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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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hypothetically what if there was a girl and she has never had a boyfriend and is a virgin and has never loved anyone besides one man and she is obsessed with him and has been for over a year and wants to marry him and be with him forever and she loves him so much she sobs because he refuses to make her his gf/wife/mother of his kids or even imply he will do that in the future and she has begged him to but he just wont do it even though he says she is pretty and cute and hot and perfect and funny. thoughts? what would you say to him? is she crazy? asking for a friend
I would say she's stupid for projecting so much onto one person.
I would say kill all fembots. TFD
Hypothetically speaking, she's a creep.
is she a weirdo? what the hell is she doing here. she doesn't belong here
women want chad
news at 11
kys femcunt
guys its not about me
i think you are wonderful and im going to kill this guy whoever he is for hurting my beautiful princess angel that i love so much how DARE he hurt you like this i will find him.
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chad doesn't want you, foid. get that through you're head
that is a guide for /b/itches not fembots retard
nerd emoji even on r9k ur a fucking dork
newfag and a female. Is there anything more sad on r9k?
maybe being old and lonely niggerfaggot
bitch you the one who came on here to vent about not getting dicked down by chad. kys
fuck you retard she's mine i love her waay more she's perfect for me she's made for me she's handcrafted for me you're a fucking fakecel bitch kill yourself
well atleast i was talking to someone you lonely fucking nigga you cant even get a dm back you're literally a loser dont even try replying to me moid i can smell the stench from here ewwwwwww ewwwwwwwwwww if theres stray cats near my house im gonna spray you all over because you're a pussy repellant
Hypothetically what of unicorns and dragons were real?
imagine being this fucking retarded lmao cant believe you have 2 simps itt and a chad (probably tall and handsome and suave and funny and charismatic) in ur dms ssimping for you and taking care of ur retarded ass
bwahahahaha. Chad is ramming his cock in someone prettier and obviously more intelligent than you. I don't think you would even be a rebound.
hypothetically what if i had sexual intercourse with your mother, leading to your birth?
actually he's been ramming his masssive 6.8inch x 4.3inch cock in my TINY LITTLE SHAVEN PUSSY AND CUMMING INSIDE OF ME WITH NO PROTECTION SO WHOS THE REAL LOSER NOW
guys there is a literal freak hijacking my thread sorry im still looking for honest opinions
first mistake was going on 4chan.. this board is full of miserable losers who take out their deep rooted hatred for women on the first female they see bc theyre butthurt girls dont like them
fuck off im gonna win her over with my charisma and make her swoon and fall in love with me watch me just fucking watch me she's mine
you both are such whiteknight cucks watch this
whats ur dc?
I don't have discord. My email is bigassmancockinurass@gmail.com
its lloromantic but normal guys only i really need to talk about this with ssomeone please i need to udnerstand
Tbh if you pretended you're a man, ppl would be more helpful, r9k is full of incels thats common sense
Advice for next time
sent a friend request, accept pls
also please use punctuation.
i wish i hadn't laughed as hard as i did at that. good job anon
Alpha widowed by Chad, many such cases

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