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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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well, now since r9k has been officially run over by femanons, might as aswell ask them how you're doing. Any good relations with your parents?
Yeah I do. I'll never have a bf tho which is why I'm here ;-;
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my parents are pretty cool with me i think
but i still wish i could live alone
oh really? how long you've been looking?
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yeah, At one point everyone wants to have a place for themselves to live, I hope you find yourself a cozy home to live in.
Hi femanons, there is a website called crystal cafe, are you aware of it? if not you should go there as it is dedicated to girls and they ban men so you can fuck off from this website and go to there
I'm 20 so like 4 years at this point. I used to hook up with like anyone that would take me but now I'm saving myself for a serious relationship.
It's pretty dead last time I checked :(
>comes here to berate and insult men
>"wahaa why can't I get no bf :((((("
>used to hook up with like anyone that would take me
>now I'm saving myself for a serious relationship.
Like clockwork
>used to hook up with like anyone that would take me but now I'm saving myself for a serious relationship.
Kys. I hope you get a relationship and get cheated on.
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oh damn, almost same the same age! (20 in September)

well, 4 years is a quite a journey, I must say. But hey, Best wishes for you to find yourself a cool 4chan poster!
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you cant be serious, this is bait, I need to remind myself this is bait
OP here. Please, just for once, don't attack at a person just because they answered a question. I know you're better than that. Don't attack anyone, not atleast in this thread
Femoids are here to ruin the board.
There is nothing wrong with attacking them.
>p-pwease dont attack pepow in my thwead :((
Um... anon, are u a virgin?
they unironically ruined the board, r/incels closing and the 2016 elections put the final nails in the coffin
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okay? what made this board any better before their eventual arrival though?
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because it was our special echo chamber safe space u dork and now I cant say misogynistic things without being argued at
What exactly are you saving when you gave everything valuable about you away?
here's one crazy take but, isn't arguing the fun part about having conversations? To truly exercise your beliefs?
Hi I'm cutsey fembot i suck chaddys dick every day hihi. Send me money you dummy robies? uwu :>
kek. that's a good one

well we used to argue about more autistic things and now all arguments have devolved into incel vs non incel arguments when this board used to be more interesting, it wasn't even a board for incels, robots were different and then it all went to shit when the reddit containment board got banned and they all came here
ohhh, that's kinda sad now that you told me that. Well, I hope things get better in the future, somehow... Even though I can already sense that an inevitable apocalypse is drawing near
My obedience and kind personality of course! >=<
Thx! Happy early birthday :)
This board and it's culture has been for and by lonely men for years. I don't want it to become some other normie forum which is what it will be with more females since they are all normies that talk about normie stuff.
I want /r9k/ to be /r9k/ and not something else.
thanks thanks! much appreciated. It sounds a bit weird, but I'll ask my boss for a double shift at my work that day. Since I want to grind more money for some goalie equipment I'm saving up for the season!
fair answer. But hey, I've got a question. Do you think it is still possible to turn things back to what it used to be? if not, why not create something new?
Niceee, I respect the grindset, best of luck!
I see what you mean but honestly you should just go outside and meet girls, no offense. Maybe I'm biased because I go to a prestigious STEM school but I have girl friends that wear Linux t shirts and go to underground music events (actually I met a guy at one once, it was nice) and all sorts of stuff that aren't normie interests (and no they're not trans). You could probably meet someone like you if you put yourself out there instead of seething on r9k lolz
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>I go to a prestigious STEM school but I have girl friends that wear Linux t shirts and go to underground music events (actually I met a guy at one once, it was nice)
Like I said. You are all fucking normalfags.
Fuck off roastie! Literally go anywhere else than this!
>It's pretty dead last time I checked :(

theres ovarit and lolcowfarms and im sure others, but women like to get attention from men
>frogposting in 2024
>Do you think it is still possible to turn things back to what it used to be?
If the mods started giving a shit about the board.
>why not create something new?
Because it's not the same and the current state is shit and not comfy.
>Any good relations with your parents
yup been doing well
>I have girl friends that wear Linux t shirts and go to underground music events
Buddy that's normie as fuck it's just some other flavor of normie garbage especially going to underground music events. These are where the most abnoxious and insufferable hipsters are. Beeing a robot is simply beeing an outcast for whatever reason not necessarily neet.
>Maybe I'm biased because I go to a prestigious STEM school
You are just a disgusting rich kid aren't you? What are you even doing here faggot? Holy shit.
Okay u do have a point to be fair. I wish I was rich tho ;-;
yeah guys are assholes who pump and dumb. it's so true guys will say anything to get your ass. fucking slimy worms
I really hope she's a troll because she comes off as the most "not like the other girls" post I have seen.
Not a troll, I'm just woefully indebted to the femcel lifestyle
Further proving that femcel is not actually a real thing.
Hi kys -other girl using r9k
nyooooo what am I gonna do nowww x3
>now I'm saving myself for a serious relationship.
There's nothing left to save you're a fucking run-through whore. YOU'RE USED GOODS LMFAO
rare based femoid
Where am I right? That you are a hipster? How can you afford a prestigious uni if have aren't rich?
Woefully indepted in the larper lifestyle
You're right that people at those events are pretty obnoxious, just couldn't rly think of good examples. I'm not that rich tho we couldn't even go to Europe this year :(( sad
You are one of my least favourite types of other girls, you pretend to be different from everyone else but you're probably skinny and pretty and don't have any real problems in your life so you decided to one day go "okay I'm a boring ass person" so then you think about "okay what way can I have issues" so then you pretend to be an oppressed ugly girl online like the girls you probably make fun of and talk about how femcel you are xD anyway go back to your friends and neurotypicalism
Okay this is def a larper but I needed to get that out of how much I dislike actual girls like that so my point still stands
eat my cunt bitch
i have a single parent dad. he always had anger issues and liked cursing/yelling/threatening us for any small mistake. many anons say that this kind of dad makes a woman like abusive men, but i've never liked abusive men. especially not men who get angry easily, the kind of male who is stressful to be around. i'm very neurotic and anxious, so i instead like men who are very chill and very calm basically.
when it comes to my mom, i don't know her very well. but i feel bad for her since she had me when she was really young and her life went downhill from there.
100% larp try next time Op
You're doing too much T_T
bitch shut the fuck up post tits. I bet your dad jerks off with your panties
>bitchy male has daddy issues
Didn't need to know that.
>he thinks any of the "femanons" have vaginas
how did you know? I only recently found out I have daddy issues.
I feel so bad for you and I can relate since my dad also have anger issues that makes him mad for small mistakes. It was a good move for my mom to divorce him because afterwards he became way more calm and tame later, which I managed to build a better relationship with him.

I wish for you the best in the future and a good and calm place to live, where you might find a man who could take care of you in a good way. Or if you don't feel like finding anyone, than that's totally fine! living by yourself can also bring tons of freedom!
>r9k has been officially run over by femanons
Has it fuck lmao. Barely anyone claiming to be a femanon is actually female.
>Any good relations with your parents?
Yeah they're nice, both of them. I wish they pushed me more when raising me because now I don't have any real skills and am a little emotionally stunted I think.
just a guess. because actually that kind of men often have "mommy issues" instead.
thank you so much. and good that your dad mellowed out, i hear that can happen with abusive dads often. i thought and hoped that mine had mellowed out too, but when i visited home recently i realized he's exactly the same as before and it was like walking on eggshells the whole time, he was basically trying to pick fights with me or my sister constantly and looking for excuses to argue. i don't know anyone else like this, thankfully it seems this kind of people are rare at least.
>Barely anyone claiming to be a femanon is actually female.
Yeah, so had I thought so too, until I began seeing a pattern that there truly were more femanons appearing all of the sudden. Idk
>now I don't have any real skills and am a little emotionally stunted I think.
Well, neither did mine, but I have tip for you. Try finding an easy hobby that you could both afford and have fun with. As simple as art or making music. I became pretty good at drawing when I started drawing on my phone, which I still do. And I grew a passion in making music.
That's quite unfortunate. But just so you know that it's not your fault for him being that way. Some people may never truly change and it's hard to accept it. In my personal opinion, it's best to just move on and give atleast an ounce of respect, because after all, he is still your father.
>Yeah, so had I thought so too, until I began seeing a pattern that there truly were more femanons appearing all of the sudden. Idk
Meh I doubt it. You get a lot of attention just by claiming
>^-^ im a big tiddy femcel
And trannies love that. I've never met another woman who uses 4chan (ignore that I barely know anyone).
>Well, neither did mine, but I have tip for you. Try finding an easy hobby that you could both afford and have fun with. As simple as art or making music. I became pretty good at drawing when I started drawing on my phone, which I still do. And I grew a passion in making music.
Thanks for the advice anon, I'll see. I draw sometimes but not much and not well.
Yeah np femanon, wish you the best of luck and patience. Practice makes perfect

Try drawing bodies (ignore drawing hands for now), since they're pretty fun to draw, with all the poses and all. Or some schizo random stuff lmfao
I see your point, but he's a horrible person to the degree that I've considered not going to his funeral when he dies. I really hope my sister would stop doing work for him because she gets berated by him everyday 24/7, constantly. I feel so angry when I see him blowing up at her for absolutely anything and just cursing and yelling her while she's sitting there waiting for it to stop. he doesn't deserve anything.
Damn, I never thought he is that negative on you and your sister. I hope that your sister finally realizes how bad of a situation she truly experiencing. Have you tried making conversations with your sister about?
about it*

thanks for understanding anon. and I have talked to her, but she downplays it and considers it nice how she doesn't have to buy food. she does work for him, he buys her food and other necessities. she's just an absolute autist who is obsessive about not spending any money on anything. but I wish she would realize how he's destroyed her mental health and made her so dependent on him. I'll keep talking to her about it and maybe she realizes how bad it is eventually.
>I'll keep talking to her about it and maybe she realizes how bad it is eventually.
Let's hope she does
I think I'm slowly getting somewhere, she seems more open to the idea now than before. have a good day anon.
tired and lonely, and horrible
yeah, you too, femanon
That's so sad to hear that, femanon. What did your parents do?
well yeah I'm actually a girl having fun on the nerd board so your half right
i still live with them
its hell
Love my mother, don't know who my father is
understandable, but surely there is a reason why you feel this way. Is there's something you don't like about them specifically? or is it just the fact that you are with them that is the problem?
That's great, everyone should love their mothers! even if they're not perfect.

a joke, but I hope your father comes back with the milk
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my dad and i arent very close but my moms pretty great

she isnt really pushy about me moving out and say i can stay here as long as i want (im still going to college tho i cant live off her forever) + doesnt really make me pay rent and wants me to focus on getting a degree
interesting. It's good that your mother let's you stay rent free for the college, which can really be refreshing since you wouldn't need to worry about finding additional jobs for something that could impede your progress. Best wishes for your college success!
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thank you! it definitely makes college easier since i dont have to stress over work and trying to do my work at the same time :D
Speaking as a guy who got his bachelor's from a very prestigious STEM school, and who is now getting his master's from an even more prestigious STEM school, trying to get with STEM girls is a fool's errand. They are few and far between, most of them have boyfriends, and those who don't are so swamped with dating and hookup options, that you would need to seriously standout from the other guys to even stand a chance. Not to mention that these girls aren't really great catches. It doesn't hurt to try, but don't get your hopes up, and you'd better find different primary ways of trying to get with girls.

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