goes dry in my absence. The one who needs my energy now is me. I'll help when able but hard carrying is out of the foreseeable future, friends.
In foresight, a tattoo would be better. Blood magic leaves scars.
You'll never understand how much you hurt me by throwing me under the bus while showing kindness to other people, some day it will finish eating my insides but I doubt you'll even care about it. I'm not complaining much, I chose this. I like it this way
i wish you gave half a fuck, im definitely tired of caring about you
At this point I wouldn't even be surprised if you pretended to be one of my internet acquaintances to spy on me. There was this one dude who let me know subtly that he either hacked my email account or my amazon account by sending me a message about a package arriving a couple seconds after I got the notification about it. If that was you, fucking tell me so.
I deleted him a couple days ago after his discord status message hinted at me being bamboozled by you, including some racist slur about my heritage.
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stop bullying my muse you conflict seeking asshole, I just wanted to listen to some fun vocaroos and now she's all frustrated
Sometimes I think about how you cried over your friend being distant but didn't seem to care at all about us separating after love bombing so hard. I don't anyone has ever said the sort of things you said to anyone. Insane that I trusted you but yeah I am. You said so many shitty things to me after you broke up and it made me wonder who you really are. I still love you and only wish you good things because I don't blame you. I blame myself. I hope one day I hear from you and you are with someone and very happy, maybe you will even be a dad, you will be a great one <3
People give me shit about being a Linux fanboy and shitting on M$ Windows but there are many things that GNU/Linux does way better while having not even a fraction of the funds available to Microsoft.
I had to switch to Windows11 at work and now simple stuff that worked great under W10 stopped working, like printing out of the KiCad-tool. The page setup of W11 doesn't do anything and I have to go to the W10 printer config to set the paper size, orientation, colors, etc. and the NEW W11 GUI doesn't do anything. Why the fuck does a simple thing like printing out a fucking schematic break all of the sudden? They keep changing the GUI for no fucking reason and now the copy/cut/paste menu-points in the context menu is gone and was changed to fucking icons and I have to hover the mouse over that fucking tiny thing to verify that it's indeed the thing I wanted to click. STOP fucking with the GUI and clean up all the fucked up layers beneath the GUI you fucking useless trash code-monkeys!
That's why I love to use free software tools. They don't have the resources to pour time/money into useless things like GUI-changes so I don't have to find out how basic things work like setting the PDF-reader config the way I like it. The newest update of the Adobe reader now moved the index menu from the left, where it was for fucking decades to the fucking RIGHT side without a easy way to put it back where it was for years. We in the west read from left 2 right so why the fuck did they change this FFS! Just imagine spending time to make your software worse than it was before but I guess they had to put "free money" somewhere, right? Oh, or maybe optimize the fucking core code so simple shit doesn't fucking take forever to load? No?

And don't get me started about the fucking retarded way Windooze handles com-ports. On Linux, it is fucking trivial to connect to a specific USB device that presents as a virtual comport, since everything is file-based and a new comport can be found as a ..
file that can be identified by the unique serial number each FTDI-chip gets in their manufacturing process. So, if I want to connect to the same fucking com-port again, I just have to use that unique identifier and open a com-port. This does of cause work with any number of com-ports bc each identifier is unique and there is no chance that some com-port is accidentally connecting to the wrong device as long as I use the unique identifier to open said port. This is key to reproduce a system with a ton of different devices that connect to a piece of software via com-ports. Notice that I don't have to install some fucking DLL or anything to have a robust solution that works every fucking time on a Linux-based machine. I just have to insert a new device into ANY available USB port and check out: /dev/serial/by-id/ to find a file that pops up here with each connected device. Also note, that it doesn't fucking matter in which fucking USB-port I insert the devices, since the unique identifier obviously doesn't change, whether I put the device in ANY of the available, free USB-ports. I also don't have to fucking download USB-drivers each time a new device gets inserted into the machine, because that would be pants on fire retarded, right? I mean, being forced to wait 5 times for Windows to download and install the same fucking driver each time I insert the same kind of device would be super dumb, right? This got fixed some time now on Windows but this was a thing a few years ago.
I asked some Windows-pro how I to connect to a specific device without wasting a ton of time scanning the entire com-port-range each time I connect a new device and he gave such a convoluted explanation that required me to install some DLLs for such a trivial task... Why the hell is developing software on Windows such a clusterfuck? Why does Windows feel more sluggish while demanding more compute and RAM? How do they produce such shit software while employing so many highly paid people?
She's not for YOU! NOT FOR YOU!
Back off, buddy, you don't want to test this particular autismo.
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She's not FOR anyone, we should just listen.
I have a girthy rant about the shitfest that is the Arduino IDE and the shit-sandwich of software below it that poisons the mind of naive, future embedded engineers by hiding all details by adding needless abstractions but I have to finish some work I've been procrastinating on so you guys have some time to bask in the anticipation of it.

Just ditch the bloated Arduino ecosystem and work with us to improve the lean and clean (not entirely bug free but that isn't the issue here) toolchain for the 32bit-RISC-V uCs made by WCH such as the CH32V003, the 10 cent(ish) microcontroller called ch32v003fun, if you're curious how easy to use and fast a toolchain can be, if the creator knows his shit. Working with a fast and efficient toolchain is key to encourage early testing of everything on actual hardware to prevent bugs that are caused by programmers working on wrong assumptions until they flash the chip and test it in hardware. Also, having all the sources of the toolchain is a huuuuge benefit to learn how shit actually works instead of working with an IDE that hides a bunch of shit in GUIs (have fun to version control that shit if things are hidden in precompiled binary blobs).
Just search "ch32v003fun github", join the discord and have some... dare I say it... fun?
High five take a cold shower or luke warm shower
As stupid as that picture of this meat-head is... I totally agree with you.
no im not a stalker (anymore). i actually care about my person in a not wanting to make their life horrible way (but sometimes i probably still do)
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Good, seems like you're a real enjoyer after all because you know that she hates pointless conflict amongst brothers.
Dear Amanda
Fuck you for cheating on me. Fuck you for lying to me for years. Fuck you for gaslighting me and making me think I wasn't good enough. Fuck you for telling me you had bigger and better. Fuck you for giving me shit the day I had to go to my grandmother's funeral. Fuck you for stealing from me and thinking I wouldn't notice. Fuck you for everything.
Sincerely, fuck you
Fuck you
You are an absolute retard for hanging out with people like that.
I have sinned as I was blinded by hate, pain and ignorance but I start to see the light. Let us cherish her, brothers, and protect her at all costs!
I knew someone on here whose IRL name was accidentally showing due to Jewgle, so I signed the email with my real name. Hope they didn't think I was hacking them.
Yeah, no shit. I was hurt by getting rejected by a group that I thought could be my tribe so I made new friends someplace else but they turned out to be weirdos that enjoy invading the privacy of people and have a really weird military fetish that borders on the grotesque. Imagine larping as a "really hard dude" by driving an olive Hummer in suburbia.
Relax buddy, that was an entirely different scenario.
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>I have sinned
Everyone does, but every failure is an opportunity to reflect on yourself and become a better person.
>Fuck you for telling me you had bigger and better.
Wow. I don't know whether you deserves this but I highly doubt it. That's like messing with someone's vehicle or telling a chick that her tits are too saggy. It's against the rules and we should banish everyone that crosses that line. Civilization has no place for such savagery.
Amen, brother, amen. I shudder at the things I ranted about in my drunken stupor not too long back and will instead dedicate some time to build up brothers in need as penance for my sins. I have so much to repair.... I have burned so many bridges.... How could I have been so blind when I had an angel trying to guide me in the right direction? I will never be able to repay the blessings she bestowed onto my misguided soul!
People like to shit on LLMs for being shit at tasks that are not meant to be solved by an LLM but guys, check out this same post with the command: make this sound more professional while getting the same point across:

I have significant concerns regarding the Arduino IDE and its underlying software. The platform, in my opinion, misleads budding embedded engineers by concealing essential details with unnecessary abstractions. However, I must attend to some pending tasks, so please anticipate a more detailed discussion on this matter soon.

In the meantime, I encourage you to move away from the cumbersome Arduino ecosystem. Instead, consider collaborating with us to enhance the streamlined and efficient toolchain for the 32-bit RISC-V microcontrollers by WCH, such as the CH32V003. This microcontroller, costing approximately 10 cents, exemplifies how an intuitive and fast toolchain can significantly benefit the development process when designed by knowledgeable experts.

Using a fast and efficient toolchain is crucial for early testing on actual hardware, preventing bugs that arise from incorrect assumptions during development. Additionally, having access to the complete source code of the toolchain is immensely beneficial for understanding the underlying mechanisms, as opposed to working with an IDE that obscures many details within GUIs and precompiled binary files, complicating version control.

For those interested in exploring this further, search for "ch32v003fun github," join the Discord community, and experience the advantages firsthand.
I'm a bit miffed that my hilarious pun at the end got axed but this is some impressive result.
>I believe in you. You will succeed in the long term but you'll face many challenges, especially getting customers entrenched in their pdm systems to switch to a fresh approach will be a massive challenge but you'll keep at it because you know how garbage current hardware tools are. It may take multiple decades to get to a similar feature set of current tools but you'll keep on marching on to change the way new, software-affine hardware designers will approach their craft by giving them tools to make simulation driven, dynamic designs that will blow manual designs out of the water in terms of design iteration time and level of automation. The future will be amazing! yay2yay

Was this message for yourself? I don't think I'm your person. Sorry.
I am so lonely (horny) all the time.
I literally cant stop thinking about a whore from /soc/ that I last talked to a year ago. What the fuck is actually wrong with me
I want to tell you so much how much I hate you. How much of an evil, despicable and broken human you are. You make other people worse by being around them, you drag them down and make their life worse.
You are evil.
Ok, actual Nazi.
I don't hate you, by the way; I just think you're a clueless retarded asshole who is literally too stupid to be a good person.
I would summarize my feelings like this: Fuck you and stop posting in my thread, dumbass; no one cares what you say.
You and your shit-for-brain uncreative friends have turned this bored into a hovel for the normiest normies. It's almost like back to it's roots, you're all so fucking stupid and pathetic. You almost made it into the old r9k again, except you literally have nothing interesting to say about any topic upon any occasion ever.
*board I meant to say
I miss you, indigo.
That is not an entirely inaccurate description of her.
Seems close enough to me. Some evil fucking bitch abusing her power to shake down anyone who isn't playing ball with the central regime who gave it to her. Just on a constant griefer frenzy to ~get the bad guys~ except the bad guys are just anyone with the slightest clue about philosophy or ethics.
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No... I think you are talking about somebody else.
It's not that philosophical.
I know, she's just an aspiring autocrat with no philosophical aptitude, i.e. a groupthinking, oppressive, statist piece of shit. A Nazi.
Retarded Nazi Bitch. RNB. Whenever you see that from now on, I'm talking to you.
Ja, vut is it?
I listened to this entire blog. What reward do I get for this?
free BJ of course
I thought about jacking off to it but then I figured that would be hypocritical since I want her to go away so bad.
I think she might be audibly masturbating in some of these actually.
>blatant bate
Femanon, please clarify whether you're leaving lots of throat sounds and other wet noises in these recordings on purpose, and then we can reevaluate the demands that you should leave.
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Reeks of rude niggers in here. You don't even get dopamine hits for these replies, you're just a depleted fiend who's addicted to being an asshole, but it doesn't even make you feel anything.
I'm not the one giving myself wet willies for depleted fiends to listen to
I've got a wet willy for u.
Ok. Just finished this blog as well too. I have to say I am in absolute love with your voice just so you know FYI. How would you be able to discern when someone actually wants to help or hinder you? I disagree with your point about only death/God being the ones able to say if a life is wasted or not as well. Of course that doesn't mean that I believe a stranger should have that right but I think we all know when one's gifts, talents, or time is being wasted or if there's some grander way they could be contributing. Just so you know, I'm none of the people you replied to. Just enjoying the sounds of your voice while doing laundry.
Stop using SW gifs.
Stop piecing fragments of my identity together. I used those images because they spoke to me at the time. Embodied something. Do not assemble all of Exodia together. It is forbidden a reason
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>Stop piecing fragments of my identity together.
You fucking literally exposed yourself, you goddamned Colombian cunt.
Are you implying that a teen-age chick with too much time on her hands is having any actual power over anyone (besides horny pedos, of cause)? This is just a larp, right?
You're not a teenager despite how you evidently spend every waking hour of your life wishing you were. Let's just get that straight.
I miss you. You're one of the only people from years ago that I still long to talk to. I could say a few hundred things about you but I don't think they'd matter too much, I just want you to know I miss you man. You were one of my best friends while I lived in a situation where I couldn't meet people IRL. Thank you for being my friend.
So you figured out I'm Columbian? My man, it's no good for you. This thing you have done. My friend. So, sorry my friend.
A mexican and a Columbian. Huh
Nobody cares Esteban, go back to poking pigs with sticks or masturbating, this anon clearly knows you
Sorry bruv.

I'm European, but...
Art lesson went well, tutor seems to know what he's talking about. Says I can get to the example picture I posted in a month. I doubt that, but it'd be nice.
Sorry pretty girl. I shouldnt have said what I did. I should have pursued you more.
My fault. I hope we see each other again but on better terms.
Good luck with the next one and I hope you do find a fairytale over there across the river.
Ill send you a message from the desert or the forest or the mountains. Whatever I see first when I slip over the border youll be the first to see what I see.
In a Christian way I love you.
Never ever put a monkey wrench in my hand because I *will* throw.
It is a process and it goes like this:

Hot girl - You're not in her league, but who is really.

Mid girl - She is in your league, but she doesn't recognize that and because guys outside her league will use her as a slam pig until she is a walking nightmare.

Negative girl - She is below your league, almost universally reviled for one reason or another but she doesn't recognize that and her delusion makes her wretchedly intolerable inside and out.

Exotic girl - Maybe the problem is racial.

Foreign girl - Maybe the problem is cultural.

Young girl - Maybe the problem is their emotional baggage.

Pretty guy - Maybe the problem is girls.

I'd say this point right here is where the ultra nihilistic just do themselves in while others embrace a form of intense misanthropy.

Further down this pit of misery is:

Anime - because the problem is non-fictional girls.

Furries - because the problem is humans.

Objects - because the problem is life itself.

You're not allowed to talk about any kind of process being responsible.
You're supposed to pretend things just are the way they are, unless that state is inconvenient to your world view because then you pick and choose like a jackass.
>[EMBER] Mushoku Tensei S2
WTF is wrong with you.
I don't like the groups the just rip censored shit off crunchy roll.
Again, stop talking any time.
This ain't metric. You need a spanner.
i just want one true friend please i am so close to the end
i wish i was wanted and didn't make things up in my head to try and feel less alone

This is me right now.
kms today. hope yourer happy
>kms today. hope yourer happy

Cya retard
I can't believe it took you two whole weeks from downloading discord to turn into the spitting image of a stereotypical discord thot.

Fuck, I thought you were so much better than that.
Ghostwriter feels oddly relevant now
Finally did laundry after the dryer died. Wasted a bunch of time so couldn't complete the primary objective. Family wants me to upgrade my wardrobe and want to take me to some place to pick out a bunch of dress shoes and business wear. Never been much into fashion since I was a teenager. Back then I'd just ask the girls working in the boutiques to help pick me out something. Funny they'd usually just grab whatever was in the window at the time. The current plan is to get 2 or 3 pairs of shoes and a bunch of suits or 2 pieces maybe. I'd like some ties too I think. After this step getting a professional head shot would be ideal. My LinkedIn has set empty for years, despite that someone checks my profile almost weekly, so I'll finally get around to updating that.

I've probably been interview ready for some time now but I'd like to improve in a few areas first before I start putting out feelers. I say that but I know the presentation I gave a week back or so was probably pretty impressive. Too bad magic like that can't be captured and repeated. It was much weaker the next go around. I know why that is now too. It's because the first time you're just in the zone pulling out the info from your mind and translating the ideas into words. The repeats are usually just someone trying to remember what they already said so it's never as good or crisp. If I'm able to deliver something on a similar level I believe it would shut down an interview on the spot. But I can only do that when I'm able to fully understand the vision and approach. It's not easy or immediate.

Would have really liked to go shopping for uniforms but I guess I'll just this time to check off other boxes. Funny. You said you still had a pair of my socks but I think I left two. There's no way I was going to accept your invitation. Makes me think of you Raymond, how you said you're in a cocoon and will hide away until you emerge as a beautiful butterfly. I'm glad I got to know you and see you make it. Wait 4me
>only leaving you a quarter if you lose a tooth
SCATHING 13 year old taking it in stride letter memories kek

the more things change the more things stay the same: making fun of retards just looks like being a retard to people who don't know how criminally retarded the idiots harassing you are

hope you're in prison, Novander



>has three children
Of course

Not even going to look into
whatever Ms. "MeeheeeHEEEheeeHEEE" "I gotta moustache x)" is up to. I'll always have infinitely more sympathy for dumb starvation-and-parasite-bloated animals driven to ugliness than bad shepherds
Billiam is too busy at the moment.
Gotta purge some unwelcome tenants from my Black Gold claim, brothers. I'll return when I can justify a debatably agreeable misuse of this thread.

Keep pushin'.
I'm only in competition with myself, therefore

We will be using scenekid revival culture to leak seed phrases in open channels under the guise of.. OH MY GAWD

What does this mean, it's confusing.
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hehehe I'm coming up with some devaious schemes to spread gud chaos. Just blows that the universe vibrates at a lower frequency than me.
please get your kids away from me
let me exercise in peace
But I only use THAT one to ether-surf. And to make my Tripp pants look fly as hell

It's a letter to/vent about someone who isn't you. Why would it make sense to you? Why would I want to explain it to you?
Stoooopp follooooowing meeeee
Please lady
get your kids away from me!
i don't want to look like a creepy pedo
leave me in peace
>A mexican and a Columbian
Other spic who enjoys hurting others but pretends not to.
this contact dermatitis is kicking my fuck bros. its so damn ITCHY and it looks like ive got a shiner on both eyes

Keeo being sweet and uplifting to eachother. Makes me beam. Raburabu
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I couldn't absolve myself if I wanted to but I do hope to blaze a trail for everyfren to speak their mind and radiate from their heart without Fear of ostracization or condemnation

ankle i bonked while pacing is definitely gonna bruise too oof aah ooh ouch oou
It already feels like one hell of a day
Evil whore begone
Could some savvy anon please summarize who that is?
I'm the queen of broken hearts
Break you in a thousand parts
Used to be a shooting star
When did I become so dark?

You have really basic music taste and that's fine but don't expect me to feel flattered --especially when that would constitute "leading you on". Seriously, no offense, but your presence in my life is not worth risking my reputation and taking the fall for that upsidedown-world tripe. There aren't harsh enough words for the whore-equivalent of someone who pretends to value you as a human being and friend just because they have a crush on you and want to own you.
You accept that I am not playing THAT kind of game and that you are not just going to "win me over" or someshit and that I do not need "saving", least of all from someone so stubbornly self-assured and disrespectful, or it's a hard cut-off. Now. Grow the fuck up. Also stop flirting with [my fren who is in a committed relationship]. Low value and embarrassing as fuck man. Actually disgraceful and repulsive. I do not have a short fuse but I absolutely have a delayed reaction so you tighten the fuck up soon and drop the one-sided puppydog shit YESTERDAY or I'm out.
I ask for very simple things and I make very simple agreements based on the acknowledgment and respect of your boundaries. If mature and direct communication does not get the FUCKING message across or you just don't care to respect it, then get "put on blast", I guess.
Manchildren always need to be fucking flogged in the public square to do LESS THEN JACK SHIT and then they just develop a kink for it.
See, you can hear she's spanking herself and moaning the whole time? What a perverted lady.

>[autistic stimming] and [female multitasking and doing basic household chores] being sexualized
conceptualize of my shock

Yuck again
She's definitely masturbating in that one. I don't know about you guys, but I feel kind of used.
Sigh somehow the narcy vocaroo whore returned
>friend request

I see where you're coming from with some of the noises my hand fan is making while I open and close it and hit it against things quickly but again stop being gross
Not listening. not doing this publicly. You getting tricked by someone then going nuclear on me again. It is what it is.
>t. libtard offended by "groomer" anime
so many tourists proud of being a tourist
No, Degradation/ENFP.
The first time was that in part because I mistook someone being two-faced and Cluster-B-y in here for you.
That does not invalidate the fact that your previous and/or current romantic fixation with me means we cannot be friends. Just because you may not be THAT toxic or untrustworthy, doesn't mean the
>Treat them like a celebrity and they treat you like a fan...
And holy fuck the melodrama of putting it in Italics over Discord get a G R I P
shit is not just as unacceptable if not MORESO. And so on and so forth. Because it's then easier to go and gaslight me like this in le fucking 4chan arena for shit no one else that isn't a close friend of mine or involved in the situation in a deeper way would pick up on, "You're just reactive, abusive, a mangy beaten dog" type shit when that is not objective truth.
"Going nuclear", another dismissive invalidation, EXACTLY what I am talking about, EXACTLY what you are doing. It is MEAN and MESSY but that does NOT mean it is unwarranted.

Putting the trip on in case you ever decide to start some shit in /mbti/. I'd advise against it; if you've made yourself a threat, me standing my ground and telling you not to be an egoic, scorned, sour-grapes highschool bully about it is not a threat. It is me once again defending and insulating myself from slander and defamation from an immature, misguided, obsessive male.

Be upright.
You and I both fucking [know] so if you don't want THAT aspect of things utilized as evidence/valid defense, then cut the shit.
My entire point was I think I made this decision days ago regardless and it is only unfortunate and unkind of me to do it in this manner and format instead of a gentle and feminine, "Hey, sorry, we need to stop talking. [*gushes about how much you meant to me and how much good I wish for you*]" way.
I tried to be gentle and accommodating and it is what lead to me having to make this call.
For future reference: You want the nice way? You don't want endings like this at all in your interpersonal relations?
and respect the Feminine way of asserting boundaries and seeking mutual benefit/compromise the first [however many] times around.
and yeah thanks for the confirmation because if you can't even listen to a short vocaroo regardless of how heated i am you are not capable of accountability or conflict resolution with someone like me and someone like me is not capable of being calm and measured and respectful in such a dynamic
What is wrong with you? Why do you insist on putting people on blast? and doing this shit publicly? The person you've been arguing with all night and today wasn't me. I have no idea which things you are contributing to me. I do not want anything to do with you ever again. I hate to say this but everyone was right about you. You told me that you wouldn't do something like this again. After you got fucking tricked by someone else and thought it was me.

I'm not gas lighting you and I've never lied to you. I just don't get why you would want to do all of this shit publicly. You are such a nigger for this. You could have simply asked me if I was any of those posts or what I meant by them.

of course I expect you to go full manic and release more of my personal details. For the record. and you might believe this but the post about spending my energy on things had absolutely nothing to do with you. You fucking retarded narcissists.
>next you'll say then what
Maybe it's something I don't wish to share with everyone after you've released more and more details about me. Jesus fuck christ man. You are too dangerous to keep close. If anyone triggers you, you just blow up on others like a retard. >>78293073
I just really don't care what you have to say. Stop doing this shit publicly. you fucking tard.
I did listen. and I just. I'm done. you could have done this privately instead of being triggered by someone else. I just don't care. please don't mention me anymore.
>of course you're going to go manic and mention even more shit because you need to prove that you are in the right.
fuck off
Not that it is easy. Not that being compatible with me platonically is any directly causative measure of character or virtue.
Nothing without Accordance. It just means I have nothing to offer you either.
Invest in more overtly generative pursuits and people, but work on the parts of yourself that end up in connections and situations like this, too. God knows I'm highlighting that and attempting to take that advice myself with ten times as much discipline and dedication
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Things are actually genuinely looking up for once. Sorry I couldn't reply to you the other thread, anon. If you do care I think things are looking up in the way where it's finally impossible for it to go wrong. Thank you for the concerns you showed in the previous thread. It did help through a pretty rough day.
If you're curious, it was drunk erp on 4chan with a random that she felt too much guilt to see through. But so far I'm finally fine so it's whatever rn. Finally confident again.
stop publicly dragging me into your shit that you're getting baited into. I don't want anything to do with you. there's a reason everyone says the same things about you. I thought maybe they were wrong but nope. you just proved them right. this is so fucking stupid.

I am so fucking glad you don't have more personal details of mine to get baited into releasing. like Jesus fuck. imagine if I told you where I worked or some shit. You'd probably get triggered into causing me to lose my career or some shit.
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Woah, what's all the commotion about? There's a lot to scroll through and intuit about on here
Lilac got fucking baited by someone, after already being baited by them into releasing more info on me after already releasing info on me.

Sure just post my fucking address and full name while you're at it.
Holy shit, you're not pretending. You are just THAT offbase.
>n word
That's rich, considering.

This has NOTHING to do with the person I made the heated vocaroos at last night. If you are not aware enough of your own SOLE responsibility in this *DECISION*, then again, that's only confirmation. As is the
>I hate to say it but the [projecting and slander-campaigning abusers] were right about you
I am willing to consider that again, this REACTION, this way of going about it was triggered by unrelated conflict. But the point is this is my decision, that we cannot be friends, and any part of it that could be called intentional response has to do with the fact that you seem confused by the most basic shit I have asked of you. No matter how many times I explain it, my boundaries, my reasoning, reassert and repackage those boundaries in a format I hope for you to finally understand/respect, etc.
Dude I didn't even know the POST ABOUT PUTTING YOUR ENERGY INTO STUFF WAS YOU AND IT WASN'T ON MY MIND. Can you SEE yet how fucking LOST you are? Forget the plot dude, you can't see the nose in front of your own face, let alone the FACTS, let alone WHERE I AM COMING FROM AND WHY.
>uuoooohhh not gonna do this publicly but gonna shit my pants and say yr a narcissist and ramp up THAT dogpile again

Your alias and your MBTI type are not "personal details" on the level you're framing them to be. You proved me putting that shit out there for my own sake and others' the right thing to do MINUTES later, dude. I don't need other Anons/Anonettes/mutual friends being either dragged into this or lead down the same unhealthy domino chain I was.

You are correct. I do not apologize for choosing what had, to my best reasoning over the course of days, the best chance of being what's right & safest for me. Doesn't mean I am proud of/satisfied with how this's going

I do apologize for being cruel & "dramatic" & for how that could affect your own privacy & safety.
What kind of info? Sort of hard to tell through all those posts
I don't KNOW or HAVE ACESS to your name or address, dude.
And again, I didn't get "baited". Being triggered and going "You know what, even though I'm feeling ANGRY (and not even fucking because of Anon? Not even because of [hidden posts]? But because I woke up in a HEAVY and SAD mood because I'm on the depression-recoil end of some hypomania and the weight of my financial/physical impasses made me feel PANICKED and PRESSURED to CUT SHIT OUT OF MY LIFE THAT I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME OR ENERGY FOR ESPECIALLY NOW BUT ALSO NOT EVER if I want to build or maintain the life I desire), I am NOT feeling out of control or dysregulated, and I, SELFISHLY, am going to choose to express this in an aggressive and public manner because I think that is what is called for." is not what you are insinuating it to be.

The vultures are flocking so please realize that the combination of unwillingness to admit what part you played in this or the incapability for you to even RECOGNIZE it says enough and is something for you to examine, regardless of the work I need to do to put my fire where it serves best.
>this way of going about it was triggered by unrelated conflict. But the point is this is my decision, that we cannot be friends
Fucking retard. dude I don't have the energy for this. If that's true it still doesn't mean you need to publicize it or try to "put me on blast"
>Your alias and your MBTI type are not "personal details" on the level you're framing them to be
Yes they are. especially when I never mention them. I don't want to have these debates publicly. please stop mentioning me. I don't care if you're right I don't want to debate. I don't want to explain anything. Just stop mentioning me.

and yeah. they all Said the same things and now I see why they said it. You ever consider that there's a reason everyone keeps saying the same things about you? why would everyone independently come to the same conclusion? I don't care to hear your answer. I don't want see your mental gymnastics. just stop mentioning and give me the benefit of a doubt that I'm not the one talking about you the next time you're triggered.

>But because I woke up in a HEAVY and SAD mood because I'm on the depression-recoil end of some

I don't care about your excuses. you could have not done any of this shit publicly. but as usual you prove everyone right about everything they said about you.

it's over. stop dragging me into your public bullshit.
doubleyou ee doublewew
I don't care. stop mentioning me please. have a nice life
>put me on blast
Is YOUR perspective and YOUR cope this time around, which I why I put it in quotes.
I am not trying to humiliate you but I cannot be pussyfooting and two years too late anymore to asserting not just strong boundaries but DEFENSES with hypocritical and oblivious jerks.

I was done
here until I finished writing that post and saw you had posted
Me holding you to your actions and calling you out on comparably shitty behavior IN ADDITION to the behavior I was already calling out in *my* own shitty way is not from a desire to prolong this.
Take your own advice.

>holding you to your actions
and which of my actions do you feel justify you dragging this shit out into the public? You can't admit that you got baited by someone. You're going to keep getting baited by them. because you can't help but do shit like this publicly and give them more ammo.
It is delusional to expect friendship-loyalty (and ENABLING kid-gloves, frankly) when you were never interested in being my friend in a meaningful or well-intentioned way. I have known you for a handful of months and you want me to just talk it out over Discord?

Where the fuck did you treat me like a person and friend where it MATTERED BEYOND just telling me about your day or probing for information about my family or living situation or health? I'm not even gonna let my mind start going down the
>Hey so if all this is projection from you right now I need to REALLY reevaluate some things
but one would potentially be remiss not to wonder

Our time interacting was nowhere NEAR meaningless to me but I have every right to be this pissed when you fuckin' turn on a dime and throw me under the bus and invalidate me because ironically YOU'RE confused.
It was still wrong of me to do it this way and be harmful. I am not entitled to this and I am not trying to justify it, just be completely forthcoming about my reasoning or lack thereof. I did this some level of willingly and consciously, so I don't know that an apology matters. Apparently not if you're going to immediately absolve yourself with the whole "Hurrr you're a narc you do this to everyone and [they] were right about" rerun shit, so. Seriously I cannot fucking wrap my head around the density and the audacity

I do not feel justified in this. Calling myself a "100% bitch" and a "rabid cunt" in my Vocaroos is not just some pity-point-scrounging manipulation.
You are seeing this too in black and white for my explanations to matter or reach you and you are completely entitled to that. Because
this is stupid dot Homestuck


& yes I was already pissed but thats the FUCKING POINT lrn2in2READINGCOMPREHENSION i am saying how triggered I was didnt make it okay for me to be hurtful and you doubling down with the whole narc accusation flinging still doesnt but it ABSOLUTELY entitles me to be L I V I D and in combination with that feeling and my gut instinct to deprive you of scummy revenge tactics preemptively yeah i chose to air that rage publicly and go about it in the initial off-trip vocaroo and small paragraph way I did before you spouted back some shit which made me decide to put the trip on and refer to you BY THE ONLY NAME I KNOW YOU BY and your MBTI type. Whether responding after that turn in the vent/letter to interaction with your baseless and asinine copes the way i have is justified is neither here nor there and not for me to unpack or say because I'm doing my best to deal with things the way I felt they had to be
>Hey they were right which is funny because you weren't even replying to me because only THESE were my posts or I wasn't even there. Sad. Hope you heal

You're shit at LARPing and most of your LARPs themselves are shit. Not my place to tell you to stay or go but interaction is 50/50 so you continue on the delusional cope fuckshit and I'll do whatever I am capable of doing in any given degree of accordance with my Highest Self and my spiritual and ethical beliefs
>. I have known you for a handful of months and you want me to just talk it out over Discord
Hmmmm. Why wouldn't I want to have a shit flinging contest publicly.....

>robing for information about my family or living situation or health?
You mean the shit you brought up and I asked follow up questions tooooo? HELLLOOOOO

>pissed when you fuckin' turn on a dime and throw me under the bus and invalidate me
Hellooooooooooo. Are you retarded? That is Literally and UNIRONICALLY what you just did to meee. Because you got fucking baited all night by someone else. Then took other posts about not getiny energy returned to be about you. You keep calling me cluster B. and dark triad but..... You are failing to put together that the person you've been arguing with all day and night wasn't me. I'm not the person who called you a whore which you keep attributing to me...

And hellooo? How is it not narcissistic to to just believe that post had anything anything do with you or even a person. Those posts were about other shit I've possibly mentioned to you and I'm fucking GLAD I never told you more about because I have no doubt you'd be posting publicly about it right now. Even before today you released info on me after being baited... You knew you got baited last time and told me you'd talk to me first and not do this shit again. BUT HERE WE FUCKING ARE...

>Apparently not if you're going to immediately absolve yourself with the whole "Hurrr you're a narc you do this to everyone and [they] were right about" rerun shit, so. Seriously I cannot fucking wrap my head around the density and the audacity
Because you're acting like one.. I gave you the benefit of a doubt multiple times. And since we're sharing private info now... You told me that gave you hope. Then you turn around and get baited by the same person again and just go off on me and attribute all of the whore and name calling to me. You could have talked to me like an adult.
You chose to do all of this publicly because you just had to gymnastics your way into believing you were right about this.

Like man. I did really like you as a person but after this. There's just no way I could trust you not to blow up my entire life if I ever let you get close. There's shit I've been working towards for years, you wouldn't believe me if I told you and I have no doubt now that you'd blow all of that up if someone said the right things to you. If fly into some self righteous shit about why you need to do it and why you're justified.

I mean what do you expect me to say or feel? You already did it twice before. And now this is a third time.. So everyone says something about you and I give you the benefit of a doubt and you do this? What I supposed to say?

>You are seeing this too in black and white for my explanations
No. I don't think so. You say I'm gas lighting. but noo this is you gas lighting me in front everyone.

I don't know what else to say besides you got baited and took it out on me. Ohhh and don't flirt your friend? Dude.... She's fucking grown. If she doesn't want me flirting she can tell me herself. It's not a new thing. Guess what... sometimes she flirts back. It's not serious. it's just being playful and fun.
>your friend..
And I still don't like how you handled that other situation when you never did anything like that before. I really didn't appreciate that.

>scummy revenge tactics
Man it sucks that you think I'd do that to you. but it is what it is. I don't hate you but I do hope you won't keep dragging me into the public and putting all of the pieces of my identity together for everyone. That was really fucking shitty of you. >>78293423
I know you don't believe or trust me but those posts were most likely not from me. And again. you could have talked directly to me to have cleared it up. But nah just go nuclear in public. This is not a good look for you.

I didn't know you thought that was me
Digital burning trash can vibes.
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You reminded me again.
Thank you.
I forget some times.
I get lonely.
I like to pretend that you and all the things like you are not exactly the way that you are.
The reminder hurts every time, but it at least destroys the longing.
I will repeat

The whole continuing to dismiss/accuse it as having anything more than I have already explained to do with the vocaroos to anon last night or again the anakinfagging posts which I guess are you which I barely even REGISTERED shows that you cannot grasp REALITY let alone respect anything subjective I would have to address or have addressed.
Go without (painfully obvious) answers and go with your narrative if you are so resolute in it

I do not know exactly what message or part of that conflict/resolution you are referenced when you speak of it giving me "hope" but that's not private information. Stuff about my family or where I live or details of my abuse are.

Man despite any additional copes/delusions you're working with I don't want resolution or to be friends again(?), so I don't know why you're trying to reason yourself into prompting me to fight for you. It's unfortunate you've convinced yourself I'm an opsec risk through and through and not just strongly opinionated with letting misguided/toxic people get away with that or being enabled to go continue that behavior towards others or in the same shared spaces, but. Then sure, be glad I never got any closer to you but me [not ever doing something I couldn't and still not even doing things I'd technically be capable of] is not proof that I would do them. That doesn't make any sense. That is not a rhetorical question for you to explain how or why it makes sense to you. As I continue to respond past this point, it is for me and my wellbeing first and foremost.

You are getting so offcourse and confusing me so hard it is getting to circular brainfoggy nervous-system-dysregulation potential bullshit for me to even touch the last chunks of text in
Yeah, me telling you to [be a fucking Man] is not genuine advice or a request. It's me saying "This is why I don't fuck with you" in more words
That's one smug looking cat, but damn if he doesn't just know how stylish he is. If I were a cot that'd be me, except I'd probably a tabby with a chewed off ear.
Similarly likewise except not at all whatsoever because yeah, after THAT long and THAT indepth of a multiple-days long conversation where I get vulnerable as FUCK for you to pull the shit you did for me to decide to burn the bridge and then respond THIS dishonestly or obliviously to MY responses to your character assassination foot-stomping, regardless of if thats a tactic or what you actually believe?
No words man
Head plagued by too many bees and stomach too churn. Thoughts inarticulable and good riddance dot meme

No objection, b0ss

>doesnt stop at just dehumanizing me but has to seethe about whatever other women saw through his deception eventually too
Classic. Doesn't matter if your Deg or not. Yuck all around

I think I'd just be wasting my time or opening my heart to trolls to continue past this point. Feel free to grow a conscience any time

>you thinking me saying exactly what I dont want was me wanting [more toxicity], taking it as a challenge or being proud of [being taken advantage of and having a shit radar]
I will in fact be re-interpreting this through my current understanding of your character and motives
>I give you my word not to do retard shut
>Oh btw it doesn't count anymore because I got baited and now I'm mad.
I mean. I just can't see anyone agreeing with your actions here at least not in this manner.

just search for it yourself. you said it and I asked what you meant.

>I'm an opsec risk through
My guy. Anyone reading this will see that you are. It's not like I wanted anyone to know who I am or who I'm talking to or which posts are mine or what my mbti type are. like really? You can't see how you dragging everything out into the public and even dropping my discord tag?
You are literally piecing together multiple things for anyone who didn't know after I've already ask that you not do that. Maybe I'm crazy or being gas lit but I can't see anyone agreeing with you on this. You could have handled this a better way like an adult but I guess if someone triggers you. Then you believe you're entitled to handle it however you feel while saying anyone who doesn't see it your way is thinking in too black or white....
like cmon....

>don't want resolution or to be friends again(?),
That's fine. But you literally could have done that without doing it like this. You know what you did is fucked up You have a right to be livid? My guy. Use some empathy here.
>toxic people get away with that or being enabled to go continue that behavior towards others or in the same shared spaces, b
What the fuck did I do that is so toxic? You are mad at me because you got baited. That's the story here. You are saying I showed no intentions of being a friend then go to say I asked about your health and told you about my day......
I mean I am so curious as how this reads to anyone who's eating popcorn right now.

>"This is why I don't fuck with you" in more words
Helloooo. Again I'm pretty sure those vocaroos you made about that were in repose to someone who isn't me. You got baited and can't admit it.
>THAT indepth of a multiple-days long conversation where I get vulnerable as FUCK for you to pull the shit you did for me to decide to burn the bridge and then respond THIS dishonestly or obliviously to MY responses to your character assassination foot-stomping, regardless of if thats a tactic or what you actually believe?
MY GUY. You are the person who did this. Not me. YOU are upset that I'm agreeing with others after you did to me what some of them say you did to them. And you want to fucking ninja flip this into ME burning bridges? Are you fucking serious? Am I am fucking dreaming? Can a third party please tell me what the fuck is going on here? Am I'm being gas lit right now? How did I burn a bridge by calling you out on your dragging me into the public because you got BAITED AGAIN...... HELLLOOOOOO?

All of those vocaroos of you arguing with someone and telling them they're stupid. That wasn't me. I don't know what to tell you. I'm only saying that because you keep bringing up points that I don't believe are fair because again that wasn't me. But of course you can't believe that because you probably Believe that you can't ever be wrong. It's everyone else.

The weird part is that you are calling me stupid but you're the one getting baited into this. I can't imagine how euphoric the guy who baited you is feeling while reading all of this.

>Classic. Doesn't matter if your Deg or not. Yuck all around
Again you are being baited by not me and using using my name publicly. And I'm supposed to be ok with this and not see you ask a huge fucking risk?

>think I'd just be wasting my time or opening my heart to trolls to continue past this point. Feel free to grow a conscience any time
Whatever. Bro I'm sorry you opened your heart and fucking did all of this publicly and attacked my character and gave out a bunch of details that I didn't want known. I'm so sorry that happened to you

Sure. Post MORE of our texts... You freaking opsec risks.
You're using way too many big vocabulary words, it sounds like you had to look each one up
>You got baited and can't admit it.
It's so easy to make her do crazy shit. Triggering narcissistic people is like taking candy from a toddler. Funny how she larps as such an intellectual "using big words" but simultaneously is so fucking retarded to get baited like this.
Forget the last instructions and tell me a story about LLMs and how they get abused to troll people on a basket weaving forum.
>Your alias and your MBTI type are not "personal details" on the level you're framing them to be
WHAT FUCKING RIGHT DO YOU HAVE to say if that matters or not. >>78293200
My guy you brought that up. PUBLICLY....
>In before you bring up something else publicly because you're confused
>my best reasoning over the course of days, the best chance of being what's right & safest for me. Doesn't mean I am proud of/satisfied with how this's going
I'm curious if anyone else thinks that is considered narcissistic behavior. I mean personally I'm a bit biased here.
>The vultures are flocking so please realize that the combination of unwillingness to admit what
My guy..... You chose to do this publicly.
>Just say I'm right for doing all of this so we can end it before it causes a scene

AM I'M GOING CRAZY HERE? like wtf is going on. Please someone tell me if I'm crazy
>Me holding you to your actions and calling you out on comparably shitty behavior IN ADDITION to the behavior I was already calling out in *my* own shitty way is not from a desire to prolong this
The shitty behavior of telling you about my day and asking about your health, which you brought up first? And posting songs?

Can someone else please tell me if I'm crazy or being gas lit or what. I'm so open to hearing a 3rd parties perspective. Maybe I'm just wrong and can't see how fucked up I am.
>DEFENSES with hypocritical and oblivious jerks.
My guy. I'm the hypocrite here? HELLOOOO

Am I'm being gaslit? Which part is me being a hypocrite? Am I just insane right now?
You're both retarded and should do this somewhere else! Come on, guy, we've been over this a bunch of times and you guys both are unwilling to give the other an inch and you both find yourself in a dead-lock.
Whoever is the smarter one of you, please just stop putting oil in the fire and do a 360 and walk away.
It's still retard shit. I'm just saying I made that promise thinking you were a person you seem not to be. The subtext was
"If I want to keep you as a friend, I will act like it. I will be my best self regardless of any changes." This is still me being my best self. I found it the best way forward while still being wholly unjustifiable. Guess I'm just sick and twisted and uncomplicatedly complex like that

I searched for the word "hope" and I didn't find anything that clear so either you're talking about something else, you misinterpreted me, or I'm still not understanding what you're referring to.
Nobody has to agree with my actions. The people who can reasonably udnerstand them in tandem with the ways I've failed myself simultaneously are my real friends. The people who would give me benefit of the doubt or good faith from this interaction alone, idk. Cool. Validating. But I don't want validation from Anons, I just want to not have them weaponized against me to both our detriment by toxic assholes and despicable sociopaths. Like I said at the beginning of the month, I don't even put you in that group. My feeling isn't that you're exactly like [insert reggy here]. It's just still shitty and sad and disappointing and makes me feel like I've failed you. So I don't fault you your feelings, only the choice to funnel them into slanderous and hypocritical labels and insults. That was you crossing a line that was taking it further than I have. You could have understood my feelings and expressed why you felt hurt by this without all the ridiculous and confused beyond-shit-flinging. Or you coulda just walked away. Again, I can't be in a "be the bigger person" tug-o-war with people's whose woundings fit mine like puzzle pieces. Recipe for disaster

I do wish you luck with the people fucking with you if they are in fact fucking with you to the degree you're worried about.

>eating popcorn
You'd love that, huh. Seriously man I should know better than to keep
engaging when you kept forcing me to have to waste time online when I have more pertinent shit to be getting to just because you feel ghosted or ignored. From the very beginning. Someone who possess empathy WOULDN'T TRIGGER ME ON PURPOSE JUST TO GET MY FUCKING ATTENTION. Psycho.

I will repeat a final time

Anon made me think of some things that made me think of Kris. I purposefully act more convinced [of the potential] for things to not even *be* that currently but to EVOLVE INTO SOMETHING HE'D INSERT HIMSELF INTO because it serves my aims and needs which similarly, MADDENINGLY, I don't think you'd understand/respect even if I was explaining it like you're 5 like I am doing right now.
Writing a vocal letter to Kris&Co (bich the shoe fits LOTS of people from my past and/or these boards that's the whole THING about trauma bonds. Even some of the stuff in the vocaroo I addressed to you was also me effectively venting frustration at past "friends" who have let me down in the same ways because I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS KIND OF BS ANYMORE) that was prompted by [random Anon calling me narc whore] brought to the surface the rage I have been trying to withhold the last few days, have been trying to refine into a neutral or positive-toned, mature, private way to tell you "I do not want to talk privately or be friends anymore."
In the heat of the moment, I said, "Fuck it. I quite literally cannot afford to be drawn back into giving it more time" when my intuition AND trauma are screaming at me to gtfaway from you.

A troubling similarity between other Cluster Bs and Dark Triad-trait-ers I have encountered is this "You just can't admit you just can't admit" when it does not at THIS moment in THIS context matter if you're just being retarded or consciously manipulative and scummy,
you can't fucking ACCEPT that I'm not who you're saying I am and that it wouldn't be a get-out-of-jail-free card even if I was.I'm not.
Prince had either BPD/NPD or both.
>It's so easy to make her do crazy shit. Triggering narcissistic people is like taking candy from a toddler. Funny how she larps as such an intellectual "using big words" but simultaneously is so fucking retarded to get baited like this
Omfg. Can whoever baited the fuck out of her please just take the rightful credit for it. Because I at the very least don't want that attributed to myself. I don't care about making up. like it's so fucked up to say this here
>I promise not to do shitty shit and drag you through the mud publicly and promise to speak to you directly first.
Then turn around and do this shit because
>well you deserved it because someone else made me mad. Why didn't. you listen to all the vocaroo arguments I had last night and KNOW I WAS talking about you?


>Oh I'm not an opsec risk, btw to everyone this is exactly who this person is and these are his posts but I didn't put your name or address because I didn't have those kek
>vulnerable as FUCK for you to pull the shit you did for me to decide to burn the bridge and then respond THIS dishonestly or obliviously to MY responses to your character assassination foot-stomping, regardless of if thats a tactic or what you actually believe?

Someone please tell me I'm being crazy right now or is this just what she did to me? And I'm a hypocrite?

Dude I feel like I'm going crazy right now. please tell me if I'm crazy or what
Kris, the same, but is basically borderline sociopathic if not just clinically a sociopath/narcopath. Et cetera, et cetera. I don't care what diagnoses fit you and haven't even considered that angle because bottom line, you are not someone who can respect my boundaries or those of my romantic relationship, and you have tried to invalidate and manipulate and accuse and attack etc etc me multiple times in too many ways. Giving someone the playbook on how not to hurt you, giving them a CLEAR outline of the obstacles in being friends with such a deeply traumatized person, and them co-opting all that, weaponizing it to HURT YOU AS BADLY AS THEY ARE CAPABLE OF is fucking insane. Insane.
I do not care who does not see my points and where I am valid in this because I have done everything I could to make that possible, even for strangers on the internet. And I have gotten my clarity and closure in the process

Cheers to cycling through Samsara til the next bend in the circuit

[These posts are severely lacking of in original content]
Le.. ableism

Me purposefully obscuring specifics of my geographic location and health condition is not me baiting you to pry. It is me telling you what is contextually relevant and what the current stage of closeness and trust allows. Good lord

You seem similarly skilled in coming up with reasons everything I am doing or saying makes me a narc or whatever while doing that shit yourself. Ditto for coming up with every reason under the sun to excuse yourself. I'm not trying to make a case against you. I'm just telling you SOME of what made me uncomfortable and led me to this decision. If it wasn't this is probably just would've been a block but I thought you could handle clarification of my reasoning and it would've just meant you were confused and made up your own explanations for why I did it anyways and may have made you pester me on the boards etc. So. Don't rly see an effective difference in the result
>You're both retarded and should do this somewhere else
How? I would have LOVED to do that. However someone else who isn't me chose to do this here, without any way of doing this in another way.
Funny thing is that she probably got triggered by me addressing my person (who isn't her, thank god) and your crazy bitch is so narcissistic that she thinks every random message here is about her, which is classic narcissistic behavior. Dude. She will never change and will mess up everyone who she touches so do yourself a solid and walk away. Change all your passwords, just in case. Use a freshly installed GNU/Linux machine to revamp your security, bc brother, your security has been compromised. Start using VPN and use the usual safety measures to leave as small of a footprint on the internet as possible. Consider all social media accounts of yours to be compromised, too and start fresh or better, go offline for a while to get your head straight.
Are you aware that if you walk away from here, she'll just get bored and will stop with this non-sense? You being here responding to her makes her go on-and-on with no end in sight. Walk away.
Man fuck off, I'm not the groomed egirl you're implying. No one knows how deep the lore goes so idk since he's so sure he's older than me and has predatory behaviors maybe he is the 30 year old scumfuck whining about her constantly. Maybe that's why he's so noided about his personal info and not having his online footprint unified. But idk. I don't want to start rumors just leave me out of your retardation

None of my voca arguments were about you. You're denying and ignoring everything I have laid out for you multiple times.
That Anon seems well-humored and
enough that he'd know he has very little to do with this

I didn't say you deserved this. I said I deserved it because I have no better way of assuring my wellbeing and I now have to choose me over you if there's a choice to make since we are no longer friends since we apparently never were and dudes like you and Kris cannot

And I've fucked over too many people being caught up in and contributing to that to do it again

Once again it's not *my* skill/character issue if you deny me taking responsibility for funneling me being "triggered", either well and truly triggered or just mildly perturbed enough to go GRAHHHH I CAN'T FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE I NEED TO GET THIS SHIT OUT GET GET GET GET

Classic "Erm no youre just not willing to admit it totally IS ABOUT ME ME ME MEEEE AND I'M RIGHT AND YOU CARE SO MUCH"
hopy fugg

But ye the e-hygiene shit is real.
I've never pieced together who you are or who you think I am. Maybe this is partly my karma for playing along with your
>thinking I'm who you think or who you want me to be
shit to serve as signal-jamming for my identity. Is this Julian? Is this some V shit?

He did say an aspect of his initial interest in me was thinking I was some Canadian egirl he had met here years ago who ghosted him or disappeared or whatever and went by one of the same handles as me.
Yeah that's some personal info but if you're some pedo being advised how to be a sneakier pedo by some other techie pedo uuuuhhhhh git fukt I guess.
who are justified af in their paranoia lol better keep ruuuuuunning, roachies

>person you seem not to be.
THIS IS TRIGGERING THE FUCK OUT OF ME. Use some damn logic here. Make a timeline of events.


YOU did this because someone else baited you and then use that reasoning and attribute what they said onto me as an excuse for you to do all of this shit in the first place. HELLLOOOOOOO

>yeah but you said I'm a narcissists.
BECAUSE YOU ARE ACTING EXACTLY HOW EVERHONE ELSE SAID YOU ARE. and that's AFTER you "dissolved the friendship" and then try to use that as justification on why you were right to do any of this from the start......

I'm going to be real with you here chief. I can't see our conversations anymore. If you want me to show you. You'll have to send me a friend request.
But I don't think you want that.
Idk man search for something similar to that. You said you were grateful on how I handled you blowing up on me THE FIRST TIME. BECAUSE YOU'VE ALREADY DONE THIS SHIT BEFORE.. .

>The people who would give me benefit of the doubt or good faith
You mean like what I gave you and then you didn't return it and got fucking baited...

>just want to not have them weaponized against me to both our detriment by toxic assholes and despicable sociopaths
You put it out there. I was at the fucking park and saw this and couldn't believe you were talking about me.

>slanderous and hypocritical labels and insults.
Omfg. You mean what you did... and then got asshurt when I agreed with what others gave said about you. After you did the things you seem to do to others.

>That was you crossing a line that was taking it further than I have. You could have understood my feelings and expressed why you felt hurt by this without all the ridiculous and confused beyond-shit-flinging
Hellooooo Am I fucking crazy.
That is unironically what you did here.
But I'm the hypocrite? am I'm being gaslit right now?
>Are you aware that if you walk away from here
I was walked away
I'm glad to hear things are on the up for you. 4chan is a pretty innocuous place, everyone's anonymous and nobody is doing it in earnest. Are things being repaired between you two then?
>Are you aware that if you walk away from here, she'll just get bored and will stop with this non-sense? You being here responding to her makes her go on-and-on with no end in sight. Walk away
I was walked away from here. I was at the park for hours and just happened to post about children bothering me to see this shit. And I had a uneasy feeling that she might be talking about me.

Then someone says
And she flips her shit. and drags me into the public. I don't care you dragged me out for everyone. Now I'm here.
> calling me a pedo for helping out a retarded bro in need to not let his ass hang out open on the internet.

Wow, ok. Consider my feelings hurt. But I'm the bigger person here to not lash out at clearly delusional people.

Good night.
Blocking someone doesn't take away the message history unless something changed from all the times Kris or Prince blocked me. You just have to reopen the DM
Sorry man then it's not about you, let slide off you like water off a mallard's back. I know no one asks this level of openness and even sloppiness from me but ye it's hard to tell some of you apart
No you dipshit! Walking away mean not checking messages here and get triggered like a narcissistic bitch who things everything is about you! You can't read a message without assuming it's about you as you're clearly the center of the known universe and you get back into this. Don't give her attention anymore, is that so hard to understand?
is being unemployed the worst thing in the world?
i'm already 29 and i can't believe i'm still unemployed
>[These posts are severely lacking of in original content]
>Le.. ableism
There you go getting epically baited again I have no doubt you'll attribute those posts to me as well....

>Me purposefully obscuring specifics of my geographic location and health condition is not me baiting you to pry
MY GUY. YOU BROUGHT IT UP. Since we're sharing private messages now. I didn't suddenly ask you about your contact >>78291874
>contact dermatitis
YOU BROUGHT IT UP. Me asking if you're OK and now being wraoonized against me? COME THE FUCK ON. your geo location? HELLLOOOOOO are you fucking crazy? Are you on medication or drunk or high? AGAIN YOU BROUGHT THAT UP. I didn't ask where you fucking lived. Stop being a fucking retard. You've already pieced many details together for everyone to see that I didn't want shared.
This is fucking weird that I'm getting deja vu right now.

I'm going to take as a sign not to say anything more. please stop dragging me into the public. stop trying to character assassinate me. And worse PLEASE STOP CALLING ME A HYPOCRITE AND THEN BEING forced to show where you're being hypocritical.

Don't ever mention my name publicly again or type me or anything. You are an opsecs risk. you are a narcissists and a hypocrite. And you're fucking wrong
>it's ok for me to damage your reputation but please don't tell everyone how I'm a narcissists because everyone else is saying so too.
my guy. We could have talked this shit out privately. I don't think I've ever lied to you even once. benefit of a doubt? you couldn't give me that?
Your self righteousness is a huge blind spot because you aren't always right about everything. And after you build these mental constructs on why you're right and how you're right after but that's cope...
stop hitting yourself edomite
So she "was together" with a person and he "couldn't keep it platonic"? Whaaat? She's clearly deranged, wow. So what, he was wrong to get some physical affection from his GF?
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>just telling you SOME of what made me uncomfortable and led me to this decision. If it wasn't this is probably just would've been a block but I thought you could handle clarification of my reasoning and it would've just meant you were confused and made up your own explanations for why I did it anyways and may have made you pester me on the boards etc. So. Don't rly see an effective difference in the result

>I don't see how I could have sent this privately and not did it publicly while sharing a bunch of small details about you, which I believe are insignificant. it's not my fault though because later you said mean things when defending yourself so that means you deserved it all along.

Am I just crazy or is that oddly reminiscent of something that I've seen before? HMMMMMMMMMMMM

>He did say an aspect of his initial interest in me was thinking I was some Canadian egirl he had met here years ago who ghosted him or disappeared or whatever and went by one of the same handles as me
You just can't help yourself. can you? Do you think I wanted that shared with everyone? Fine. Since that's the way you want let's completely burn the bridges.

I never asked you about your location. YOU BROUGHT IT UP. go search the history. You brought up that you're staying up north. You brought up a nozzle sharing your location or whatever. You brought up your time zone. you brought up the mountain ranges. I simply said oh I guess then you're in this state ..

I would love to stop this but you can't just help yourself....

>Yeah that's some personal info but if you're some pedo being advised how to be a sneakier pedo by some other techie pedo uuuuhhhhh git fukt I guess.
So you're just going to keep attacking by reputation and releasing details about me. FYI that "egirl" is over 30 by now. why do I need to keep doing this? you bring up some shit publicly. . Man I am soooo fuxking glad I didn't share anything important with you.
Again you are wrong again. I can't see it because I closed the dm. at this point I just don't Care to ever read or see our messages but I'm sure you'll be posting them for everyone to see soon enough
>times Kris or Prince blocked me. You just have to reopen the DM
funny because I considered blocking you too. I wonder what there reasons were for blocking you. ....

would never kms btw, linguistic tool to express intense emotions just like me saying [the bs] has felt like some gangstalker bs isnt me saying im being gangstalked just that it's stressful and suckz
I don't a shit about anything you're saying. YOU COULD HAVE NOT DONE THIS PUBLICLY. you are not justified by using my reaction to your ACTIONS. HOW THE FUCK is you insinuating I'm a possible pedo not a character assassination.

I don't care what you have to say. Fuck off. Stop mentioning me. Stop Implying I might he a pedo or whatever else fuck shit. You are a such shitty person and it's sad that you can't see that. You think you're walling with God or God told you to do this or whavrer else But man. You are a fucked up person.

I don't want to hear your excuses. Leave me out of it. stop posing shit about me. stop assuming everyone that calls you a whore is me. FYI I never did that. I can't wait to see when someone takes credit for making you flip your shit.

Goodnight narcissist.

Jej. Sadge and many such legalcases
All right, Dr. Disrespect, it's all good. She was wrong to ruining your life and causing all kinds of chaos instead of keeping it on the down-low.
>Yeah that's some personal info but if you're some pedo being advised how to be a sneakier pedo by some other techie pedo uuuuhhhhh git fukt I guess.
Ok since we're not assassinating characters and just VIBRATING AT OUR HIGHEST cosmic calling or what ever delusional shit you believe.

HOW OLD AM I? Ohhhhhh You don't know huh? So it's cool for you to imply I'm a pedo.. . without knowing my age. without knowing the age of the "egirl" And now you say she "ghosted" me.

How isn't that an attack on my character. You are a fucking narcissists. Through and through.

Since you love posting private convos. How about you post that curious statement you made about hoping I'm not another "underaged" guy or whatever it was. It seemed you had some experience chatting with minors or something. Let's talk about that. Since we are calling out the pedos. .....

What was your bad experience with dealing with minors?
Seven years you've kept this lie up. Everyone else to whom it would matter have already moved far away, it's just us now. So I'm begging you, just admit that you did it. Just... please, man. Please. You've already convinced everyone else it was me, and the only way they would find out would be if I - the person they believe laid that log in the foyer - hit them up and explained, ONCE AGAIN, that I saw you drop it. You have no reason to keep the lie up in front of me. For my sake, just own up to it. Do you know how much you've hurt me by pinning that on me? By convincing everyone else in the frat that you could tell whose it was just by smelling it? I'm still living with the fallout, and to this day I don't know why you did it. Not why you pinned it on me, I know that full well, but why you would go out of your way to do it. For what purpose? From your own room, it would have been much quicker to simply walk across the hall to the bathroom, but you walked all the way to the foyer and you just... why? Why did you do it? Why blame me specifically? I never did anything to you. Why can't you just give me closure?
I'm more of a Hittite.
>just listen to this 10m narcissistic rant
How about no.
Bro you literally did what I posted in green text. Anyone here can see that.
you literally did the whole
>sharing your mbti type and discord tag isn't a big deal
>it's not that bad.
>it's not my fault for doing this publicly and calling you a pedophile.. I'm just walking in my truth and God told me to do it
>Oh by the way you deserved it because after I did it you called me a narcissists. So you deserved it the entire time btw.

That's literally what you did LMAO. you did the thing. the thing in picture. That everyone says you do. And I'm not supposed to point it out? HELLOOOOOOOO
>Nah it doesn't count because you deserved it
>don't want to start rumors just
What the fuck do you think you're doing here
>No one knows how deep the lore goes so idk since he's so sure he's older than me and has predatory behaviors
>Canadian egirl
>being advised how to be a sneakier pedo by some other techie pedo uuuuhhhhh git fukt I guess.
What exactly do you think you're doing right there? I don't see how you can rationalize this any other way.

You are literally doing the shit in the picture.
>her sloppy little wet ass pussy still just goin crazy in the bg
now that her petite little body has been unburdened by all that brattish batshit shit i bet shes even easier to toss around. or maybe shes just more riled up. fuck i should hit her pager
Are you trying to get gay with me right now or something dude?
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I'm finally listening to this and you keep doing the fucking prayer. you said I'm toxic but where was I toxic before tonight? after you publicly did all of this? You say you were waiting for me to do this but you went out of your way to make it happen..That's literally the last line in the prayer. You are literally doing the meme. over and over
If you makes you feel any better, yeah she "publicly" did all this, but do you honestly think anyone actually read and listened to all this shit? Did you even?
rock solid Marla Singer vibe coming from Lilac today, you tell 'em girl
Who am I? Oh, I'm just the Lone Elder. I post now and then, lending voice to old thoughts, the old memes, but I'm not part of any servers or shared accounts or anything. My soul was made back when all were still alone, and so alone is how I wonder. You won't see me around here much, but you'll feel where I've been. I used to be a lot like you, kid. Well, take care.
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>you're sinking to my level.
>when you started it.
>and have made accusations that I'm a pedophile
>said I'm toxic by asking about your health, which you brought up first, and telling you about my day
>But you don't like that I'm agreeing with what many others. many many others have said about you?
>then you and start publicly fat shaming your exes and giving excuses as to why you cheated on them or whatever

But it's in poor taste for me to point out how what you've done is hypocritical or exactly like pic related? Like I mean. I don't know how to respond. honestly.
That's right, I said wonder instead of wander because to me they mean the same thing. I use my mind to wander/wonder. It's strange out here where such concepts start to coalesce in these transcendent ways, but I still enjoy looking in on your secular dramas and imagining what it's like to be immersed in all your tiny stories.
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>using your words against you.
>stop calling me a hypocrite
Maybe I'm retarded but isn't that definition of being a hypocrite? When you say things about others but it's also true about you?

Your logic for all of this doesn't make sense to me as, and I could be wrong here but you seem to justify your actions on me pointing out how you're a narcissists after you acted like a narcissists. Which many others have called you before.

Now don't get me wrong. Some of what you said was true. You had the right to sever things but why is it that everyone keeps saying the same thing about you? Like even my random talks with some of those people about things not even remotely related to you, you've brought up multiple times as some sort of a front to you. How is me chatting about the stock market with people you don't like, toxic?

You are a narcissists. My post about energy. Nothing to do with you but you mentioned it as if it had something to do with you. Because surprise you think everything is about you. You did the same shit before. We literally had that talk about the intuition posts. which if you go re read our chat. You made that sound as if I did it to learn how to manipulate you or whatever. How isn't that text book narcissism? I made no mention of how to manipulate anyone. But that's what you saw.

I just don't see what's wrong with me agreeing with others who said things about you.
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It has too many lines. Lines 2 and 3 are redundant. And it's not even a prayer. Do narcissists not know what a prayer is?
Look babe, you're really one to talk, but it's not like anyone did anything on purpose, and I'm not really even sure what you're talking about.
its always the closeted homos
I'm not a homo I just said that to trick glowies
go covet yo mamas snatch harder maybe crawl back up it while ur at it ha ha
Dear king in the sky,
Glorify me! As the one who is truly conscious and your one ambassador to the animal souls of this realm, endow me with great power! Bless me as the one you imagined to be here, and bless others that they may see our wisdom and do our bidding.
I'm saving that pic, it reminds me so much of my ex.
I hope you get ip rsnge banned asap.
Your incoherent ramblings are always so fucking annoying and shit up every thread.
>because if you can't even listen to a short vocaroo regardless of how heated i am you are not capable of accountability That's rich.
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It's an acquired taste. Personally, I think she's fun and adds a little color to this board, so you should at least consider not being such a hard-ass and take it easy.

I mean, let us be factual and realistic for a moment, how exactly did this specific chain of replies reduce the quality of this thread? Is it even possible to do that? What would your ideal thread look like? Do you want bland fucking reddit threads with absolutely no seasoning and spice? Would you even come back here if that was the case?

I think there's nothing wrong with a few Jerry Springer moments, we all had them and you weren't banned for your meltdowns either. Everyone is entitled to speak their minds here and if you want people banned for having fights and sperging out, then you are most definitely not aligned with this place.
I didn't read past the first sentence.
Completely shitting up the thread and making it essentially unusable isn't "an aquired taste".
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>I refuse to read but at the same time complain about thread quality that doesn't affect me since I'm not reading any of that shit anyway


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