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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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>be me half an hour ago
>walking home from the bar, alone, had a few drinks with frens
>it is 2am in east european town, so you can hear a needle drop within 20 meters
>realize i am walking behind a girl
>she is alone
>realize that her strides are getting faster and faster
>realize she is basically running from me and is scared
>pull out a phone and pretend to have a phone call
>"yes baby i am on my way home, will be back in 10 minutes, love you, bye"
>girl's demeanor immedeately changes, she finally starts walking slower and in more relaxed way
>she slows down so much i manage to overtake her
>she does not panic at all
>literal proof that no matter how creepy you are, if you get women's attention, other women will want you as well, or at least not fear you
>go home and cry bcoz i dont actually have anybody
you have me, anon
heck, you have all of us!
all of your friends, right here, on arr nein kay!
Clever idea though
you should have made that bitch afraid and fear for her life
why let them relax? would they do the same for you?
>be me
>work the hardest labor jobs
>commercial fishing, mining, etc.
>have been homeless most of my adult life, partly because of cost of rent, partly because I get denied because I have no rental history
>expected to bend over backwards to not appear scary to other people, especially women, who are all far more privileged and taken care of than I am
get fucked I'll be as creepy or intimidating as I want
working class men are the most oppressed of all groups, we are second class citizens and basically slaves, I do not care if some spoiled bitch is made uncomfortable because I happen to exist in her presence
>>be me half an hour ago
>>it is 2am in east european town
You're lying
>Be me
>Walking late at night
>A morbidly obese creep tries chasing me
>Start running for my laugh
>The creep pulls out a phone while he's chasing me
>Run faster
>The fat creep collapses to the ground and begins sobbing uncontrollably
>Use this moment to make my escape

Why are men like this?
Yeah, i wrote it last night and saved in my notes, was too tired to post, so yeah, be me, last night
>>literal proof that no matter how creepy you are, if you get women's attention, other women will want you as well, or at least not fear you
im sorry anon but whats wrong with your brain? how did you come up to that conclusion from that experience, she was just scared because it was 2 am she was alone and a random man was walking towards her, you could have raped her and killed her right then and there and she could've probably only scream imagine being in that position wouldn't you be panicking too
>working class men are the most oppressed of all
where do you live, pooranon?

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