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Also wtf am I supposed to do on a food date women are literally aliens what do they even like talking about?
lebron james hairline lebron james
A little boring, not sure if the date is secured with this. She might flake out because you seemed too boring.
Are you lost you stupid faggot? also you blew it it's over
Crabs in a bucket. Lmfao
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Here is one from bumble. I know I know. Its a little gay and sappy. But women love that shit
I can tell you are going to be the insufferable underage faggot with this stock response to everything for a week. Have fun
Rare non-tranny male on r9k
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Its not about what you say , its what your body is doing while you're talking. You have to tell yourself you like her and you want to fuck her and feel it, then what you say will be irrelevant
L rizz charisma Chad is making her wet with her text on the other chat.
this sounds like a good and "smooth" convo to me.
>t. foid
What do you look like? TITS OR GTFO
Not very efficient. You should have just said
>I want ramen, lets go to this spot I like.
No asking her what she wants.
You massive fuckup
She def hates u
Wimpy wet noodle fag
She just found her next meal ticket lmao
>I want raman
You absolute five year old. I love you.
Quick! Show her your dick to secure the date. She'll think you're a risk taker and clearly are attracted to her.
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Dating is such a stupid concept in 2024. It's over. there's no prospects at all of having a happy partner who cares about you. All women are fucked, men being incels are actually literally genuine.

Think about this, incels get so mad that they are alone, that's real passion. To be angry at something because it makes you sad, that's real depravity. We are starved for affection.

There's no jobs in america, There's no future. Why would you spend it as a man with someone outside of a soulless hookup because that's all you're going to get. There's no woman who's going to be with you you know that right. Even chad, she'll leave chad because eventually he's not rich enough even though she'll have sex with him.

Women are in for a rude awakening. This money shit is going to be so fucked. I'm not even sure how many years we have left in america let alone canada/europe.

America is probably going to go stage critical right before blowout in the next 5 years. 80% of men who are young never have had sex. That's absolutely fucking insane for the future upkeep of society. That means zero participation.
Thanks for the copypasta. Bot detected. How about you at least keep your posts on topic.
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Bro are you chad or what.

Even women realize if you're chad they'll sleep with you, but then they're like, where's the money at and they bail lmao. Chads can't even keep a marriage in 2024.

So what's the point of hookups, it's just sex I guess if you can get a plapjak. I'd rather be alone at that point. The thing that's so sad about Canada/America is that it's not just a looks thing its also a financial thing.

Now you have to be chad and be well off rich or rich parents. That's why so many men are incels nowadays. The requirements for starting a family is so high.

You're chad
You're rich
You're stable and have a house

Ok now what? Well if a woman just says "meh I don't feel like divorce court bro" then you're fucked. You can't win. So chads, take the women, fuck them, who cares weimerica is collapsing as no one can afford to live not even chads. We are in the end times.
Bro i am in my 20s. The last thing i want for the next 25 years of my life is to marry some bitch who is gonna get fat after shitting out children and divorce me.

I only care about hanging out with my bros, fucking bitches, and getting money.

You are simply cucked into thinking marriage is the only way to find happiness. So you turned yourself into a pathetic loser in failing your goal.

Find a new dream.
>what do they even like talking about?
It doesnt matter. All you have to do is ask open ended questions, and just sit there and listen. Women dont care about your interests, but they love it if you seem interested in theirs. Just let her lead the conversation and chime in with a "thats cool" or "oh wow". If she starts talking about her problems, do NOT offer her advice. Simply let her tell you about them and offer sympathy. Also, if she asks you something personal like hobbies or things you like, dont spend too much time talking about them. She doesnt care, she just wants you to think she does.
Just ask them about themselves.

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