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Or did you hate them ?
I don't think about highschool, I think about college
I liked the walks home from school and the time spent reading in class, those were the comfiest. Also autumn was always nice, and waking up early to practice music was enjoyable. I'm more fond of community college, I loved it.
The good days were few and far between. There was plenty to hate about it, and some grades were worse than others.
There were some pretty good days, and some not great ones. Not something I'd want to go back, and do unless I had all my knowledge now sort of thing. Wasn't terrible though. Have zero contact with any of my old friends from there.
I'm stupid so of course I didn't like school
I had school acquaintances that were embarrassed to be seen with me outside of school. I was there just to make them look better in comparison.
they were like a bad dream, i dont even remember much of highschool, i dissasociated almost the whole time i was there
I was bullied every day and had no friends. I couldn't even eat lunch because I was so anxious and it's probably why I ended up physically stunted.
I didn't enjoy the school part of it, but I liked the rigid schedule of schooling, and knowing I still had a chance in the future to be something. I was a mediocre student who made himself out to be a lot smarter so I crashed and burned once I realized how dumb I was after graduating. So school days were pretty alright in comparison
i resented every single second of it unless i was doing dumb shit like sneaking off to smoke or throwing eggs on the walls.
My only fond memories of school were book fairs and the one time in 5th grade when it started snowing outside and the teachers decided to pause class and let everyone play outside in it
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I was a "gifted child". This should tell you everything. God I fucking hate school
Was OK until about 4th grade when it started to hit me that I didn't really fit in. Never taught how to stand up for myself then, which still haunts me to this day.

Things briefly improved from 7th grade to sophomore year. Hit puberty early, became tall hand started a different school. Had a chance to make friends, got attention from girls, but my social ineptness inevitably surfaced and ruined things before I could take any advantage. By the time I got my license at 16 I was almost completely isolated. Nowhere to go with my newfound freedom. A bitter paradox.
Damn man, you know what? I really am a normalfag. You guys had it rough, I at least a decent childhood experience.
After finishing elementry school my parents chose to move me to a school in a different city where I knew literally no one because it was "a better school with better programs" which made me lose all of my friends and fucked me up socially. I hated it, had no friends and got bullied. I ended up dropping out after 9th grade and have been an anti-social useless NEET since.
Thanks mom.
my life became 10x better after i graduated high school, but school wasnt too bad either. barely got bullied or anything. i almost failed to graduate because i never studied at home, but it allworked out pretty good in the end.
I didn't ask. I'm sorry for you, but I didn't need to be burdened by this knowledge.
High school was pretty lame but I went to a small school so I had a decently wide social group.
College was cool because I actually had free time to do whatever I wanted while also doing something productive with my life.
Having a job sucks.
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it wasnt good but better than my adult years
>go to Catholic school in Las Vegas
>every year, the last day of school is "field day"
>early dismissal, basically we run around in the 100+ degree heat and have recess and games and P.E. all day and have a huge water fight
>water balloons, water slides, super soakers, literally just throwing the water bottles at each other when everything else ran out
>scrambling to fill super soakers and water pistols in big, icy tubs that inevitably got dumped on someone
>crafting paper balloons next to the bathroom faucets with absolutely murderous intent
>hamburgers, watermelon slices, pretzel snacks, and ice-cold bottled water served every year
>we wear our PE uniforms for field day, which consists of a white tee shirt, white sneakers, and shorts
>as the white T-shirts got wet, they became see-through
>half of the girls not even wearing bras yet, you could straight-up see their boobs bouncing through the wet tees
>deliberately target girls center-mass with balloons and super soakers in an attempt to reveal their titties
>100% they knew what I was doing because some would cover their chests
>go home and bust a million nuts
>five consecutive years of field day
>yearly wet tee shirt event with my classmates to cap off each school year
I do miss it sometimes.
Pic very related, honestly the adults who oversaw that need to be investigated lmao
>were you fond of being legally forced into an authoritarian fascist prison where you couldn't even piss without the explicit permission of an authority figure for 12 years while everyone around you saw it as entirely normal and expected or did you hate it?

What an utterly retarded question.
Hated them with a passion and was desperate to get away and go to university.
I actually attempted suicidal several times as a result of university. I finished, even got another degree and am working on a master's but all it does is fill me with insanely mixed emotions I have not been able to overcome. I'm thinking of a PhD and going professor but that's entirely because I cannot function in a normal office environment. I've tried it. I become suicidal within 6 months and quit by a year into whatever job I'm in. For as much as academia makes me want to commit atrocities against mankind I can at least function. No one cares if you're a barely functioning ultra-sperg so long as you aren't offensive about it and do a good job.
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It's so long ago and I feel completely disconnected from my past self so it's hard for me to conjure up any emotions about it. I guess I thought it was all right. I cant remember anything really bad, I had friends and was pretty sociable within my little circle of friends. I did all right, school was pretty fucking dull and I couldnt really care less.

Anything further back than my late teen's has sort of been pushed into the "hazy dream past" where I cant be sure if it actually happened or if it's something I dreamt up later. My memories used to be much more vivid, maybe I was just clinging on to the past.

I dont know if that's just part of getting older where the past loses relevancy so the brain just lets go of it. Or if I should prepare for early onset dementia.
I still occasionally have nightmares about me being back there
mixed bag, shit for a lot of it, was never bullied but I never could fit in well, literally couldn't attend class at all for a couple of years due to autism and anxiety
had some very enjoyable moments towards the end of highschool tho as there was a more chill enivroment with both the staff and pupils, made a couple of friends which I'm still in contact with
I hated every minute of it

My twentieth high school reunion is in about a week. I remember about 1/3 of the people in my class and I want to hang out with 0/3 of them
my life ended the second i finished highschool. which means I have been dead for four years, one month, and twenty-one days now.

should give you an idea of how im doing (i've literally done nothing since then)
Was the most average kid in HS, had a gf for a year. Never did anything more than kissing but she was pretty sweet. Other than that I was bored most of the time
I dropped out in the 5th grade. It was fine before that.
I had no friends but no enemies either, it was pretty chill (boring) for the most part. I would play on my ps vita in class and listen to music and the teachers wouldn't really care because I got my work done on time. I liked walking around the school and walking home while listening to my favorite songs, it was pretty lonely but I had lots of freedom back then. All and all pretty fucking boring but I cannot help but feel nostalgic for it.
It was cringe as fuck but would love to live that again even without being able to change anything, mostly for the feeling of experiencing things for the first time.
This was my college experience
I've never enjoyed a single time in my life.
I hated school. such a huge waste of the best years if your life just so they can try to brainwash children to conform to society
literally from like peak childhood to the time your life is basically over and now you have to work until you die. such a waste of the best years of your life

home school and get GED if you are still young. high school is a fucking farce and the smart rich people get their kids to pass GED and get to college 4 years early rather than dealing with retarded pleb failures of life they call teachers in a fuckijg public school
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In highschool I stared at girls legs and asses all day. Over two decades later I still do that in the office.
School was always a waste of time to me. I didnt learn anything of value and could tell from 6th grade onwards that really the only point of public schooling was to indoctrinate you into the 9-5 lifestyle. Making you submit to authority no matter how retarded the rules were. Making you do homework is the same as being expected to work overtime with no pay. Realising this made me so demoralized about life in general that I often considered just becoming a felon. Worst case scenario: i end up in prison and never have to worry about finding a job and paying off a house.
You haven't figured out that people say "X is the best time of your life", not because it's any good but because your life is so much worse now you wish you had just the small problems you had then that you managed to blow out of proportion anyways because you're a histrionic faggot teenager
Same. Literally all I did in school was stare at the barely clothed hoes or sexy fat assed teachers and edge in the back of class, then get home and cum so fucking hard I almost died.
I hated them at the time. Especially Secondary.
Primary school turned out to the the best years of my life. It's awful to have peaked at ten years old.
The two years of college were alright, but I was one of the only Whites and couldn't get laid.
Then I NEETed for 18 out of 19 years and counting. Turned out I was too aspie to exist in a service economy.
There was perhaps a three year window to succeed before the 2008 cataclysm, but I was in no shape for that.
Like many my age and of my mental disorders, I missed the bus and have to LDAR the rest of my life.
Just another 'bright kid' who burned out and is unable to interact with other carbon based life-forms well enough to acquire currency.
probably one of the worst times of my fucking life, in there, i did nothing but beat up countless of bullies and degenerates, my grades are mediocre, but i somehow still passed

but it doesn't matter, i got education and certification and i still haven't got ANY job in life because i been ghosted in countless interviews whole life

i hate my life
there's no point in thinking about them
only pain
there are girls with perky tits locked away in public schools right now
only pain
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Elementary was fine, despite being friendless and quiet I was well respected because I got excellent grades.

Middle school is when it all came crashing down. My mom picked me up one day and told me she was divorcing my dad. We moved to a different city that same day where kids are... well, let's just say more precocious, and I was no longer seen as the shy but bright kid. I was an undesirable weirdo. Some classmates took pity on me and had my back on certain moments but it was clear I was falling behind everyone else. Halfway through, something happened that turned me into a total pariah and I changed schools yet again for my own sake. It was literally an entire semester of pure ridicule and embarrassment that permanently fucked my brain. Literally a humiliation ritual.

My second middle school was pretty bad at first but it got a lot better as it went along. I eventually even made a group of friends, I wouldn't say I was terribly close to them but we hung out some times and that was enough. There was also a teacher I really liked and looked up to.

High school started out really boring and then pandemic hit. 2 out of 3 years were online. I had only made two friends before coof hit so I spent the pandemic almost entirely on my own. This was the time when I became a regular on 4chan and /r9k/, and I started to believe a lot of incel stuff. When we went back, I made a fool out of myself by trying to act "alpha" in a desperate attempt to get attention and make up for the lost time while also battling feelings of inadequacy and isolation. By the end of it I was just a total pariah but I mean who cares, it was literally already over.

Been slogging through online uni since, its glorified neetdom. My only friends are the ones I made in middle school but I don't see them IRL and they have much closer friends they would rather be with. By this point my social skills are simply too far behind my peers' to successfully climb out of this hole. Im 21 but mentally maybe 16.

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