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I wish I could be friends with boys the way boys are friends with boys
Sure, but don't balk when you're included in the homosexual trash talk.
I'd love to have female friends, but chances are that I will fall in love with you. I can't control it. It just happens.
We aren't really friends with each other, it looks cool from the outside but is the same stoic insecurity mask that we put in other situations
What do you feel about guys with pussies?
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That's weird because I haven't had a single issue with making friends with women

You make friends with a dozen women and limit yourself to falling in love with the one that sticks around you the most

I made an excel table to keep track of it
>You make friends with a dozen women and limit yourself to falling in love with the one that sticks around you the most
But that's not how feelings work. I can't just decide to fall in love with a certain girl. It either happens or it doesn't. But when it does, I have eyes only for her.
I have a female friend like that who is like my "bro" whom I dont really see as a girl but she kind of wants to fuck me a lot and its getting awkward
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I wish I could be friends with girls the way girls are friends with girls
The reason why boys are friends with boys is because they truly are compassionate about each other. They are alike in the sense that they value companionship and see each other equals, because they are. Not because men and women can't be friends with each other, but men and women were made for each other.
i wish i could be friends with boys the way boys are friends with boys and i'm a boy
If it makes you feel better even us "boys" don't alway want to be around other boys. I say "boy" because i'm 30+. Plenty of men just like to be left alone to do their own thing. Just need to be able to identify high quality people, and go to places with them. Find some decent friends that way.
Play dota with me and I will yell at you for not doing objectives just the same as I yell at my friends. :<
what would happen if one of the guys takes the mask off? if i was a man i'd do that. but ngl i'd probably also be gay.
You can be, but it requires having mostly male interests. Men bond over spending time together in their activities.
>i wish i could be friends with boys the way boys are friends with boys and i'm a boy
same, dude. same. i'm also gay.
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i can do that and slap your ass and kiss you as a joke because thats how guys roll :)
Oh, and one more thing. If I do fall in love, and you don't reciprocate my feelings, then I would need to unfortunately distance myself from you, because once I'm in love with you, I'd be unable to look at other girls, which would mean that I'd be stuck in the firendzone for potentially years, without looking for another girlfriend. And that would be bad for me.
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You will outgrow this attitude. Women are here to make men's life easier, men are here to make women's life easier. If you notice that the presence of a female friend makes you feel like you can be yourself and also you have less shit to worry about because you notice yourself trusting her with things, then that is a pretty luxurious foundation for a stable relationship

Women select men and not the way around. If you notice that a woman is trying to select you, then that's your woman. There is no point in bothering to fight god / nature on this.
You can, but it requires you to be able to handle criticism, leave your sexuality at the door, and respect people for who they are rather than they appear. Bros become bros because they can rip on each other when they make mistakes. True bros become bros by spending time with the bros and helping the bros fix mistakes that Bro A might not know how to fix but Bro C knows the solution immediately and wants to help Bro A avoid that mistake. Bro B, neither having made that mistake or knowing that mistake having seen Bro C help Bro A will now be equipped to handle the problem Bro A encountered on his own without the help of others. Bro A and Bro B now respect Bro C and Bro C feels good that he helped improve the quality of life for Bro A and Bro B.

Men like spending time together and taking it easy. Taking it easy can only happen if you remove unnecessary problems as they pop up. Until there are no problems to worry about. Then they'll sit there with each other and actually do nothing.

Ideally, the fact that you are female should be concealed for as long as possible. Reflect on how "HI FEMANON HERE" posters are treated versus posters who state their business without revealing their gender or genitalia. Consider that the behaviors you encounter are the behaviors of the extremely vocal extreme minority who have nothing better to do but shitpost on the internet and spread malaise and languor. The ones who would be willing to be friends with you are the ones you will never hear from without initiating contact with them, like how the unicorn virgin girl without social media who sits in her room reading books.

And assuming you find them and they allow you in, your final reward is admittance to their deepest of inner circles where they will sit together and bask in nothingness and bond over the most mundane experiences as if the course of history was altered. i.e. "Bro did you see how big the splash was from that rock?"
If I don't feel it, then I don't feel it. Simple as.
The last time someone said this to me it was a girl who was upset that I rejected her advances so her solution was to go nuclear and yell at everyone and cry about how jealous she was of me to the point where she wanted to skin me and wear my skin like a suit and be me.
Either way, you either eat the cake you have, or you have a cake you don't eat.
boys aren't friends with each other like that, fujo.
I don't have any cake to begin with, lol.
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Well the analogy admittedly isn't a good one. I could go for some cake. Damn

I still think you should go extensively shop around for cakes and then if you notice a cake walking out of the bakery with you and texting you all the time, to give it some thought
But what if the cake is overbearing? I need some space to breathe.
What kind of friend do you have if you can't tell him to shut up if he's being exhausting
Yeah it seems pretty cool. Ah well.
Hi I am looking for friends and am 24 M. I already have a gf so am actually looking for friends lol.
Then you're a normie and you should go to >>>/soc/.
Men go to space, war, and world explorations together. Men are pirates together. Men are definitely fucking on these exploits
why couldn't I have been born as male
You can have a loving bf, though. Which is arguably much better.
You don't need to be a man to be cool, most men aren't cool either. Go strive towards and ideal and learn to introspect and you will be cooler than 99.99% of guys on this board.
Imagine holding yourself back with arbitrary labels that are beyond your control that were decided before you were born that cannot be changed without turning you into a manmade horror that is just within range of comprehension of the average person.

I've never seen a middle aged pacific islander man who was good at knitting. I'm not going to lament that fact that I wasn't born female and cry about how I can't knit because I've never seen a man who looks like me do it. Fuck that, if I want to knit I'll knit and I'll knit better than the person next to me even if that person is me.

The onus of becoming cool lies with the one who is uncool, not with objective fact of being one who is a ballbearer or one who is an eggbearer. If you were uncool as an eggbearer you'd just be as uncool as if you were a ballbearer pretending to be an eggbearer or if you were just an average ballbearer.
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You can be. Just become a tomboy/have male interests.

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