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This board blackpilled me on moids.
I was fine with men before. I was never into feminism or anything. I used to see men and women as humans and not some weird gender war things that are different from eachother. I literally used to not understand why women complain "how abusive and terrifying" men are when I always saw them being good and gentle.
Looks like it was all mask. Mask to hide their true face.
Good to know this is how men talk about us when we aren't around.
I feel like I've been lied to by men my whole life. This board blackpilled me on men forever and it's damage that can't be fixed. But it's good. Now I know how much of a evil monsters men can be. Thanks internet. Now I understand why other women constantly complain.
I fucking hate men.
kys 0/10 bait >>>cc
You will never be humans. Scum on earth.
>this image some basement dwelling autist conjured out of his stinkpit has made me reform my worldview into a toxic, senseless one
wow! very cool
We are the only humans. Women have been slaves and cattle for all of recorded history. You are nothing more than a set of holes for men to abuse.
Robots 1 - Women 0
Its called Mankind, human literally just means erect man. Sorry, but you're an NPC side character and always will be. Fill your role or suffer the consequences of going against nature.
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>this image some basement dwelling
Some? This is how this WHOLE board is acting. It's not just one person.
>You are nothing more than a set of holes for men to abuse.
Lmfao never ever giving any male ever again attention any of kind in my whole life. No wonder why feminist exist. Males should be aborted. Also stop acting like you don't have a fucking boiled rotten sausage between your legs that smells like horse shit full of maggots.
Nuh nuh this is total female victory
You don't deserve our attention, you retarded victim complex moid with rotten sausage.
>Sorry, but you're an NPC side character and always will be.
Lmfao this is basically state of men today. Nice cope troonoid.
>Fill your role or suffer the consequences of going against nature.
Only moids suffer because they make their own problems KEK???? LMFAO WHAT A PROJECTION
Every year millions of women get beaten, raped and killed by their male partners across the world.
And there's nothing you can do about it, bitch.
You will be next.
>Some? This is how this WHOLE board is acting. It's not just one person.
Yes it literally is probably one or two spamming retards, but believe whatever you want, "sis." Let 4chinz shape your worldview lmao fucking retard
I hope you will reborn as a woman in next life. You will pay for your sins. Don't worry
Too bad you weren't aborted before you first saw the light. You deserve nothing but suffering.
>Yes it literally is probably one or two spamming retards
So whole board is one or two spamming retards all these years? Lmfao sure.
imagine allowing what some retards post on a mongolian imageboard shape your worldview
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I fucking love men. Cry about it, retarded whore
Men are the prime movers of the world and the only virtuous women are:
>truly masculine women
>fertile and submissive women
Radfems are a weird and vicious mix of masculine and feminine energies/spirits
>I hope you will reborn as a woman in next life.
tranny projection, a real woman would bring up male suicide statistics or the fact the men are killed more than women
>I hope you will reborn as a woman in next life.
So you admit being a foid sucks kek.
You got one chance at life and you were born as the weaker sex that has to look over their shoulder their whole life because they are so fucking weak and pathetic.
You also bleed out of your rotten pussy every month. Lmao.
You lost the lottery of life. Men won. Deal with it.
>So whole board is one or two spamming retards all these years? Lmfao sure.
You have no idea how correct you are. It's too bad you've let them mold you into a repugnant twat. Looks like they won and infected your brain.
That's the life story of every neckbearded 4chud.
I know I'm semi-retarded for taking this post even halfway seriously but regardless.. The "men" on this board aren't representative of all men. Most of the posters here are mentally ill man children who are too autistic to function in the real world. The people you see posting about "women bad" on here are just mad because they're fucked in the head and instead of actually trying to fix their life they just shitpost on this board. At the same time you are also retarded if you look at r9k and think that the posters here represent all men.
>imagine allowing what some retards post on a mongolian imageboard shape your worldview
No, that's good for this place to exist. I used to love and respect men in real lif because they treated me better than women. Then I discovered this place and saw your true face. This is how you act when we aren't around. Good to fucking know!
Fuck off you retarded bishit pick me. Moids won't love you because you're on their side. Actually it doesn't mean shit to them. You're still nothing but a hole to them. You're truly a retarded whore.
Lmfaoo I can't wait to see you suffering as woman. Actually i wish you are dead now and already becoming a woman in some womb of biggest prostitute ever.
>they are so fucking weak and pathetic.
Nice projection LMFAOOO
>You also bleed out of your rotten pussy every month.
Better than some hanging shit you have down there.
>You lost the lottery of life. Men won. Deal with it.
Yeah that's why moids here constantly cry how much boo hoo muh life sucks :<
All you do is cry and get std in your disgusting dick
im a male feminist and i would beat and rape your stupid ass. holy shit you are dumb
>No, that's good for this place to exist. I used to love and respect men in real lif because they treated me better than women. Then I discovered this place and saw your true face. This is how you act when we aren't around. Good to fucking know!
I know this is bait, but what >>78274738
said here
>You have no idea how correct you are. It's too bad you've let them mold you into a repugnant twat. Looks like they won and infected your brain.
So you're teeling me two person has been spamming all day all night in all time zones making 30 threads about woman hate everyday
Yeah sure that totally makes sense
>At the same time you are also retarded if you look at r9k and think that the posters here represent all men.
There is too many of them. Like I wouldn't care if it was one tripfag but it's all board.
Too obvious is too obvious
How do women on this board just ignore the hundreds of incel posts and negative experiences caused by women posted daily and keep living in their own little out of touch reality?
>im a male feminist and i would beat and rape your stupid ass. holy shit you are dumb
Lmfao no such thing as moid feminist you're all the same
>negative experiences caused by women
You mean caused by their mentality I'll mommy issues heads?
You're just salty you don't have the money, looks, or charm to bag one of us golden cattle. You can't stand it in fact! You SEETHE at us being happy because you know you could never have us, at least not one of us you actually want.
Why can't women stop themselves from getting beaten and raped and killed by men? Why are they so fucking weak and pathetic? Lmao. You weak, useless bitch.
>Actually i wish you are dead now and already becoming a woman
keep your agp to yourself
i'm a man and this board blackpilled me on moids too, i just want a chance ot make a woman happy now and i easily make friends with them online since i don't just want sex
BASED. Moids projecting is so funny.
I can cut off your disgusting rotten sausage if I want to. Come bitch. Try to rape me. You will meet your end soon. Your disgusting stick can't compete with sharp knife.
Then congratulations, you might be one of those who are actually a person worth living.
You're literally a unicorn.
I hope you will have male children and learn them how to be normal and not this failed chudders.
Men can just beat you to death with our fists. We don't have to use any tools. Just pummel your skull into the ground. Women die just from being hit in domestic abuse lmao. Why are you so fucking weak bitch? You useless set of holes!
You know, you stupid tranny. Don't act like your obvious delusions are fooling anyone.
i think about having children a lot and want to give them a good life but sadly with the way the world is going i think they're gonna be surrounded by brown people raised by shit parents so that's not good
Meanwhile moids:
*One kick in the balls*
>foid just gets coomed in by a man
>*dies in childbirth*
>I used to love and respect men in real lif because they treated me better than women. Then I discovered this place and saw your true face
So you value what people say on the internet more than what they actually do. You're retarded
How the fuck can she die in childbirth if she had abortion
Maybe you should know that as failed abortion yourself
Just assume 90% of people are trash both men and women. Also not everyone on here is deranged, and this is one of the most deranged places you could enter.
>subhuman level of reading comprehension
>So whole board is one or two spamming retards all these years? Lmfao sure.
literally yes retard holy shit lmao you underestimate the power of the autism lords
>this thread
We are reaching a level of low IQ posting that should be banworthy. Mods please fucking save this place.
obvious bait but
>men do all of the hardest, dirtiest, most dangerous labor in society (coal mines, pipelines, commercial fishing, farm labor, construction, list goes on in order for people to have food, power, and shelter
>men regularly give up significant portions of their livelihood and/or work extremely hard take care of their woman
>regular news stories of men dying because they literally physically shielded their wife or girlfriend for some threat - it happens so often that such stories appear in the news regularly

>spoiled women on the internet:
>omg men are such abusive selfish monsters id rather take my chances with a bear
ungrateful cunts the lot of ye
kek why are foids like you so retarded?
Nta but If you hate women so much then stop giving us attention in any way and go fuck other moids or something lmfaoo it's literally that easy XD
that video isn't a good example
>man pushes her down
>hides behind her (shooting was obviously coming from bottom left / below from the frame)
>y-you're gay!
Nah I agree with her. How is it possible for two tards to made all of these bait threads and spread same incel shit in every thread possible in every timezone? Literally no one does this. It's not possible. Like there are people who do this with other stuff but it's only active when it's day in their timezone. No one is actually constantly doing this. It's different men around the globe.
If you hate women this much, why just stop wasting your time around us if we hit nerve so much? Think about it. You would save time for us and for yourself. Go fuck a moid or tranny and shut up.
>"W-why are you still h-ere!? y-you're gay!!" (again)
To piss you off :^)
pop a vein already you ugly cunt
lurk more newfag. Seriously you have no idea what you're dealing with on this website.
If that's true then it's actually fucking concerning.
Of course it's true. As the other guy said, fucking lurkmoar. People say that's exactly what they do.
So it's just two retards that ruined the whole board. Great.
>this relatively small board full of weird, sexually frustrated, usually very autistic social outcasts and sexual degenerates changed my entire perception!
>now I know what normal people are like!
0/10 bait newfags don't even try anymore

Take your (You) and fuck off please
Lol, you retards overestimate /r9k/'s influence on the real world. It's near zero.
>I fucking hate men now!
It doesn't change anything. If a 4chan board could have that much of an impact on your outlook maybe you were always an awful hateful person with a bone to pick because of propoganda planted in your youth and you only now found some excuse to verbalize it more energetically. BUt the is you were always like this you just didn't want to believe you could be a mean person. You needed 4chan to give you a justification to say it and still feel morally superior but you ware always unjustified, and still are.

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