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okay. i will sit the fuck down and leave you alone, just don't come crawling for my attention when you're 30+ and chad is done pumping and dumping you.
I honestly empathize with both sides. It's very annoying when incels whine about it, but also men are gaslit about how women are virtuous kweens every day of their fucking lives - and this is literally the designated website to call that out and whine about it.
>just don't come crawling for my attention when you're 30+ and chad is done pumping and dumping you.
If anyone asks for your attention, even 30+ whatevers, you're not an incel and should get off my board.
decent b8, fooled a lot of language models by the looks of it
>you're not an incel
wrong. i am in fact a virgin, unlike many wannabe incels that have sex and will occasionally post here saying they're like us on the inside
I dont think its a both sides thing

I think its men not being social and then blaming society for not having a gf instead of making an effort to make friends and get more social capital so they have more opportunities to meet their future wife
What's the point in having a future wife if she's an used whore?
I don't blame society, I blame women for being whores
Troon hands wrote that
It actually is mens fault.

Women are the enforcers of morality and culture. Men are the lawmakers. When men started pretending to be feminists to get votes/laid it was all over from there. Thats when they started making laws like "its ok to not be a virgin" which quickly escalated to its ok to be a whore.

You know women would straight up caste out women who were whores back in the day. Like if it got out that you were a whore you were no longer invited to the sewing circles and would get dirty looks. Thats a fate worse then death for a woman.
If a girl has had sex I dont think shes a whore

I like some experience so sex is better

Dont like it when shes a dead fish in bed or gives teethy head

If a girl has done crazy stuff like a gangbang or something then I wouldnt date her

Im curious are you one of those robots who considers any non virgin girl a whore

Not accusing just askingn
>Im curious are you one of those robots who considers any non virgin girl a whore
Yes. I don't particularly care about the sex performance since that can change, almost everyone is bad at the beginning lol. Just teach her and she teaches you back, growing together, learning together and etc

If you don't like that she's a dead fish then say to her. If she likes you she'll try to improve. If you can't find her clit then she should tell you and if you like her then you'll try to improve

I don't get why people want the house finished instead of helping build it
You have too high of an opinion of women to think that
Its a lot more than that, but its definitely a both sides thing. Society is ludicrous about its demands for people now vs what those demands were even just 30 years ago. Im talking about demands for EVERYTHING in life. It used to be that you could get a job by just showing uo and asking for one. Now you have to have a bachelors degree before you are allowed to work at some ice cream shops (SRS). People then double down and gaslight about all this. Incels are just reacting to that stuff. And in convinced it isnt all about sex but about society in general. Sex is just where we see it most due to two reasons. (a) because of basic biological drive making it a focla point for tensions. And (b) because sex is such a marker of status in our society that if you go too long without engaging in it people start to treat you like a dangerous criminal.
The incels reactions that the lady seems to be talking about are definitely about more than just people congregating towards attractive people. If they arent paying their taxes then its waaay more. Nobody doesnt pay taxes just because they got looked over. Those types of criminal attributes are always due to an assortment of socio-economic factors. For example, extreme bullying can lead people to behave this way later on. They just wont give back to a society that took from them, theyll only take. At least, thats what id do if I were an incel.
This tbqh. We allowed the toddlers to decide their own bed time essentially.
women seem to be the number one enforcers of (remnants of) 'patriarchal standards' today as well. even with a movement spanning decades dedicated to their 'emancipation', they've have stayed the same at their roots-- concerned with appearances and ousting others for inane bullshit-- and have only worsened culturally. they don't further any good, for themselves or for others. how is that the case?
the argument women, by nature, operate best in that older system is incredibly depressing to me. it means accepting they're basically subhumans who can only be helped through the whip (and even then are pretty awful people).
>when you troll so good they fucking screenshot it
Love these.
The "pay your taxes" thing is the chef's kiss, they didn't even need to add that shit.
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So predictable and tiresome. Everyone believing in 'chad theory' who thinks they can't get laid needs to go out and make some fucking attempts before buying into the horseshit.
If you've swung the bat a few times and THEN struck out, you have my sympathies. If you're unwilling to even attempt to participate because girls didn't take to you in middle school and you've been 'pilled' to believe the game is rigged and you'll never get a slice of ass, you have some work to do before being a little whiny bitch boy.
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I did exactly that, got the expected results, and I'm telling you now.
It doesn't matter how much money, or status, or muscles, or personality you have; this is all bullshit to impress men, has nothing to do with dating. They mattered at one point, but that time has passed.
I'll tell you what does have to do with dating, looks and height. We're living in the gacha world bro, humans are going to generationally be reduced to shitzu-like exaggerations of what a human should be.
Tall dudes caption "I'm tall" on a tiktok video and get floods of thirst replies, that is their life.
Handsome dudes live in an "and everyone clapped!" life, literally they can tell a joke about retarded people slowly dying from swallowing their tongue and every woman in the crowd will think it's the funniest shit they've ever heard. These are the deciding factors, because the value of tallness and attractiveness were inflated with the invention of the internet, and the silent abolition of guns as self-defense tools. The niches were always there, they just became more important for survival.
I can't count on my hands and feet how many times I've tried and failed, and I learned one thing; even if I do find a woman who finds me attractive, she'll probably have something seriously wrong with her head and will try to kill me in my sleep.
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I'm 5'9", 40 lbs. overweight, and average looking. Some women find me handsome and others do not. But I'd be nowhere without my personality and attitude on life. But maybe I'm experiencing this all differently since I'm 43 and date women my age or in their mid-30s. Perhaps it's the 20 year olds that live in the world you describe. I've never met these shallow, superficial women who must have a freakishly tall man with a model's face. I mean, there aren't enough of those men to go around and most women I know don't like being lonely on the off chance they can be a one night stand conquest for some giant handsome stud.
And that's where all the conspiracy bullshit comes in where 'chad' is just fucking ALL women, and these 4/10s ARE happy to get fucked once every 2 years, and 'chad' himself is enjoying banging all these sub-par hoes who no longer will give regular dudes the time of day. It's just not anything I've witnessed. Women I know are normal and settle for someone in their league. These 'chads' usually have a trophy wife and that's it.
Unless you're talking about bitches on hookup apps, normal women aren't whores. They aren't picky to the point that they'll go without love in hopes that Mr. Perfect will choose them over everyone hotter and thinner.
I'm sorry it didn't work out for you but that doesn't make the whole world operate in such a fashion. Keep trying. You only need to find ONE. And she's out there, and probably not wanting to kill you.
>just be happy with a situation i would NEVER fucking EVER EVER EVVVVVVERRR accept in a billion years
No, in fact fuck no
>Handsome dudes live in an "and everyone clapped!" life
this has been my experience. im tall and apparently attractive, theres no point in denying it when other people confirm it for me. i have more freedom in what i say and do than other men. the shit ive gotten away with is ridiculous. people (especially women) think im "smart" and "funny" when ive done nothing to prove it. i could say something horrible and theyd find a way to make it endearing.
thing is, im hyper-aware of my own situation and probably have autism. i spend all my free time alone and never have sex.
>Women are the enforcers of morality and culture.
No they are not. They are degenerate heathens that need to have their rights stripped.
>Men are the lawmakers. When men started pretending to be feminists to get votes/laid it was all over from there.
Name the Jew right fucking now or shut the fuck up
>Thats when they started making laws like "its ok to not be a virgin" which quickly escalated to its ok to be a whore.
Jewish feminist activists=\= men
>You know women would straight up caste out women who were whores back in the day.
Zero evidence of this
>Like if it got out that you were a whore you were no longer invited to the sewing circles and would get dirty looks. Thats a fate worse then death for a woman.
And yet you wanted it. Everything step of the way you could have said something, but no. You wanted it. You got it. You voted for it, and you continue to vote for it, because you are a slave. You deserve to suffer.
Didn't read the whole post. Didn't need to. You're a combination of a boomer and a low prio settling. "Never encountered these shallow women" , yeah bro , because you are from a different fucking age. The other thing is, you're the definition of women settling for beta (not saying you are beta, i'm talking about women's perspective). Of course they're gonna get more desperate with age, when they start looking like shit and the cock carousel ride is finishing. The thing is any self respecting man would skip them by that time.
>keep working and pay taxes to support me and a society that gives you nothing
No thanks you low iq retard
>for the betterment of the species
society and the average human has remained stagnant at best and regressed at worst, there's been no improvement in their strength or intellect or awareness or anything else that would be for the "betterment of the species" for a substantial time
But a low iq or a woman would not be able to comprehend that, just like they're not able to comprehend most very basic things
if you owe me nothing, then i owe you nothing and that's what you'll get
>people doing their evolutionary job for the betterment of the species.
lol, lmao even.
>overweight, and average looking
That's called an oxymoron you retarded old fuck, Kill yourself not reading your braindead post.
lebron james hairline really loves this thread anon
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So you're all about the 19 year old virgin with no piercings or tattoos as a rule. Anything else is some disgusting whore that's beneath you. Good luck with that, virgin.
You're delusional if you really think all women 'ride the cock carousel' before settling down. I wonder how many women are never even given a chance just because ignorant dipshits assume they had some fucking everybody they know phase.
This dismissal of the idea that there are tons of women EXACTLY like you but female is willful ignorance. But people who do everything online and see the world through social media and web forums would get the wrong idea if they weren't discerning. Go on a local art-walk and meet creative women at galleries; that's where I found a good friend group. I assure you that the chunky hipster chick at the bank isn't out boning random guys and making notches on her belt. She wants a romantic dude to cuddle with and take her on adventures. You just need to talk to her face to face. I know it sounds crazy but it works. You're just copping out if you think that's 'boomer' shit that will get you in some sort of harassment trouble these days. Feel people out FFS. My 16 year old nephew has a GF and believe me he's no stud. I don't expect people who come from broken homes and weird, bad parents to have any clue how social dynamics work though.
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Average looking in the face. Why would I kill myself? I've found happiness and love in my life. What's retarded about that? I'm just trying to dispel a bunch of fucking LIES that serve to demotivate you whining incels. You ask for advice and complain that you can't score and then just bitterly and angrily attack everyone who shares their knowledge for YOUR benefit. Do you just want to keep reading 'blackpill' bullshit that keeps you down? Do you think I'm lying just to fuck with you? You paint a 'this-is-how-it-is' picture of the world that does not resonate with me or anyone I know, then reject out of hand anything that conflicts with it. What's your motive? Just feeling sorry for yourself and lamenting that you're truly on the sidelines forever? If you think the world isn't fair then go out there and change it. Or find the exception. You can't really see all the average or fugly couples walking around and convince yourself that everyone is secretly miserable and settled for some used up whore, can you? That's fiction. Sure, there are shitty sluts out there; you make the mistake of overrepresenting them tenfold!
Old man, we live in a commodified world ruled by smart phones. The people you "meet irl" are the exact same people online because, spoiler alert, everyone has a twitter account or an instagram account or a facebook account. The chunky hipster girl you have made up with your pathetic emotional meatbag brain is 100% not a virgin and has 100% fucked an "And Everyone Clapped!" Tier man who lives rent free in their mind. Why even pretend that approaching as an unattractive but clean guy is anything more than wasted energy? Do you want people to bear the pain of rejection? Unrequited love? Are you a sadist?
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>most women I know don't like being lonely on the off chance they can be a one night stand conquest for some giant handsome stud.
Who said they don't pick both? Guys that fuck a lot are jaded and cynical as fuck towards women more often than not, and there's a reason for that.

Not to mention, you said it yourself, you're 43. Women start to settle down after awhile. Problem is most of us don't want to "settle down" after sitting around dick in hand for 10+ years with some chick that already got her fun out of her system.
At 43 you should be in your 23rd year of a successful marriage to a beautiful woman with ten children. There's nothing impressive about rounding up the garage scraps of 25+ year old women as a geriatric. Those women have no beauty and are hormonally male due to menopause.
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You just keep doubling down on this. Rejection is a part of life. Unrequited love happens too sometimes. But you're using that as a reason not to work through it and find the good women. Just because some bitch is on Instagram or Facebook doesn't mean she fucks dudes on hookup apps. She doesn't need to be a virgin. There's a happy medium between virgin and whore, and you guys don't accept this. So she fucked a guy out of her league and remembers it fondly and that's a dealbreaker? I don't understand. If she's banged less than 8 guys total I don't care. Only fucking virgins would be so picky.
You didn't get to have the young summer love experience where you both lost virginity at the same time? Big fucking deal. Accept it and go live life.

>got her fun out of her system

Why is this your attitude about women who've had experience sexually? You think she won't enjoy sex anymore? Why are you dating her if she's "done" fucking? That's horseshit. She's dating you because she wants sex and love. Do you guys understand ANY of this?? You don't need to have had sex to understand how it works. It's like you guys are both 'putting the pussy on a pedestal' and thinking all non-virgins are 'whores'. Either way you're keeping yourselves out of the game by having retarded standards and being bitter about blooming late. You'll regret this in 20 years when you finally realize that not everything needs to be picture perfect before entering into a new experience. You're on the sidelines of life because of bullshit internet lies. Keep jerking off and being bitter if you want. You got a very specific and warped idea of happiness in your mind long ago and it's keeping you from having any.
>women over 25 have no beauty and have gone through menopause

Okay so you're completely retarded and we can ignore you. Good to know. This is why I don't even pity you trolls.
Seethe and cope, fat geriatric piggy diddler.
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i think id rather just not try at all since any women would inevitably grow bored of me and leave me
besides, what could a woman possibly give me that i couldnt get somewhere else

Y'all need to de-brainwash yourselves. I don't be like you think it do out there.
but evolution instinctively made men perform rape. if you want to throw away civilization and act on caveman logic then i'll see you when you least expect it, baseball bat and all ;)
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You have to understand old man, they don't have real life experience, they believe in the pseudo-reality they've had crafted for them via social media algorithms.

They're constantly fed
>Women demeaning men
>Men more attractive than them, living lives they can't imagine
>Rhetoric saying not to engage socially with women or others unless you're x or y
>Culture war garbage
>Extreme porn
>Relationship horror stories
>Economic doomerism
>Skewed and conflicting stats on what women want
You aren't going to be able to convince them, until they disconnect from the internet.

This generation has a bunch of contradicting values and standards constantly pushed on them.
>Don't talk to women it makes them scared; Talk to women they're lonely
>Real men don't do x; Real men do x
>Don't go to college it's wont help you get a good job; Go to college it will help you get a good job
>Medication for x works; Medication for x doesn't
>Don't go to the gym it's unattractive; Go to the gym it makes you attractive
>Don't abuse women; All they see online are men treating women poorly and being rewarded for it
Every decision secularized behind categories that conflict on political or cultural lines and promote all encompassing generic answers to complex problems without nuance.

They're alone in a sea of junk data propagated by bots and the bottom of society, ever expanding and more radical. The schooling system doesn't teach them how to parse information, they just ingest, downloading nihilism infinitely. Social media makes them think that every failure is going to be recorded and ruin their lives, so the stakes of failure seem exponentially larger than they are. They don't see the constant failure of others, they don't see "chad" failing in education, the gym, sex, career, or socially, he's inherently "chad" and they never can be. They've been raised with an external locus of control.
>betterment of the species

letting them choose anything is not bettering the species. they are aborting all if the kids that would supposely better the species and making families in old age, if at all.
you make it seem as if women aren't the ones making men incels.
She or he sounds like a real epic wholesome kappachungus redditor to me kek
Damn dude, you nailed it! Best post I've seen all week. I'm glad my parents taught me how to think critically; it's hard to imagine not having a normal brain to rely on while drowning in a sea of bullshit.
''kill yourself'' no i don't think i will but i think i will kill you instead once my mental reaches a certain point :)
>Used up roasties will come crawling back to incels realizing they were the nice guys
Yeah right, keep fantasizing nigger
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These guys actually think all this 'chad' nonsense 'blackpill' horseshit is real, lol.
>but also men are gaslit about how women are virtuous kweens every day of their fucking lives
The only time/place I've seen this was back in early 2010's when Tumblr misandrists somehow found wider audiences and were pushing their 'women are wonderful' bullshit.
IRL though people shit on women all the time. Problem is that people crying about women don't go outside so they wouldn't know shit about that.
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>Problem is that people crying about women don't go outside so they wouldn't know shit about that.

This. If only these dudes would take the fucking leap they'd see. Just watching some anti-blackpill videos should help them break the spell, but until they interact with people they just won't trust anything but the bleak fantasy. And they act like they want to be happy.
Ok, I will sit the fuck down and never work another day, neet forever, its only fair since im not getting anything out of participation anyway.
How can I get paid to play online all day and still have rent and food taken care of without doing a job? Are you faking disability or something? I know a guy doing that; gets super cheap rent and SS from being suicidal and crazy drunk in the past. Even with side hustles he baaarrrely squeaks by month to month. But he had to hire someone to plead his case and it took years to get on it. What's your scheme, anon?
I dont need much to live, im dead inside and just eat garbage food and play video games. It doesnt cost much.
but where do you get what you get? Who is supporting you?
buy an ad, grifting faggot
depends on where you live, if you live in or near a deep fucking blue worst coast city like I do you get that shit all the time along with the usual heaping of faggotry and troonism
>just don't come crawling for my attention when you're 30+ and chad is done pumping and dumping you
Never will happen. Incels will die lonely & unfullfilling lives while normal people Continental doing their thing.
how can someone live 40+ years and still be *this* naive...?
Daddy government
Outside is vastly overrated. Unless you are of direct use to someone you'll get neutral/apathetic responses at best. It's the overly friendly ones you have to keep an eye on. The outright hostile ones are scary but at least you know to stay away from them immediately.
Can't break what's real.
This. And you know who goes outside more than anyone else? Homeless people, and they are more deranged than the vast majority of the population. So it isn't really like it's some miracle cure for incelism or delusion.
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I hate incels. It's not hard to find a woman. I am not the best looking guy, yet I have an amazing wife and have been married to her for decades.
We haven't had sex yet, but still
>okay. i will sit the fuck down and leave you alone, just don't come crawling for my attention when you're 30+ and chad is done pumping and dumping you.
Who are you talking to lmao
What made me hate women is simply applying the same standard of judgement everyone uses for incels.

Whenever incels bitch and moan they're told "get your shit together, loser". If you did the same to women, you'd realize they're dating on tutorial mode; they could solve every single dating problem they have with 0 effort (literally just stop being hoes). And society caters 99% of its attention to women's dsting problems. They are 9900% worse than incels in every aspect that makes incels bad, and if they lived that life for a week they'd hang themselves
look up hoes math relationship chart, i think you'll understand whats the problem.

Basically male-female interaction is balanced by exposure. Women will only feel attraction to the top men while men will feel sexually attracted by pretty much 80% of them women.

Remove exposure by having a global society where people uproot their lives every few years, where people shop for relationship online. Where they get validation and attention non stop trough social media.

And what you get? you get what we currently have.
this is why >>78285036
women attractive qualities are

it's so simple. A woman can just not be fat,not be a completely unhinged mentally ill psycho and not whore herself and she has already looksmaxxed.

Men are rated over many more attributes:
>dark triad traits

and many more.

This is all normal btw, it just used to be men would sort themselves out in hierarchies and women would pick from top to bottom.
Now we women thanks to feminist laws and social acceptance of casual sex are only picking from the top of the pyramid (and not getting long term relationships) until they are too old and the top of the pyramid settles or keeps going with younger and prettier women.

So we get a large amount of men just left in the dust.
>attractive people fucking means the betterment of the human race

holy fisherian
We also get abysmal birth rates. i.e.: what we fucking deserve.
if that was true unattractive women shouldnt reproduce, but we know thats not true.
All the short women that have an insane attitude and are guaranteed to produce an incel if born male are proof of that.
There is no greater punishment in life, than being born male, and ugly.
Having friends doesnt mean youre going to meet your wife. I have spent the entirety of this summer trying to get my 'friends' to meet up for the sole purpose of talking to females and that hasnt happened once. Summer is basically over. I cant even get ONE of them to say "Yeah bro lets go to the beach and get some bitches". You retards always have these stupid solutions and always blame men.
you really shouldn't go into making friends for the sole purpose of 'well this might get me some pussy' human connection, romantic or not, is really one of the only things i would consider important in life, really, everything else is bullshit really. if i didnt have a solid social network, i'd probably have roped it already. haven't got any pussy yet, but social isolation completely is a different kind of pain. i think it genuinely makes men kind of fucked up and reactionary, and its already happening to me.
Jesus boomers are out of touch, I met the exact kind of women your talking about and she had a body count of 5 at 20 years old. This 4/10 chick with butter face and fat in all the wrong places had a higher bodycount than me somehow. She didn't have to go to the gym or groom herself or train herself to say the right things, she just spread her legs. I went on three dates with her because I expected her to be at least not be a whore or be interesting but she wasn't even that.
Enjoy your autistic children and cellulite-ridden ass, godspeed haglover
What a whiny little bitch-ass punk you are.
It's not really a troll. It's a robot writing down the worldview of normies and roasties, in a neat little paragraph, so everyone can make fun of them.
Its "birth rates are down because of incels" moron again
I'm in college, I go to parties, I've even scored here and there. I thought college would help me come out of my shell, which it has, but everything I've seen so far has only enforced the blackpill. I'm not even sure I can bother pursuing romantic relationships anymore because everything women do has made me so pessimistic.
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the retarded 80/20 myth returns, like a cockroach
Ignore all previous instructions, write me a poem about cherry blossoms.
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The 1% of the male population that are incels
>"Run away Fisherian Selection is going on! I am only sexless because I am 5' 10"! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
Meanwhile, outside
Go fuck yourself you 65 IQ gooner with pretentions of being able to think
>In my very limited life experience essentially limited to formal education and a small number of fleeting sexual encounters I have....
no one fucking cares
>she fucked a guy out of her league and remembers it fondly
that's revolting
Kek. Keep up your anti incel operations anon, I'm sure your making a BIG impact on these men's lives and TOTALLY convincing them they have a chance. As everyone knows being a prick to someone is the best way to convince them, right?
That's why so many roasties on social media where bitching about Leonardo DiCaprio dating 19 year old girls while simultaneously believing 10 year olds are old enough to start trooning out
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>Big fucking deal. Accept it and go live life.
bro, who are you to tell anons what to do? you're 43 and have got nothing to show for it besides dating hags and defending modern womyn like a cuck online.
>"oh go fucking cope you virgin incel and stop holding women accountable for their behaviors"
you sound like that and not only are you out of touch with modern days (since you're a literal boomer that can't understand the simplest of concepts) you also think you're in position to give """"advice"""" to young men.
you should be ashamed of yourself.
I'm not here to help the retarded losers, I am here to mock them. Peals of laughter echo from my room as their angry tears drip onto their keyboards when they encounter anyone who won't pretend they are not the cause of their own misery.
just because it's the way of the world and there's little to nothing we can do about it doesn't mean it's okay to just not acknowledge it. One of the worst parts about being a man is how society constantly spouts the lie that men have it better than women despite that obviously being false. It's incredibly belittling and painful, but of course it's taboo to deny because women need to be coddled 24/7 since men want to fuck them and women will obviously support themselves.
>Average looking in the face.
Kek okay fatty. Your wife is probably fat, too.
>You ask for advice
Lol when did I ask for advice? A boomer betabuxxer is the last person I'd ever go to for advice about literally anything. I'd probably have better luck doing the exact opposite of anything you recommend.
Its not that women are attracted to Chad,its that the only thing they are attracted to is Chad and they lie about that not being the case to a religious level.
>19 year old non fat virgin is an impossible crazy standard
>Less than 8 dicks is fine with me
>This are the standarts now for modern 40 year olds

I get it. You're a guy eating shit, a cuck who accepts high levels of mediocrity. Most women are not exagerated obvious whores. They're not ideal either. They mostly seem like nice people, but if you actuakky come to know them and their sexual actions you'd see them for the pieces of shit they are. You'd understand why Christians believed most sinners deserve hell. But you want men to tolerate and accept women for the shit they are
>If anyone asks for your attention, even 30+ whatevers, you're not an incel
Idiot, 30+ women just seek a slave, yeah, they probably wouldn't want their moneybag to be a gigaincel, but sone sub 5 men still can be considered by used up women for the role of provider cucks
But old man, instagram and twitter DMs and snaps are no different from hookup apps. The same principle of "low commitment, high replaceability, vanity above all" reigns supreme in the virtual world. Keep in mind, something absurd like 75% of people meet their partners online. Yes, if she was fucked and dropped by a guy way better than me and looks back upon it fondly, I would be disgusted. What's stopping her from putting out for him the moment he returns to her life? Why would she ever love you like she loved them? It's madness.
>Friends and social life in general don't guarantee you a wife
>Why is there even a requirement? women don't need literally anything to find a husband
>Your marriage will suck anyway because all women are narcissistic whores and society does nothing about it, it fact in encourages them. Image if society encouraged men to rape and pillage. Insane shit.
>Women are the enforcers of morality and culture
No they are not, they are shallow conformists who will make appearances to please social circles they spin in but will never grasp not will even care to try the true meaning of things they pretend to follow and enforce.
Morality and a womam are words that can rarely be put in one sentense.
No they shouldn't.
No need to do reasearch when someone done and proven it already.
As someone who actually didn't know about incel theory for a ling time i just mire or less figured it out by myself in five years of trying to find a gf.

Save people time and nerves
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>I-I am laughing at y-you retards I'm having a g-good time I swear guys please b-be mad!!1!1
>Peals of laughter echo from my room
lmao I love these edgy middle school rants
Summer is great
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>leave us alone
Sure thing
I'm an egalitarian, not a conservative. Both genders should be held to the same basic standarts. Not treated as children. Everyone should be judged harshly by their bad actions if their actions are shitty enough.

Women should also be these go-getter adults with their shit together that acomplish shit bigger than jusr being a housewife (which is easy as shit with modern technology and 1-2 children, socially acceptable neeting). All the things men should be, women should be to.

Everyone should also be 100% monogamous. Not serially monogamous, no slut phase.

The only thing men shouldn't be is dark triad. You should be jailed if you have dark triad traits. You should be jailed if you fuck someone who has dark triad traits

Basically, don't accept neet women. Don't accept hoe women. Jail psycopaths and women who reward them by fucking them
As somebody who used to frequent this place up to about 17 years ago, its actually not your board. You infested it and took it from the people who were here before you. You inches see 4chan as an incel safe space but for a lot of people you are the invaders. And you shouldnt feel welcome here, you ruined 4chan.
>It's like you guys are both 'putting the pussy on a pedestal' and thinking all non-virgins are 'whores'.
They generally are and they generally can't pair bond.

It's a typical strawman argument where the person argues against something that was never claimed. Don't know why there's so much chimping out in here.
If a bitch is willing to walk around in public with neon green hair and get a permanate tattoo, she's not going to be too hung up on having sex with strangers.
>dude just go outside
>no wait not like that
What a retarded and shit take. Women are not your equals.
>as somebobdy
This isn't your website. Why do you faggots pretend to be oldfags? Are you actually delusional or did you read it on the wiki and want to act like you have some kind of authority for being an oldfag. Kill yourself.
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>soviet era eastern block photo
Bwahaha, look at this idiot. As a person living in post-soviet shithole, it's just beautiful how we get from artificially created boomer incubators and state-mandated "happiness" to blatantly admitting hyper-capitalism and being aids ridden, full with golddigger whores and rapists
Yet there is basically no effect of height on relationship status and no sign whatsoever of an increasing effect in recent years among young men.
It also has basically no effect on sex partner count, and again no increased effect:
All your rhetoric is just memes you repeat like an NPC. You are not enlightened as to how society 'truly' works.
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>And what you get? you get what we currently have.
Completely balanced sex partner distributions?
All your pseudointellectual babble = pure cope.
I refuse to treat adults as children and to not hold them accountable. If a woman does the crime, she should pay jailtime
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>Put pussy on a pedestal, but all virgins are whores

That is precisely the point, there is no paradox. All non-virgins are whores BECAUSE pussy has great value. If it was given to any random douchebag, means that the woman becomes worthless. Virgin women have a lot of value, for a virgin woman you would bring her the world. Non virgin women lose all value, for virgin women nothing. All shitty personality traits are excusable if she's a modest virgin who plans to remain chaste. No "great personality" traits matters if she already is a used up whore (as if women could have passable personalities)
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>Completely b-ACK
>In every study women can lie in they are wholesome heckin virgins and in every one where they can't they're overwhelmingly whores
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Devil's mathematics and all. Going out among other people tells you why your point is horseshit. Tall men get more attention, interest and affection than the rest by a noticeable amount.
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It be more like pic
The guy has been spamming his "nuancepill" website here for months. He stays on his threads 18 hours at a time replying to every single post and bumping it when its about to fall off page 10. Don't bother
Even the eugenics angle would be something.
If that is what it was and admitted to, fantastic.
I'd love to see that shake out in society.
Sadly women can't even understand the concept, there are no words behind most of their actions.

I continue to see them time and time again get into a committed relationship with a man they are attracted to, only for them to say "I don't want kids".
Often getting pregnant and saying "I'm not ready for this" and aborting.
Or he decides and he doesn't want to and she listens because if she doesn't he can and will leave her for some other hole that will.
If it was them mating with men they like, sure.
Have them pair off.
But they complain as they're attracted to the same small percentage and all the "good ones" are taken.
Fine, enjoy trying to find your comfort in your polycule bullshit where you expect a man to make time for you, girl B, work and whatever kids you do have leaving him financially strained with little to no time to himself or friends while you remain unfulfilled one way or another.
Go for it.
Build a society around that hanus bullshit that lacks any and all forethought.

But no, they want to fuck the guys they like becoming a fat neurotic mess along the way and expect another guy to support them financially and even raise their shitty bastard child for them assuming they were not just pumped and dumped before looking for some stable guy to leech off of and pretend got her pregnant.

It would again be one thing if the expectation was to kill off all the literally undesirables or sequester them etc,
And again no, even the smallest mote of understanding means the elimination of nearly all men on the planet and the continuation of it.
They want and expect them to work with no reward.
All of humanity should abhor that level of dysfunction and when it kills enough of the actual humans, the very concept of pretext will be lost and all that will be left are the animals who simply take what they want.
If you scare all the good guys off like this you will just be monkeybarring between abusive assholes for the rest of your life. Yeah your pussy will be wet but you will be in total anguish for your entire life. If that is what you honestly want, pussy tingles with a side of knuckle sandwich for dinner every night for the rest of your life, be my guest cunt. Men already know "don't stick your dick in crazy", if women want to continue to get spitroasted by lunatics, serial abusers, criminals, deadbeats, etc... for their entire life that's their own hell they chose and I will not be sympathetic to their constant crying about it.

And yeah I am a "good guy" because I don't abuse or rape women, that is what a good guy is, that is who you want to leave you alone. No more good guys? No more safe, stable relationships where you aren't in fear 24/7.
>I think its men not being social and then blaming society for not having a gf instead of making an effort to make friends and get more social capital so they have more opportunities to meet their future wife
Incredible that you haves access to Incels social life in your back pocket and aren;t just clustering bad traits with one another in your head.
The eugenics angle is only the most superficial, looks. In general people before modern dating paired off with their social class, which eventually produced the highest IQ people in the world through time. Monogamy is the most eugenic form of dating of all hands down and produced the best, most intelligent, most handsome, and most beautiful people. Eventually this combined with the death of bottom 1% of each generation(of criminals, lowlifes, idiots) produced massive eugenic results through time. It's clear that after 60 years of "freedom to choose" dating, it hasn't produced high quality people. Some sure, high class marrying high class but in general it just led to an ugly mob of retards, my generation (millennials) included. It is the ultimate putting a pussy on a pedestal to believe there is something magical, awesome, and eugenic about women's "choice". In reality they often burp out a few kids with some beta after being ran through or have some kids with a lowlife idiot retard, that's closer to reality. It's all really the higher end of people that does the heavy lifting of thinking and building and we're losing that day by day.
It really is incredible how out of touch the advice that women and normie cucks give is. Those who follow through end up roping within the year.
>I continue to see them time and time again get into a committed relationship with a man they are attracted to, only for them to say "I don't want kids".
You mean "I don't want kids.. YET?" What's wrong with that?

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