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I him so much I'm going insane.
I haven't been counting the time we've been away from each other, I think it has been four months or so. But even still I crave hearing his voice everyday, hearing him laugh, him listening to me rant mindlessly and just listening, us agreeing on everything.. I would kill someone to have him back, to listen to him vent to me, to just have one more day with him or to turn back time and fix my mistake.

I mean what's the point of waking up anymore if I won't be able to talk to him? He was the reason my life was good in the first place. He accepted me for who I was, he never judged me, he put up with my bullshit and I put up with his because we were just the same people in different bodies.
When we spent time away, everything wild fall apart, but when I got a text or call from him it was like the pieces arranged themselves right into place.

I don't think I will get over him soon, or ever for that matter.
If I can't have him then I don't really want anybody else.
And if he's dead then I want me to be killed as well.

But yeah, song of the day
wow sexhaver
We didn't have sex
Hes probably out there fucking different girls right now
damn this hit hard. nice song tho
You posted the wrong song.
Maybe he wouldnt have left you if you put out for once
>playground love
nice song choice.
Then post your tits and see if you feel good if you get a lot of validation from the men here.
Why did you two break up? Did you meet here?
We were saving ourselves for marriage
Thank you anons. I just finished watching the virgin suicides
Not my cup of tea but it's nice
I miss a girl like this. We parked on bad terms and she doesn't love me anymore. I feel like if she doesn't change her mind about me, I might as well kill myself. I would rather not be on this Earth than to not spend one more moment without her.
ever see a post that feels like it's directed at you but there's no "rational" explanation that it is so you have to delude yourself into thinking it's not about you in order to maintain your own delusional state of mind regarding interpersonal matters?
haha yeah.
You should talk to her so you can at least part on better terms.
We were never dating unfortunately. I guess I was too much of an idiot to actually ask him out.
I understand that feeling
If your name starts with a P or D it probably is directed at you
I don't think it ever will. She just tells me to block her and never contact her ever again.
>If your name starts with a P or D it probably is directed at you
nope lol.
That's weird. Wonder what her deal is? Did you cheat?
You should try to relax and have some fun by posting a couple of nude pics here.
>We didn't have sex

On social media, if you can call that cheating. I made her feel insecure with my following. She would tell me to block profiles.
did you cheat on him or what
Nope. I guess we just drifted apart because of his mental health issues. I should have done more for him and reached out to help
its full of guys out there, dont think too much
it will pass
...why are you encouraging this behavior? This generation is already beyond fucked with love.
It's not the same though. He was me but in a male body basically. I don't think I will ever meet anyone who is like that
I want you to find comfort in my arms. You could rest your head on my chest and tell me all about what you're feeling, as I would hold you closely, stroke your hair, and empathize with you.
I don't want comfort from anyone other than him because I know I am wasting their time.
>us agreeing on everything..

lol...he was just pretending to agree with you, dumb dumb. he probably didnt give a shit and wasnt even listening to you.
It's okay, my poor distressed baby. I would make sure to help you heal your injured heart. With lots of love and care.
seems unfair that women desire and continue to lament over men who push them away, whilst i have never done that and am a great partner in terms of communication, but have only ever been pushed away or abandoned by the woman
funny how it works huh? and the men who "push women away" do so dramatically and intentionally to keep them wrapped around their finger.
No we agreed on everything
Anon no. Go spend your time on someone who actually deserves it
We were communicating great until recently. It was only a few months ago did things start getting bad because of his mental health. I feel guilty for just standing by, I should have done something about it or tried to comfort him
Same but I'm male and she told me today she fucked some else. Im tired of this life.
https://youtu.be/7Y5aR10R3Xo?si=gUcUDFqMRQZG6P6-m b
I accidentally pushed a friend away recently too. They thought I didn't care about them, but luckily I managed to convince them recently and they came back. I am still sad that they will never be my romantic partner though, but I am happy to have them back as well.
>did things start getting bad because of his mental health
I mean, I don't really see this as a reason
My mental health is garbage, 20+ year depression combined with anxiety and autism and a whole host of other things on top
I've still always been exceptional and communicating my feelings to whatever particular woman I'm with at the time
Maybe not to anyone else, but always to my partner
Here I am nearly 4 years later still hung up on the same person and nobody else has even been slightly interested anyway even if I wanted to give it a try
But yeah, I guess you should have tried to talk about whatever it was, but ultimately in my experience in that kind of situation there's nothing you can do if they don't want to talk about it or are too shit at communicating to do so. You can ask 5000 times and want to listen and make that clear that you're there for them no matter what and a bunch of the time they will still not talk about things anyway so that's on them
*And she was a virgin and she promised that I should take her virginity. We talked for almost 10 months every fucking day. Crazy how ruthless and wicked people can be. And she doesn't love me anyways anymore and doesn't care about me so it's so fucking over holy shit. Fuck this shitworld.
Im sorry anon, she's an asshole. People are cruel and it only gets worse apparently
If you like them just tell them.
Maybe there was nothing I could do, but I would have liked some clarity
>If you like them just tell them.
She has a BF. Now you understand my problem.
>Im sorry anon, she's an asshole. People are cruel and it only gets worse apparently
Thank you anon. I cried so much today and I usually never do that idk what to do. She was the first girl I was close to in years. Are you OP? I hope you can cope with this and get over it somehow loosing someone you liked is the biggest pain in the world. And getting betrayed like this is really something else.....
Oh. Still you can decide whether or not you want to tell her. Though she'll probably say no, but at least then you'll have the satisfaction for finally letting it out.
I hope you can cope as well anon. I probably can't imagine what you feel like, but I somewhat understand. That's just how life is and we have no other choice but to move on. Our heart has to accept what our mind already has
>le episode where roastoid can't get Chad
this has to be bait
>Thinking about how this could be her
>but it's not, and she doesn't miss me
What do you consider to be a chad?
What was she like? And how did you two meet, just to be sure
>I hope you can cope as well anon.
Yeah. It's cruel. Thank you anon, you too. If you wanna talk send me a message on discord: nowheretobefound2
But only tommorow because I have to go to bed and sleep now. Thanks for the kind words. Good night.
Good night anon, sleep well. Maybe in the morning things will be better
Thank you you too anon.
Cute canadian bpd cunt from twitter. Many such cases
Can't browse my basket weaving Taiwanese imageboard without being reminded no girl will ever have real feelings for me.

Fuck you Op

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