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Do actual asocial girls exist? The kind that has no friends and only really talk to their family?
It's really the only type of girl I think I'm interested in dating because I want someone similar to me that I can relate to.
I met a disabled girl once through wow who didn't socialize at all. Didn't get into dating because the market for girls who can't walk is filled with freaks.
She's around 30 these days and still a virgin. They're out there.
How did you meet that girl?
Do you think non physically disabled asocial women exist?
These women exist but they have a lot of stuff mentally wrong with them and you would never meet them because they are inside their homes
I have severe OCD too so there is something wrong with me too.
>you would never meet them because they are inside their homes
Where could you meet them online then?
No. Women are naturally social and need attention and status to live. Fact is even the nerdy fat ugly mentally ill ones have at least a few friends and a boyfriend. Women always have options. So even if you find some fucked up girl and take care of her by the time she recovers and becomes more confident and social she will realise her real worth and see other better options than you. This story keeps repeating.
my sister is definitely one. i'm kind of asocial, no friends or social circle, but i do have bf unlike her.
How did you find your bf?
How can I meet a girl like your sister?
She was in my guild in WoW.
>Do you think non physically disabled asocial women exist?
Yes, but mentally disabled. These will range from genuine retardation to just mental illness.
In any case you won't see these kinds in person for obvious reasons.
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What every robot needs to understand is society = women. Every woman is automatically part of the social system upon birth. Some men are born deep within the upper echelons to the wealthy, while some are born on the fringes, children to single mothers or poor orphans, destined to spend their lives working their way up. Most men are born somewhere in the middle, never even realizing the system they are a part of - fish don't know what water is. The truly unique ones, mostly schizos willingly "exit the matrix" but many others are kicked out unwillingly, and few survive without the physical and emotional support of the system. For woman, the question of exiting or even moving through the system is invalid - she cannot exit the system because she IS the system. The system wraps around to embrace her no matter what she does. Its tentacles entice and invite on every turn. She will always have a ready throng of friends, suitors, well wishers, benefactors and the entire bureaucracy. "Social isolation" for her is being the lowest ranking prison guard on night duty. For you it is solitary confinement in a 10 by 10 padded cell. They will never understand, they are incapable of understanding what it means to be living on the very fringes. What it feels like when there isn't a single person in your contacts list you can text for help. What it feels like when you could die today and not be discovered for a month. When every door is shut to you and every face frowns with distrust and apathy is the best reaction you can hope for. A man with a girlfriend or wife and kids has a favorable standing with the system. He has a "stake in the system". A lonely man is the enemy of the system. You are the enemy of the system. She is always holding the gun.
holy cyberfuck..
i had a russian girl with cancer in my archage guild and she literally fucked 2 dudes in the guild and then dated the guildmaster and later they lived together in england
Well I do hate other people, yes. Especially normies. But I would probably hate you as well.
Yes they have a triple digit body count though
when i started university. it's a very basic cliche story, shy khhv girl starts university, gets charmed by man, and falls in love. he's also bit of an autist and he plays runescape all day, but i like that he's very socially capable. best of both worlds (nerdy interests + confident/masculine).

i doubt you could meet her, he really doesn't go anywhere without parents. seems like men sometimes are interested in her when she takes her dog on walks though. but she's awkward/autistic and doesn't say anything, so nothing ever comes of those guys coming to per her dog and trying to smile at her lol.
>Do actual asocial girls exist? The kind that has no friends and only really talk to their family?
I cannot remember the last time I had non-accidental, non-family contact.
Even online, I'm paranoid. Nothing happened to me, I was just born this way.
Did he approach you? How?

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