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Fembots, I know you hate moids, but if they draft us for WW3, you'll have hot lovemaking breeding sex with us robots, right? I don't want to die not knowing love. I want a proper creampie at least once.
this thread is so cringe only an amerikike recruiter could have posted it
no, go take it up yo ass or some other moids ass instead.
Assuming there even is a world war. I think the US will collapse into civil war before anything happens.
Fuck off, OP is right. It's a serious thread. If you leave in a western country, you'll be drafted soon to fight against the new axis.
Let's hear about fembots.
>fighting and dying so that billionaire elite chads can add another million to their lockheed/boeing/etc portfolio is BETA AF

you might as well just be cucked
What is wrong with you op? How did life get so bad, that it lead you to post this dribble? Pathetic
It's blaine you fucking retards
Tbh even if this is a trollpost its lame as fuck. Even this board used to have standards back in the day
blaine is all about quantity
This board is full of twinkpillers and troon psyopers. You don't get it, do you?
>Fembots, I know you hate moids
why would they hate me? what the fuck did I do?
I get it completely, just sad how shit its turned out as compared to 2015/2016. Used to be my main haunt now I just feel like a tourist

if that's even allowed to begin with they'd fuck the chads in the army before even looking at any of the incel chud robots
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how to get your pic rel as bf
i will frag my squadmates and my superiors if they conscript me
then defect to the russians and join their army so i can rape women with impunity
the feminist west can burn in hell
move to russia and become a comfort woman for one of the russian chads currently fighting in ukraine
i'm just a simple uniform fetishist (especially for uniforms in many eastern european countries), but a bf would be better.
Russians once again proving there modern mongol barbarians.
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Sure, I will. The social contract used to be that men went to war while women had the babies. So if men actually go to war again, the least I can do is hold up my side of the bargain and pump out some children. Current men are lazy cowards but if they actually go to war, I'll give them unlimited access to my pussy.

there's no need for you to get pregnant and risk death giving birth. we can just cuddle and pairbond with physical intimacy
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>The social contract used to be that men went to war while women had the babies.
Back when giving birth was actually a dangerous thing.
Now you're coming with us to the trenches, foid. The pesky consequences of wanting equality and all that, you understand.
nta but i'm a neet anyway and kinda given up with life. i'd be fine if my life becomes being a female soldier (ideally a sniper) and then likely dying.
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My brother from another mother.

Fucking Z
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I do want kids though, just not with the kind of coward I can't trust to protect his family, and who expects me to go through the pains of childbirth when he's never known pain himself.
I'm not american or european, so I'm not going to war (though I wouldn't mind serving as a comfort woman). I never asked for equality anyways. I just want men to do their job as provider and protector if they want me to submit to them, have kids, and take care of the house.
Death sounds more comforting desu
There's nothing to protect you from except for niggers. Waging war overseas for mineral rights is not protecting you.

Read the book called the way of men if you want to understand what masculinity actually is, it's literally nothing more than small scale co-operation.
I'm going to be living in NZ or Indonesia so I'm pretty safe. I may have to get a husband in Indonesia tho

>I do want kids though, just not with the kind of coward I can't trust to protect his family, and who expects me to go through the pains of childbirth when he's never known pain himself.

so if i recklessly blow a big fat load into you, you will bear the fruit of my seed? why do you even want children? are you a blind natalist?
And if your man comes home disabled from the war and can't protect or provide for you any longer? Would you still stick with him?
>Comes home
She'll be incinerated in nuclear fire realistically. There will be nothing to come back to
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kek we both know the answer to that
imagine getting maimed to impress some useless worthless holes
pic-related, she left him after he got disfigured and then he killed himself
They certainly will if they get drafted as well. Experienced it firsthand when seeing women in the army facing deployment, and a full third of them at least, scrambled to get pregnant in order to dodge deployment.
>Waging war overseas for mineral rights is not protecting you.
That's fair, desu it's less war specifically and more I just don't like how men preach about how women need to have children and go through all the pain and risks associated meanwhile the most pain he's ever experienced is getting hit by a dodgeball in highschool.
>so if i recklessly blow a big fat load into you, you will bear the fruit of my seed?
Pretty much, yeah. I'd expect you to take responsibility though. I'm not carrying the child of someone who won't care for me while I'm pregnant and provide for the child. I don't want to be a single mother.
>why do you even want children? are you a blind natalist?
Nah, I don't care about things like the birthrate or anything like that, I just genuinely enjoy being around kids and want to shower a child in love, give them a place where they feel safe and welcome, and just raise them as best I can. I'd be fine with adopting too, but I know most men want biological children, and there are a bunch of hurdles surrounding adoption that aren't an issue if you just make your own kids.
>And if your man comes home disabled from the war and can't protect or provide for you any longer? Would you still stick with him?
Of course, wedding vows include "in sickness and in health" so of course I'd stay with him to the end. I'm already helping to take care of my elderly grandmother so I know how difficult it can be taking care of another person, but you can't just abandon your family once things get rough.

well, someone's gonna take you. introduce me to some of your fembot girlfriends and the fembot discord server so i can fuck one of them in your place.
Assuming they wouldn't would rape get you out of the draft or would you be drafted out of prison?
>That's fair
Read the book I just recommended you if this topic interests you, it's completely normal for men to be lazy when there's no outside threat, it's to minimize infighting and pointless conflict. If they detect any credible threat whatsoever, they will automatically revert to defending their perimeter in small groups. They will do this without any effort or thought, it's hardwired into them.
The West are too gay and pussy to forcibly draft men in prison. I mean we're talking about a feminist shithole here. Even Ukraine and Russia don't force prisoners to fight, they just give them a choice for early release. So yeah, no way in hell would the West do it.
So the solution is just to rape a foid and go to prison, easy ticket out of conscription.
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oh... really.... ... .... ....,,\
Technically didnt kill himself, became a heavy alcoholic and drunkenly slipped on ice and died.
sometimes i get romantic and fantasize the idea of having a husband/bf who goes to war and is a soldier. but whenever i see images on news sites of mutilated men (from the war) I just get depressed. even if they survive, things will never go back to how they were right? it'd be like a man having a wife who gets acid thrown on her face. they might still love each other and stick together, but the relationship will still change forever.

>but whenever i see images on news sites of mutilated men (from the war) I just get depressed. even if they survive, things will never go back to how they were right?

you mean real life isn't beauty and the beast?
glad that we agree.
>robot goes to war
>despite being a scarce resource, is still ryan goslinging all over the place cause women don't want him.
>society does not recover into another baby boom
>Human population crashes
>robot dies alone
let's be real you'd cheat on him within weeks of him going to war like all the other holes that cheat on their husbands in the army because they're "lonely"
then you'd blame him for being distant and emotionally unavailable
you're projecting a lot i see. i disagree, but you can keep seething at me if you want.
you're just mad i called out your dumb lies on the internet lol
stay salty
For me the ideal is what the koreans do. 2 years of training/bootcamp, but most of them will never see an actual war. The men work hard, push themselves, and learn discipline but without the trauma and injuries from actual war.
>tfw other femanon gets all the nice or horny replies and i only get angry replies
i can never manage to make a good post. ngmi.
>anon wants to cheat and projects this onto all women
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>SEX SEX SEX inseminate and impregnate

im glad that we agree.
Wish moid would fuck me like that. Moid holding me in place with an iron grip and brutally pounding me to the point of tears then forcibly impregnating me and making me carry his child!!!
i agree hard
this is similar to what happens in my country as well, although i think it's one year.
whats stopping that?
>I want a proper creampie at least once.
Ok spread your bussy then
>whats stopping that?
No moid forcing himself on me and creampie-ing me despite my protests :( Wish I could be conscripted as a comfort woman so I could just be 24/7 raped and impregnated by strong and violent male soldiers.
Have you tried finding a moid in person and telling him that you definitely absolutely would hate getting taken advantage of right now?
If I met a moid in a situation where it was appropriate to bring up sexual desires, I would, but I don't know where to meet irl moids :(
God that's so hot I want to get choked and pinned down like this
Where do you live, rape-chan?
Probably anywhere where nerds gather for niche hobbies, or you know, on here, befriend them, add them on Discord, and then meet up.

Hot tip, niche fighting game tournaments are full of guys who rarely get to interact with women.
I'm staying home since I got epilepsy and can't be drafted
don't be surprised that your gf has my child if you survive
WW3 couldn't come sooner
Kek based.
All the dipshit normies and chads will fight and die for MUH COUNTRYYYYY while the dysgenic incels will stay at home.
Foids will have to choose between dying alone or being part of some ugly incel freak's harem. Karmaic justice kek.
Canada :(
I try talking to guys on discord, but it doesn't really go anywhere since they're all in different countries. But I have been considering lurking nerd shops and striking up a convo with any guy who buys things from a series I like, then seeing if he's single. I want to be raped, but ideally by a bf. I don't want my rape to be a random person I'll never see again, I want it to be by a bf so he can rape me again and again and I get married to him and we can have a happy, abusive relationship for the rest our lives~
I think it's great that you are trying to take initiative. Just chatting and seeing if you get along and maybe exchanging Discord or other social media is a pretty low-risk way to start, I basically do the same.

Also, get someone who's into roleplay and kinky stuff but not actually abusive. The latter might sound hot, but you would hate your life after a few months. While the former is maybe initially less hot, but adaptable, so you can build on the kinky stuff through the relationship.
No rapemarriage for you then. I'm from Europe.
A shame :( no sexist, abusive, rapist moids are in Canada, it's no fair :(
Oh yeah horny posting aside, the ideal is probably having a one-time conversation about limits and stuff, deciding on a safeword, then never bringing up the convo again and letting him do whatever he wants to me (so long as it's within the pre-discussed limits) unless I say the safeword. It wouldn't truly be rape, but hopefully as that convo becomes more and more of a distant memory, he could maybe force himself on me at an inconvenient time and it would be as close to rape as possible. Wouldn't want a truly abusive partner anyways because I want children and as much as I'd like to be abused, I'd never forgive a man for laying a hand on a child. But consent is boring and not needed for horny-posting on 4chan. All anons need to know is that I want to spend every waking hour being raped, abused, and treated like a breeding cow.
Aye too bad you live in Canada, because you seem great.
Hopefully, your plan with the nerd shop guy will work out well good luck.
Where from in Canada? I'm from Toronto
I am an Indian in Canada my people are known for the best rape where are you fembot I will rape you
Fuck off faggot white boy she's mine
I'll whoop your ass pussy
Ill rape your white ass man

This is the problem that there's only 1 fembot for every 10 or 20 robots. Hence, the robot devolves into baboonery.
Every soldier should receive a free female sex slave from the government.

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