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Whoever tells you 30 is still young is a fucking moron
Eh you're only as old as you feel, or the woman you're feeling.
No anon
Time doesn't work that way
But the brain does.
Humans are retards
Just lie about your age, women do it all the time.
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>Typically no gray hairs yet (mid-30s is the average for white men up to mid-40s for black people)
>30 year olds athletes are still in their prime, if at the very very tail end
>Generally in good health; you don't start checking for this condition or getting that test until you're around 40
>Youthful face assuming you've taken care of yourself and don't have shit genes
>At around the 1/3 point of life
I dunno, seems young enough to me.
I have grey hair
I'm 28
I'm not a fucking athlete
Whats a youthful face good for when I'm ugly?
>30 years old?!
>LIFE OVER!!!!!!!
You're not even close to being wrinkled at 30. What is this? The 1500's where 45 is rare?
30 is the new 20. Zoomers are increasingly become ill equipped for adulthood, learning adult things too late if at all, getting into long term relationships later if at all, getting employment and financial stability later if at all. Things boomers accomplished by early 20s zoomers are getting accomplished by early 30s. That's why
Everyone gets old eventually.

Your only real choice is if you grow old with dignity or keep trying to look and act young when you clearly aren't anymore.
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Generally 28 is the "kill yourself" age. That's where your entire life is set in stone.

There's a reason why all protagonists in movies and stories are 25 and younger, because that's when you'll know if you can persevere hardship and find adventure in your life. Once you pass 25 without any life experience or hardship, you are essentially doomed to be that way forever, no matter how hard you cope or work out or try to change.

There's a reason why nobody wants a protagonist in his fucking 60s or 70s.
Age is relative you moron. An 18 year old is gonna think 30 is ancient. But a 50 year old will think you are young.
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i NEETed until 27 when i got my first job, quit and went back to school at 30, finished at 33 and got a new job and moved out, now i'm still casually looking for new job opportunities if a better one pops up and no wife/gf/kids so i can just move where ever

also there is tons of movies with old protagonists (not like 70s+ old, but plenty in their 50s and 60s)

wtf are you talking about
...Jesus. Please don't out yourself like this, man. At least die with some dignity.
he did at least something unlike you
First of all, I'm rich, so sit down little man.

Second, no matter how hard society copes, trying and failing is so much fucking worse than not even trying. At least people who don't try get to die in the dark. There isn't a spotlight on their failure.
>vague passive aggressive bitchmade shitpost
You outed yourself . Make sure to never have children, invest in retirement, start a business or buy a house if you don't have all that by 22.
You literally admitted that your best years passed you by, and you're still struggling to find an adequate job, and nobody will fuck you. You're literally just proving my point dawg.
Oh you're just a jewboi that had everything handed to him and is now seething and morally rotten. That checks out.

You'll never make it to heaven, and that's a promise
From age 24 onward i've felt like an old guy larping as a young dude
youth really ends after your early 20's
Almost everyone I've ever known is married except one woman and me
what is success?
Nah I just made smart investments. Because I'm intrinsically smarter than you.

>You'll never make it to heaven, and that's a promise
Blah blah blah, if god is good why does he allow evil to exist, blah blah blah.

Success is determined by your happiness, and happiness is determined by your ability to shape the world around you to your whims.
The 50 year old is retarded
How the fuck are they my best years when I had NO job, no friends, was flabby, socially retarded and had dogshit grades? I'm objectively doing way better now
>well if you if if if if you just had a bitcoin invested and athlete physique and and...
I didn't nigger. I grew up anyway.
>Success is determined by your happiness, and happiness is determined by your ability to shape the world around you to your whims.
where does the age part and being too late come in to that?
Because that's when nature determines if you're a worthwhile specimen or not. Remember, humans are SUPPOSED to live until they're 30. That's how it was in nature. 30 is when your adventure should come to a close.

If you're STILL trying to turn shit around past that...it's like, what are you doing?

Because the way you shape the world around you is through power, be it physical power or financial. These things are essentially impossible to obtain past 30.
what's physical and financial power and why can't you get it past 30, haven't a lot of people gotten it past 30?
>Remember, humans are SUPPOSED to live until they're 30. That's how it was in nature. 30 is when your adventure should come to a close.
you must be trolling
The 70s are pretty similar to the 60s. There's often a visible decline in energy and vitality between 70 and 79 whereas people are often about identical at 60 and 69, but otherwise the 70s are okay. The 80s are where things really collapse and dementia, canes, walkers, nursing homes, etc become common.
>what's physical and financial power
...Are you asking what financial power is? Are you stupid? It's the ability to shut people up with hush money. It's the ability to pay for love and admiration. It's the ability to buy body guards who will beat the shit out of anyone if they look at you wrong. It's the ability to pay courts to throw away cases. Money is literally the most powerful force on earth, it literally commands respect at all times.

The problem is you need intellect to get money, and if you aren't an intellectual by the time you turn 30 then you'll never be one.

Check Google. Humans in the Paleolithic era used to live until they were about 20 to 30. We are not supposed to live this long.
>If you're STILL trying to turn shit around past that...it's like, what are you doing?
Build a family, legacy, get right with the lord, normal people stuff, you know.
First of all, god isn't real, so put that away lol

Second, most people are supposed to be married by the time they hit 30. If you don't have that already you'll never have it.
People died earlier much of the time because the world was more dangerous and less sanitary, but we were still the same genetically. A 30 year old caveman was probably extremely fit due to their lifestyle, they were just at risk of dying from external factors.
>People died earlier much of the time because the world was more dangerous and less sanitary
Yes, exactly, and the more we stray away from this the more weak off humanity becomes as a whole.
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>It's the ability to shut people up with hush money. It's the ability to pay for love and admiration. It's the ability to buy body guards who will beat the shit out of anyone if they look at you wrong. It's the ability to pay courts to throw away cases.
you must have a weird lifestyle if you need any of those things
Go to WeHo or LA in general. Go to a place where yacht parties are the norm. I used to be a pretty popular Twitch streamer, and a lot of these cons were fucking insane with the shit we could get away with.
Any fun stories?
I was forced to rim a guy at gunpoint once
Sure. One time I went to a con and met John Zherka. Also met Destiny too. I remember getting really shitfaced with Destiny, and we were mostly just throwing beer cans and rocks off of an overhead bridge. One of them hit a car, and the driver came out and tried to chase us. It was so funny because the dude was pretty obviously overweight, so he was kinda stumbling and couldn't keep up for shit.

I went back to my hotel, and a cop knocked on my door later that night. I was caught on camera throwing these rocks at cars. I took the officer to the side, I gave him a 100$ bill, and he just fucked off lmfao.

It was great because I had my first threesome at that convention too. Shit was based. I think this was like 2019 or 2018?
And then there is the cool perk of being old that nobody absolutely literally zero people at all give a single shit about you
young people care so much, its why they are so full of angst.
Never felt better and more calm since going into my 30s and who gives a shit what young people think, they have no clue what the real world is about and their opinions are trash and uniformed by their retarded underdeveloped brains
let me assure you, you aren't as smart as you think you are, the writing in these posts make it evident but good job on getting paid by retards/children for being a streamer or whatever unremarkable thing you did

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