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i wish i were a malebrained fembot but instead i had to be a moid
i wish i was a moid with moid friends but im a malebrained fembot with no friends because guys who have my hobbies would rather be friends with other guys desu
what hobbies are those?
they come and go but right now researching coats of arms because i want to make my own. for fun

and older fighting games ik its not super unique or anything but its hard to find any girls into them compared to other retro games etc.
at least you get to be a fembot

>and older fighting games
which ones? why not the newer ones?
Just be my tomboy wife. Simple.
Idk I would try to look into more popular adjacent hobbies for the first one. People that do ttrpgs and worldbuild for them might be interested in coats of arms.

Retro fighting games is a bit harder, your probably better off just finding girls that play not all fighting games then get them to try whatever older kusoge you want to play.
Wait are you that fembot that's play garou mark of wolves?
I bet dudes who are into conlanging would be friends with you. honestly, try looking for guys with hobbies that are even nerdier than yours but more towards the respectable/non-degenerate side of things, that's your best bet for people who won't care that you're a girl.
>can't even name the games that you like
that's the reason no one likes to hang out with you
So you are a female brained male instead, you are a dime a dozen
i'm a malebrained male. i wish i were female
Did I meet you on duolicious?
Nah, unless they were gay
Post more tomoko
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>iwn be tomoko
sure but why?
That sounds awful, praying that you live a good life despite your xy disability
>praying that you live a good life despite your xy disability
idk if i should get on estrogen or i should just wait for technology to go crazy
She's cute. That's my only reason
i'll never be as cute as her...
bro why do u keep posting this gay shit
because i keep thinking about it
anon grow up come on
I hate being mentally ill woman who wish to be male everyday of her retarded femoid life. I just wish i could be a real man or normal girl at least.
My life sucks and I hate myself so much.
what do you even mean by growing up, it's not like that changes anything

i wish i could be a normal fembot...
>what do you even mean by growing up
stop fantasizing about being a woman on r9k...
what do you fantasize about anon?
also are you one of the anons on estrogen
you can do both
yeah but i'm also a coward and idk if i should be on estrogen or if i should rep
>what do you fantasize about anon?
nothing important
>also are you one of the anons on estrogen
yeah but how tf would you know that
>yeah but how tf would you know that
because we talked before probably
and you mog me
i wish i could be as strong as you
>because we talked before probably
i mean yeah you've been posting this for a while now.
>and you mog me
bro how? i don't do shit all day lmao.
>i wish i could be as strong as you
just stop occupying yourself with tranny shit on 4chan all day. you'll be fine. trust
>i mean yeah you've been posting this for a while now.
yeah and you've made posts about being on estrogen and shit
>bro how? i don't do shit all day lmao.
i don't either, but you do one thing more than me
>just stop occupying yourself with tranny shit on 4chan all day. you'll be fine. trust
except i still hate myself for not being on estrogen. i did order some tho
>yeah and you've made posts about being on estrogen and shit
my bad man. i try to not do it in a gay way though.
>i don't either, but you do one thing more than me
don't you have a job and shit nigga? what compels you to come to a place like this
>except i still hate myself for not being on estrogen
i don't see why you'd want to do it but do whatever you want bro.
>my bad man. i try to not do it in a gay way though.
idk i'm not complaining or anything
>don't you have a job and shit nigga?
so what?
>what compels you to come to a place like this
i've been here for longer than you
>i don't see why you'd want to do it
same reasons as you
>but do whatever you want bro.
if i wasn't such a fucking coward
>so what?
so you should have better shit to do than what you're doing rn.
>i've been here for longer than you
nuh uh i've been here since i was a kid actually.
>same reasons as you
wdym anon you want to be a woman and i don't.
>if i wasn't such a fucking coward
are you really though or do you just call yourself that cause you're hesitant to do something potentially stupid?
Isn't her whole deal that she's ugly?
>so you should have better shit to do than what you're doing rn.
like what?
>nuh uh i've been here since i was a kid actually.
must have rotted your brain
how many years was that aren't you like 21 now
>wdym anon you want to be a woman and i don't.
but you want the effects of estrogen
>are you really though
yes because i'm afraid to take risks in life or do anything

practically if she were real she'd probably look like a 4/10 with severe anxiety
but she's drawn like a cute anime girl so no she's not ugly in canon
Why does a woman make an irrelevant comment about her life have so many opponents?
Desperate coomers
Really sad. Even more so considering that this is an anonymous forum.
>like what?
literally anything else bro. go do some normalfag shit.
>must have rotted your brain
yeah. it's been almost a decade.
>but you want the effects of estrogen
not all of them but yeah i guess so.
>yes because i'm afraid to take risks in life or do anything
nah if you can hold a job you can probably do whatever else it is you want to do.
>literally anything else bro. go do some normalfag shit.
what if i don't want to do normalfag shit?
>yeah. it's been almost a decade.
i lost track of how long i've been but i think it's been around a decade as well
>not all of them but yeah i guess so.
enough that you are still on it
>nah if you can hold a job you can probably do whatever else it is you want to do.
clearly not. i want to be a shut in fembot and i'm not
you're seriously overestimating how big of a deal having a job is. every loser on the planet has a job, having to pay bills doesn't make you a better person
>what if i don't want to do normalfag shit?
all i'm saying is you should do something more fun than fantasize about being a woman on r9k.
>enough that you are still on it
yeah i don't regret it desu i'd be fucked without it sadly.
>clearly not. i want to be a shut in fembot and i'm not
bro why would you want to be a less functional person lmao
>all i'm saying is you should do something more fun than fantasize about being a woman on r9k.
i mean i do other things as well besides crying about not being a woman
>yeah i don't regret it desu i'd be fucked without it sadly.
my point exactly. you wanted something, you did it, you committed to it. that makes you better than me even if i finished school and got a job
>bro why would you want to be a less functional person lmao
being a shut in fembot doesn't mean you're less functional. if i were female and had the resources to live how i want i would take it
a job does not make me more functional. being able to show up to work doesn't make me better at anything else of importance

gonna go to bed now, night.
uh okay gn anon.
same hopefully i can inject estrogen one day

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