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with bigger breasts than me
Im a man and I probably got bigger tits than you lol
using the word hate makes you cringe
oh god that's so hot that I've forgotten to care about not uaing the loeds name on vain and without capital G
well youre not a woman, so...
You're trans, aren't you? I think this sentiment might resonate with people over on >>>/lgbt/.
that sucks. also you will never be a woman
if youre lower than a b cup, hahhahahahhaha bitch i got bigger tits than you, kys kys kys kys kys (see how silly this is. a true man who deserves you will love what's behind the tits.)
stop having low standards you simp ass faggot
if women can demand men need to be 6 feet, then men can demand women need to have big tits
Tranny freak(MTF or FTM doesn't really matter)
Egg bearers with breasts that are as close to 180 degrees as possible are the best.
i'm female you moron, i think women who demand men must be 6 feet/men who demand women need big tits are retarded. what matters is the person, as long as they lead a healthy lifestyle they'll be somewhat attractive to me. (also not every man likes big tits)
im jealous of girls with smaller boobs

they dont have to spend 40 dollars for one bra (if its on sale)
opinion discarded, you're a set of holes that can talk. shut up and know your place bitch.
okay, keep your ears shut then. you'll call me a set of holes but you'll never fuck any yourself will you?
As a gay guy youre just a hole to me so shut up bitch and suck my dick real good
Im very attracted to boobie/booty curvy women but i always find myself falling for and crushing on irrationally the very slender, elegant, no tits or ass girls. Cant help it
>I'm a female you moron
>looks shouldn't matter unless you're hot
not what i'm saying at all. i just don't want a fat slob. you can have an ugly face and still exercise/eat healthy retard
My hands can serve as a bra for you for significantly cheaper ;)
you can carry around 44DDDs for an entire day? impressive anon
This sounds like the beginning of a R9K Sisyphus
44DDD's? How much do you weigh again?
you can carry around 44DDDs for an entire day? thats pretty impressive anon
I can imagine THIS sissyphus happy
very cute pic
don't really care about sizes
why did it post twice?? i only clicked it once. thats so weird, i think my internet is messing up again urrrgh
God, how delicious. I want to run tongue inbetween them like a dog.
I love flatties. I love fatty flatties more. Any woman 180 lbs or more with a washboard chest PLEASE psychically transmit your location to me immediately.
Anything to help a lovely fembot in need. I'm just a very selfless guy, you know?
>posts MVP
we can work with this
shut up homo
barely any females demand men be 6ft this entire board is full of incels who whine about what women want despite never having interacted with a woman outside of their family
That's a good mindset. I like big boobs, but really they aren't that important at all.
There's a certain threshold for physical attractiveness that needs to be met so I consider someone attractive, and after that personality is weighted more heavily.

Too bad that I'm into a personality even more rare than big boobs are lol.
i love skinny girls with no breasts but they don't love me so fuck them
If I had a girlfriend with very small tits, then I think it would be hot for her to go topless on a beach pretending to be a feminine-looking guy. But I think her figure, smoother skin, softer body, and delicate facial features would give her away.

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