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This femcel says yes!
>women sexually reward the most psychopathic violent behavior

>its mens fault

lole I fucking hate wamen bros
that is a misandrist tranny
Can someone invite lillth to this thread? I want senpai to notice special me :)
Stop posting this retard. I don't give a fuck about your reddit drama. Keep it there.
back to r/incel with you stupid nigger
you too
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It's always mens fault >:(, Everything is and Also remember to protect and risk your life for us incel, All men should protect all women and don't you forget you are not entitled to anything!
I wish

If that was the case bitches wouldn't get away with so much. Truth is most men are quite chill.
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>oh gee wiz I sure hate those violent men
>better go beg criminals to skullfuck me while I flick my bean to rape porn
All men are violent
All men are rapists
All men are pedophiles
all posters are blaine
Calm down lillth.
It's not her fault tho because she transitioned and isn't men anymore. Sorry sweetie.
my father is neither violent, a rapist or a pedophile
Why would you say your father and not yourself? A-anon??
well, im not violent, a rapist or a pedophile either, but i tought it'd be more logical to use another man as an example since people are more prompt to lie about themselves than others. you catch my drift?
men arent naturally violent holes just act in a way that would test the patient of even a shaolin monk
stop posting your reddit posts here
big faggot
Continue bumping my reddit thread. It makes me very happy that we have such good Samaritans like you on this board.
rape yourself to death you aids patient
She's not wrong about the violent part. You're the descendant of warriors and pillagers. Men produce 17 times as much testosterone as women do. The male brain unironically responds by producing MORE testosterone when you hold a weapon in your hand. It's programmed into your cells and if you were mad enough you could kill someone with your bare hands.
I will continue posting my reddit threads and you will continue bumping them like the good little samaritan that you are.
you should be thrown off a building
Why are you obsessed with this person? Are you them? Who fucking cares what some troll account on reddit posts? Get a fucking grip you absolute faggot.
If confronted with evil your father would be more likely to physically attack and destroy it than your mother. He is at least violent.
women are more aggressive than men, they just aren't policed for it.
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And yet you still have these scared victims acting like this

need an original girl like this
maybe i should give them what they expect and want and start beating women
It's certainly in my nature, can't speak for you guys.
imiagine being the 4th slut who didn't get any cars and jewelry lmao
Yes, even as someone who is incredibly non-violent it's easy to tell that violence is incredibly thrilling to me. And it feels incredible to unleash violent force.
But it's not exactly hard to keep contained if you don't have anger or inhibition issues.
violence is innate to being alive.
keep reddit off my board
not naturally but they're encouraged to be
>He showered them with gifts

Wasn't he in jail?
Women are attracted to confidence above all else. That's why they're so likely to go for psychopaths.
That's not what's happening.
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>Lilith of Babylon
>literally worshiping evil
Why are women such hypocrites?
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>literal who
>stupid shit said
>thinks it's worth our time
some women be like actually chad is very peaceful, nice, calm, and even tempered. and its like wow a guy who gets literally everything he could want in life acts calm, amazing. im sure he'd be the same under actual constant adversity and stressors.
>only hangs around violent dead beats
>this is what ALL men are like
She's not talking about you and I or any other anon here, she's only talking about men she's attracted to.
Remember that men whom women don't view as attractive or potentially dangerous they don't even see them. We're like ghosts to them.
Her having a black avatar speaks volumes.
Generally I'm racist. But when it comes to women's issues I can put my racism aside and recognise that women of all races and ethnic backgrounds are equally retarded.
Yeah, that too. I was just pointing out that she most likely grew up around blacks which are known to be more violent.
Violence is a good and noble thing, it's the bread and butter of both heroes and villains.
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I think so. Many of the ol' ball 'n chain's african bvlls are highly aggressive as you may expect from wild jungle niggers.
But then there are very meek men like me. I think you can only judge that on an individual basis
Ayo bby I got u sum ramen frm commissary , bitchs love dat sheet nigga.
gaslighting and projection, it's how women and leftists operate. Leftist utilitarianists can only be dealt with through violence.
Men are not necessarily violent by nature but they are more aggressive, while women are delicate and weak.
Not possible.
Stop shaming violence, white males are violent when they HAVE to be. There's nothing wrong with violence, it's the most natural thing in the entire world.
Oh sure, I agree, I just assumed by violent it meant needlessly violent and violent towards women.

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