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>be virgin
>tell him you're virgin
>he tells you he doesn't really care about virginity
well at least there's a good side to having a bf like this, he isn't jealous at all. i get approached by random stranger men sometimes, but i don't even bother telling my bf about these situations, because i know he doesn't get jealous. (and of course i always say no thanks)

but i still secretly wish he was a bit more jealous.
I'd say jealous is wrongly worded in this context desu op, you just want to feel more wanted.
It's okay, baby. I hope he loves you very much and treats you right. But you also need to be 18+ to use this board, sweetie :( Could you perhaps come back once you're a bit older?
>chad doesn't care about my virginity
of course he doesn't. what did you expect? you're one of many. he hasn't taken many a virgin before, and he'll take many after. you'll probably go into some collection or something though, if you're notable.
has taken*
you sound like a tranny who hates bio women
Cheat on him and he will be jealous
>spend a lot of time trying to introspect to become a good man
>women actually want me to be a toxic retard
he does make me feel wanted, but he also isn't a jealous type in any way.
no. but he seems slightly jaded? he's mentioned how before women have mistreated him, like talking to other guys behind his back.
not underage. i lost my virginity to my bf. i was a virgin when i was underage, only lost it as an adult.
this also means technically i could call myself one of these "never experienced teenage love" shills.
most virgin girls are massively ugly
>but i still secretly wish he was a bit more jealous.
Lol my last ex-gf was like this. She would tell me about those encounters sometimes too, and it took me a LONG time to realize that she was trying to get a reaction out of me, not just making conversation. Eventually it got to the point where I'd be like ".. do you want me to pretend to be jealous or something?"

>Cheat on him and he will be jealous
Definitely not true. Why would anyone be jealous about a cheating, worthless whore? She's just doing what worthless whores do
>why isn't every woman a virgin??
also men
>virgin women are UGLY and MENTALLY ILL

what's wrong with men, i'll never know.
yeah lol. i mean when i told him about those encounters at first, it wasn't to make him jealous. i was just sharing what happened to me, and it's something slightly weird, out of the norm, so i always shared it. but when i realized he has no reaction or anything i assumed he doesn't care, so i stopped mentioning it at all.
>not underage. i lost my virginity to my bf.
Yay! That means you can leave this board and go to >>>/soc/ or >>>/adv/ instead! You'll feel more at home among those people with experiences closely matching yours, then with us shut in incel losers :P Take care!
>he does make me feel wanted, but he also isn't a jealous type in any way.

Some men are just like that unfortunately. Don't think there's much you can do. Learn to love and accept anon.
>but when i realized he has no reaction or anything i assumed he doesn't care, so i stopped mentioning it at all.
So what you're saying is that you originally were telling him to make him jealous, right?
yeah I mean this isn't really a "red flag" to me, I was just slightly sad. thanks.
It both stems consistently from the same worldview, which is that women get sex easily and so all of them end up being whores, except for severely ugly and mentally ill girls.

Not that I agree with it, but it is consistent.
i wouldn't say so.
i just tend to watch other people's reactions closely when i talk to them. if someone does that thing when they don't react at all, i immediately think "oh, this makes them bored/annoyed, i won't talk about this".
I got mistreated or betrayed by women a few times, these days the lack of jealousy is just because I don't get invested, grew to learn getting invested is pain, maybe that is why, expect the worst always.
so are robots saying that they want severely ugly and mentally ill girls? because the people who say those things also seem the type who only want a virgin gf
No, they wish that the average girl was a pure tradwife maiden I assume, but they belive that doesn't exist so they just vent.
Also, keep in mind this is a very specific loud subgroup in this board.
ohh, that makes sense then. i mean i think i look pretty normal myself, but i am probably severely mentally ill somehow.
>very specific loud subgroup
>Robots in /robot9000/
>i wouldn't say so.
I would say so. Do you stop telling him about the conversations you had with your mom if you get no reaction from him? No, you keep telling him shit like that, because you're just making conversation, you're not looking for any particular response. You stopped telling him about the guys who talk to you because you WANTED him to respond a certain way, and he wasn't doing that

Amusingly, it probably confuses him why you used to do this and now you've stopped. Almost like you're cheating on him or something
i mean yeah. when i tell him about my insecurities he also sometimes does not react, so i stopped talking about my insecurities

i wouldn't say he's at fault here though. i assume i talked about my insecurities too often/too much.
Well everyone on this board propably has one thing wrong with them or another, which is why people try to date here too, because other people with issues are more relatable.
I prefer weirdos and people with mental issues over bland normie girls any day.

You don't need to be a virgin tradwife-obsessed loser to be a robot last time I checked.
shrimple as.
>i assume i talked about my insecurities too often/too much.
No, it's not that, it's just.. what the fuck is he supposed to say? What do you want him to say?

Like if you told me you think you look ugly, and I tell you that you look good to me, that ought to have solved that fucking problem, right? So if you tell me again, I'm kind fucking confused lol. Like, "didn't we go over this already, bitch? The fuck do you want me to say?"

Which, again, is you wanting him to respond in a certain way-- a way that he is completely unaware of. Just tell him what you want from him, ya crazy bitch
he doesn't care because you're replaceable
yeah i know i'm kinda retarded, if i talk about something that doesn't get a reaction i might not realize that there's not much to say as a response.
i guess i cope by doing this thing where if i notice that i don't get a reaction when talking about x topic enough times, i simply stop talking about it. this method works for me.
Tell me how you would like him to respond? Like, to you talking about other guys talking to you, for example?
Posts like this are how I know I don't have autism. She obviously just wants to be comforted lol.
It doesn't matter if you say once that she's pretty words are cheap

Also OP have you considered that he isn't jealous cause he trusts you? Why would you want a less trusting BF???
>What do you want him to say?
holy fucking autism. NTA but the least he could do is something like this: hug her tight, say you're always beautiful, and everyone who says anything else is a faggot. I have your back always.
its THAT simple. sure, it'll get annoying if she does it many times, but you can always tweek the wording and narrative and make her feel good, and eventually she won't be insecure anymore.
If he doesn't do this, he is either an autist like you and doesn't know any better, or just doesn't care enough.
>get jealous
>"ummmmm yikes, insecure control freak much?!"
>dont get jealous
>"zomg does he secretly not care about me or something? WTF BE JEALOUS!!!"
What is a fella supposed to do
my main point is that certainly no reaction is a pretty noticeable reaction right? i act accordingly if i get no reaction, simple.
again, this method works for me.
i do think it's more because he trusts me, and not because he isn't into me (as many anons here believe). but i think everyone can know or imagine how it would be attractive when your partner acts mildly possessive sometimes. or jealous (but not too jealous). but certainly i don't want an overly jealous bf. you're right.
>holy fucking autism. NTA but the least he could do is something like this: hug her tight, say you're always beautiful
Yeah yeah yeah, that's what I mean. It's just that the first 100 times you do that shit, it makes perfect sense. After that, it starts to be a little fucking weird, like "does this bitch even believe what she's saying or is she just saying this to get a reaction out of me? Does she even listen to what I'm actually telling her? Why does she feel this way still after I've done everything I can think to do to reassure her?"

>but you can always tweek the wording and narrative and make her feel good, and eventually she won't be insecure anymore.
Exactly, that's what you would think, right? lol

And then what do you do/think/feel when that's not how it works out?
What do you want you retarded bitch?
If he doesn't get jealous, you seethe.
If he got jealous, he would try to control you. Which you would seethe and bitch about also.
It seems what she wants is him to be jealous and upset all the time, but also be an impotent cuck unable to do anything. She's such a bitch she wants him to feel like shit and be miserable to validate her own ego.
Good on him for recognizing OP is a cunt and not getting invested in the relationship. She'll be seething on here in a few years about why she got pumped and dumped kek.
men on this board are very emotional, are you all trannies or something
If you are into a certain behavior, just ask your BF to roleplay stuff with you?
Do you want a toxic possessive BF but with none of the downsides of actually dating someone abusive? Roleplay exists for that.
>my main point is that certainly no reaction is a pretty noticeable reaction right? i act accordingly if i get no reaction, simple.


You were doing good admitting you were being retarded, now you're losing me again. My ex would never answer the foockin question, I figure maybe you might

>Tell me how you would like him to respond? Like, to you talking about other guys talking to you, for example?
Can you normies just fuck off? Go to >>>/soc/ with this shit. You'll get way more accurate suggestions from people with actual relationship experience, than from virgins guesstimating.
i don't want a toxic possessivve bf. slightly possessive bf would be nice. current bf is not possessive, but i'm alright with that too. i don't really want to ask him to go against his own personality though.
But they get off on the power they have over their boyfriend, to make him act the way he acts. Roleplay takes that all away lol
Where do you detect so much as a hint of emotion in my post
She wants him to br jealous but not needy but if he werent needy he wouldnt be jealous because he would be confident in their relationship. She wants the appearance of being able to stray and keeping him at a disadvantage as if she is higher value and can leave but wont, while(presumably) she wouldnt do that so its a feint
>You were doing good admitting you were being retarded, now you're losing me again
okay i will tell you a response if you acknowledge my point first:
>if someone doesn't react when you talk about x topic, it's good to stop talking about it

like why does my point make you so angry? answer this and i'll 100% answer your question.
Well then ask him to roleplay a slightly possessive bf. The world is your oyster, also he might not be opposed to stuff like that.
If you do shit for your bf he might do shit for you, isn't that part of the point of a relationship?
Seems like the samefag troon.
i do many things because he asks. and i ask him to do some things. but some things that i like are things that i don't want to ask because it feels forced yknow.
but this isn't a set in stone opinion for me. this is my first relationship so perhaps i might ask in the future.
>Good on him for recognizing OP is a cunt and not getting invested in the relationship
What makes you think he's not invested?

>like why does my point make you so angry? answer this and i'll 100% answer your question.
Well, I wasn't angry, but indeed it would make me angry. Why? Well, because you won't answer the foockin question. It's not fair, you won't talk about shit, you won't tell the truth. Essentially, you're lying, and for reasons I don't know or understand. At least tell me why you're lying to me, shit
Yeah just keep that stuff in mind. I think people should grow together, and if you have certain desires I think you should at least try to see if your partner might get into those, and vice versa be open-minded for your partners desires.
well thanks for your advice then anon. i'll keep this in mind.
so you find this to be an extremely controversial position to have?
>>if someone doesn't react when you talk about x topic, it's good to stop talking about it
sounds like you're quite exhausting. i don't see how this is controversial, you're being very dramatic.

but anyway, if i now think about what would be an ideal reaction, i guess it would be just acknowledging it, laughing about it together. when i used to mention that i got approached, i didn't just blandly say "i got approached by a man", i'd try to make the encounter sound interesting or somewhat entertaining.
>so you find this to be an extremely controversial position to have?
Not answering foockin questions? It's not controversial at all, it's pretty clear cut lol. I would literally break up with a girl if she wouldn't answer a question like that, it's 100% unacceptable. I mean don't get me wrong, I'd explain myself a couple dozen times first, but if she stuck to her bullshit, yeah, can't be with someone like that

>but anyway, if i now think about what would be an ideal reaction, i guess it would be just acknowledging it, laughing about it together. when i used to mention that i got approached, i didn't just blandly say "i got approached by a man", i'd try to make the encounter sound interesting or somewhat entertaining.
Yeah well fair enough, that'd be how I would respond. Honestly, no response whatsoever kinda means something on his part, I'd say. Unless he used to respond like that, and now has stopped, maybe
oh, sorry then, it seemed like you had the opposite opinion and i just couldn't understand it.
but yeah I think it just is how he is. maybe picked it up from other men? i notice whenever he's interacting with a couple of his friends, those friends sometimes do the same thing to him, occasionally not reacting to what he says when he seems to want a response.
or maybe i'm just overthinking this ngl.
>but yeah I think it just is how he is
No, it's not just how he is, if he is not responding at all when you tell him that stuff, then there is a reason for that. If he's responding but not getting upset, that would be normal, in my eyes

Like my ex might say some shit like "ohh, x guy from work has been messaging me, he told me how I was the prettiest girl there and how nice I was and how he'd like to get to know me and blahblahblah" and I'd respond like "lol, he tryna get that pussy bb" and she'd been taken aback.. "oh anon, not everyone is like YOU, not everyone only thinks about sex, he's just being nice." And I'm like "nah you goofy bitch, he's trying to fuck, I don't care if he's married, gay, mormon, you name it, he's trying to fuck, or at least PROBABLY trying to fuck" and from here the conversation could go any which way, but none of those ways would be her admitting he was trying to fuck, and she just wanted to see how I'd react lol. Why couldn't she just be like "lol yeah I know, he's married too?" Isn't that like.. how a conversation goes?

So, point is, if he's just dead silent, there's something going on. Not sure what that something is, but definitely something. Maybe if every reaction led to an argument in the past, that would do it, but also maybe he IS jealous/mad and just doesn't want you to know that

>or maybe i'm just overthinking this ngl.
It's not because of some shit he picked up from "other men" or his friends or whatever nonsense you're thinking
she would rather date, fuck, and cling to someone who does not value her in any way than even throw a smile at you. give up.
I wish I could be a girl and think about being loved all day. Instead I'm working on a FUCKING CRABBING BOAT. FUCK.
hmm, i guess i should ask then why he's like that sometimes. but i assume the answer will basically be adhd. now that i think about it, usually in the past when i noticed a behavior one might not expect from a bf, it was always adhd.

sorry that your ex was like that though. i feel like in your example she was really highlighting how much she is wanted basically, that's not nice to do to a partner, just heavily highlighting how much others want you and even talking about exactly how they treat you. idk personally i think i was always quite vague at least and not quite like that.

but yeah i still prefer not bringing up when i'm approached anymore. perhaps because i feel like he's shown me he's confident, and as a positive reaction i will avoid a behavior that might cause a negative emotion (which is possible jealousy. or boredom haha).
>but i assume the answer will basically be adhd. now that i think about it, usually in the past when i noticed a behavior one might not expect from a bf, it was always adhd.
You mean his answer was always "adhd?" Because "adhd" isn't a real answer, you know. The fuck is that even supposed to mean? That's just avoiding the question, and you know what I think about people who avoid foockin questions..

>idk personally i think i was always quite vague at least and not quite like that.
Oh, she could vary from vague to blatant, just depended on her mood I guess. She really might have gotten that shit from her mom, because her mom pulls that same shit with her step-dad when they're out in public (at the bars, y'know), and he will usually start some shit over it lol. Hell, my ex could tell him about some dude being "creepy" or whatever and he would start some shit on her behalf too. And I think he KNOWS that they do it on purpose, and still reacts that way anyway, shit baffles me

>perhaps because i feel like he's shown me he's confident
In my mind, 0 response would imply that he's not confident

>and as a positive reaction i will avoid a behavior that might cause a negative emotion
Yeah but you shouldn't really do that, he should just not react negatively. You're like, enabling him or whatever, and honestly probably making things worse too. You should just force it on him over and over until he stops being a bitch or gets the fuck out
good points anon, and sorry that i'm a bit tired now and won't write a longer post. will probably leave my shitty thread to die now. and thanks for the advice.

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