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Why do so many women have something against porn? I used to just assume that it's normalized for them like it is for most people, but more and more it looks like holes have a disdain for it.
They want to control men and make men miserable. They don't want you to jerk off to porn while simultaneously they refuse to have sex with you. It's a power thing. They want you to suffer.
biggest power women have is hole between legs and lots of men are now stepping away from it and living fine lives using porn as a substitute
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Idk apparently girls don't watch porn and see masturbation as gross. Full robot logic tells me that porn and masturbation threatens women's monopoly on sex; therefore they dislike the competition it brings.
I have an extremely high sex drive so if I had a BF who was living close to me I wouldn't want him to waste his cum on porn. Other than that I just feel bad for some of the actors that are forced into it/taken advantage of. I can't watch it myself because of that (hentai also doesn't really do it for me) but I wouldn't really judge someone who does
its funny because theres loads of women who read smut, even in public, but thats seen as fine
Because it makes them feel insecure. The same reason a lot of guys would have a fit if they found out their girlfriend watched porn (they all do, by the way, just like we all do)
Be my gf and save me from beating to porn.
t. extremely high sex drive
I don't think most guys would have a fit unless it was nigger porn.
>I don't think most guys would have a fit unless it was nigger porn.
Most guys wouldn't, just like most girls wouldn't. A lot of them would though, especially here, it seems lol
> how dare you watch porn, it's exploitive
Also women:
> Sex with you? In your dreams loser
Also women:
> I'm going to have my teenage daughter walk around wearing just a miniskirt and a bra

Why do women do this?
they don't want sub8 males having any sexual release at all. they are that petty and cruel.
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Its devilishly unfair
Anon just bate to your own imagination, it feels better than porn

I want sub8 males to have sexual release (into me)
Yeah well youre a 30 yr old male NEET, you should be wanting a fucking job, BOZO
Keep telling yourself that, I'll just be fucking my cute sub5 bf while you do
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because it's usually really corny and mass produced, not to mention how much it turns your brain into mush and distort your views on reality
Ok femoid. So what's your femoid approved way of incel guys releasing their sperm so that they're not grossly ogling your teenage daughter while she walks around in her underwear?
This is basically it. The women complaining about it use porn themselves, act out the porn with various men even in relationships, and take pride in refusing men sex. It's just dumb bitches being dumb bitches.
Just dont care what a femoid thinks and release your sperm in their teenage daughter
I have shitty imagination skills when it comes to humans. I can't even remember how my own mother's face looks like. I can recognize it, I can describe facts I remember, but I can't envision faces. I can imagine mechanical things and systems, boxes etc which makes me decent at work. I'm just sperg with high sex drive so I either cum like 4-6 times a day to porn when I don't have to go to work, or cum like 2-3 times in an 1-2 hours with short breaks when I'm lucky and get sex twice or thrise a year. I need femanon with heavy duty pussy which will be able to withstand this much dicking.
their only value is their pussy

if you provide sexual alternatives less men will simp and give a fuck about women

which makes the roastie toastie
Nice try femoid. I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of baiting me into committing a felony so that you can lock me in a cage and have your prison guard friends beat me and mock me while they have sex with the chad prisoners and snuggle contraband in for them.
you know the answer, everyone knows the answer
women dislike competition, whether it's other women they don't control or who don't behave like them, video games, porn, anything at all
anything that lets men exist without them instead of devoting all their energy, time and money to them makes them mad
"pick me" exists as an insult to these people for the exact same reason they bitch about porn, because women who behave less terribly than they do are competition and negatively affect them, whereas women who behave just as badly as they do are not because they normalize their shit behaviour and force society and men to accept it with no alternative
actually that's a good way to describe it: they despise alternatives
I'm either the only one or you can enjoy a bunch of others skank
but remember anon, it wouldnt be your fault. They shouldnt have dressed that way!
You are only allowed to argue that if they're of age. If it's statutory there's basically no legal defense. It's straight to jail. Even if she told you she was 18 that's not a valid defense.

instead of masturbating several times a day, stop it eventhough it's painful at first, you will see things starting to improve after the stress is over, improve your personality and work on yourself, then go date just like normal people kek

also, you don't need to release your sperm or whatever, that's misinformation
You americans and your 18 worship, its comical. You cant tell the difference between a highschooler and a college student. secondary sexual characteristic development is the only real determinant of AOC.
>also, you don't need to release your sperm or whatever, that's misinformation
Stop gaslighting me femoid every guy knows from experience that if you don't it backs up and you end up cumming in your sleep and it's really uncomfortable and awkward.
>Even if she told you she was 18 that's not a valid defense.
Depends which state you're in, at least if she had some sort of proof to go along with it lol. Like if she had a fake ID, I mean. Some states would say you're good, some would lock you up

it's clear anon haven't seen an actual woman beyond the internet kek
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neither has anyone in this entire thread

spoiler alert chuds, only the extremely insecure mentally ill ones care abt porn, just dont act like a coomer in public and youll be fine
Women can only pass on their genes by themselves having a kid. Men however can pass on their genes that way as well, but they also have the secondary option of having lots of different kids with lots of different women.

This is why women have an evolutionary drive to find one guy, lock him down, and have a bunch of kids with him. That's how she fulfills her evolutionary drive to spread her genes.

Men can do the same thing but they will forever have this nagging voice in the back of their subconcious to keep going. To not just settle for one women but to have as many kids as possible with as many different women as they can. This is why men love porn so much. Because it's an artificial means to satiate that lustful evolutionary desire to sleep with as many different women as possible.

Women hate porn because they find that desire repulsive. It offends them on a very deep and primal level because in evolutionary matters it runs counter to how they're hardwired.

it's a standard meant to stop people from banging what's clearly a teenager and argue that "she's mature enough" Mohammed
Same reason most women absolutely despise prostitutes. Competition and insecurity.

if you keep it for long enough it stop happening, also even if that's the case it still doesn't excuse you from not improving yourself
>clearly a teenager

You cannot tell the difference between a highschooler and a college girl. Its 15 where im at and it makes far more sense. Btw, "muh maturity" arguement is senseless. Women are never mature until they have kids, and even then not always. so get fucked
our age of consent varies by state, too, many are 16.

Mohammed, that's just not true, at least where I live it's easy to dicern most high schoolers from college students, also, no, grown women are clearly more mature (when sober), the transition from school to uni or to job makes you get more mature, 18 is just when that transition is garanteed to be completed
Except in reality land women sleep with many men and more than their male equivalent sleeps with women. When men commit women withhold and weaponize the sex they gave to who knows how many other men easily. Women believe even stranger men owe them money and their lives but they owe no men anything including sex under any circumstances because feminism or whatever. Porn is all most men practically have and women only hate it because it takes energy and time away from potential simp slaves that could otherwise be used serving them for no reason.
I don't have a BF right now so I just meant in general..................... Faggot.......
Stop larping as a hole.
Not larping but keep telling yourself that mr twoincher....
No it doesnt, dont lie to me, but most of all dont lie to yourself.
Go look at any popular porn subreddits or websites and tell me that any of the models couldnt have been pulled from a sophomore year highschool. Have you seen highschool girls lately? maybe you dont get out much cause pheeeeeeeew
You're not a woman and never will be. You're hole was surgical. Go ahead and post tits though, prove me wrong

>tee hee I've only had sex with 5 men so I can't anonymously post my tits or its like whorish
Fuck you
>Women make onlyfans, fansly, thirst traps and porn
>Read and watch fictional romantic smut erotic constantly
>Play porn games with stories like the ones on nutaku and steam
>Also complain about men using porn

The pussy cartel has no coherent logic, just trying to control and shame men and the increase the value of their pussy/sex. It's cartel based economics
Women don't mature past the age of 16. You're retarded, their maturity after 16 is only artificial, like changing from goth to jock only this time they change into girl bosses.
Jeez why are you so mad man. I'm a bio woman. I don't want to post tits for a loser like you but I'd post hands/show I haven't got an adam's apple lmao
do it then, or else you will forever be a 30 yr old neet man

are you really using PORN as the argument, that thing is about as distorted as it gets dude

no fr, go outside (away from a school obviously), touch some grass, hug a tree and then take a deep reflection on your morals
Just visit a college campus, im begging you, 90% of the women there could be mistaken for highschool students, 50% of highschoolers could be mistaken for a college student.

Im begging you to realize that the development of secondary sexual characteristics is realistically the only way to determine maturity and AOC, please be less american, youre longhousing and cucking yourself more with each comment
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Boo, I'm not a 30 year old neet man
>literally a tranny
holy kek
What the fuck is that? Where are the tits? Holy shit that's flatter than a board.
>Im begging you to realize that the development of secondary sexual characteristics is realistically the only way to determine maturity and AOC, please be less american, youre longhousing and cucking yourself more with each comment
>secondary sexual characteristics
What the fuck are "secondary sexual characteristics?"
>if you provide sexual alternatives less men will simp and give a fuck about women
You'd think so but porn is more prevalent than ever and so is simping.
its fairly simple really
My hand's covering them idiot. I'm not a tranny lmao
lol klinefelter syndrome ass having nigga nice try
>I'm not a tranny
>I just look like a little boy
If you're not a tranny then the lack of tits is even more pathetic. Holy shit, you're worthless kek.
Holy jej, you arent even up to this >>78278482
stage then, sad!
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I have short hair and that's it. I don't lack tits either, you twoinchers
Alright so tits and bush basically. In that case, I guess it depends if you're talking about physical maturity or other kinds of maturity. Is it bad to fuck underage people because they aren't physically mature? Or what is the reason?
based retard fucking lmao
AHAHAHAHA you got bullied into showing your tits on a random Cambodian basket-weaving forum to autists you hate.
You're a whore, LMAO
Alright, you have pretty boobies and a great figure. I believe you.
same reason people think gorging yourself on junk food is gross
There is nothing wrong with a girl having a bit of fun online with her body. I think it's very nice. And that more girls should feel comfortable doing it.
Would you hate fuck me please? You'll regret it!
I don't mind showing tits if it means I'm not being compared to something as filthy as a tranny. And it's tits without face, not connected to my life at all - I can be a whore all I want
I think it's fun and there's nothing wrong with it. You're very pretty too :*
>I don't want to post tits for a loser like you
ahahaha he won
The women complaining gorge on junk food though
g-get out roastie! you don't belong on this board!
God, I want you so bad, beautiful anonette <3
We love a few whores here and there, is it exciting for greasy neckbeards to be staring at your tits but not getting to touch them?
Maybe, but I'd also lose if I let myself be called a mentally ill crossdresser by a bunch of 30 year old virgins
Do you think you could give us a pic of your vag? I'm sure you're as pretty down there as you are in the pic you posted!
This thread is now even more proof that porn addiction doesn't prevent simping. If anything it makes it worse.
>I don't mind showing tits
>I can be a whore all I want
I.. I think I'm falling in love..
Arent 30 yr old virgins your type????
Nah even in this desolate hellscape they still only want chad. Incels will do for shallow simping in a thread that will disappear by the end of the day though.
Not really but I don't care much. I'd be fine leaving it at calling the first guy a loser and just showing my hand but it seemed like other people showed up lol. If I go to the beach in a bikini it's almost the same thing
Yes but just the autistic ones obsessed with niche stuff not the ones that are mean to me.....
Yeah it's a bit pathetic really, every woman has tits like mine. Not complaining though
I want to go to the beach with you while you're topless. It would be hot. And we need to normalize it.
I build racecar transmissions in my garage and obsessively goon to metal material quality and shiiiiie
And I collect and restore vintage lighters to a perfectionist degree!
>obsessed with niche stuff
Like what? What's with this weird requirement that man has to have passion/obsession?
>every woman has tits like mine
Yours are extra special, because you're a femanon. You wouldn't get it.
>just the autistic ones obsessed with niche stuff
What's the appeal? I'm genuinely curious. What if the niche stuff is something you don't like?
Can I save these, femanon? I think you look very pretty in them. Would you also be okay with me touching myself to them?
Well it's not a strict requirement but it's a huge plus
That's pretty sweet but you'd be better with a girl who you know doesn't post tits on r9k lol
Doesn't matter if I don't like it, I'd be open to learning about it for someone I like though. Personally I just find joy in men attractive. A lot of the time they turn it into a career. (I knew one who studied ants for example.) And I'm also a diagnosed autistic so I have my own obsessions, and would find it easier to be myself with an autistic man
>Personally I just find joy in men attractive
It's over depressed bros
>i only like guys who are le nice to me teehee
>shows tits to guys who said you look like a tranny
Damn, I've never been more sure in my life that I'm talking to an actual woman.
>Personally I just find joy in men attractive
Is that the real reason you showed your tits? I'm definitely falling in love now
It's just tits, bro. Relax. You're acting as if she dropped to her knees and started to suck them off.
No, i want mentally unstable femcels to race in my racecars with me.
WHat do you get autistic over
women want you to be horny all the time because it benefits them, this post is their mindset >>78277801. they know you are more likely to simp for them if you are blueballed 24/7 like nofap retards
It never even began bro
so many versions of this comment are unoriginal kek
Depends on the woman yeah but I think women think porn is cheating just as talking to other girls even as friends is.

It's kind of fucked up how women will do this, just accuse you of the things they do and try to control you
Showing tits isn't the same as liking a guy
I mean it'd be dumb of me to assume anyone wouldn't save the pictures/bate to them
No, I expected even worse hate after I showed them actually, but at least they'd be unable to call me a troon
I think it would be kind of cheating if I had a girlfriend and masturbated to other women. It wouldn't be as bad as having sex with someone behind her back, of course, but it still would be wrong.
>Doesn't matter if I don't like it
Nice! I'd be glad to tell you all about my autistic hyperfixation on futanari doujins and games. My favorite authors are piririnegi and wokada.
>just fall for my pseudoscience puritan holdover from le jew demiurge god
>I mean it'd be dumb of me to assume anyone wouldn't save the pictures/bate to them
But are you okay with it? I wouldn't want to do something that upsets you.
Tell us your autistic hobby then
this. feel like all the cringy simps in here are probably no-fap tards. those flappy tits aint even anything special.
bitch is complaining about dudes jerking off to porn while she goes around posting her tits online lel
foids are hypocritical whores, news at 11
Femanon is trying to act cool and play it off but secretly she's shlicking to the thought of a bunch of losers pleasuring themselves to her.
Posting tits online is fun for everybody, and it should be encouraged more.
>it's a huge plus
I still find it hard to believe it isn't some shittest. Whenever I chat with girl, it seems like it's going well and we stumble upon topic I can actually talk a lot about I get ghosted the moment they receive wall of text that explains everything in detail.
This is true, im confirming through her bedroom window rn
>No, I expected even worse hate after I showed them actually, but at least they'd be unable to call me a troon
Oh.. Well, it seems like it'd be pretty obvious that showing tits is 100% going to bring joy. Seeing some titties can turn a bad day into this in an instant:


Showing titties is a goodness upon the world. Only other women actually get upset about you showing your titties, and that's just fucking jealousy

Not sure about the tranny hate stuff though, that's losing you some points from me for sure. "Just to prove all the faggots" wrong would be a much better reason in my book lol
It's absolute bullshit in my experience. I added a girl from this board who said she liked autists until I started talking about pokemon and then she told me it's boring kek
Women are retards who don't even understand their own desires.
I don't see it as cheating, more like 'I'm here so why not have real sex with me?'. If he was far away then it'd be alright
Where could I contact you? I'd like to hear about it
The Sun. I'm interested in other stars too but the solar system is usually what I focus on
I agree with you but aren't all tits flappy lmao
I don't care if they jerk it to porn you retard, what I've been saying is that I wouldn't like it if I were in a relationship with a man and we were living close to eachother
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Did you show her your card collection?
no one cares what a retarded whore like you thinks. you are so feeble and mentally ill you post tits online because some autists bullied you. off yourself whore
women like autists who are interested in cool, exciting stuff. If your autistic interest is at all nerdy just get fucked
Is another femanon jealous of the attention? Awww.
>Where could I contact you? I'd like to hear about it
Discord: janon42
If you don't care what I think why are you even bothering to reply to me? I think someone as mentally ill to care about a mentally ill woman posting tits should off themselves too
Nah they just like the socially competent autists who speak the right way. As a fellow autist you're probably like me and only care about the information content of a message but women read much more into how you say what you say. It's pretty fucking stupid and took me a while to realize this.
>s-stop replying to me you're making me feel bad
no. i wont stop reminding you that you're a pathetic whore. kill yourself.
Astrogirl, tell us what kind of interests are a turn off for a woman, obviously a guy has to be passionate about something interesting and exciting right? Not just the same old amines and bideo games. Like racecars, right? Right?
>Nah they just like the socially competent autists who speak the right way
Really, it's just that when she says it's boring, you should say "what?! Bitch, Pokemon isn't boring! How dare you?! And here is why.. [here is why]"

You could start by showing her your card collection lol
Thats a whole lot of gay and retarded but i suppose you are right. But so far I havent had many or any bad reactions to my autistic interests. A bartender once told me that it was really fucking hot and if she didnt have a bf she would make out with me. So it works sometimes!
Showing boobs online does not make somebody a whore. In fact, I don't think women being topless in public is wrong. Women should feel comfortable about not covering their breasts, and it should be socially acceptable. We need more femanons like Astrogirl.
watching porn is degenerate and rots the soul. simple as
I think you're misunderstanding, I don't feel bad because anyone who's ACTUALLY thought 'I don't care what she thinks' hasn't replied. Because they don't care what I think lmfao. You're showing me that you're mad about me, if you really want to 'win' close the tab
Turn offs for me are being full of hate in general. It's very relative honestly because I have my preferences and of course in real life you find yourself being attracted to types of people you'd never have thought of.
I'll add you now!
didnt read
kys whore
Dont you think some people deserve hate? Who do you hate Astrogirl?
You should stick around here. I like you.
I'm going to shit on your chest.......... Twoincher faggot.......... And then I'll make you eat it
The thing is that if a man finds something cool and exciting then it doesn't matter what the interest is
Please tell me you're of age.
Maybe the case for you, but I find that hard to believe as a general rule of thumb. Most women want a man to show passion in something, yes. But unless its a cool, unique, or sexy passion its just gonna get them labelled as strange, no?
why you getting so mad whore?
kys lmao
NTA, but you could be my whore <3
Please tell me shes 17
Heres the 30yr old neet man again, GET OFF UNEMPLOYMENT
>But unless its a cool, unique, or sexy passion its just gonna get them labelled as strange, no?
NTA but no. Or I guess maybe, but what's wrong with being strange? Strange is better than normal, isn't it?
i'll let you have your porn if you let me have my orc-elf-impregnation erotica.
Can you please send me videos of you pissing? Preferably with sound on, I like hearing the sound of it hitting the water
I don't think anyone deserves hate. Hate is when you give away part of yourself and monkey out to someone you dislike. Trying to be civil and ignoring them when they turn out to be irredeemable is the best option. Also it sucks being angry and sad, it's better to direct those emotions towards protecting/comforting people you love IRL (for example being mad your guy friend got cheated on) rather than strangers
I'm actually 3 years old sorry man
I'm 24, and I'm doing my master's. It's kinda hard to work and study at the same time. But I'll get a job as soon as I'm done. Only one year left.
But theres good stranges like the mysterious handsome stranger at the end of the bar and then theres bad strangeness like the guy who passionately thinks his MLP dolls talk to him, but maybe hes still a nice guy

My point is you can have a strange avant garde hobby or passion but i dont think bideo games and amine qualify
>I'm actually 3 years old sorry man
Janny, you know what to do. Get this toddler out of here.
they hate to see men happy
I'd prefer to reenact it with you.
Whats your discord then, Ill bombard you with chicken frying noises
you have good taste then, anon. any time.
>My point is you can have a strange avant garde hobby or passion but i dont think bideo games and amine qualify
"Avant garde" is for phony faggots. With people like that, you'll quickly find out they're not actually interested in the stuff, they just pretend to be because they think it makes them look cool or smart or whatever

Anyway, I guess what I mean is you should just like what you like, not let other people tell you what you can or can't like. Or really, it's not other people telling you shit, it's what you THINK other people THINK, which is extra retarded
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literally a college student, most of them can't be mistaken for one, jeez, have you actually seen them outside of porn?
Hmm, I love hating, so much of my motivation in life is anger derived. I live each day made of pure spite and bitterness.
They like making non Chads miserable
Guy friend? RIP that man, did you show tits in consolation?
Good for you anon....
red.53 (send fart videos too)
This, whether it's kid's toys or pretentious movies as long as the guy's mad for it it's a good thing
Cool. I'll get elf ears, and you get a huge orc strap-on.
Because they want to control you and make you suffer, and letting you have porn makes it harder for them to do those things.
lmao. it will be grand.
Hot braps en route
women will never understand the power of hate, they just don't have it wired into them
I'm a guy and I don't hate people. I think it's just a "you" thing, not a "guy" thing.
>admits that men are naturally hateful bitter creatures
>still thinks women are le evil
Tranny logic.
Hate is power incarnate, shying away from hate is not only feminine, it is shameful as a man
women are never mature, youre basically fucking a kid no matter how old the woman is because they all stay at that maturity level
>anon is a tranny groomer
The rope awaits you.
if they get paid according to the agreement its not being taken advantage of, you could say they do it out of necessity and its humiliating but people are fast food wagies out of necessity too, which is arguably equally humiliating
>and its humiliating but people are fast food wagies out of necessity too, which is arguably equally humiliating
Neither one is humiliating at all
NTA, but the only thing I'd like to groom is your hair, as you lay on my chest in my arms. But you need to be female and 18+yo.
>being X implies having Y
>well I'm not X and I also have Y
You low IQ people are so fucking insufferable. Learn logic you fucking moron and stop committing these affirmations of the consequent.
Hate is what makes them treat us nonChads like shit
What a beautiful transition, chad.
I thought you were implying that It's something that women don't get, as opposed to men. If you just meant that it's something that only some mentally ill weirdo loser men with superiority complex get, then that's okay.
They'll use whatever bullshit excuse they can, the underlying biological reasons are obvious regardless.
No problem, man. You can use this one for free. If you want more tips, then buy my dating book.
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Even on r9k chad ignores me.
It's okay, baby. We can talk next time. And bring some friends.
Lol what a dumb ass whore BAHAHAHAHA
Why do you say so? You're not comfortable enough with your body to post your tits.
Add my discord I put earlier in my thread and send me a video of you freezing your sperm into a cylinder and fucking yourself in the ass with it. After you do that I'll fly over and fuck you if that's okay....
Is this how women are forced into porn. Thanks for the material though.
That's not porn. That's just boobs. Nice ones at that.
Whats the difference? Other then one is getting paid and she did it for free
Because boobs aren't vulgar. They're just boobs. Children suck on those.
The only real autist on 4chan, bet you think it's a compliment when people call you "special".

This thread really reminded me why I hate r/incels you fags are some of the most desperate pathetic subhumans I've ever communicated with, you deserve every ounce of suffering and loneliness you experience and why I will continue to bait you tards every chance I get, that is all.
Cool. Now post boobies.
>every woman has tits like mine
Don't sell yourself short. They are beautiful. Very fitting for a beautiful girl!
They don't Want u to come cause once ur balls are full u lose the clarity and turn to desperate simp

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