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Have you ever seen or overheard your family member fucking?
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I've accidentally walked in drunk on my little brother (17) when he was naked in bed with his gf.
I am a 22 yo virgin
My older sister and my little brother with their bf/gf. I heard suspect sounds many times. One morning I awaken to the clear wet sounds of plaplaplap pounding of my brother fucking his gf in the bedroom next to mine.
No. And thank fuck for that. But I did hear neighbors having sex, and I've seen one of them cheat on her boyfriend, when he was away on a trip.
Around 7 years old, I woke up and noticed the car of my older sisters boyfriend in the driveway, I went to their room and saw them scramble to hide their naked bodies. I tried telling my sister that our parents said we couldnt have people over while they were gone on vacation, to which she yelled at me and told me she would beat me up if I told on her
I hope you gave her away, whores deserve to be exposed
Not really. Although I have thoughts of being mating pressed.
If memory serves me correct, I did, I always did. She always treated me terribly.
Does it count if I was fucking them?
how the fuck do people like you exist, my brother is a loser like me and that's the only comfort I have knowing that it's my parents that fucked up and not just me. If your siblings are fucking, it means its your fault
Like I NEED to get dicked down
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>be me
>At family cabin in the Sierra Nevada foothills
>Thanksgiving, maybe 20 of us there
>Cabin is pretty big, but even so me and a couple of my cousins have to sleep on blow up mattresses in the living room area
>Second oldest cousin is there with her BF so theyre allowed to take the bed in the open loft
>Halfway through the night, get woken up with a loud "dios mio mi amor" (cousin is half spanish, no im not brown)
>Look over at my cousin sleeping next to me, shes wide awake, looking terrified
>Hear distinct sloppy plaps from the loft above us
>Slide over to my cousins mattress, ask wtf is going on
>We listen for 30 mins while my other cousin gets fucked, have to keep my distance so nobody can tell im hard as diamonds
>Cousins laugh our asses off in the morning and rest of the trip
you absolute fucking retard patents tread their kids differently. sometimes they even abandon their less successful children in favor of catering and nurturing the the chads. ever think of that?
Nope. My family members are discreet
You shall not
Youre a 30 yr old male NEET, you dont need to get mating pressed, you need a fucking job bozo
if you find your sibling fucking at home while you're forced to just listen, it's YOU that failed not because your parents favored someone over another. If your parents literally kicked you out is one thing, being in your own room while this just goes on is entirely your lack of backbone, it should had been a wake up call instead of something you post on r9k
Can I be a fag in peace? Plus I'm 21.
I will. Can't hold in the thoughts anymore
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>Hear distinct sloppy plaps from the loft above us
I'm sorry but I would have had to crank one out right then and there, no matter the mess
yet you provide no arguments or reasons as to why. interesting.
My mom and dad, my sister and her bf...very traumatizing as a permavirgin to find that sex in fact do exist outside of the computer screen and that the people around are having it. Everyone except you.
Though I cum quite nicely jerking off to it
Trust me, I was edging under my covers. Was desperately hoping my cousin next to me would have been slightly into it, she was so hot in highschool, hit the wall now though. Le sigh...
you have equivalent access to resources and baseline genetics, if your sibling could succeed in fucking someone at home while you listen, it means that you're a fucking loser for being a cuck and bragging about it on r9k instead of taking it as a moment to reflect on where everything went wrong and changing course. You're going to tell me your sibling got some special treatment that got them a girlfriend to fuck at home? no they figured it out in their circumstance yet you didn't
Well my family overheard me being plapped but it felt so great I didn't really care too much.
>equivalent access to resources and baseline genetics
>b-but its your fault you couldn't fuck! surely it's wasn't your parents treatment o-or envi or anything because.... it just isn't okay?
>it just isn't
come on spit it out, what did your parents do? lock you up in a cage feed scrapes while your sibling got le favoritism? Favoritism doesn't get you another person to fuck
what a retarded comment
your brother might get a gf before you
my little brother was a loser for a long time just like me then he instantly met a woman and fixed his life one day
The universe is deterministic. Go back to your bible studies class you tard
fuck meant for this fugly fag
>your brother might get a gf before you
my brother didn't even go to college and is about to hit 21 while never having had a gf. I'm certain to saw my parents will not be getting grandchildren
>The universe is deterministic.
why so parade how you listen to your siblings fuck then? this should be a memory for motivation to fix yourself, not something to repeat on r9k. It's one thing to live in an apartment and hear the people next door fucking, maybe it's looks/status/wealth whatever but to be in your childhood bedroom just listening to your siblings fuck is beyond brutual and you lack the ounce of spine to not repeat the story
And you DIDNT fuck one of your cousins that trip? What a waste
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Nigga why do you care whether or not some other nigga gets his dick wet? Do you realize how gay you sound?
Yeah my sister and her girlfriend thought I wasn't home, gross
my brother didn't go to college either while I went to college for a 1 year
Incels are largely autistic, one has it one doesn't
go back
What happens happens. You can't go against the will of the universe.
You first zoom zoom
>zoom zoom
>actually uses ebonics
the gaul of you people
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>Seething virgin noises
>your childhood bedroom just listening to your siblings fuck is beyond brutual
No it's not brutal. You're mentally ill for thinking it is. I wish my brother and his gf all the best and he wishes me the same.
>I wish my brother and his gf all the best
it's one thing to hope for their best, it's another to sit inches away separated by a wall hearing them fuck, it's literally cuck behavior
>literally cuck behavior

Oh im sorry youre so right. I should just go in there and fuck my sister so her BF cant, surely i wont be a cuck then!
I'm wasn't doing it on purpose and they've moved out in their own apartment one year ago. Why are you so infuriated.
>fuck my sister
gross, you're supposed to fuck her boyfriend instead
No but i used to have very loud sex with my gf when my brother was home (he's a virgin)
Put him in the cuck chair for a little bit, tag him out, SISCON SUPREMACY
No. My sister is a 25 yo virgin and my mother don't live with me
Also the walls here are thick so I doubt I'd hear anything besides loud moans
>Sister is 25 year old virgin
>I'm approaching her age and also a virgin
Fuck it's over isn't it?
Yes, saw my parents fucking like 8 times when I was a little kid. Always doggystyle, relatively sure it was anal. I wasn't aroused by it or anything, but early sexual memories have a lasting effect so those are my two favorite things now.
>My sister is a 25 yo virgin
how do you know?
How fuck ugly is she? Might need to give her a little momentum if you catch my drift
You check her hymen every time she comes back from the bars?
>My sister is a 25 yo virgin
Sure she is.
I visited my gf in her home country and stayed at a hotel with her and her 8 year old daughter for about a week. After her kid went to sleep, we would fuck quietly so she wouldn't wake up. There was one time when her kid was busy watching youtube on the phone so we tried to fuck discretely under the sheets. Then she got up to use to restroom and gave me/us the side eye. I wonder if she heard anything and will remember it for life.
That's just degenerate. Dating a woman with a kid? Be ashamed of yourself.
Be ashamed, youre a lesser man
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If two people have sex in a house loudly it should be considered sexual assault punishable by at least 8 years in prison and the two have to register as sex offenders for the rest of their lives.
Holy jej, what a fucking monsterous take. I dont even hate it
Well, she's my sister so maybe a 4/10

She doesn't go to bars
Even though I'm younger than her I taught her how to be a good woman since we didn't had a father to teach her properly. She never spent the night out, never came back drunk and she messages me where she is, where she went and with who she is. Also she goes to the church and does missionary work most of the time when she isn't working as a teacher
She had some church crushes but they all rejected her or already were engaged
well if shes your sister that 4/10 could be a 7/10 tbqh, gives a lot more impetus to ol peter. Did you know you were genetically designed to impregnate your sister? Nature is crazy for that one
Me and my sister goon together, but never noticed having sex.
Explain? More? Dont just drop a nuke on our heads like that and walk off
Yeah this sounds fair actually
What I mean as she's my sister is that we share lots of features. I'm not that ugly but men's beauty and women's beauty are pretty different and sharing features sure isn't a good signal for her. When she dresses up she's barely a 6 at very most
Also I constantly jerk off to incestuous manga and several times I wanted to fuck my cousin so I don't think I'm downplaying it like most brothers do
Good man, who hasnt had those risk it all thoughts at thanksgiving when your hot cousin has had a couple drinks and youre feeling the vibe
>you have equivalent access to resources and baseline genetics,
Genetics doesn't work like that, and parents usually treat one child much better than the other.
We watch porn and get off together, it's not that complicated. Nothing sexual between us we're just perfectly comfortable together, as much as being naked or getting off.
>If your siblings are fucking, it means its your fault
My brother fucks, but he will fuck anything. He has fucked some ugly bitches.
For me I need an emotional connection with my hypothetical partner before I can even have sex with them otherwise I can't get into it.
I've had sex once and it was pretty shitty and made me melancholic which I think is mainly due to me not caring about the bitch at all.
Thats insane, how is that the case? You dont have any urges to use each other to fulfill what youre watching? I cant wrap my head around that. Doesnt it just make the most sense to use each other?
Did she ever commented on your cock size or something?
He makes up incest smut and gets off on it. Pay him no attention.
Yes, but they did it as an act of revenge for listening to me masturbating.
When I was 11 I caught my mother with a 20 year old skinny chad from her job. Only looked for about 30 seconds before sneaking away. One of the hottest things I ever saw.
It was revenge for my dad seeing his ex.
Yeah often enough, balls as well. Same as I comment on her tits/ass/pussy. More often she compliments my physique than anything.

Maybe in some weird nihilistic way it could make sense to do things with each other, but in reality we're siblings and aren't interested in/attracted to each other. Besides, you're acting like what we do already is weird, but it would be fine then to actually interact sexually?

You seem upset
What you do is argueably weirder than just fucking your sibling tbqh. At least fucking a sibling makes sense, gooning with your sibling is just bizarre
Well, we're not interested in crossing that line and even if we were, we wouldn't be able to get aroused by each other
i cant believe that. I bet your sister is into you, even if you arent into her for some reason
Don't know what to say man, never been anything between us and there isn't going to be in the future
before my sister was married, her future husband use to come over our house and fuck the shit out of her. we always heard the bed creak and headboard hit the wall. i have even heard her cum.
it doesnt help that he was a huge black guy either. any kid growing up in that environment would become as bitter and insecure and selfhating as i have become
microplastics in the water
heavy metals in your food and air
toxins in vaccines
its called autism, and it comes from environmental pollutants you fucking retard bitch.
thats actually tragic, what a million men wouldnt give to take advantage of a situation like yours
To hump their sister? lmao no I doubt that
You underestimate how many men would secretly want to go to pound town on a blood relative
Where do you think stepchildren come from? Jackass
They are born from chicken eggs, dumdum.
>said the kissless bitter angry incel
No, but my friend when we were 13 did all the time. I'd be playing Halo in his room and we'd start hearing bonking and moaning from the attic in the middle of the afternoon and he'd be like "oh yeah, they are having sex". Worst/best part is that his parents would shout to call them for dinner, and my friend would just enter their room to ask questions. One time we both walked in to ask whether we could borrow some game while they were at it and his brother just laughed while his girlfriend got embarrassed.

His family was nice.
'twas merely a giggle, friend. Relax.
it's an amazing take
>lay down and die
My Uncle walked in on me and my girl fucking and he couldnt look at me without bursting out laughing for like a week
Did your dick look funny?
We tried to hide under the covers but it was super obvious

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