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Do you agree with lillthofbabylon?
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Statistics from OKCUPID show that most women see us as subhuman so she's wrong about "muh regular girls don't want 6 feet". Shut up, bitch.
Lol. If you know you know.
I don't know 'pornsickness' and I gladly ignore what is going on amongst horny males.
Yeah the "pornbrain" shit is just female projection, men really have low standards and can get turned on by the most innocuous shit, coomers or not. Women are the ones who exhibit all the "pornsick" traits they complain about, men don't.
>people are still discussing literal tranny bait posts from PurplePill
This tranny blocks everyone who disagrees with her unless they are spastics that she can easily retort.
>named Lilith
just lmao retard
Finally I can talk about this bitch without risk getting banned

This dumb coon is an obese single mother and you can anticipate anything she says with that knowledge.
Her positions are entirely self serving. Whatever is good for retard nigger single mothers is good, and anything against gorilla nigger single mothers is bad.

I thought she was a troll at first, but no she's just a dumb nigger. I can't stand that bitch and her rancid self serving takes.
OP you are not fooling anyone. I know this is you.
Your shitty chart is not the data that the tranny is citing. Sadly your Iq is too low for you to realize this, so you will probably just get angry and call me a roastie (even though there are no women on this site)
It to be like that, tindersick bitches talking about pornsickness

>getting plapped by random chad good
>watching chad plapping bad
Troons are always annoying, but they are even more annoying in "gender wars" discussions.
Just last week I remember seeing a post on reddit about how men were always ghosting the chick shortly after they started messaging.
Made me go, "Hell, they found her on a dating app, they already knew what she looked like? What was the problem?" So I read the post and replies, all shitting on how superficial men are and how all men are garbage.
Then I decide to check the posts OP's previous posts...it was a fucking brazilian troon. Obviously the guys were ghosting after they realized (s)he had a dick. Joan was born a John.
Yeah so far I agree with them on what they're saying for the most part. I do agree with though the "average" man does little to excite/entice a woman. Average really shoukd just be considered "unoffensive" instead of "average". I feel like saying men are average is misleading. If you replace it with unoffensive or plain, i think would better convey what they mean.
She's a single mother?
I just took her as a negroid version of januaryphilosopher.

But I think it's hilarious how men are accused of swiping left incessantly on every woman but now there's women saying they only choose stacies?

The women who look like John C. Reilly still get their sexual and emotional validation filled daily.
I've known slugpigs who've gotten hit on regularly, so to say that men are focused on a small percentage of women is just laughable and women will never know what it feels like to be truly alone.

Any time a woman judges a man on his usage of OLD, just remember she's snickering with her friends swiping right on all the dorky guys with nerdy hobbies, every woman has done this.
>Reddit screencap
Not worth reading
>I do agree with though the "average" man does little to excite/entice a woman.
Are women pornsick?
Anyway your post is just stating what everybody knows, women don't have to try in dating or relationships, it comes to them so the onus is on everybody else to placate and pamper, like a stoic jester.

There is seldom difference between a "shallow ass hot girl" and a "regular woman" because they're both treated with kids gloves and they have their cake and are able to eat it too.
Remember: women are capable of approaching but only for attractive men and if you've never been approached women generally don't find you attractive, the 20% rule applies.
no idea who she is and she seems to have made up her sample a be instantly believed it.

I use the word "typical" insurable instead of average, because it is almost always what people imagine
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She's projecting
>this tranny blocks everyone that disagrees with her
She has no self awareness whatsoever and that is why you can't reason with her and most importantly of all she hates men.
True. All women think about is sex and relationships, and then project that onto men because they can't accept the pornsickness in themselves. It's a narcissistic maladaptive immature primitive coping mechanism.
No, "she" is a literal tranny LARPing troll.
I mean "she" literally said,
>Not all women just want a guy who's 6', but guys don't want them because they're "ugly"
>Only ugly women are okay with a man under 6'
You sincerely think a woman wrote that? It's the most obvious tranny ragebait in the world.
>I read a literal tranny ragebait post on plebbit dot com
>I actually agree with it
just what lmao
You agree that you've never seen men take issue with high standards outside of hot women? Really? Because I usually see the opposite; guys emphasize how unworthy ugly girls are of having standards but ignore it when Stacey does.
I remember an iconic post from r/FatPeopleHate back in the day of a 350 lb, 30 y/o black woman saying she refused to lower her standards.
Is that you lillth?
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If it's unrealistic the girls in the porn wouldn't have such banging bodies.
Correct, and you should basically kys if you're not in that range. Lol
That's a good replacement. Typical conveys a much better image whether about men or women.
What the fuck are you talking about? I don't care what you have to say, and you sound like you're replying to the wrong person. Really wish India did not get internet access jesus fucking christ.

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